I read the response of the APC through it's spokesman Lai Mohammed to my allegations and assertions in the interview that I gave to Channels TV on 30th June 2014. The said response appeared in a number of newspapers on 1st July 2014.
I wish to make it clear that I stand by every single allegation and assertion that I made in the said interview and that I believe strongly that the APC comprises of at least a handful of Boko Haram sympathisers and questionable individuals who have at various times expressed a certain degree of support for Boko Haram. I wish to state clearly and categorically that Lai Mohammed, the official spokesman of the APC, is not only a pathological liar and a shameless coward but that he did indeed make the said comments about Boko Haram that I attributed to him in the interview.
from being a pernicious liar he is also a malicious and vindictive soul
who is is either going senile and therefore habitually forgets what he
once said or who simply derives pleasure from creating even more
problems for his political party than they already have. Though he
denied it, it is on record that he protested about and opposed the
proscription of Boko Haram by the Federal Government in various
newspapers on June 10th 2013 and he described such proscription as being
unconstitutional and/or extra-constitutional and wrong in various
At that time he spoke in
his official capacity as the spokesman of the ACN which is a constituent
part of the present-day APC and which merged with other parties a few
months later to form the said APC. The same Lai Mohammed is now the
spokesman of the APC and I have no reason to believe that he has purged
himself of his earlier sympathies for that murderous organisation and
it's deadly activities. I should also add that the same Lai Mohammed, on
behalf of his party, opposed the idea of Boko Haram being labelled as a
terrorist organisation by the United States of America throughout last
year. As shameful as it is, this was his position and that of his party
after that evil and insidious terrorist organisation had slaughtered
thousands of our compatriots and innocent citizens and abducted, bombed
and maimed our people. This speaks volumes.
I would like to take this opportunity
to state that I stand by every word that I said about General Muhammadu
Buhari in the said interview and that his words and statements about
Boko Haram and the agenda of those that believe in and support Boko
Haram raises a lot of questions. These words were not in any way misconstrued or taken out of context in the said interview.
Finally I would like to state clearly
and categorically that the assertion and grave allegation that I have
''cut a deal with the Federal Government'' concerning my case with the
EFCC in order to ''prevent me from going to jail'' is not only asinine
but it is also absurd. It is a lie from the pit of hell and it is a
gratutious and slanderous insult on not only the Nigerian Judiciary, the
Federal Government and my goodself but also on the legal profession as a
whole and all those that are involved in the case. The case has been in
court for the past 7 years and I can say clearly and categorically that
no deals have been cut.
It is also clear that the prosecution
is about to close it's case and for Lai Mohammed to suggest that some
kind of deal has been cut is not only libellous, extreemly damaging and
deeply malicious but it is also contemptuos of the court proceedings.
This matter will, of course, be taken up at the highest level and Lai
Mohammed will be required to produce the evidence and the strictest
proof of this so-called ''deal''. I have instructed my lawyers to send a
letter to Lai Mohammed and the APC to urge them to issue a public
apology within a specified period of time or else I will instigate
legal proceedings against them for this vicious and most malevolent form
of libel and defamation of character.
I look forward to seeing them in court
where they can produce the evidence of where this so-called ''deal''
was cut between myself and the Federal Government to ensure that ''I do
not go to jail''. Finally those that lack principle and the courage of
their convictions and that have ended up changing parties as many times
as they change their soiled underpants can be found in the APC more than
anywhere else. This is self-evident. They are a cultic set of strange
bedfellows who are lusting after power but who, by the grace of God,
will never smell it.
The fact that they have a spokesman
who not only lies about his past statements and claims that he never
said what he clearly said in the past and the fact that this same
individual claimed that I never joined the APC in the first place proves
to the world what a desperate, dirty, smutty and wicked little fellow
he really is. I look forward to meeting him and his co-travellers in
court and be rest assured that when we get there he and his friends will
get far more than they bargained for.
