My name is Chioma Adibe Onwusika, I am an actress and a model. I am writing you as regards a post I read on your blog yesterday from "Disciples of The New Dawn" in quote "Face the Facts: you didn't really give birth, you caught a lucky break, please show respect to superior women who actually had what it took to get the job done".
This post states that women who gave birth naturally are superior to those who probably due to one medical condition or the other had no other option than to go through C-Section. I am 31 with two lovely daughters, I have tasted the two sides of the coin.I almost lost my first daughter whom I gave birth to through the natural way if not for God's grace. I was in labour for 18hours and I pushed for almost 5hours, by the time my jewel came out, she was white and pale, she didn't cry, the nurses and doctors beat her right, left and centre but she was so weak, I carried her, raised her unto God and prayed, miraculously she cried after some hours. We were in the hospital for 8days because she was receiving an antibiotic injection. chief doctor later apologised saying they would have given me the option of a C-Section.
I gave birth to my second baby through a C-Section because my water broke inside my stomach and I wasn't dilating, the baby's heartbeat was dropping, I was rushed to the theatre, I was given an epidural and was awake during the whole process, the baby cane out, she cried her lungs out, three days later I carried my baby home.
The fact is that the simple truth remains this: one woman is given the natural ability to give birth by God, a gift.
The other woman is handed a team gifted by God with the ability to aid a woman without the natural ability to give birth safely, saving the lives of both mother and child, another gift.
This is why we are human beings, perfect in some, imperfect in others, but all working together to produce perfection and thereby focusing on the more important things of life; being real mothers by successfully nurturing our children to adulthood.
God almighty
Nice writeup. Lindaobserve
Ok happy 4 u.....bye
Did ppl take dat yeye talk seriously? Lol
Ma'am Linda...Childbirth NOT Childbrith....correct your self ok..nawa oo so so mistakes here and there...write with relaxed mind next time ok..
Perfectly worded! As a mother of two myself, I can boldly say that pregnancy and the process of bringing a child to this world is nothing compared to nurturing them which takes a whole lot of work... God bless all mothers and mothers to be
love this.......awesome write-up
Thank you. I lot this piece.
Nice one
Thank you. I lot this piece.
Thanks to Ʊ, good write up, d tin no easy o, though av not been dere, but i pray soon..
Yea.....csection should be an option for those who need it.... and not those who just walk to the hospital and say I want to give birth via csection.
And I love you with all my heart for this reply. Some insecure Bitches be projecting their frustration on everybody else.
My dear, you talk true.
Love you so much lady.
Omo .....na Godwin
God bless u, we are four with our mother and father and we are all bor through C&S.
This is not even an issue of comparism, to carry belle na small thing, the most important is that both mother and child should be alive, the issue of how the child was born is not to be debated about , to me it is baseless
Well said
This is Deep
I don't agree with the yesterday's post too
I totally disagree that having ur child(ren) naturally makes u a beta mother dats not true,i had 2 wonderful boys thru CS. And I have also bn in labour for almost 24 hrs, the beautiful thing is having to hold ur bundle of joy after d journey!
To me any woman can give birth to a baby, some even after attempts to remove the baby miraculously God preserves the baby, and a child is born.
So from my own perspective, a mother is one who took the pain and stress to nurture a baby patiently from childhood to adulthood.
Hmmm intelligent. Well said. Linda give her an award
Nice piece.
This really helps,the writer is very intelligent and @linda this is one of the best things you ve ever published
well said
This really helps,the writer is very intelligent and @linda this is one of the best things you ve ever published
wow! wonderful write up. we women needs to always appreciate the Grace of God.
God bless you for this article chioma
Thanks linda for posting this
Whoever made that first post is crazy and need to visit a doctor.....
Thank you for this write up. I always say all those who critize how a woman delivers Wetherby cs or the natural way av never bn pregnant. By the way I gave birth tru d natural process but watched and prayed for my baby's survival tru out his stay in d neonatal ward bcos of a similar situation to d write up.
Your points are quite valid and excused. The comparison should really be between women who opt for natural birth vs women who willfully and deliberately opt for CS without any identified medical condition. its one thing that you go to the hospital to give birth and the doctor then advises a CS. That is quite different from women who opt for CS even before they get pregnant. In actual fact, the argument can go either way depending on ones perception to life. I have heard women brag that they did it the natural way, on the flip side, i have heard other women who did CS brag that their Vajayjays are "intact" it all boils down to individual values and preferences. By the way, opting for CS is a lot more expensive...maybe, thats another thing to brag about.
