DB Records artist and D'banj's younger brother Kay Switch is expecting a baby with his Liberian girlfriend M
eenakshi Monica Subramani. The former mi
ss Liberia 2011, who celebrated her one year anniversary with the music star recently, is said to be about five/six months pregnant.
They are yet to announce it but well, now you all know...:-). Congrats to them.
She's so fiiiine!
Na wah oh.The trend continues.....have a baby before getting married.Anyway, congrats to them
Mehn... Kswitch the man, omo yu sabi shoot ball o.....
A child IS & will ALWAYS be a BLESSING.
Aproko linda. I won't say congrat, cos dey not legally married
Congrats to them
wats wrong with evryone? ds new trend eh...i tire...
They will make a lovely couple
Kswitch, yu really leave dbanj for back o.... Dbanj, vex abeg, go give person belle abeg.....
Iit is well
hmmmh.....our celebrities sha...
The whole length nd breadth of Nigeria, he couldn't find sme1 as ugly as her?
Hmm so that's how Kehinde(or Kenny G as he liked to be known back then in Navy Sec) will become a dad b4 Dapo...I wish him the best tho n pray he settles down sharpish!
marriage is gradually becoming less important before having a baby
Chai...linda linda true true na amebo be your second name..they are yet to announce it but you have already announced it for us..wish them the best.
Congrats soldier...pretty lady hez got dere too
Congrat mr obimo o..... U bad die.....
Congrat in advance.
Lmao another baby mama thingz...freaking losers
She Ω̴̩̩̩̥o even fine sef,, see teeth.. Mtcheeeeeeewwwww!
So this is the new trend... Rubbish!
So the new trend is to have babies before marriage. May God help our generation. This is definitely creating bad examples for the next generation to follow. Congrats to them though
Mmm... Na wa! Tired of al dis baby mama stuff
Hehehe; Fornication
Who come tell u lindodo....kai....lolz
Haaaaa..... KaySwitch mother wouldn't agree ooo.... Kasala go burst for this one... Lol, wish dem all d best
Baby mama dey reign now... Issorat... God is watching us 4rm a distance shaaaa
Fornication seems to be the order of the day now. Celebrating 1yr of consistent sex outside marriage and now the seed has geminated. What is the world turning into?
Congrats to the both of them. I pray they stay together when the baby comes
Lindodo the gossip goddess lol so b4 they evn announced it,we libers hav heard xanx lin bt I dey fear u die..as 4 K-switch ((((Liberian girl she came 2 ur lyf and she change ur world)))) in Micheal Jackson's voice
Hw do this guys do it? Spinning other african gals to be their chiq##
Big congrats to dem
Man drugs wife for marathon sex
@least she's not a light skinned gal. Kudos 2 k switch while ur broda dey play bachelor 4 lyf u dey start ur own family. dis is a boi wit wisdom unlike dbanj.
Anoda baby-mama n baby-papa on d way without a proper marriage n they are bin celebrated..God hav mercy on ur children n help us to abide in ur words
Congrats to them
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Gud 4 dem
Born baby 1st, marry later... Hell fire things
Na wa ooo.. So dey can't marry 1st before having a bby... Total Crap!!!!!! I wish them the best!
Yo welcome to the club bro!!
Congrats 2dem
Im expecting a baby too with my Girlfriend
Happy for them!
This guy funny o. E no even enter the industry reach a year and him don dey impregnate??
omg!see another set of couple caught doing it publicly.too badt........must see!
i said it...this is a new trend...all iz well. congrats
Baby outside wedlock? No congrats to them jor.
Lool....amebo news
Happy for them. Thats the Lord's doing congrats to them
Happy for them. Thats the Lord's doing congrats to them
Beta pickin......fine gal.