Finally on the allegation that I am
attempting to ''ingratiate myself to and please the Federal Government''
nothing could be further from the truth and more absurd. My background
and breeding would not permit me to try to ingratiate myself to anyone
or any institution for any reason. Lai Mohammed and those that he
represents and speaks for would not know anything about this because
they come from a completely different background and a different world.
For the record I have criticised the Federal Government as much as
anyone else over the last few years and I would be ready to do so anyday
and anytime where and when I feel that it is necessary.
I am also ready to criticise the
excesses and the strange and wicked tendencies of an irresponsible and
egotistical opposition like the APC where and when I believe that it is
in the interest of Nigeria to do so. This is because I have always
spoken the truth regardless of whose ox is gored and I am not used to
operating in an evil cult of silence where no dissent is tolerated or
brooked and in which no-one is allowed to hold a contrary opinion to the
powers that be.
If I am to choose between the Federal
Government and the PDP on the one hand and the APC with it's two-man
dictatorial and fascistic leadership on the other I would choose the
former any day. Sadly it took me one year of being amongst the APC to
appreciate that and I thank God that I eventually did and that, unlike
many others, I had the courage to leave them before it was too late. You
may be used to intimidating and bullying others but you cannot
intimidate or bully me. I have no fear of you, your leaders, your
threats to my life which I have been receiving since I gave that
interview or your threats of imminent destruction and litigation.
I am not a man of war but a man of
peace. I deplore strife and rancour. However I do not shirk away from a
fight or a controversy when I am sufficiently provoked or threatened no
matter how big and powerful the bully that issues that threat may be.
By the time this is all over you will know that I serve a Living God
who is more than able to fight my battles for me. All I have to do is to
watch and pray.
Permit me to end this response by
pointing out the fact that if any group of people are guilty of
''returning to their vomit'', the APC and most of it's leaders are more
so than anyone else. They have also been rolling in their own faeces for
many years. Whether they wish to
accept it or not the stench of their yesteryears stalks them till today.
No matter how hard they try nothing can change that and nothing can
make that awful stench go away.
May God guide and help them and their
party to see the light and to appreciate the virtues and beauty of a
decent and peaceful secular state where violence and religious
fundamentalism of any sort has no place. And may He deliver them from
continuosly and habitually treading the path of division, rancor, lies,
deceit, bullying, intimidation and self-destruction before it is too
late. Hell will freeze over before I issue Lai Mohammed or the APC any
type of apology for what I have said. If they are waiting for that they
will wait forever. I look forward to seeing them in court and may God's
will be done.
APC's statement yesterday reads in part
I have caused my attorneys to
formally write both Fani-Kayode and Channel television, where he made
his allegation, to retract the statement and apologize, failing which I
will sue for defamation of character.”
Our position on Boko Haram
has been well articulated for anyone who cares to know, but at no time
did we condemn the government for proscribing it. When the state of
emergency was declared on three northern states, we criticized it and we
stand by that. But we did not condemn the proscription of Boko Haram.
We are not Boko Haram sympathizers and we cannot be under any
Equally irresponsible and condemnable is Mr. Fani-Kayode’s
deliberate distortion of statements made in the past by Gen. Muhammadu
Buhari to mean that he or his party is a sympathizer of Boko Haram.
It is common knowledge that Mr. Fani-Kayode has
been charged by the Federal Government with money laundering. The trial
is almost ending, and he knows he faces a certain jail term if
It is therefore not impossible that Mr. Fani-Kayode
may be seeking to ingratiate himself to the FG by using various media
platforms to destroy the APC through accusing its leaders of being Boko
Haram sponsors or that the party is bent on fielding a Muslim/Muslim
ticket in next year’s presidential elections.
Unfortunately, in
his eagerness to please the FG and cut a deal to avoid going to jail, he
has resorted to pathological lies aimed at calling the dog a bad name
in order to hang it. Whatever evidence he has to prove that our party is
a sponsor of Boko Haram, he should be prepared to tender such in
court,” APC said.
shameless indeed
All dis political instability in Nigeria is leading us to nowhere. chidinmandukwe10@gmail.com
Ghen then...and the fight begins
Na mouth u jst get, instead mke u go join 9ja army, so tht u go fight boko u dey there dey look for trouble...
