Dear Mr. President,I am constrained to write this open letter to you before this season of letters comes to a close. I will go straight to the issues at stake. Let’s start with the level of toxic-ness in the air, sustained to a large extent by the attitude of your array of spokespersons, who today do little more than insult and dismiss everyone deemed to be an “enemy” of the President. Just as you have a point when you said that the easiest way to be deemed “progressive” is to abuse Jonathan, it has also become that criticising the President quickly earns one all sorts of unprintable labels from the your camp.
Everyone in your camp seems obsessed with
the fact that the world is against you. One adviser recently accused
everyone criticising you of lacking home training. Another, who made his
name writing brilliant articles that skewered the governments of the
day, recently lamented — without any sense of irony — that all Nigerian
media is in the hands of the opposition.
There’s a siege mentality at work, us
versus them. I can assure you that that is not at all a helpful attitude
to adopt. Let’s get one thing clear – if the Nigerian media seems to be
against you, it is because it has always been that way; always tending
to be deeply critical of the abuse and misuse of power. At the next
Council of State meeting, you might want to ask your predecessors about
their experiences with the media and the “opposition”.
If the media was unusually “nice” to or
tolerant of the self-styled Evil Genius, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, why did
he spend so much time proscribing media houses? If it was nice to Gen.
Sani Abacha, why was his government obsessed with hounding journalists?
If it was nice to President Olusegun Obasanjo, why did he once boast
that he never read newspapers? The late President Umaru Yar’Adua earned
himself a reputation as “Baba Go-Slow”. Remember the joke that
circulated widely a few years ago, about going into a restaurant to
order amala, shaki and ‘Yar’Adua’ (where Yar’Adua stood for ‘snail’).
My point is: I doubt that Nigerians and
their news media are singling you out for ill-treatment. It’s not about
you being a Southern President, or a Christian, or an Ijaw man, it’s far
more likely to be about the action and inaction of your government.
Mr. President, step out of the trenches.
Your battle is not against the media, or ordinary Nigerians wont to
express their frustrations and disappointments. I suspect that your
battle is instead with many of those characters who surround you,
claiming to be friends and loyalists, but who imprison you within a
dangerous Bubble and delight in misleading you for their own selfish
I have slowly come to realise how the
condition of power easily sets up the wielders of that power for
incarceration within a Bubble. It’s prison without the uniform and
without the realisation that you’re in prison.
In that Bubble, you’re cut off from
reality, and people come up to you and say all sorts of things. They
give you lists of your “friends” and “enemies”, they concoct
allegations, they worship you, they call you their Alpha and Omega, the
best thing to happen to Nigeria since 1914; they endlessly whisper
rumours and rumours of rumours. They will tell you that everyone hates
you because you’re from a minority ethnic group. They will tell you to
ignore what “all those yeye newspapers and critics” are saying.
It’s time, perhaps, for you to fight to
step out of that Bubble. Your own long walk to freedom ought to commence
now, considering that it’s almost too late.
We all know that governance is largely a
series of perception games. Thus far, your government has, like many of
the governments that preceded you, has played those games badly. When
people perceive your government as corrupt, it is because they see no
evidence otherwise. We all saw fuel subsidy payments rise four-fold
during your first year in power. No one took responsibility, no one was
When the Ikeja Police College incident
happened, it was an angry you who said the revelations were the work of
your enemies. It was, and is still, puzzling – did the opposition
somehow corner all the funds allocated to the College(s), making it
impossible for the police bosses to spend their funds responsibly? Then,
there was the aviation industry scandal – and I’ve reliably heard that
it is only a tip of the iceberg. The “Oga At The Top” is still sitting
pretty, invoking the “Law of No-Shaking”.
Meanwhile, that same government wastes no
time pushing Prof. Bart Nnaji out for “conflict of interest’; and
hounding the Central Bank of Nigeria Governor, Sanusi Lamido, on the
unproven ground that he “leaked” a letter to the President. Perhaps, you
will be able to explain to us how a Sanusi has managed to embarrass
your government to a greater extent than a Stella Oduah.