Linda needs to ask men whose wives go natural if the "experience" is the same. if you are a married woman reading this and you have had 2-3 babies through natural birth, please ask your husbands if, it is still the same? You might need a lie detector machine....Good luck.
Very classy response, Respects sis!!!
Godbless you and your home
Tnk u smart,beautiful woman...nyc write up
True talk
Ride on sis luv u
Wow! You just hit on the head!
nice one chioma you are brief and reasonable
Wow that's a wonderful Woman thr. She nailed it. God bless u and the beautiful angels. And for dat idiot that designed dat picture nd D fool who posted it all join go rot in ........
Should I comment???
* * * Linda's 1st Daughter * * *
saw the above mentioned post from the disciples of whatever(name not important ),and i simply laughed and showed it to my husband.This article moved me to share my thoughts,the truth is this,there are some matters that people should never treat lightly,my adorable daughter will be 1 next month,i don't know how to upload pictures here,i would have put up the picture of my precious gift.when i was 8 months pregnant the doctor said my baby was breech.Funny enough i wasn't devastated or any such thing,a bit nervous though but i had all confidence,plus the doctor said either the child turns or we do a cesarean.My water broke 6 am May 11 and it was raining heavily,got to the hospital and d doctor said no dilation lets get to a certain level so he can turn the child for me to give birth (naturally ) .Long story short i was in labour for 24 hours and i couldn't take it anymore and i insisted on C.S. 29 hrs after my water broke.i had my daughter 2 hrs later and went through 3 months recovery.It was hell.The upside is Gods grace was with me and my daughter suffered no complications.The doctor was careless and i was ignorant.But without CS i won't be alive today.So I laugh people like the whatever disciples spew such hate speech.
Nice one
I love your summation:
The fact is that the simple truth remains this: one woman is given the natural ability to give birth by God, a gift.
The other woman is handed a team gifted by God with the ability to aid a woman without the natural ability to give birth safely, saving the lives of both mother and child, another gift.
Tru talk
Well articulated.
Well said, ma.
Linda, please rework your caption: it is not 'What makes a woman MORE superior..."
But 'What makes a woman superior...'
Does it matter how d baby came the fact for me is the baby comes out alife and well. That's the most important thank you
Nice piece,well said..thank u for educating those retards who think otherwise
Yawns, who cares!
*** mynameisSkelewu
Well said Ma
The person who wrote that article is crazy...
Let me go look for dat post and read first. Coming back.
She just said it all, no long story.
Chai, you have spoken well. Women are really trying. Be it natural birth or C-Section, it is not easy. I say millions of congratulation to the belly that carried me for 9months and I shall be the last person to disobey my mother. May God bless every woman in JESUS name. It is only the irresponsible men the beat their wife or girlfriend and they are nothing but shame to Mankind. I have spoken.... Gbam!!!
Godbless you!!!! You have said it all!!!
I agree with you but I give to the woman who bears the pain of child birth, because she knows the pain of bearing a child thereby loving the the child unconditionally....not the one who enjoy the pleasure dick gives to pussy and run to doctor for C-section.
Well said my sister
Brilliant! Just brilliant! Why do women always drag out one another with the most brutal shade? Even the mother who did not do the nine- month time, who adopted her babies, is blissful in her world as well, enjoying the inestimable gift that can only come from God. Bottom line, the more awesome and challenging work is in being a mother: knowing, loving, nurturing, teaching, protecting your child.
Brilliant! Just brilliant! Why do women always drag out one another with the most brutal shade? Even the mother who did not do the nine- month time, who adopted her babies, is blissful in her world as well, enjoying the inestimable gift that can only come from God. Bottom line, the more awesome and challenging work is in being a mother: knowing, loving, nurturing, teaching, protecting your child.
God Bless u for this short piece!!!
God Bless u for this short piece!!!
I don't see why it's anybody's business how a woman chooses to handle her uterus and birth canal. It's her body and her choice. Why does anyone feel the need to explain to the world the reason for opting for a c-section? For goodness sake! It is rather unbecoming that at this age and time, people are still myopic about this sort of thing. It is a waste of time to start to reason with such people, the real gift here is the ability to conceive, carry a child and give birth with mom and child alive. Now that's the gift!
