Her husband, former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, did not only lose his job after the video was released, there's a petition to ban him from the NFL and possibly arrest him.
Janay talks about how the release of the video has practically ruined their lives.
I woke up this morning feeling like I had a horrible nightmare, feeling like I'm mourning the death of my closest friend. But to have to accept the fact that it's reality is a nightmare in itself. No one knows the pain that the media and unwanted options from the public has caused my family. To make us relive a moment in our lives that we regret every day is a horrible thing. To take something away from the man I love that he has worked his ass of for all his life just to gain ratings is horrific. This is our life! What don't you all get. If your intentions were to hurt us, embarrass us, make us feel alone, take all happiness away, you've succeeded on so many levels. Just know we will continue to grow and show the world what real love is! Ravensnation we love you!"
That's women 4 you, always protecting their hubby becux of love. #####QUEENMAYA#####
See her face.. stupid animal! He'll probably be d one to end u
They are trying to save your ass and you are there talking trash! Next time you will be seen in bandages. Rubbish !!!
oppsss....help make the world laugh
Love fa?Stay with him till the day he kills you all in the name of love!*long hiss*
Poverty is everywhere. I'm sure she wouldn't act the same if the man didn't have money. Women are their own greatest enemies! Onijekuje obinrin
Soo silly..hisss
She's probably used to domestic violence all her life that she sees nothing wrong with it,probably a product of broken home herself, I feel sorry for her tho.....
ILcity's Finest.
At the end of the day its her husband! its not like this thing happened yesterday, it happened 2yrs ago, she cant divorce him if he has changed. Linda even you wont leave your husband bcos of that, dont get me wrong, he is so wrong to have done that, but its 2yrs ago and they have a daughter now. did she complain to them that he beat her days ago? leave husband and wife matter oh!
it ends up backfiring, and now the poor woman pple think they are helping is going to def suffer from this whole drama, emotionally,financially,socially, everythinly
Leave her na, she enjoys knock out punches. maybe when he ruptures her eye ball with his fist, she will cry out for help.
I cnt wait for what she will post the time he will stab her troat half open all bcoz of love
They probaby worked things out i guess..but then a violent woman beater such as this guy can neva change.
We will continue to grow? Says who? The wife. The man will soon leave her, saying she is the cause of his downfall. Well, she is thinking of the poverty that is about to set in in their family. And she is thinking that what she will get as alimony will be too meagre when she decides to sue for divorce. Na so me see am.
EEEEeeyah Luv is truly blind ooo.. My dear janay we can see what true luv really is jare.. i will jus console ur familia in advance.. "janay pipu mak una sorry for una loss oo' i am certain dat beast of a husband forced u to put this shit up but believe me sis he aint gon change. A woman beater is a woman beater if u lik carry am fr head lik gala seller, defend him all u want go to d ravens practice field nd sweep there day nd night, if he go beat u he go beat u nothing will change dat... i jus hope he dosen't throw u down from a 24 storey building nxt tym u both hav arguments.
Her Headache.
Pathetic! I still maintain that if a guy hits you, chances are he will hit you again.
SHe said she Loves Him.....she is an adult so pls lets MINd our business..Cant a man make a mistake again??..we don't know him more than her..and i think he has shown a lot of remorse and is in therapy... lets give him a chance to change and reform himself ..this is same way the press harassed chris brown till he became crazy again.
This is the problem with some women blaming people who sympathize and want to free her from bondage.She prefers living in bondage because of bread and butter.Madam,your entire life does not revolve around a man.
TMZ really fucked up big tym bcos they practically destroy that family.... Love they say is a beautifull thing and this is a living prove, so everyone should just backoff......
She has a point tho. Punishing him like this is also punishing her also. Coz the only option for her is to leave the marriage and I'm sure that's not something she wants to do.
Idiot woman, wait until he kill u all becos of love,love my ass
They have dealt with their issues so pls the world should leave them. By banning the man how will he fend for his kids. Or the kids should suffer cos of the sins of their dad.
We're all hypocrites. We do things worse in our homes but comes out to throw stones at pple . Two wrongs don't make a right so pls let them heal in peace.