With scenarios like this, you shouldn’t be surprised that Nigerians are angry and confused.
If you stood where Nigerians stand, and
gave the affairs of your government a proper consideration, you’d
probably – hopefully – come to the same conclusion. That something is
just not right somewhere.
The tragedy is that someday, maybe in
2015, or 2019, you will step down from the Bubble. Your eyes will
“clear”, and like Obasanjo, you will become an advocate of good
governance. Perhaps, you will even write longwinded letters (or emails)
to your successor complaining about corruption and about how the
international community is deeply worried about Nigeria.
And we will be forced to remind you of
your own time in office, and wonder aloud what it is about the water in
Aso Rock that turns occupants into this strange species of Homo Sapiens.
Perhaps, you would like to backtrack a
little, to the beginnings of your Presidency. To the circumstances in
which you, an underdog of underdogs, came to power. When you were at the
mercy of the “cabal” that ran Nigeria in the absence of a then ailing
President Yar’Adua.
I, like millions of other Nigerians, was
angered by the antics of that cabal, at how you, the sitting
Vice-President, was treated. You were kept out of the loop, humiliated. I
recall joining protest marches in Lagos and Abuja, calling for an end
to the shameful state of affairs that kept you away from taking charge
of Nigeria. We didn’t do it because you were an Ijaw man, or because
your loyalists “mobilised” us to march for you. We did it because it was
the right, sensible and decent thing to do.
Recall the promise and potential with
which you came to power. A Nigerian President who came from outside the
hegemonic contraptions that have run Nigeria since independence. No one
doubts that your victory in 2011 was legitimate; those elections, while
not perfect, were the most credible we had seen in almost two decades. I
recall describing your appearance on the social media in 2010 as a
“breath of fresh air” – a mantra that eventually became one of your
campaign themes.
The question to ask yourself is: What
happened? How did we get here, where the name “Jonathan” has become a
byword for goofs and gaffes, for complete helplessness in the face of
oil theft and corruption?
In trying to answer that question (and
maybe, there are some answers above), the least we expect is that you
will try to make amends. Because that is all that will really matter, in
the long run. You will probably need to sacrifice some of those
Untouchables in your cabinet. There’s news of an impending cabinet
reshuffle. Go ahead and do it. Surprise us.
You will also need to do something about
your communications set-up. Your achievements – and they do exist (these
might form the basis of another letter) – deserve to do better than get
lost amidst the din of mindless propaganda and abusive language flowing
from your spokespersons and aides.
You would need to come and meet Nigerians
where they are – sadly trapped beneath layers angry cynicism – to
directly tell them what you’ve been doing, what you’re currently doing,
and what you plan to do in 2014. A handful of Presidential Media Chats
per year will no longer cut it; not in these dire times.
You will have to face up to the difficult
questions that Nigerians are asking, and answer them yourself. Go on
TV, get on radio, get out there on the social media. You can no longer
continue to depend solely on a battery of spokespersons speaking
dangerously off-the-cuff, hyper-excited by the sounds of their own
intemperate voices.
The siege mentality has to go. You’re not
the first, and will not be the last, Nigerian President to feel
beleaguered. It is the nature of the task. And, considering what they
receive in compensation and benefits for the job of ruling or misruling
Nigeria, our politicians should generally learn to take all the heat, or
leave the kitchen.
I have written this letter in genuine
concern. I am not currently a member of any political party, and I do
not have anything personal at stake in this brouhaha – no bids for a
marginal field or NIPP power plant or import licence that might possibly
be affected by the way things play out. I do not hate you.
I am simply an ordinary Nigerian,
concerned about the direction in which our country is headed; concerned
about seeing that Nigeria gets the highest quality of governance that is
reasonably possible, considering our very complicated circumstances.
Thank you.
So Na everybody they write open letter now! Linda dear we are still waiting for ur own open letter
Your comment will be visible approval
Thank God for a sensible, common sense, but gut wrenching letter. Better than the self-serving tripe from some quarters. I hope Oga Jonathan listens. We all fought physically, mentally and emotionally for you to get where you are. Some died! It's not too late to turn around. Our Baba God allows U-Turns!
hehehehe so this is the era of letter writing.