Wow!! Thumbs up mrs chioma
God bless you more for acknowledging HIM. We pray to experience more of HIM because we cant do it all alone. We can all things through Christ that strengthens me.
Well said from the right fella who has been at both sides of the divide.
Well said from the right fella who has been at both sides of the divide.
Well every one has their own opinion
She has a point tho
She said it all
The writer of that rubbish about superiority is definitely stupid. Neither of the two methods of childbirth is superior to the other. if u say c-section simple pass, my sister go taste am, ordinary appendix removal na wahala not to talk of childbirth. When will people have sense sef?
BTW Linda i missed ur blog.
As long as both Mother and child are fine and healthy, the method of childbirth should not be an issue. Just thank God for safe delivery.
As long as both Mother and child are fine and healthy, the method of childbirth should not be an issue. Just thank God for safe delivery.
tanx sis for educating the illiterate or whoever came up with that write up. incase u dunno, lemme tell u dat CS is not an easy option, wit natural birth u heal almost immediately after delivery but with CS d story is not same. wether naturally or CS, a mum is a mum. i rest my case
lovely story. And a nice body
True talk mrs chioma
Hmmmmmm...... Well done my dear. God bless you!
We don see you,next pls klindrive@yahoo.com
lovely God bless your soul dear
Thank you Chioma. God bless you. May the Almighty keep on helping you raise your daughters, as well as give you the grace to have more kids (By whichever mode - NATURAL or C-Section), if you so wish.
The real work begins after child-birth! Now, this is not to under-rate the importance of the process of child-birth.
Nobody should beat her chest because she was able to deliver through the natural birth procedure; it is the work of God. Chioma, let doubters ask those who have been through it.
That period in a woman's life (whether by natural method or by C-S), is that of life-and-death.
The scale could tip either way.
All glory must be given to God by any woman who goes through and comes out alive, be it natural or C-S.
Noone should gloat. It is God's doing.
Once again, Chioma thank you for voicing out the importance and the sanctity of the child-birth process (natural or C-S).
Thank you also for letting would-be mothers know that the real work begins after child-birth.
God bless you and your daughters. May the Almighty grant you all you need to raise them to be responsible citizens.
True talk
Don't mind dem jare, whether is natural or cs, all we pray 4 is a safe delivery, mother n baby 2 leave d hospital hail n hearty. God bless all we mothers n fathers, grant us long life 2 eat d fruit of our labours IJN
Don't mind dem jare, whether is natural or cs, all we pray 4 is a safe delivery, mother n baby 2 leave d hospital hail n hearty. God bless all we mothers n fathers, grant us long life 2 eat d fruit of our labours IJN
Anyone who says such trash about women who give birth through a c-section is a fool. The person has no idea what a c-section is. The important thing at the end of the day is that mother and child are alive and safe. How that happens is left to God who is the ultimate say in what process. I have 2 kids and both by c-section. They are both precious and each experience was peculiar. At the end, I am thankful to be here alive with my angels. I also pray for the people who are praying to experience d joys of being a mom. To each her own.
Nice Write Up!!
Well answered, she just spoke my mind. God bless you for this reply...actually although I wanted to have my child naturally, I ended up giving birth via C-section due to 'inadequate pelvic'. now do i blame God for making me that way. I experienced labour from 7am till 5pm, cervix dilated and all but my baby's head wasn't coming down to the birth canal. now do i act foolish and let us die? No, as a matter of fact, C-section is a more easier and faster way of childbirth, God is not stupid for giving mothers that option of C-section in fact it's the best thing to ever happen concerning childbirth..
Well answered, she just spoke my mind. God bless you for this reply...actually although I wanted to have my child naturally, I ended up giving birth via C-section due to 'inadequate pelvic'. now do i blame God for making me that way. I experienced labour from 7am till 5pm, cervix dilated and all but my baby's head wasn't coming down to the birth canal. now do i act foolish and let us die? No, as a matter of fact, C-section is a more easier and faster way of childbirth, God is not stupid for giving mothers that option of C-section in fact it's the best thing to ever happen concerning childbirth..
Well answered, she just spoke my mind. God bless you for this reply...actually although I wanted to have my child naturally, I ended up giving birth via C-section due to 'inadequate pelvic'. now do i blame God for making me that way. I experienced labour from 7am till 5pm, cervix dilated and all but my baby's head wasn't coming down to the birth canal. now do i act foolish and let us die? No, as a matter of fact, C-section is a more easier and faster way of childbirth, God is not stupid for giving mothers that option of C-section in fact it's the best thing to ever happen concerning childbirth..