But linda what do you want her to say? She definitely has to stand by her man. This issue happened six months ago, do you know what has happened between then and now, she has forgiven him, they got married, hopefully he ain't beating her any more. But the media and nfl acting on the issue now doesn't mean rice will be the only one paying for his act. His wife is now part of him so she will also feel his pains. What do you want her to say. Common be real with yourself. I don't blame her for standing by her man. And i feel bad for what she is going through right now. But I'm not sorry for rice atall. What he did is very unacceptable on every level
Awwww! Well sht hapns.
She's needs a slap for manual reset. Dat sucket punch screwed up sm things. Ediot. He shud hv killed u.
She stayed 4 d money
Girl get off the damn Instagram and leave now.... Or else not only the video of you being knocked out will people be watching, they will be watching and reading your obituary in a few years.
Do the right thing for yourself and your child.
Domestic Violence should never be tolerated.... Period
She is in denial and I won't be surprised that she stayed with him cos of the money,and now that they have taken away his source of income let's see how how this love she has for him would actuall last.
Girl get off the damn Instagram and leave now.... Or else not only the video of you being knocked out will people be watching, they will be watching and reading your obituary in a few years.
Do the right thing for yourself and your child.
Domestic Violence should never be tolerated.... Period
That's forgiveness, isn't it? People should get life! Leave and let them live.
I kinda agree with her(I don't support abuse of any kind th0) ,if she can condone it,then y'all shouldn't do so... They've ruined the family nah.... ND Linda,you dey talk "This is the problem with some domestic violence victims. They stay with abusive men and worst still excuse their acts" .. Babe,na your matter?
Apparently it's till death do them part, which is very feasible for her considering the man involved. #ToEachHisOwn.
Stop that non sense Linda not because u have some change u start loosing ur senses. This happened many months ago. They have moved on an it was wrong for tmz to bring this up now. So wrong in so many level not supporting his act, that was horrible to watch but tmz could get themselves killed for shit like this. It's just best to let it go at this momen. What if he commits suicide? Or they end up breaking up the fam? Who knows if they were living happily as a family? This is wrong of tmz
Am finding it hard to know who's the man or female here...
Her problem
If that what she want, so be it
None of my business tho
i dont know how people read meaning to marriage,But i believe there will be a fight in every marriage once in a while,they fought now they've settled,if the man we are talking here Looses everything he had,for Just a mistake that has been settled How will he feed his family and the said woman please let have a rethink on this matter and let them enjoy their marriage for Christ sake,All men are guilty of one Abuse or the other ..No Man is innocent
punish him...he deserves it 100% but don't ruin their lives because of it!! The lady has forgiven him so which one be your own??
punish him...he deserves it 100% but don't ruin their lives because of it!! The lady has forgiven him so which one be your own??
Dopemu woman, you are certainly crying for the $40Million pay check that will stop coming.
She didn't take the beating for nothing. She took it for the $25m of the $35m that's already been paid to Rice. 97% of naija women would that twice the beating for half the price.
She should die there jor who cares about her people are making noise bcos of other ladies that r looking for a way out of an abusive relationship....
Why am I the only person in the world that feels this guy is the victim of nasty propaganda? He had a fight with his fiance, knocked her out in a sucker punch. Y'all found out and he apologized. He's been sober about the incident. His wife is telling you all is well and you're telling her to shut up? Na wa o!!! All those stupid NFL Players signing petitions against Ray Rice should own up and admit that they're scared cos he's a better running back than they'll ever be and the only way to get rid of him entirely is stuff like this. I don't support what he's done, but y'all need to take a fucking break on this shit!!!
Rip!!! To you madam Second chances to others
Foolish Goat brainwashed fish brain woman
I feel since she has forgiven him and moved on ppl shud live dem alone
spoken like a true battered woman. she needs a 12 step program
You hypocrites should leave them alone. Marriage is for better or worse till death paths them.
After all, she was the one that lounged at him.
Nah is not luv is ERROR
She nid anoda beaten again 2 tk are bk 2 her default setting. Right now she's on Error.