Thank God its still without a bomb.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Seriously!!! who started dz trend of open letters !????
Thank you Tolu! Now let me go and write my own letter
I second his observations. . .first open letter in this season of open letters i've read that doesn't have a personal bias in it. . .Have to say i laughed when i read the comment about "aso rock water". . . I think I'm gonna write an open letter to Linda Ikeji soon. . .lol. . . Come to think of it maybe Nigeria will make a public holiday of this season. . ."open letter day"
Excellent write-up from a brilliant writer. I enjoyed reading the piece and digesting the truth in it.
I need to write my own letter mehn
A letter that has never been written better. I hope action is starred by this though!!
A letter that has never been written better. I hope action is starred by this though!!
On point!!!
But as of now?
It involves every single Nigerian
Well written piece! !!! Sadly 70% of Libers will not read this but pass senseless comments.
Well the guy tried I read all the stuff he wrote although it is very long but all the same nice advice to Mr president but it is still notice me levels evry body wants to be noticed haha thank u bro
Gush.... Who's this akpamu! Presido don suffer. Ok pretty soon d ashawos... In nigeria will start writing to the president. Dis ain't at all!!!!
Someone is finally making sense. Thank you tolu.
I hope Linda posts my comment o...but this is one letter that has made sense in a while...GEJ and his crew i.e abati need to step up to thier responsibility and stop giving silly excuses!!
well written and straight to the point(s). The question is whether those same people confusing the president will allow him access to this letter. Ruling Nigeria isnt an easy affair and like the writer said, anyone who cant stand the heat should leave the kitchen.
Well written and I hope the Presidency sees it and ask the honest questionHow did we get here? So bad that it's now an exchange of words between friends and enemies of the President. Wheeeeeeeep!!
okies. i hope d president finds time to read this.
Someone is finally making sense. Thank you tolu.
Baba(obj)...ugly face.EBY
Ahn ahn, wats with all dese open letters
Hmm nice one right on point even God appreciates the power of U-turn.hope uncle Jo reads this one himself.
APC will never rule Nigeria. All these self righteous people can keep writing whatever they want. Jonathan will still be president from 2015-2019. Period.
Who wanna read dis nah..??? Preparing to write my own 50 pages open letter too ...
Not to worry o Mr. Oga open letter. Jonathan go soon invite u for Aso Rock , come give you one kain position for there, then you go tear this ya letter say na mistake or say na devil make u write am. You go turn to Mr. Reuben Abati number 2. Issok! Issorai o! But the letter nice sha!
Well written and we'll articulated.
A nice write up ! I just hope GEJ does something before it is late. He should get rid of sycophants in his government.
Some one should writ him a poem..biko..hehehehe
Finally a nigerian youth speaks up tobi am proud of you.
I only hope mr president follows your advise and comes on national tv and address this issues.
LIBers pls be sincere.... How many of you read this letter to the end before commenting???lolzzzzz
@Anonymous 6:46 pm, u are just a senseless twisted dunce without any hope of enlightenment! What's ur ground for ur "rubbish"? Olodo rabata!! #backtothematterjoor Oga GEJ if u like change, too late, APC removing u is my utmost expectation because apparently ur name should've bin CEJ "Confused Ebelle Jonathan" Mssstcheeeeww. Ur fresh air to us is confusing & torturous policies. Park well Joor!!
LIBers pls be sincere.... How many of you read this letter to the end before commenting???lolzzzzz
Its sad so many of our youths on LIB are so ignorant n will make a mockery of things so serious in this letter. Anywho, thank you, Mr Ogunlesi for this letter. Mr Reuben Abati used to be such an inspiration, but he n others like him have sold their souls. I was wrong about GEJ like av been wrong about boyfriends. I blieved in him, but he has failed Nigerians. Am a bad judge of character, can't wait for his tenure to end. What a Nightmare!!!! TM
Well written from a brilliant writer
Really, come to think of it, gej is our president.... He knew his capacity when he came into politics as a deputy governor, to assist in governing few millions of people. But in few years, he hasn't even mastered the techniques of managing the few millions,...he was made to run the affairs of over 160million!!!! Wow!!