Thank you to the writer of this post. God bless you. You couldn't have said it better.
Seriously, people need to stop being ignorant, narrow-minded bigots. Both natural AND C-section births are GIFTS from God. And by the way, I had my jewel by natural birth, to GOD be the glory.
Well said. I had my two girls through CS and I do not in any way, feel any less than a woman. By God's grace, I gave life to Zoey and Zara, a gift and experience I am truly grateful for. Don't let what anyone say about you, define you. S
Brillant one
Well said...
Dat doesn't mean wat I know is dat if d moda nd d child is alryt is either c-section or natural birth I dnt care,after all I shuld c my baby in a gud nd normal condition period...I also went tru hell aving my first son,aint easy bt God undastood everytin....
insecure jobless women are the bane of our society sha. we should'nt even give this natural/csection issue the limelight. So they want a trophy? About we take it further, the women that give birth at home or in the forest the natural way without doctors or midwife or epidural are the true women, is that enough, or the women that give birth in water? where does it end? I gave birth to all my 3 kids via c section so I am not going to let one internet troll diminish my view about myself...
Fa fa fa foul *in zebrudaya okoroigwe's voice* No woman in this planet earth is superior to another woman in terms of childbirth. I had my 3 children through normal delivery. It was not easy for me cos I had a 3rd degree tear which was repaired. If another woman had their baby through cs just like most of my friends did , then it does not make me more superior than them. All glory be to God that their lives are saved which is d most important thing.
Pushing for 5 hours? Chei there is god o! For me, either ways, pikin na pikin no sentimental bullshit
That writer can be called stupid and ignorant. Does she know the number of women that have lost their lives & their babies in a bid to give birth naturally? it is like also telling people that got pregnant through fertility treatments that their babies are inferior. Daft!
Really cool piece.. I love
Tor,,,mak I tink of wetin to eat I de H
I need to find this woman and bathe her with kisses....#fact #short and #understandable. Tell the illiterates!
Thank you Chioma. I am proud to have my twins through CS. If not for the grace of God I don't know what would have happened but today we are alive.
BRAVO!!!..well written and well said!!!..Thank you dear.You wrote just what I had in my thoughts.God is the giver of children and how you choose to bring them to the world is simply by His grace too..Who are we humans to condemn or judge or act superior to one another..??....#GodIsUltimate
Tell Them!!! Well said..
thank you my dear.
Thank u ma for this write up, may God bless u. To tell u DAT my heart didn't break after DAT yesterday post means am a lier. I know wat I went tru just give birth d natural way during labour only for me to be told DAT am not dilating bcos d umbilical cord was holding my baby's neck and would strangulate her if an emagency CS was not performed on me. And someone would have d guts to write DAT rubbish yesterday, forgetting dat not everyone dat went tru Cs did it deliberately. People should be mindful of wat dey say before God will squeeze d life out of them oloshi
Wats d aim of giving birth to a child in d "natural way"wen u cnt evin nuture dat child to be responsible while anoda woman whom u claim gave birth to a child "artificially"was able to nuture and raise her kids to be so adorable.....some pple cnt think striaght atimes...I support u lady....one is nt called a mother cos she gave birth d natural way...but becos she takes care and nutures her kids to near perfection.
I dont even see how this should be an issue hiss most important thing is mother and child being healthy, why do people have the need to feel superior. Beautiful Chioma
It is demeaning to criticize women this way. Natural Birth or C-Section; the ultimate goal is The baby must live
Please tell them. Useless people that just open their mouth to spit out rubbish because they can.
Yeah, she's right!
Emmm, I am certain Linda dint post this herself!!! Buh it makes a lot of sense tho
I really don't understand how some people reason! It's so heart breaking to even think of imagining stuff like who is superior over who because of C-section and bla, bla, bla... to carry a child alone in your womb for 9 months is not enough to make any woman a super hero. Sometimes we human beings tend to do the work of God for HIM, to bad!!!
I agree with you Chioma. Linda take it easy. You are yet to face any side of the coin. Then you will realise that one woman cannot be superior over the other because they both gave birth.
she get time o. so many children giving birth to naturally yet become nuisance in the society that u begin to wonder of their mother felt pain at childbirth!!! very stupid article!mtcheeew!