You all are here commenting and bashing this people like you Nigerians don't beat and abuse your women, what ever happened to forgiveness. If they decide to stay together to work on their marriage then thats their business. The media is just full of ish and like to see people suffer for a mistake that they will regret the rest of their lives. Pray for them and stop bashing them.
true...women are their own worst enemies. Imagine my mom advising me to forgive and marry a man that did similar to me on several occasions. Even threatened to disown me after the same man lied that I had a sugar daddy that did not exist. I broke up with him immediately I left school...at least no more threats from her can scare me since am now working and fending for myself. I have met someone new that adores me...but am still having trust issues. I feel for her...only fear can make a woman talk that way. She needs serious help and counselling...with love from her family.
Thank you my sister. Let all these holy people who have no sin in them continue in there anguish. Who made them judge over your partner? It is wickedness for any one to re-open such incident which i am sure is a big mistake on the part of the guy otherwise the wedding will not go on the following day. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone John 8vs7. God will bless your marriage and give your the grace to go through this. Amen
Wow! He's a POS and she's an idiot! It's not about
destroying lives. It's about making a point and
showing those kids and everyone else that
domestic violence is NOT tolerated.
You must be really stupid girl. What exactly don't you get about this situation. Well maybe when he beats you to death you would understand you are really sick.
What the guy did is wrong but it was 2 years ago, people change. Besides firing him is going to hurt her as well
Dino Melayes ex wife did more than this, wetin come happen at last?
My thoughts too
See all the hypocrites wey full this blog. Are you not the same stupid Rihanna fans that think she and Chris brown are the perfect couple? Where were the outcries then? Cause they're rich and famous, abi??
When you guys were all over that couple, nobody cried of domestic abuse saying she should leave Chris, rather you all were encouraging it.
Now to all of you hypocrites, idiots, fools and bitches that called me names on the other post.. Are you all happy now? You all face more than what Ray did in your so called rotten and poor relationships and you are here ranting...StupidMofos
It wasn't two years ago.it was in February
Dem nor want make people pry into their private lives na im dem display for public elevator. Dem don fight tire for house sotay na hotel/casino elevator remain. I pity the guy somehow sha as dem remove food from im mouth, but na animal.
This chick is no different from Rihanna. With her money and beauty she went back to a batterer. I dont think this woman is weak because of the money he has (which is now gone). She just has low self-esteem.
Na TMZ send am to beat him wife. TMZ is selling stories shikenan. None of their biz how it affects anyone. If I don't wanna get caught on camera keep ur private moments private! It happened in a hotel elevator,what did he expect. Silly woman too! Man no slap u, na punch him give u. That kin love. Hissss
I had a similar case recently with my husband though he later apologized but how am I sure it won't repeat itself despite the whole begging and all am still thinking of wat to do....
You are foolish , do you think you are smarter than your mum . Your mum most have known you to well to know that you might have frustrated the guy into beating you . Your new guy adores u , that's crap , just as the ex adored you . What happens if the new one starts to beat you as well , you will run to another . Women should ask themselves questions and answer truthfully . He was there for you all thru your time in school and you decided to break up with him after Skool and you find an excuse foolish girl . Wait for karma to disfigure you very soon . Capital MUMU
I think it is a blackman disease to pretend that all is well even when it's not.To put on an act of 'we.are in love' then after receive pummelling behind closed doors! *anya_o2003@yahoo.com*
Anon 5:19, nobody is telling them to break up, people are just outraged about his violence. What is your own beef sef? Who said anything about their marriage here now? The girl is just upset because the monthly Kishi that would be coming her way despite the violence will stop surfacing now. #dontgetittwisted
Women provoking men since the beginning of time
This happened early this year not two yrs ago
U r missing the point..na who get life dey marry..if she had died dat night from the blows she suffered..she will not b here to give dis bullshit speech or care for the child u wish her to remain married for... You may say we r judgmental..but u cant help but speak after watching the v ideo..he did not show emotion or surprise dat his then fiance passed out...he was cool calm and collected..becos na normal thing ..if he punch her she go faint wake up..then forgive am...domestic violence is not acceptable..and i pity d wife cos she is sick n does not know it...and this event dint happen 2yrs ago mami...
This is a very tough situation. All i have to say is that we are human beings and we make mistakes. He made a mistake. The victim has forgiven him and moved on....who are we to dig up the past and crucify him or them?
