About a week after he was accused of being a Boko Haram sponsor by Australian hostage negotiator, Stephen Davis, former Borno state governor Alimodu Sheriff accompanied the president of Nigeria to an anti-terrorism meeting in Chad. President Jonathan pictured above with Alimodu Sheriff (pictured left) and Chadian president, Idriss Deby where they talked about how to combat terrorism.
After the pic was released, Nigerians scolded the president for going to chad with Sheriff. Continue
ILcity's Finest.
And the mind boggling mishaps keep occuring. Doesn't Jonathan have an Olivia Pope pls? I mean, fine, SAS is "innocent" until proven guilty, but why flaunt your relationship with him days after he was publicly accused? Tactless and downright insensitive.
Another report says GEJ met him there and never travelled along with him. Which are we to beleive now? Whatever the case I think it shouldn't be. But what do we know? We can only come here and rant..!!
I used to be (or I still am) a strong advocate of GEJ. But the man keeps disappointing me. Alimodu really?! With all these stunts you keep pulling 2015 would be very far from you I'm sorry to say. Even if he hasn't been proven guilty you're supposed to stay away from him for now. SMH!
This man lacks serious ako n"uche! I don't get his simplicity, at all! LIKE SERIOUSLY THIS IS WHO WE WANT RUNNING AFFAIRS AGAIN NEXT YEAR?!! SMH
this jonathan, correct green snake under green grass, slow poison and a puppet..
GEJ shaa.... I don't know why he did that,so I'll just crawl back into my shell...
Kamto Haf Tok
its a big shame. i wonder those who advices Mr. Pres. its sad to see this.
This officially tells us that Nigeria is being ruled by her enemies.
Am just here looking at jonah......
Nigeria jaga jaga, everything scatter scatter....... Wait, I really and have never imagined what kind of president we have.
So hell bent on 2nd term, and doesn't care about us.
I don't know why people still think this man is in his right senses. I mean, he pardoned a criminal, he is the same person that thinks stealing is not the same thing as corruption. I am really not surprised.
Jonathan needs to sit up to his responsibilities as a president! Enough of these lukewarm attitude towards serious matters!!! The other day I watched an advert on Ebola sensitization where GEJ had a smile on his face calling ebola virus "a special virus"! I felt like shaking some sense into him!!! Our country is getting worse by the day!
About a week ago #shmurda
I reserve my comment since one of the governor arrest a particular person cos he said some stuff about him. Lip sealed
but this is absurd,how can he do this if he and Ali modu ain into this together,its like...well,only God can save us!
dis dude has worst advisers on earth and he keeps taking in everything without consideration.but who will replace him? Buhari? Big question
I reserve my comment
Everyday, he gives me a reason to bliv his hands are not clean on dis BH issue..
Nothing wud work if Jonathan continues as president of Nigeria.Its as simple as dat
Elections dey come
This guy must NOT rule Nigeria again..the reason why so many are dead and suffering during this administration of horror is solely based on the fact that a retard who is totally incapable of making adequate decisions or is ruling us along with his wife (who in another life would be a fish seller). The fact that this sorry excuse for a leader who I'm very sure no one voted for..is clueless enough to announce and security meeting and then take the number one suspect in the sponsorship of this menace of an insurgency to a so called farce of a security meeting just shows how plain stupid he is. I'm done.
Just look at him...dumbass
I can't believe this dude actually wants to run again. Based on what.??????
I wonder ooooooo!!!!!
Dont understand this whole senerio any more
Let's wait 4 Abati to explain. But I comment my reserve.
God help this country
GEJ is a fool...i voted for him back then after brainwashing nigerians dat he wore no shoe and I will never vote, cos voting doesn't count *oziRI*
GEJ is a fool...i voted for him back then after brainwashing nigerians dat he wore no shoe and I will never vote, cos voting doesn't count *oziRI*
GEJ is a fool...i voted for him back then after brainwashing nigerians dat he wore no shoe and I will never vote, cos voting doesn't count *oziRI*
If sitting at a meeting with Sheriff will bring back our girls and end terrorism, please Mr. President, go ahead. Did Obama not release a terrorist?
The end will justify the means. Those who are criticising do not know anything about diplomacy and negotiations.
Sometimes one makes sacrifices to win. Sometimes you must lose to win.
But seriously guys, which Boko Haram commander will honestly name his sponsor? Is that in anyway logical? In Davis' interview with The Cable, he said that the commanders told him that they 'will surrender themselves if some of the sponsors are arrested'. My people, how logical is that? Nuff said.