I'm not sure why this is even a coversation
God bless you Chioma, these utterances are reasons why women loose their babies and sometimes even their own lives. They do not want the society saying they gave birth through CS. Not dilating, breached baby, heart rate dropping are few of the many reasons women get operated upon. I doff my hat to every mother, no style of birth is painless.
pls visit: http://www.abujamoms.com
All things about motherhood.
You couldn't have said it any better. It is all God, shame on those who think otherwise.
This is so right.....thumbs up
simple and straight tot the point..
my friend lost her first baby because she wanted to give birth naturally..
what is child birth when there is no baby?.. everything is in Gods hand
awwwww this is absolutely beautiful
God bless you darling. Either ways- nurturing kids in line with God's will is the most important
Beautiful kids i see there
Love there boots
Ok got her point
C-section or natural way
doesn't make any woman more superior
They all passed through pains
No argument
She has said it all. kudos to all the women in the world.
You have said it all.
The method of birthing doesn't matter, the nurture does
So right, weather C-section or natural way... Having a child inside u 4 nine months. And bringing it into the world is not an easy thing. People should learn 2 respect the both side.
God bless you. I love your write up. And may God help those that feels that they are super humans.
God bless u Chioma. You have said it all
Thumbs Up Chioma Adibe for this amazing piece,..Well said & understood.
As a father of 2 wonderful children(1 girl, 1 boy), my wife was in labour for 2 days when my wife was about to give birth for the girl.....its was one of the traumatic moments of my life. A specialist was then called in and suggested CS...within 45 min, the baby was delivered with umbilical cord tied around her neck...only God knows what would have happened if we had insisted on Virginal birth. I learnt a valuable lesson when she became pregnant again with the 2nd child and did not even think about VB...she had CS and both mother and child are fine without any trauma. It does not matter if the delivery is CS or Virginal birth, as long as the Mother and Baby are fine...The most important thing is to be able to take proper care of the wonderful gift of life.
Both are NATURAL, one is just vaginal while the other is cesarean.
That poster wasn't mocking anyone. In d west, a C- section is a status symbol.
If only I wil hv two kids nd stil be in dt shape, almost as slim as I am rite nw
Shout out to all the women in da house. God bless you all.
Thank God 4 ur life & d lives of ur beautiful girls
people always think given birth thru cs is is sweet as well, we all wanted natural delevery but my case was "in adequae pelvic" and my baby is fine good looking, inshort she cried the whole her noise was allover the theater area.
its God doing either natural or c_section.
Nice one. Whoever did that post must be sick somewhere.
I strongly advise the person that made that post or used that post should make sure to advise her sister, aunty or any female relative that when a Doctor tells you at 6month or 7months that your pelvic is too small or you have preeclampsia or others and you have to go under surgery to slap the doctor and say i will rather die than become half a woman.....mitchewwwww only educated illiterates will use such a post.
Lovely post. I am loving ddis lady.
I find it rather disturbing for anyone in his or her right senses to attribute child delivery to her being superior. Bottom line is mother and child coming out safe.
All women go through at childbirth and nurture.
I will rather have my wife and child safe than brag on which is superior.
Dear, you said it very well, I had my only son via C-Section, I love him and I am a proud mother I had a very big fibroid which I was not suppose to fall into labour otherwise me or my cute baby would live no more. I thank God for the intelligence he has put in the hands of the team that saw me through this. I want through pains for over a month.
Dear, you said it very well, I had my only son via C-Section, I love him and I am a proud mother I had a very big fibroid which I was not suppose to fall into labour otherwise me or my cute baby would live no more. I thank God for the intelligence he has put in the hands of the team that saw me through this. I want through pains for over a month.
Well said my sister. ....
I dont no d stupid people who said dt or if twas an advertising fail.
if we all cld gve birth naturally, y nt. Abi na bcos ur hair natural , come de soft I go come de do follow follow instead mke I pt relaxer...
Well said dear!
It is only a shallow minded person who would think of a woman inferior/superior based on Childbirth as posted in the blog.
Most women, in this part of the world, don't just walk in and pick the option of C-Section, in most cases, it is a last resort to save mother and child. Different life threatening situations prompt people into taking this option, ranging from prolonged labour to fibroid blocking the neck of the cervix which makes it impossible for the baby to pass through the cervix.