Congratulation kay switch and Meenakshi Monica Subramani, wishing y'all twin (1world♥)
Wat is it dese days wiv aving kids outta wedlock?it seems its nw d trend,copying oyinbo pple.dis is wrong n pple dnt feel ashamed anymre.God help us
Wat d hell is wrong wit all ds celebs? Well de r d ones giving demsefs bad names. No decency amongst dem. Can't de jst marry? Whew!!!!!!!!!!
Must they all shoot b4 they say i do? I tire o.
Congratulobia to them
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There is no better Blogger dan miss linda ikeji u so good at what you do. U a good role model. 24hours news gist an gossip
Love in de air!!!
How you take know oh linda, let them announce first na lol but wait, if its true, the guy is damn sharp, he no waste time lol
New Fashion - Baby Mama's.make una dey copy everything copyable.
Hmmmmm... So I wanna belive the title of his next single will be "Liberian girl" lol all the best to them tho,
At least the guy get liver to do wetin hin brother no dey fit do...he showed us the "Koko"
and so?wat shd i do abt ds lame news?is bein pregnant new?infertile news.all ds yoruba guys wit lame n senseless popularity.so bein preggy is now an exclusive news?i feel lik vomitin.dt aside plz i want a good make up artist for my weddin which come up on d 16 of ds month in abuja.plz anybdy who knws one shd drop his or her contact for me.tnxs.DARREL.
Baba Kay...I Hail ooo...lol
Congrats to them....
How Computers holding Edward Snowden leaked info was destroyed(Video)
luk at how d lady is even bony n dry.dts y i said dt nobdy can be lik me.i ve to do my weddin first bfre any pregnant or wateva come.is only cheap girls dt do ds nonsense.a typical yoruba girl's behaviour.he she check d gal very wel,she must be a yoruba gal.*spits*
Fine gal u look like a beta pikin e b like say u go sabi the thing fine gal.
I just had 2 comment.
9ja babes were ona dey wen liberian gal dey chance ona..preety gal tho.! Congrats to d duo..!!! 1st to drop comment popping ma ZobO
Its keemzylifals
More babies to her womb!
and so?wat shd i do abt ds lame news?is bein pregnant new?infertile news.all ds yoruba guys wit lame n senseless popularity.so bein preggy is now an exclusive news?i feel lik vomitin.dt aside plz i want a good make up artist for my weddin which come up on d 16 of ds month in abuja.plz anybdy who knws one shd drop his or her contact for me.tnxs.DARREL.
Confirmed amebo Mistress.... Kokosa Linda.... Congratulations to dem...
Its †Ñ’ξ old trend. Wats †Ñ’ξ new one???
im not surprise since its now the new trend of starting a family.more are yet to be announced.
Congrats 2 dem,
Why r our artists not getn married then making babies. Its like the tables r turned now. Hmmmm
Whch kain ofokoro mrs liberia b ds 1?she looks locol..i wonda hw she looks nw dt shes a baby mama...
Why do all these celebs prefer baby mama's to wife's. Things have really changed.
that is what we call "Lagos marriage" just put a lady u r not married to in a family way... nonsense life.... and Linda u r promoting this rubbish? if u like post my comment...
Amebo! Who send you. Lool
Next na donjazzy. Lol
Ok I wish her save delivery in jesus name amen.
Ok I wish her save delivery in jesus name amen.
Linda, when are you going to admit your relationship with Dbanj ?
NO Time for naija girls mehn. Dem don too tear eye.
first to comment 'thats whats up' well BIG CONGRATS to Kay Switch and his Liberanian Sweet Heart.
*baba ibeji and iya ibeji*
Naija celeb wit all dis their baby mama drama...like say them wan turn their kids to d likes of 'Nori' & 'blue ivy'....#naijacelebscancopy!4Hollywood
They are just following trend anyway,congrats!
I look forward to seeing a day when a 'celeb' will tie the knot with a 'less- famous' in the society. Congrats to the duo and the incoming 'baby-lee'...
Ok na
Congrats to them, Dbanj wat r u waitn for, pls quickly grab genny.
Ugrry babies on d way...