This issue is bigger than the Rice family, it's about domestic violence especially those perpertrated by sports stars who have been getting away with it for years and just shutting up the victims or settling them under the table just to move in to other victims because they know that as long as they perform well in their respective sports, their league e.g. NFL will always back them up and cover up for them. This has been happening for years. Even high school sports stars have joined in the violence against females, go look up the story of the girl who was drugged, raped then carried all over town to different parties by high school football team members and it was all recorded, only for one of them to say 'a stupid whore will not block his dreams" but he ddnt care about ruining her life. This one happened in Steubenville. Sports personalities are starting to get out of hand around here!
I hope ur new catch is not the reason y u broke up with ur ex , bcos if his the reason , then I pity ur future .... U know girls know how to find excuse to liv that one true guy for another . Lol @ he adores me , u must b a massive learner lmao
He without sin, let him cast the 1st stone
He Without Sin Let Him Cast The 1st Stone...
What God has joined together let no blog put asunder...Linda go and marry your own and stop judging married women. Tintirin leg like you.
It is not the issue of problem with domestic violence issue. Why is the video only released yesterday??? Months after the incident happened. Besides, she is now his wife and they don't know if he does not harm her anymore. This is whack.
Lol, this woman is deeply scarred. Now that he has no job, you'll be a proper punching bag on the reg'lar.
Lol, this woman is deeply scarred. Now that he has no job, you'll be a proper punching bag on the reg'lar.
I think it is shitty what the man did, there is no defending him, but the truth is there is a way things like this are handled, this may have already been handled and like the woman said the media may have just brought up ghosts and ruined their lives.
I think it is shitty what the man did, there is no defending him, but the truth is there is a way things like this are handled, this may have already been handled and like the woman said the media may have just brought up ghosts and ruined their lives.
The old people say that "Oro ife osoro dasi" Stop making noise about ppl's domestic issues.. All ur comments, TTs and all, will not change anything. She is there for a reason and will only leave when it doesn't make sense to HER anymore.
In relationships both sides can be wrong. The reason why people ask for forgiveness is because there is no relationship that is perfect and every relationship can be salvaged if both parties are ready to take the right steps.
I know a victim of domestic violence, along the way, things got better and they are now growing old together. (THey are both in their late 50s).
No man is perfect, no woman is perfect. We only stick we who we want to stick with, based on what we feel is convenient and not too much at that point in time.
The painful thing is all this depression will only throw that guy in a darker place than ever before, and the wife is doing what she prolly feels she is supposed to do, to support him as his wife. A ROLE. Something a lot of us don't understand in this generation. He may not deserve it, but it speaks more about him than her. And that's my fxxxing point.
It happened in February not 2yrs ago.
Whatever! The evil that NFL tried to sweep under the rug was exposed and you're here yearning rubbish!
Hey Habeeb...I have got a crush on you those lips hmmmm...are u on IG?
How many Nigerian ladies can leave their marriages even when their husbands beats and cheats on them?I doubt the numbers...Marriages are for better for worse so make all the girls for this blog SHUT UP....bloody hypocrites....Nigerian cheap girls that cry's and beg even when they are been tormented physically,emotional and otherwise by their men ..
This is what I hate about us women. Some of us think that we need to dpend on a man to live. He hits you, you walk out. Simple!
Yes, correct, very correct.
This is the true language of battered, well battered women. We're not surprised.
You see, even the brain has been battered.
So true.
Oluku! No worry, next time he'll blind yu!
Lol,very funny @ Nancy drew she sure does nid anoda beating 2 her 2 her default setting.
Ignorant people, be barking!! It's her husband and her life, leave them alone
So very true.
•○•○•○•○•Support Entertainment•○•○•○•○•
That's not love. Its all cos d dough. Soon we'll see dis types oN one show talkin about how dey couldn't leave d man.
D babe dey fight 4their source of livelihood na
~D great anonymous!
how many of this over 30yrs girls not married are talking. many of you commit worst by all the abortions you have done. that is murder. killing babies and barter which is worst. God will judge cos he sees in secret.
Badoo, why are you so pained? Who's drinking panadol now? We all know your type. Fucking weakling!
Funny how everyone is commenting about domestic violence and shit.
The so called holy folks on here trying to dissect the whole situation about someone else's marital lives.