What would we rather have? Women who would lose their lives and that of their babies due to ignorance and wanting to please others, or save the life of mother and child through C-section?
i personally think in the case of a medical condition whereby the lives of mother and the unborn child are at risk, then C section should be considered. But let me also state that some women deliberately under go C-section to keep their vagina from widening.. i think that article was referring to such women..
Hmmm Linda, this your business has gone beyond this level ooo, how you go de write this kind grammar? What makes a woman MORE SUPERIOR to another".... Abeg spend some of your money on some of us who understand and write English Language well, let's help you edit your write-ups.
Amazing! Wise & full of knowledge
Thank u my sister, I also had my first 2children naturally but my little angel was transverse at 41weeks so I had 2 go for cs to save both my life and that of my baby, does dat made me less a mum? Honestlly we need to be thinking of others before posting some things on d internet
Most women that have their babies through cs doesn't always opt for that, certain situation may arise during childbirth and the only solution to save mother and child would be a C section. I had my baby through a C section bcos he wasn't properly positioned, he was in the complete opposite position for childbirth, I tried all i could to make sure i had him through normal delivery but when i realized the risks involved i had to agree to a C section. Am glad i took the right decision at the right time. I and my baby are alive and well to the glory of God.
Chioma u re a super woman! It's absurd for a woman to presume she's better than other mothers because she gave birth without C - section. Actually I appreciate God Almighty for giving women another option for childbirth. Many died after long hours of labour n pushing. It's only a little minded person who can suggest such. It's like saying getting pregnant through IVF makes d baby less human. Mtcheew! #idleness
#TINYDROPSOFTEARSINMYEYES# God bless u Chiomimi, ur motherhood narration has said it all, was too weak when i saw that lame post about women superiority judging from how childbirth happens, am pregnant with my first baby just 2 months after my wedding and what my eyes is seeing cannot be explianed, not to talk of how God will see me through my next 7 months, a woman painfully carries a baby for 7-9 months as the case may be, then God willing gives birth normally or by CS and sees heaven and earth either way then 1 insignificant person will say 1 woman is superior to the other? Not fair or even right, its like saying babies that completed 9 months inside are better babies than those that came out 7 months for 1 reason or the other? NOT RIGHT! ALL MOTHERS ARE EQUAL IN CHILDBIRTH IN GODS NAME! QP.
There was no question..illiterate.
Shout the f up...who goes to d hospital requesting for csection...u have never carried an ant in ur womb so u dnt have d right to comment here...disillusional idiot...who ask for csection without complication? which doctor agrees to open a woman with a good normal progressive labour....dumb illerate...
God bless this lady for the post, growing up a child in the way of the Lord is what matters most, when the child misbehaves 2morrow no one will ask how the child was delivered, the only question will be who gave birth to this child.. so whether the child's delivery was normal or through a Cs section it doesn't really matter...
This is the sweetest tin ave read in recent times... I totally agree withh you! and God bless ur children!
I seems not to understand the basis of your argument. The question is 'what makes a woman more superior to other- childbirth or nurturing'. Just one out of the two not all this story!
God bless you Chioma. I had my children, 2 boys thru c-section. I went to the hospital post dated for the first, I was induced and finally had to be delivered thru a c-section. For the 2nd, i was equally post dated and had to settle for a cs. In my opinion, however a baby is delivered is irrelevant, wat matters is having a safe delivery.
@sarah ur obviously still laid back in ur thinking. What is wrong with opting for c section?
My dear take it easy. Some women actually opt for CS. Maybe you have never encountered such but overseas it's very common. Some women just don't want to go through the pains and funny enough some don't wanna lose the tightness down there. Google is ur paddy
Do not insult sandra for airing her opinion,its not necesssary and yes these days women choose their delivery dates,walks into the hospital and have their painless CS with epidural,infact my neigbour gave birth to her last kids that way after almost losing her life while giving birth to her first child,i gave birth to my 3kids vaginally and saw hell cos i was induced at each delivery,if i was wiser then i would have opted for CS and epidural and saved myself from that kind of torture! But at d end being a mother lies in bringing up a healthy and respondible child not in the way you gave birth!
Nice one bruv!
You don't know what u are saying. Have u ever had a feeling of being over fed for just 6 hours. Now compare it to a woman who carries another human being for days or months.
It is d same. Just start kegel's exercise after birth ur pelvic muscles will b bk.
Shut it anonymous!! Some women request for it and Sarah you should respect other people's choices.
