Dear LIB readers; my husband is constantly comparing me with his exes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 27 April 2015

Dear LIB readers; my husband is constantly comparing me with his exes

From a female LIB reader
I am married to a man who constantly compares me with his ex girlfriend to my face!! Each time there is a little misunderstanding he constantly reminds me of how well his ex-girlfriend understood him and treats him. What does this mean and how do I deal with this? I am confused!! I have told him severally how well I hated it and he doesn't see a big deal in it, he doesn't even care how I feel about it. How do I get him to stop it?


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Anonymous said...

Compare him with ur EXs in that way he knows how it feels.

Unknown said...

Next time ask him why he dint marry his Ex, and remind him that he married you because he knew that you will be a better wife than his Ex, and don't let his words get to you, try to build your marriage and soon he will stop saying that.

Anonymous said...

I understand what you are going through. Keep praying and let himknow how you feel whewhenever he compares you with his ex.

Kenny said...

you cant make him stop it, the idea is to apply wisdom... wen he starts all the talks about his ex girlfriend, do nt respond just alter a word to contradict him. it aint easy but possible. he would get tired. what he aims at is to hurt you

lilly said...

My dear dont waste your time with the retard. A man that truly loves his girl would respect her feelings.

Unknown said...

I'm with Jojo on this...act like it doesn't bother you... and always change the topic, not only will u see with time that it doesn't bother you....He will also realise that that is not working anymore and will take time but it will be worth it. God be with u

olusamjide said...

first of all, only you but no one else can make you happy. Since he's your husband not your bf, try and adjust what you are doing that makes him to utter such words. Call yourself to order and sit up yourself and make some adjustment. If you listen to many advisers here, you will definitely go astray. cos most of them are passing through hell in their respective home, yet they will come on here to advise you to do otherwise. Tolerance and love is what make a peaceful home

Anonymous said...

U're just another work of art in his gallery.He's not into you anymore.
buh wait o!! na now dis comparison start? if not, y complain now?

Anonymous said...

Simple one, make sure you innocently compare him to ur exes or your neighbour's husband or even your dad. Do it very innocently. Trust me, it works.

Anonymous said...

Simple one, make sure you innocently compare him to ur exes or your neighbour's husband or even your dad. Do it very innocently. Trust me, it works.

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