Show me your friend...
I wonder which lunatics would vote for this guy next year.
Am speechless wtf!!
jonathan is mad,stupid,crazzy...infact,wer is my cane??
GEJ is no fool, I strongly believe he knows Wat he is doing plus u guys re nt smarter than him n Wat happened to d saying keep ur friends n ur enemies closer. #ithinkamunderstood#
Pray for GEJ, he has enemies as advisers.They are bent on disgracing him out of office.
Jst wen u think Jonah is done been stupid...he surprises d hell out of ya..
SAS practically owns Chad. His mom is from there, he is also married into the president's family and he has invested billions of dollars in the place. If he sneezes, Chad govt must jump, so that's why he has to be part of the meeting with GEJ. Of course GEJ is still a moron though!
What did Nigerians ever do to offend you Oga Jona? pls forgive us na... ehnn? forgive us and stop embarrassing us.
God will deliver us from GEJ the same way day he delivered us from Abacha. God is not asleep. These politicians are taking us for a ride.
What is wrong with Sheriff being at a meeting with our President. Even Satan was seen in the presence of God. "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them." Job 1:6. Furthermore, if you go to hell, God is there. "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there." Psalm 139:7-8.
LoL @ BH sponsors executive meeting!
What of the then SS Govs and politicians that sponsored militancy in those days, even though they had a genuine mission they also were guilty of killing innocents.
Should GEJ not be seen with them as well?
The same Nigerians that go to UAE to enrich the Arab sponsors of BH aree the same people complaining here, SMH
When a King has a good councillors his region experience peace. May God help US if we are ready for change.
U guys should stop insulting the president and use ur heads for ones,d so called australian,is he sum1 u shuld blive?is it not clear from the onset that he was being used to spread false rumors about the president by the opposition(apc)?how can u bliv a man dat said he was hired by the federal government only to sing a different tune that he was not?is it the boko haram that sheriff dealt with wen he was governor and killed their first leader or anoda one?read ur history before you make stupid comments attimes.bia linda pls always add reference page on ur blog so you could educate some people here before they disgrace their families here.
But please people which court of competent jurisdiction has found Alli Modu guilty?Or are you guys telling me that you are taking the Australian serious well from the twitter response cant you all see the names of the respondent those that not tell you where they are coming from until anyone has been properly investigated and found guilty then the president has no right but for now he hasn't committed any offence or do any of you guys have evidence against sherrif then bring it on he is a former governor and the president has the right to travel with him because he is very relevant to the subject matter with the Chadian president.
Is dis president jinx?. Why is he always taking & making d wrong moves.
it's better if a lion is leading a flock of sheep, than for a sheep to lead a bevy of lions.
C'est Tres Bon!
Or thereabout...
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So u peopel don't no dat ur bad lock egbere jona is a big fool abeg make u na go sit down becos of 2015 I no one tin god wil do a wonderful
IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ON http://trueanonymousconfession.blogspot.com ... SOME CRAZY CONFESSIONS
I used to fight for GEJ but I am now convinced he shouldn't rule again...his government is questionable...we thought he was gentle and wise he is a complete opposite
What's he thinking??? I mean for what focus mtcheew... Jonathan can so disappoint sometimes.
Is Jonathan ok? I'm forced to believe at this point that Jonathan knows a thing about Boko haram.
Liv the man alone
Wateva d case is here...I am simple disappointed!
Sir Sokari Dappa Andrew Jaja, Its a shame that we have people like you amongst us. Because of your greed, you commit blasphemy against God, I hope he punishes you seriously. GEJshouldjust resign already.
If not GEJ for 2015 then who will it be?that's a veery big question that need an answer,,,,,
It coulb be that Alli modu Shriff's expertise is needed here, being a terror group father/founder/funder/sponsor. He will attend the next meeting with Sanusi Lamido Sanusi.
You guys are not serious. So if you are a terrorist you will tell people who is funding you? Funny Nigerians. The simple man believes anything he is told. A verse from the bible.
Why are we surprised? The man said it before that his problem was that boko haram sympathizers/supporters were in his government. Truth is they are his friends that's why he can't seriously move against them.
U just spoke my mind... GEJ knows what he's doing... let's all relax, sit back and watch
Exactly my point...
#kisses @Apple
Your name na really Sule. Fits you perfectly. Mumu!