I think the burden is just too large for him to carry.. He just can't be what we are expecting of him right now... Sorry for him, I sincerely feel for him, as he has become a laughing stock for even the toddlers...
You fall my hand Linda...
And big time for that matter...
So just anybody, I mean anybody, is worth publishing, once he writes so-called open letter to GEJ?
This is petty, Linda..
You fall my hand, abegi!
thank you very much Tolu, may God give our President the will to act and act rightly to the glory of God and benefit of nigerians
Tolu has spoken it all. lets make sure Mr. President gets this memo. Brilliant!
Excellently Wrıtten!
I hope Mr presıdent reads ıt'
Na true the man yearn, make the man sit up. May God leads Nigeria to the right path
Tolu and his sabi sabi. Pls all I ever see u do is talk and write. No action! If the presidency gives u an appointment tomorrow, u will accept without batting an eyelid. SEEN.
This is the best open letter I have read so far.
Tolu and his sabi sabi. Pls all I ever see u do is talk and write. No action! If the presidency gives u an appointment tomorrow, u will accept without batting an eyelid. SEEN.
I hope our able president reads this and have a change of mind.
Well said. I hope Mr president will take charge and discharge his duties diligently.
Me too
Most sensible of all.... Well done Tolu
Welldone Linda, Kudos to Tolu for this Letter. I hope Mr President GEJ will take to our advice and come out of his shell to speak to Nigerians himself, Be bold to take actions
Ok now!
You obviously know it wasn't coz of tribe we voted him in,so he shldnt re st on tribalism as a backup wen he is wanted out
I'm not feeling all these open letters puleaseee!!! When we go enter the Era of Bomb letters biko!?
Dts just d pblm,it's .not who mks it to the seat,it's who mks impact after sitting der,m pretty sure u r not in the north and haven't lost anyone to d insecurity so u cn shoot blanks
You can no longer continue to depend solely on
a battery of spokespersons speaking dangerously
off-the-cuff, hyper-excited by the sounds of their
own intemperate voices
Hallelujah, a journalist makes more sense Dan an ex president
Well said!!! When we fought the Cabal from ridiculing GEJ we were good pple now that we speak the truth to him we have become enemies! May God save Nigeria from all these criminals.
Excellent write up tnk Æ”☺ΰ Tolu
Soon it will turn to letter bomb.
Enough of all this insult to the president.It is now clear to me that some nigerians do not have respect to our president.so you think you are wise enough to advise him on what to do?I think you can save your wisdom for your family,cus they gonna need it.ASSHOLE
Do u ve sense @ all??? D likes of u is why nigeria will neva get beta... Sad for u
"You can no longer continue to depend solely on
a battery of spokespersons speaking dangerously
off-the-cuff, hyper-excited by the sounds of their
own intemperate voices" my best lines
Mr ogunlesi,bless you much for this.i repeat,Mr president might be a fabulous human being,we however cannot see this in his actions /inactions and by the sycophants that continuously keep him in the very misty bubble.
This letter is so objective and on point but unfortunately Libers hardly read straight news *phew* .... I can see mumu comments already. God bless Tolu Ogunlesi!
Mumu has spoken, gbam.
So unfortunate nigerians are really confused and dont know wen to voice out and dont. And for al those writting one leta or d oda, find somtin to do and stop insulting the innocent man, wen we had bad leaders we neva heard of any letters. If we need change,we need to start from ourselves bcos datz were d problem is. Its wise for us to start accepting Goodluck as our only hope.
U know sometimes I wonder if we truly deserve anything good in this country. I can't believe any sane, sensible person will find a fault in this letter when all the young man is asking for is good governance. I now believe Fela's point of view when he sang 'SUFFERING AND SMILING'.