I just can't read that long nonsense written by FFK .. This is a matter of pot calling kettle black..FFK is calling somebody a pathological lair ...funny. I hate the way they play politics in this country.. I wish FFK can just shut up.. I dislike that man he is a thief and confused man.. Just like his father family of thieves
Ghen ghen...let d fight begin
Lindiway plz enough of this woman. Innocent citizens are loosing their lives everyday and all this woman could do is try stay relevant coz of their death.
Lindiway plz we're tired of her.
That's their headache, all I'm sure of is that God will surely punish those behind boko haram insurgents.
LOops: Lady’s Private Pics Exposed To Fiancé Just Few Days After Introduction
OOmg!must see: guy exposes chats and private pics of lady she met on BBM!
Linda am I suppose to read all this, anyway politics sheet who cares #bright bravo#
Fani Kayodae ïs nothing but a fool. This ll not work this time around, We all know you a maradona wen its come to politics. You said the same thing wen u left PDP for APC. U said some many bad things about PDP then, so now is APC turn. You need to cover face because you are LIAR. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Pack for 1 side............NEXT
FFK doing what he knows how to do best. now singing praise for PDP. man with many tongues
The stage is set for 2015.cooldavoe@yahoo.com
God is working and there temple is about to fall like "Ngbidi Jericho".
they are now exposing their mutherfucking asses. bastards.
Ffk Is the controversially negative politician we have as of today.he neither knows where his fate is.I suggest a mental examination be conducted to ascertain his psychological wellbeing. He is a serial fanatic whose aim is to cause chaos in nigeria. This is the type of people Nigerians should pray against who don't wish us well.
Okayyyyyy! Too long!!!!!
See give.....lwkmd. Waiting for part 2
And this still goes on?4how long nw.well,d statement by d APC is jst too weak.Even if one doesn't want to believe FFK,but his well constructed lies/truth will mke u tink twice abt d whole issue.its obvious Lai Mohammed and FFK ve issues.d whole APC and PDP fight is unbecoming.They shud either go to court and drop it.
none of my business
Hahahaha,the battle line have been drawn. Liar sorry Lia,I thank God that we ibos Av known that APC is a mulism party so we r NT going to vote Dem in,I also pray that my able gov.okorocha shld pls think ND watch properly bl4........ii can't wait to lose u frm day seat,pls my gov my gov...my pple my pple.
Gosh! will dis FFk just learn to keep quiet 4 once!when u talk too much,u lie and talk nonsense.God knows I hate men that talks too much,it pisses me off.
FFK has just thrown down the gauntlet at APC, how would they respond? Will they fess up or continue to cos ruckus in the media? We shall wait and see.
Oyibo. They are all one and the same. val_jasp@yahoo.com
Nobi bcos of 2015 all this wahala dey come up, make the election come do pass abeg make we rest.....
let the apc and ffk continue their talk. some truth will be revealed.solaowolawi@yahoo.com
All I can say is HMMMMMMMMMM. ..
Are you hurting, confused, broken hearted and need someone to talk to? Call Aunty Muna on 07089670599 or add me on BBM 7E0FADA0, 2B4FDC77, email auntymuna@gmail.com. www.auntmuna.blogspot.com
9c one!seriously I think he needs a mental examination 2 be conducted on dat his damaging brain! Fool FFk.
Its true. Very true. I feel like throwing my shoes at Lai Mohammed. Lai Mohammed is a pathological liar and a chameleon. He's PR MAN. He's a trained pr man (trained LIAR). He's a gifted liar. He is shameless. He is Boko Haram spokesman. If Osama Bin Laden was still alive today, Lai Mohammed would be Bin Laden's spokesman.