Okay nxt
I just hope diz babe is finer dan diz in person#justsaying#
good for them
Wooo she look so much like me walahi
Lol Linda,am luving your work more and more.Thanks for keeping us in the know
lately Alloy and Bonari are very consistent o. well I can see the race for this year's 100k has started. two spots have already been taken. the rest can start now, to avoid stories that touch or u'll start calling Linda "aunty" by December. Is she older than u?
Congrat to them, anoda babymama b dat
I don hear.
@linda, are u a soothsayer?or where u there wen they were togeda in bed?hw did knw d exactly month of d pregnancy?
The girl fine sha, she's just a brown shuga
With money u can get d most beautiful girl on earth,d girl is fine but a no 4 d dud.
Congrats kayswitch #bright bravo#
Congrat kswitch
how is dis news? next plz
D reigning tin now is kids b4 Marriage and una dey talk say sex b4 marriage is not allowed....hmm I pray some ladies won't die bin single.....
Congrats bro, make D'banj dey there the do 'are they' 'are they not' with Genevive
Congrats' Kayswitch but pls marry the girl ooo!
Let them be borning up and down,immorality everywhere and people are applauding it........isorait
"Liberian Girl"..in MJ's voice
congratulating fornication abi??
D'banj, what are you waiting for? Abeg pregnant Genevieve Nnaji. Lol.
Dis Darrel u funny hahahah
Na wa o,una just dey give belle lyk una no get control,its only bad tinz U celebrities copy,give belle b4 una marry,datz d latest trend,hmm,na una life abeg,e no concern mua!!!
No Celebrity has time to SURULERE for 5yrs in search of a baby after marriage, lai lai. They must TEST DRIVE b4 they buy you.. No Time oooo.. Carry Go Brov!! After this go one more round to be surer b4 the alter.. #Justsaying!!
I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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Congrats to him! *goes bk to looking for husband*
What is all these crap about making babies out of wedlock. Please think of the future of these kids. Children born out of wedlock in the dictionary term is regarded as a 'bastard'. This has a way of having psychological effect on these kids if they are not strong in character. Please do the right thing, get married and have kids.
congrats to them and good job olofofo Linda
na wa o dis mattter is really getting out of hand o, every nig artist ar having children out of wedlock o
Jide Okerayi -07035249559. He's really good.
Jide Okerayi -07035249559. He's really good.
So this two drug heads are having a baby together..
This is rubbish..so now its really a good thing bringing a baby into dis world before marriage and everyone keeps congratulating all in d name of being a celebrity ..its really sad sha..I wonder how our parents feel.
kayswitch will soon bcum kaydaddy...congrats!!!
Few say so *via B.A.G*
Sharp shooter!!!!!!!#U no dull lik ur bro wey too dey longtinz# #Gobe#
They must be married legaly to say congrat.you are really stupid, child is gift from God with or without marriage , mumu
Fucking your pussy outside marriage is legal for you abi , or this one is different ? Shut your mouth better.
Dear whites are spitting on you too and i am sure you are busy shouting equality! Your tribe is not any better, you are just a lame steewpid being now imagine me ascribing this to your teibe because you are foolish! Your husband will still fuck someone else mrs virtuous and i am sure you are a bloody sinner so hell still awaits you ... Tade
Congrats ~ chidinma
Here we go again.another bad example. Smdh. No condoms!!!!!!! Wtf is wrong w these ppl?????!!!!!
@mimi pearl, have u forgotten that Darrel doesn't want any Yoruba person involved in any aspect of her wedding whatsoever? Not even as a gate man at the venue. Lol! Her wedding that she has planned for so meticulously and shopped for all over the world? But it's all happening in her deranged mind though. So let's just play along. Lol!
Anon 9.23...u r a fucking retard sha..go and have many baby mamas without marriage and see urself going to hell...psycho...u must comment sha..go get a life jare..
Congrats to them
People celebrating children out of wedlock like there's an award for dat.
Na waa ooo! Bad market for condom.
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