Mr president and other ruler tink about nigeria tommorow. Lie is too much infact u have children u enjoy with them
I keep saying it and i wont stop this president have bad advisers and it shown in every of his decisions
Wether or not Alimodu has been found guilty..dat he even has such charge against him shld be reason enuf for jonathan to steer clear..in sane nations jonathan should be d one championing investigations against sherriff until d truth is brought to light!!......Jonathan is a failure and so is his govt...Nigeria under his rule has deteiorated. and is at the very edge of a final melt down...i ll keep campaigning against dis dude till kingdom come...anyone but jonathan come 2015
Its unfair to insult the president without understanding the genuine reasons behind his act. There are so many ways to win a war, it mustn't always be through violence. I still don't believe BOKO HARAM will easily give out the names of their sponsors and even if Alimodu Sheriff is found guilty as accused, It won't solve the problem. Therefore,its crucial to hold discussions, agreements and ways to tackle this issue from becoming a bigger problem to the entire nation.
it is unfair to insult the president without knowing the Genuine reasons behind his act.
There are many ways to win a war and mustn't be through violence. Even if Alimodu Sheriff should be found guilty as charged, prosecuting him won't help finding the other sponsors. Therefore it is crucial to hold discussions, agreements and solution on how to tackle this issue before it becomes a bigger problem to the whole nation.
U just spoke my mind, who knw D reason or D mode of investigation being carried out on him
If there ever was a stupid president...
Jona r u ok at all
Weak president
If the British Government did not abolish slave trade in 1807, some Nigerians would still be happy living with the situation of slavery. Their thoughts and expressions are 200 years old.
An Australian, gallivanting, marauding, nincompoop makes unsolicited statements and some Nigerians begin to curse their father, their mother, their children, their President, their God, because 'Oyibo man'. made statements. Oyibo no de lie?
What a shame! What an inferiority complex!!
Please Australian government, I apologise for my tone and language, but call your citizen to order. His statements amount to sedition and incitement, likely to affect the Australia/Nigeria international or diplomatic relations.
If the British Government did not abolish slave trade in 1807, some Nigerians would still be happy living with the situation of slavery. Their thoughts and expressions are 200 years old.
An Australian, gallivanting, marauding, nincompoop makes unsolicited statements and some Nigerians begin to curse their father, their mother, their children, their President, their God, because 'Oyibo man'. made statements. Oyibo no de lie?
What a shame! What an inferiority complex!!
Please Australian government, I apologise for my tone and language, but call your citizen to order. His statement amount to sedition and incitement, likely to affect the Australia/Nigeria international or diplomatic relations.
There is nothing wrong with Jonathan in a meeting with SAS. The guy is still innocent till proving guilty.
How are you sure the Ausie man is saying the truth. Let us keep our finger cross, the truth must be exposed with time. benotekcomputers@gmail.com
Am sorry to say buh GEJ has no class.
Come 2015, if not GEJ.....who? Be careful wat u say today,cos it might not be d truth. Sheriff is a BH sponsor,says by who? A liar.....who said FG paid him 4d investigation and later said otherwise. Am sure he was paid by d wanna-be's' FG. *SMH* pray for Nigeria.
People keep saying Buhari is a bad leader cos wen he was in power nobody heard about him cos he allowed his subordinate work (and good works at dat).
Questions :
1. Is a leader dat allows d subordinate express themselves a good or bad leader? (use urselves and office bosses as examples).
2. Haven't we as Nigerians noticed dat all d corrupt politicians are against Buhari leading Nigeria (they are afraid cos he has zero tolerance for corruption) ?
3. Who is d leader we want in Nigeria, a leader dat will jail or eliminate corrupt government officials (Buhari) or a leader dat will dine with, pamper and compensate with political appointments government officials (Jonathan).
Engr. Kevin d uncompromised Naija Deltan
People keep saying Buhari is a bad leader cos wen he was in power nobody heard about him cos he allowed his subordinate work (and good works at dat).
Questions :
1. Is a leader dat allows d subordinate express themselves a good or bad leader? (use urselves and office bosses as examples).
2. Haven't we as Nigerians noticed dat all d corrupt politicians are against Buhari leading Nigeria (they are afraid cos he has zero tolerance for corruption) ?
3. Who is d leader we want in Nigeria, a leader dat will jail or eliminate corrupt government officials (Buhari) or a leader dat will dine with, pamper and compensate with political appointments government officials (Jonathan).
Engr. Kevin d uncompromised Naija Deltan
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