Lai Mohammed and APC are conveniently silent while lives and properties and livelihood are being destroyed on a daily basis by BOKO HARAM. Shame on Lai Mohammed. Shame on APC. Lai Mohammed spends too much time slagging off GEJ and PDP. Lai Mohammed and APC never genuinely criticise their creation, BOKO HARAM. I won't be surprised if it turns out that behind closed doors, Lai Mohammed and APC oligarchy often hi-five one another other each time BOKO HARAM bomb claims more lives. I won't be surprised if it turns out that BOKO HARAM speeches are crafted by pr man, Lai Mohammed. I won't be surprised if it turns out that pr man, Lai Mohammed is the (secret) Director of Communications & Media Relations of (the public relations department of) BOKO HARAM, but publicly masquerades as "APC spokesman."
Lai Mohammed, I swear, if you sue or keep running your stinking mouth, we will deport you and your family back to the Atlantic Ocean where your satanic ancestors and BOKO HARAM originally came from.
Whatever it takes, the killings will be annihilated. Boko Haram will be destroyed very soon. Everybody knows that APC is the party benefiting from the atrocities being committed on a daily basis by BOKO HARAM, the armed-wing of APC and SATANIC Northern Nigerian islamic terrorists and criminals.
APC, Lai Mohammed and those money hungry BORN TO RULE crooks from up north, y'all will NEVER seize power by bombing and harassing GEJ, NIGERIANS and NIGERIA.
Really dis FFK shld jst go get a life. He's jst a fool. He's playing political tricks here. I believe dis ws planned.* leave our party nd go 2 d opposition party nd try 2 catch some lies in which u cn use 2 defame dem wen elections re so close bcos u re d 1 wit d big mouth* he's jst being an instrument of PDP,He's being used! He's jst causing more problems 4 Nigeria. Gosh! I hate him
FFK you are doing more harm to this country than the book haram. So this is why they bought you over. Like FFK like Abacha son.Mr president your boy is working very well. Who is the next to enjoy this parkage? May be Kabiru Sokoto. FFK you have no shame. You are a beast.
according to history, this is what fani kayode father did, now history is repeatin itself, fani kayode, u are a fool, a liar and a prostitute of a politics, what about Bianca, and others you use ur stinking mouth to ruin, am sure u are paid to do that as well like ur father. Bia, lindodo,this kayode mouth go dey smell ooo! Nonsense! Dnt go and settle ur case with efcc, na jail straight..
In as much as i am not an overwhelming supporter of democracy, i refuse terrorcracy; which is the use of bomb blast to intimidate and force a government out of office. I prefer a party that has made errors and is ready to address the situation, that a party that has members linked to this menace.
I don't even know whom to believe again! Let Godbe the judge in court. Aryhor@yahoo.com
In as much as i am not an overwhelming supporter of democracy, i refuse terrorcracy; which is the use of bomb blast to intimidate and force a government out of office. I prefer a party that has made errors and is ready to address the situation, that a party that has members linked to this menace.
le Général
I no be ffk fan o but pls eh wen in papa steal. Or u just call former office holders thieves,?
Hehehe. . I av a feeling dis ffk purposely insulted pdp and enterd apc so dat apc wil tink he is wiv dem.. I tink it was all plannd by pdp mayb dey put him in d opposition party to knw deir movement. . So he had to insult pdp to make it look lyk he actually left pdp.. I tink it was al pland
2015 is gonna be Hot!!!
Gegeeeee. Oh linda you didn't wish me happy birthday. Nawaooooo
Please FFK should invite me to form part of his defense team if they ever dared to institute an action against him for libel or whatever...
But can they?
There is nothing that FFK said which may be deemed to have ripened into a cause of action for APC, I dare say...
Is it a lie that Senator Modu Sheriff Musa established Boko Haram for his political ends while in office as governor of Borno State, and he is currently a member of the APC????
Did FFK put words in the mouth of Lai Mohammed when he made his self-deprecating and implicating statement?
