While Rita was doing interviews and talking about how much they love each other and trying to make their long distance relationship work, Calvin was spotted out and about with different women. When the media started talking about Calvin's secret trysts, the Scottish DJ decided to come clean and let the world know he's a single man again...only he forgot to let Rita in on it.
"Rita was left embarrassed when he tweeted that it was all over. She didn't think he was going to make the announcement, so she was shocked. It was Calvin's decision to end the relationship. They had been arguing for months and had grown apart" a source told The SunSee his Tweet after the cut...
Is this a joke? How could he do that? Its disrespectful.
CoolDiva speaks!
Story! They had broken up long before the tweet. Rita is trying to make him look bad.
Ouch! Dats Embarrassing!
Eiyha RITA pele..
Eiyha RITA pele..
fucking asshole that's most men for u.... douche bag
Harris is now on d list of idiots. Dump ur girl but be human about it.
Harris is now on d list of idiots. Dump ur girl but be human about it.
ofcos she knew. she was just probably in denial....just like most girls...ouch
Uuuuuh that's low.
Dats so nt gentlemanly of him
I don't get during the interview?
Lmao.... Well he did it like a gentle man but this dude wicked shah..... I think she will go back to rob kardashian... Lmao...
The westerners and their crazy ways. Lol! Too bad.
Dumping is allowed!!!!!!!!!
#God punish Devil...
Now she knows how Rob Kardashian felt.
Hope she balloons in depression too. :p
Wat a way to end things....... social media makes tins easy nd bad for sum peeps
She's beautiful etc...saying all that after dumping her... Mtcheeeeew!
Just like that?
The lady must have ended it with him without coming out public about it....nice one man!
Karma is indeed a bitch.....now taste your own medicine
Too embarrassing
Smh.... I need you Rita, I promise i will never break your heart even if such is gona happen i wouldn't do it on social media... Pls consider my proposal 😎
He shouldn't hv dump her like dat @least he should hv let her knw.anyways dats der P NEXT LINDY
Ohh karma is a bitchy bitch..good for her..Rob should use this to loose weight
Thank you,my thoughts exactly.
some of us? linda? i dt get dt line... did u experience same?
Exactly,karma is a bitch....guess she was looking for a guy with d big D**k!!!i'm so happy she's heart broken.Rob kardashian now u can trim down easily
RIP to the guy I used to date, ours days are over...#InRita'sVoice. Sowi Doll! That's what you get when you date dickheads.
Maybe hw was acting along all the while.cud be her own pound of flesh.
Ok,breaking ma hrt is ok,cmon!2 adults cn grow apart,fyd sm1 else..yea yea..wateva!!!Bt cmn wit d patronizing lines of hw beautiful,talented or intelligent I am n hw any man wld b lucky2 hv me.Nigga,ild put a hole in ur head fr dt..DONT!!!!
Hahahahahahahahahaha what goes around come around.
Eiya,dis is wat happens when a gal loves a guy more than he does.
Very funny. . Im sure rob wil b happy. . Bt dnt lyk hw he ended d relationship
Thank you! Took that right out of my head.
Thank You! Enjoy d rest of ur nyte wit ur new girlfrnds#26247c63
@ugochysom r dat stupid or wat???? wtaf????? wat linda meant was dat we, Rita inclusive, all found out that calvin harris broke up with rita at the same time... fool. Decipher the message before u put ur hands on d keys to type rubbish.. i ust comment.. shior
I'm happy! Look at what she did to my Rob K! He hasn't recovered since then! Fuck her!!!
You surely have poor comprehension skill.. It's a simple English sentence
Hehehe.. Tit for tat. Ok nah
hahahahaha!!!!! karma right. but Linda be nice with your words now. which one is 'he was done with her' ouch!!! that's painful.
hahahahaha!!!!! Karma right. Linda be nice with your words now. which one is 'he was done with her' ouch!!! that's painful.
duming someone is better than devoice,is a mater of time she will get over it and move on with her life.
duming someone is better than devoice,is a mater of time she will get over it and move on with her life.
Well said TeeDee
As Google = ur friend
As Karma = isn't ur friend but a bitch!!!
Ritiii baby m ur medicine ain't dat tasty after all....all d same do drink up!!!
Imagine the stupidity
Ko kan aye.....
Silly immature man.
She broke up with a doting,good man(rob kardashian) for this jerk.it was after she broke with rob that he started the binge eating.
Nella,half of lindas contributors including Linda have grammar issues.
The way dis guy said it is as if its a joint dcisn... If not, dat means he is also one crazy human being
God sure knows how to let Karma deal with some people. She deserves it. Now robbie can loose some weight. The deal is done. I hate this wicked girl.
Na for that guy,just like that?that's not fair
No wonder Rob Kardashian seemed happy of recent. Lol, maybe he'll lose all that weight now.
He is jst a big idiot..lyk which normal human being in his rite senses wth do dis?only DJ calvin harris....mtcheew
He don chop finish dump her all of a sudden she no good again. There is a God o. Some ladies sha, they deserve this kind of break up.
that's cool.
~EDO BOY~Says so via WWW.Facebook.com/eddywhiz
She shld just go back to rob, who has refuse to get over her before rob blows out of propostion. But this guy no try sha
Too bad!
#Em jay#
Dis gal is jst a Beyonce wanna be.... Look at her pose exactly how beyonce poses...
Date reasonable guys, girls will refuse. He is an idiot. I hv no respect 4 him 4rm right now. Educated illiterate..----C21
If Rob truly lved her he will be far 4rm happy she was treated that way. That's what true love is bt mst pipo dnt get it----C21
Enny we all knw she means dumping is better than divorce..lol. Please pardon her maybe her keypad has issues :) ----C21
He is a DJ not a SINGER linda.. Plus he did not dump her on twitter they broke up 3 weeks before that tweet and he was only address a rumour.
He is a boy.
That's not true she knew they broke up cause she had move out a few weeks ago at his request. He probably dislike that it was said they were still together.
That's not true she knew they broke up cause she had move out a few weeks ago at his request. He probably dislike that it was said they were still together.
Disss is Gross.............Jezzzzzzz
See how loved up dey look, wen u start a relationship, it just seems like heaven! along d line katakata!!! God dey
Anon 8:40pm you must be a very senseless selfish feminine Idiot! She did something similar to Rob and you expect Rob not to be happy all in the name of Love abi? Cow!
When she did something similar to Rob you didn't come here to say that's how most women are abi?
You must be a Frustrated Idiot. Bitchy Foolish Goat!
dats d way of d world so dont blame him
Lol @ all the tools going "OMG HES A DICK"
clearly state's its a fyi for anyone wondering AND it was ended "some time ago".
She was never dumped on twitter, cos it was already ended.
Karma really is a bitch. Dun feel sorry for er afta all she told d world ow rob was unable to satisfy er on twitter... Bitch yo skanky ASS just got served .... That warri girl
that was cruel oniranu somebody. but karma they say caught up with rita. is that not how she dumped rob kardashian as well. now someone is given her the taste of her own medicine and she is angry that is a lesson learnt which is treat others the way you want to be treated next time she would learn.
Ah 0ga oo sry pls U're tackling the wrong persn o. I'm nt the girl that dumped u :D I see ur point on revenge bt as 4 idiot n senseless 0h well that dscribes u 4 typn it. Then 4 cow I'm pretty slim :D Stop the unecessary anger. While I didn't knw the full Rob. K stry. I will still say Yes, 4 L0VE's sake its psibl 2 feel sry 4 her instead ----C21
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