Nice write up Buh av seen some ladies talk about how dey are going to have a CS instead of pushing cos dey feel pushing is old fashioned and uncivilised. I believe dat pic from yesterday was actually meant for does ladies with dis orientation
She didn't need to justify herself to any idiot who thought giving birth through c-section was less of a woman, such person is a bigoted idiot.
Bitch calm down, linda does not give award for he most mean comment.
Now run a lot and please wash the back of you arse with fen fresh cus it stinks from here?!
The post was a stupid one, tell me who will not want to just have her baby alive and healthy no matter what has to be done. I was in labour for 10 hrs and eventually I had to go through CS because my baby was 4kg and she wasn't moving down n I was getting tired cus I was short of blood, I felt the pain of labour for 10 hrs only dat I dint push her out myself. So let someone now tell me I am less a woman.
Well said ..
That's one despicable poster and as a medical doctor I can't imagine. Sadly I didn't see it. Wrong education increasing maternal and fetal deaths . There is nothing wrong in having a cs; it's could be a matter of life and death. That's why it's called operative and non operative delivery. All births are natural. Please be informed and opt for an operative delivery if necessary. Thank you.
Pka Pka...Pka Pka pka!!!
Hmmm Linda This is a record breaking story.....never would I have thought all LIBers would agree on one story.....We must toast to this brethren......
Back at the ranch....Some folks are so proud of their ignorance and come on social media and flaunt it unashamedly ......CS three handsome smart boys.... My first almost lost his life because his mom was trying to be a real woman by pushing for 12 hours and gave him asphyxiation (He was in the incubator for 12 days on antibiotics , oxygen and feeding through tubes, because he ate and inhaled his own poop.). CS? Not a problem . I will do it over again to save my life and theirs....CALL me less of a woman, it's ok.LOL
Chi chi, may God bless you for that epic response. Willy Witch must be a very sad soul.
And who says CS even with all the epidural in the world is painless. I guess u have to go thru ir to understand its not a walk in the park. Do not form an opinion on something u have not experienced.
This is a no no no for me, both set of women are given the natural abilities to give birth naturally. Whichever way it comes, totally and entirely God's gift. This really bring tears to my eyes.This modern day and time! Please, nobody should even go there.
I'd like to remind this ewu that it takes weeks to recover from a CS, from someone whose had the two I know which was "easier"
My thoughts exactly. Worse still I've heard of mothers/mothers in law refusing that their daughter/daughter in law gets a CS. Apparently it can be a source of shame. And maternal death is perfectly acceptable to these people; boggles the mind
Ermm no offense but anyone trying to justify themselves and writing thesis about this must possess a sense of inadequacy or low self esteem about childbirth. Not everything deserves a response please people.
As judgmental as the poster is, we are all guilty of judging others for things that we have graciously been given as gifts from God and they haven't.
CS or vaginal Birth does it raise argument in dis 21st century? The end point is mother n baby re healthy n the ability to nurture d child in a way he/she ll give joy to d parents.
Some ppl.go.jst open mouth talk yada yada yada.C section o normal delivery.the fact is u went thru thick and thin carry the load for 8 or 9 gud months.who cares if u jst spread ur legs and dint even push or u go and b sectioned.wat matters is the lives of both mother and baby.most go to struggle to hav a safe delivery and due to prolonged labour and weakness of both mother and child end up giving birth to babies who end up having S.B.A(Severe birth Asphitzia)
Moi, 4 births 4 cs. The first one emergency, the last 3 elective. All kids doing very very well. Their momsi, moi, doing exceptionally well. God bless LUTH for always being there.
Experienced the two and I must say they are the same. My first son was born via CS while the second was born via normal delivery.I still love them nuts.
They are God's gifts and it matters not how they decide to come. What matters most is that they came after all.
God's blessings are awesome @ all times!
is a woman who adopted any less or the child that was adopted? not to talk of one who was pushed out or pulled out? please.
raising the one that God gave you, however He did, is the most important.
the ones that push out naturally and then abandon nko? or the ones that pick up the abandoned and nurture to adulthood?
Anyhow u give birth, its God that gives the grace, if u have the grace to give birth naturally good 4 u, if not please feel free to go the CS way, i agree with this babe 101%, those people are just cheap talkers looking for cheap publicity
I love this, Chioma God bless you.
Princess U, people make mistake once in a while and its normal.
Well said
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