Just what did FFK say that is outside the bounds of fair comment and freedom of expression; or that is not recognizable as commonsensical and plausible?
In any case let APC try...
I imagine that it is lost on them that FFK is not the sort that can be intimidated or harassed by empty threat...
And we are waiting for such a development as this to expose that satanic political party....
APC must be exposed as harboring the enemies of Nigeria!!!!!!
Pot calling kettle black. Idiot fool!
Please let's vote...
Hmmm,u really watched kenneth okonkwo's movies to remeMber dis grammer.
Mumu, go and find out the things FFK said about pdp when he left them! Before you start jubilating at what he has to say about apc.
For the 1st time, I want chrismas to come and go... Can't wait for 2015...the best movie of all time is gonna be happening in nigeria...
FFK you are sooooooo right! That OLD FOOL Lai Muhammed is such an IDIOT!
LIE Mohammed
I concur. This is the kind of being to be replaced with the chibok girls. He is a waste product.
Fani-Kayode is the most shameless human being I've ever known.
Ok na
Yep, Lai is a boko haram suspect and supporter
I no blame u,,,,na watin u wan chop u dey find,,,mumu ffk abi watin una call am.
I no blame u,,,,na watin u wan chop u dey find,,,mumu ffk abi watin una call am.,,,,,,,,,,teeboi say so.
FFK as failed politically and he's looking for all means to be relevant but his already useless to real intellectuals because almost everyone knows what he has been doing since. He was the same person that was saying negative things against Stealer Odua and also the same person that said he was not part of APC then suddenly came on air and said he was part of APC. So how can you listen or believe someone that has a burning ass and his finding it hard to settle in one party, he will say a different thing today then the second they he will say another thing. HE HAS FAILED WOEFULLY.
FFK sha! Not respectful! Uncivized utterances always.
Pls click on that this day link and tell me the context Ali said what he said
Pls you all should click on the link provided by Femi read it and let me see who believes this Femi should? not be in yaba left
I watch the interview he granted channelstv, I believe a good amount of what he said is true, even though he looked like he was acting out a script.
The APC has not proved to be a better alternative
Thank you.
Prez Jonathan has a couple of aces up his sleeves, he is keeping his cards close to his chest and playing the ace one at a time. Almustapha, FFK,DSP, FAYOSE are some of the cards he is dealing out currently, and I believe there are more to come. FFK is a man of questionable character, but that doesn't make what he said on channels tv bollocks.
For me the APC can't be trusted. But that doesn't make the PDP better alternative.
Thank you FFK for standing up to those bullies, tyrants and criminals. Thank you for standing up to those satanic boko haram and their APC owners.
APC want to sue FFK for what? For APC's dodgy and non-existent reputation? APC, please, you have ZERO reputation. APC is tainted and compromised by their association with known godfathers and financiers of boko haram. APC is hated by the public because of boko haram.
APC, leave GEJ alone. APC, leave NIGERIAN alone. Nigeria is fed of Boko Haram (APC).
APC, leave FFK alone. Stop the intimidation:
APC should sue boko haram for the thousands of people killed.
APC should sue boko haram for the thousands of children orphaned by boko haram atrocities.
APC should sue boko haram for tarnishing the reputation of Nigeria.
APC should sue boko haram for making Nigeria to be seen as a terrorist country.
APC should sue boko haram for terrorising and subjugating Nigerians.
APC should sue boko haram for trying to bomb an elected president, Goodluck Jonathan, out of office.
APC should sue boko haram for seeking the overthrow of Nigeria's elected President, Goodluck Jonathan.
APC should sue boko haram for committing treason and taking arms against the Federal Government of Nigeria.
APC should sue boko haram for sabotaging Goodluck Jonathan's administration.
APC should sue boko haram for trying to derail Goodluck Jonathan's administration.
APC should sue boko haram for harassing President Goodluck Jonathan.
APC should sue boko haram for intimidating President Goodluck Jonathan.