Na wa o. Me sef go soon write my own open letter. But no one could have stated this any better than Mr. Ogunlesi. Jonathan is a wonderful human being. The entire nation agrees. We love our president. But for goodness sake, there are way too many people around him. My gosh. Unqualified, selfish nation destroying animals. I won't even refer to them as human beings. The are a shame to their generation. All the while Nigerian's and the international community have driven for power to change hands to a younger generation. These people are just giving the older generation and possibly the military reasons not to trust or invest in the youth of this country. They'll make it tough for the youth to be associated with leadership. It is painful. Disgusting. I pray God guides our president because good or bad, we supposedly elected him into office. God bless Jonathan with divine favour, wisdom, knowledge and understanding in Jesus name (Amen).
No mind them! *sipping wine from the hamper I got from the presidency @ christmas. Need I add it came with a big white envelop :p*
My own open letter to president luck jonathan.sir please due I don't like ur style of governance,but u are much beta dan those that are critising u.so sir ignore them beko.
U sound so 'un-smart', if there is a word like dat. 'As they say, but a secret in a book n d black man will never find it'. In this case, a one page letter. U idiots will always want to talk rubbish and mk stupid contributions. People r making reasonable comments n u r here exhibiting ur stupidity n imaturity. Mk e just be say u comment. Onye iberibe.
This is the only open letter I've read from start to finish since all these issues of open letter started. That's because the guy makes a whole lot of sense. Couldn't help laughing at the restaurant joke, ordering yaradua (snail). Lol! May his soul rest in peace!
One thing Nigerians don't seem to understand is that Nigerian leadership crises have gone beyond verbal and writing antics. We need to be practical and pragmatic we the masses really want to revolutionize Nigeria. The truth is that in Nigeria we don't have a system. No strong viable institutional framework. Our existing institutions are as weak & dormant as our citizens. Hence, the perfidies of our leaders. Even you, the writer I can challenge you that if you become our president tomorrow you might be worse than you think Jonathan is. Take a look at what happened during the time of Yar' dua which you mentioned. A corpse was brought back to Aso Rock to continue to rule Nigeria. This alone tells you how desperate & selfish these cabals are. What about Obj's obnoxious third term agenda which Nigerians fiercely resisted. So, it has always been the trademark of our political milieu and it will continue till we the masses decide to change it. Unfortunately, our youths are busy chasing the shadow instead of substance. Nigeria is indeed on the verge of precipice.
Tolu You have no intention but if they give u minister for information you will take hahahaha. Boko Haram will soon write their own *Rubbish!!! #attentionseekers#
Tolu You have no intention but if they give u minister for information you will take hahahaha. Boko Haram will soon write their own *Rubbish!!! #attentionseekers#
best open letter to the president so far. The writer wasnt bias, hope GEJ will get to read this personally.
On point and couldn't have been better written. However, most readers are mentally lazy. They prefer sensational and immodest news: women and men nude pictures, news of men messing up with women, Maheeda showing her nakedness, etc.
Oba bu so njo. Baba Obj
Annon 8:30PM I need a 'like' button for your response to dumb walata!
Don't bother urself Tolu, he won't read it, dem media advicers won't let him see it. I fink he knws d truth himself, jst too weak to do anytin! Not evryone is "president material". Def not GEJ. He has an inferiority complex, that is blinding him from taking bold steps! I jst tire, splendourdudie
I didn't read the sabi sabi letter. Mtcheeeew.
Nyc letter....well said bt u no dey fear for ur life sha cos dis naija u talk anyhw u c anyhw.....dey say freedom of speech bt all na wash!!!!
Within his right, polite and well articulated (though me thinks Abati writes better). Linda please remind us again that this medium is objective by running the breaking news; another commissioner flees Gov Ameachi, the second within a week.
Absolutely articulate & brilliant letter. Our president has totally failed our nation.
Hahaha@open letter.
Everybody sha wants to be relevant #ToluPlsTakeAbackSeat. Mtweeeeew if they give him one appointment now he will sing a new song #Hiss.