Una papa for house dey beat una mama,bf set dey give gf dirty slap and una dey shout its not right online.Why u no leave the man or una mama no free leave your papa.Why don't y'all focus on shit in Nigeria first before solving problems that doesn't concern you.@ Linda if your man slap you wetin you go do.
Chai! Supporting violence and quoting the bible! Wetin person no go see?
Thank you very much!!!!
If being against domestic violence is the reason she's not married, then it's a very GOOD reason. Coming on here to talk rubbish, fuck-tad!!
Surely. Soup cooked years ago can remain scalding hot. Hard lesson for Rice.
To answer your clueless question; the video just got released because Ravens management and even NFL pretended it didn't happen and the video ddnt exist and tried to play everything down while they just gave Ray a slap on the wrist with just 2 games suspension. Tmz then obtained the video and exposed it. The hotel employees also confirmed that they produced the video during investigations but it was ignored by the league and they tried to sweep it under the rug. If they had done the needful from the get-go, things would not have escalated to this level for this guy. He's also partially getting punished for the league's indescretions. More people are mad at the league than anything or anyone else because it's indirectly encouraging and condoning domestic abuse.
This woman beating thing is like a virus - ebola, chicken pox, measles. once you catch it, almost die from the shame and pain of having it and then recover, you most likely will not catch it again. Give the guy a break. He will think twice before beating her again.
She's not a fool, she's just battered.
I'm with this honorable lady 100%. Family first, then Self and all else after.
All those hypocritical moralists out there should mind their bleeding business.
And anybody who thinks DMZ or whatever trashy online mag brought this up for moral reasons or for women's sake, is born naive and may die naive. It's all about "website traffic", audience, website visits, ratings etc... All at the expense of others...often innocent people like this SELFLESS and GREAT lady.
Finally, no honest person cries more than the bereaved. Hypocrites and idiots do.
*Singing.... it's their lives ah ah ah, they can live it as they please, as long it's right in their own eyes..... #teammindmybusiness#
Thank God we don't live in a world where she makes the rules. An example had to be made out of her husband. Now guys with a job who like to beat women have had the fear instilled into em that they'll lose everything if they strike their spouse. Ray lost $21 mil. Regular Joe will lose much less but still be too scared to lose even that because he doesn't want to be the next Ray.
She's suffering from battered woman's syndrome. It occurs in four stages, denial, guilt, enlightenment and responsibility. Read up on it to understand her response here.
Take panadol for your own headache, ok? Thank you!
Just put his dick in your mouth and shut the hell up. You mean you are mourning the loss of the income you projected for your hungry self. Imbecile.Stay there let him remove ya eye and see if he will still be by ya side. Oh wait a minute. I forgot he lost his contract so he dead broke now. Ya. he will stay. Fucking decrepit asshole.
-Republic of Niger Delta Babe
Just put his dick in your mouth and shut the hell up. You mean you are mourning the loss of the income you projected for your hungry self. Imbecile.Stay there let him remove ya eye and see if he will still be by ya side. Oh wait a minute. I forgot he lost his contract so he dead broke now. Ya. he will stay. Fucking decrepit asshole.
-Republic of Niger Delta Babe
Linda I am currently in the US. I do not condone what rice did. When l saw the video l said he should thank his stars that the lady survived it. Having said that. I totally agree with his wife. The way the TV stations are replaying the video every five mins tells you that they are doing it for ratings. They are not considering this woman and her kid at all. Why make her relieve it every minute, they have moved on . Has he abused her after that incident ? Did the guy undergo counselling ? This thing happened and she still married him & that tells u a lot.
They should please let them be. That family has suffered enough abeg. Amaka
People shud learn 2 mind dia biiznesses and stay out of other pipls' naa. Seriously I am wit d wife on this 1000%, for d love of God d issue happened while they were dating and d woman forgave him and went ahead 2 marry him(however unimaginable that may sound 4 any of us out here), meaning they have put it alll behind them and d Word of God says whatever God has joined 2geda let no man put asunder. The public should just leave d family alone and stay out of the issue. Y on earth did dey not release d video and all d venom at d time it happened? As much as I will never support the guy's action, it it important 2 note that their lives belong 2 them and no one can love either of them more than themselves so people shud stop all dis publicity stunts and leave d poor couple 2 live their lives in peace. Now that they have taken d guy's livelihood away and destroyed his image all around d globe is it going 2 right any wrong or make d woman feel any better? Absolutely NO! It has done d exact opposite.