APC should sue boko haram for bullying President Goodluck Jonathan.
APC should sue boko haram for defaming President Goodluck Jonathan.
APC should sue boko haram for sabotaging Nigeria's economy.
APC should sue boko haram for scaring away foreign investors.
APC should sue boko haram for costing Nigeria over $500Billion in lost earnings and lost investments.
APC should sue boko haram for depriving Nigerians freedom of religion.
APC should sue boko haram for trying to imposing Islamic religion and Sharia Law on the Federal Government of Nigeria.
APC is about bribery, corruption, ethnic division, sectarian politics, anarchy, violence, intimidation, harassment, murder, bigotry, tribalism, northern domination, islam, Hausa / Fulani domination, religious intolerance, ethnic cleansing, pogrom, genocide and Islamisation of Nigeria.
Everybody have wised up to what shameless APC is about.
FFK! I fail to understand you most times. You seem to me a personality with double but dubious standards. At dawn you're for the APC, at dusk you're against the APC and for the PDP. I don't doubt the claim by Lai Moh'd that you had struck a deal with the PDP cos your antecedents suggests you can do exactly such. Am dead sure you're yet to find a brooding space in the PDP but are only marking time (and perhaps doing your spy job to know enough to incriminate the party with) before a switch to another party.
May be we should cheer them up to go to court and provide more entertainment. We know them!
Whether pot is calling kettle black or kettle is calling pot black - There is a CALLING. Why do Nigerian shy away from bravery...this is patrotic courage
This man FFk like to always be on the news...
it all about politics and self interest.....it is written..... so shall there scatter and so shall there regroup...
FFK may be OR may not be unstable as you all have written but i believe the truth will be revealed and Boko Haram will cease to exist. Remember in every rumor or argument, there is always an atom of truth in it. God help our country Nigeria #PICCANTO#
Linda i no see my comment o!
FAni Kayode FEMI, please return to the psychiatric institution fro where you escaped to public to splash this trash. Stop disgracing the PDP. We don't welcome your I'll into our fold. You are the biggest ethnic bigot of all. Lai Mohammed is 10 times better than you.
What most people do not realize is that this FFk is a deeply disturbed and unstable character. Was he not the one threatening that he will commit suicide by the end of 2013 since we Nigerians do nor appreciate him or even recognize his worth. The man is a basket case and always looking for people to latch on to keep himself in the news because that is the only relevance he can achieve short of killing himself.
Madman Femi Fani Kayode was busy fighting a mobile phone seller on the street and even brought police to arrest the poor guy. He knows he is headed for prison. for his embezzlement and theft of public funds. He is only making all this noise because he wants PDP led govt to grant him pardon or influence his case like what they did for Mohammed Abacha or even Alams. Fani Kayode must go to jail for his acts of impunity under Obasanjo. In addition to running an elimination squad, it is even rumored that he was responsible for the death of his own brother. Was he not part of the so called APC terror until he crawled into Aso Rock at night to collect Ghana must go filled with money to make him go back and eat his own faces? The man is one confused piece of turd!!!
REMEMBER FFK DOING HIS SKELEWU DANCE IN JUBILATION WHEN IT WAS ANNOUNCED THAT PDP WAS SPLITTING INTO TWO..? What invectives did he not pour on this party? All his infamous dimwit articles abusing Jonathan and PDP are there for all to see. Now it's turn of the APC, the party he decamped to from PDP to suffer his nuisance antics. He has jumped back into PDP and his views on this party of demons as he once called them have also somersaulted. FFK needs confinement, nothing less, in a looney bin. The fool is just a washed out sore loser who is jealous of public office holders simply because he is unemployed and out in the cold politically. I bet PDP will even be ashamed of publicly associating with him.
Who is reaaaalllly the Pathological Liar and Shameless? FFK FFK FFK Confirmed!
Lol. How much dem pay you??
This FFK or whatever his name is forever trying to stay relevant. He needs to have several seats and stop embarrassing himself and his children.
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