I am sure all the fools commenting here aren't married or have never loved someone before. All just talking rubbish. It happened years ago, they have forgotten about it and moved on, its nobody's business. Who hasn't had an altercation with a girl before, didn't u feel bad about it, did you do it again, no. People are too quick to judge people these days. Bishop Dammy, help please.
So true
Later, she would commit suicide, and doctors would say she had been depressed. smh.No man should be excused for drastically beating his wife to pulp. As much as he owns you girl, there are others who loves you and wish you alive. Do not live for a man alone. You have your life to live and live in peace, not in fear.
Pls take several seats! Some of us here hv bin victims! So we r speaking out! I was alwys forgivin bcos he would cry n beg! I left him when he almost knocked me out.
This woman is just sick
True! But it wasn't just a beating. It was an insult that led to loss of consciousness n brain injury, n who knw what other comlicatn, may be memory loss, mental retardation too!
She no go hear now until she drops dead and the so called husband moves on with another woman.
But really the lady has a point, while i do not condone domestic violence, i think that the inrticacies of marriage ultimately resides in the hands of the spouses and certainly not the media least of all, mere commentators on a blog. How many of you here know people that are in violent marriages or relationships or are even in one yourself? Tread with caution that you may not cause the end of a God-ordained institution.
At the end of the day, the wife and child will suffer more from this. You shouldn't take away his means of feeding and think you are doing her a favor, feeling good about yourselves. I don't condone his actions but America was too harsh with them.
He is not alone anymore and what you do to him will hurt his wife and child more. She has forgiven him already. Don't know which one is obama's own in the matter
I pity the wife and daughter a lot though
Let he who is without sin cast d first stone....... It was just a moment in their live story and ve walked passed it... How many hussy of 2day has not raised their hands on their wife's one way or d other? even u linda must ve faced such from sm1 while growing.... Its just those moment in or lives we re nt proud of........ Please no disrespect to women
I'm sure she's grateful that you people cause emotional and financial trouble for her family including drama in the family. They have already sorted this out in private. YOU PEOPLE are causing more DAMAGE to her emotionally than anything. Just let them be you pricks.
You fucking pricks in the comments section. They have already gotten over the incident and forgiven eachother. Now YOU PEOPLE want to cause horrible emotional and financial trouble for her family including drama that she doesn't want. Yeah, she's probably very grateful for fucking her life up even more with this shit. She's an adult, not a child, she can make her own decisions.
stupid woman we are waiting for your obituary next......odelicious
edwin you are a stupid boy.......no brain comments as usual..
For better for worse does not mean for better and in beating. Anonymous 5:19 take note.
Nothing we no go see for LIB. Na habeeb you see for the story? Chai I weep for you madam crush.
Yes o! I remember Dino Melaye, after the wife covered up for ten good years he gave her the ultimate gift of a divorce and marrying another woman. Men ke abegi forget violent men.
I think it is just stupid to label a man an animal, just because of a mistake he made and he's gonna regret for the rest of his life. you guys are talking as if this doesn't happen in many Nigerian homes and as any of it been reported or disgrace. the wife is staying and defending him because she prolly made a mistake(if you actually watched the video) and she regrets putting her husband in such a situation. She was tipsy or drunk and was prolly acting up and I don't think no man on this earth will appreciate his wife all drunk at a party and acting up. They been together since 2008 and all of a sudden, y'all saying she's stupid for staying with him? As far as I am concerned, this is the first time i've had anything negative about Ray Rice and his wife which to me interprets that, nothing of such has happen between them before April. Not defending Ray Rice cos he made a huge mistake but do u now have to criticize him and label him a monster. There are some heartless women out there not to talk of men, who are pretending to be saints and have never in their slapped a woman. you don't have to physically beat a woman before its called an abuse or domestic violence. Words do damage to women's body and that to me is called abuse as well, not just in a physical way. Nobody is above mistake, we just need to pray for each other cos women do provoke men to that extent but it takes the grace of God to be patient. IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYBODY!!!!
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