Most sensible and brilliant open letter I have read
U people shld leave presido along, if na una papa they that sat u people will support him, haba he is there and there is nothing anybody can do about it, let show him some love and support and pray God give him wisdon to run rule. I dnt think anybody talk can do any better if you r in his shoe. Lind, pls post my comment ooooh
You are good MARKETER. You just came to sell ur tarlent for an appointment abi. Just go straight to the point. Seeking for fame. We all know.
Don't worry! Jonah will soon come knocking at your door with a special adviser job since you seem to have some answers.
Season of open letters
Gwam okwu Gwam okwu ka mu nuooo. GEJ this the only man that loves..a word enough for wise. Do blame any body for your performance Good or Bad. KPI will speak.
@ Anon 6:41 ;I quite agree with you.This is the most constructive letter to have been written in this 'season of letters'.The writer critically addressed all the problems affecting the common Nigerian.I pray that GEJ gets to read the letter.
Brilliant. Hopefully the President will get to read and understand that the writer is not insulting him or inviting insults but making a plea for him to save his presidency.
Read it in the punch. Excellent write up.
Dumb ass.We dey discuss important thing,and you dey talk of letter bomb Go join Boko Haram.
Well written, well informed and carries the thoughts of millions of well meaning Nigerians. But I swear if I read one more open letter, I might just have to burst a cap up a person's a**.
most libers are dull
If the piece was about some silly gossip, it would cause a stir and equally silly comments would follow predictably. I stand to be corrected but the comments of most of the people who chose to comment on this forum brings their level of intelligence into question. About the wonderful and though provoking piece by Tolu, it's totally unbiased and I hope the man to whom the letter is addressed gets to read it! @Linda - Thanks for sharing!
Wow, if OBJ who had ruled this country twice and led us in this hades will Criticized GJ. Just imagine an expert like Sanusi lamido who is now confused, if He were not in the government what He would have written to the the president. Please Mr. president, if Talking is Doing, I beg u to invite these journalists. They make too much noise, claiming not to belong to any political party, but we know their sponsored. Give them responsibilities let us see their Shits. Anyway, noise making is their food if they keep quiet they all die. You mentioned presidents you have suck their blood with your mouth, you have killed some and you are happy mentioning them by Names. Looking for
Chip popularities.
Thats my boy!, i taught him everything he knows.
Very good piece Tolu.
Same here dear, I just weep for GEJ.
A word they say is enough for d wise. Can't wait for 2015 lemme watch film
This ugly mudfucker has nothing to say.
Once I saw Stella Odua,I knew he was stupid.
"Dear Mr. President,
I am constrained to write this open letter to you before this season of letters comes to a close. I will go straight to the issues at stake. Let’s start with the level of toxic-ness in the air, sustained to a large extent by the attitude of your array of spokespersons, who today do little more than insult and dismiss everyone deemed to be an “enemy” of the President. Just as you have a point when you said that the easiest way to be deemed “progressive” is to abuse Jonathan, it has also become that criticising the President quickly earns one all sorts of unprintable labels from the your camp."
a letter supposedly coming from a sincere heart and meant to call the President's attention to some salient matters shouldn't start on this tone and note. It shows sauciness and concealed hate....
what is "underdog of underdogs?"....
Kk I don tlk am dis year na 4 open letters mi sef wan write ma own
I have to write Mine too...Tolu Ogunlesi , you can't get the attention you seek....This era of writting na wa oh.....
Thumbs up Tolu, brilliant piece
Funny how someone sed linda posts just anything from anybody.google urself and google tolu ogunlesi. Lets see if uve accomplished as much as he has.
Amen May yaradua soul rest in peace amen, do u pple remember during yaradua regime governor oshomole got his mandate, nd dis is d first letter I hv read frm starting 2 d end I nw breath dawn after reading it I reeling support his letter nd his observation was clear mostly his advisers we don't care welder u re ijaw man or nt do u no u can make a different as an ijaw man within 2 years nd nigerians as a whole we be remembering u talking gud abt u, just as mandela re 2day all d whole word re still talking abt him till 2 morrow, GEJ reeling failed us is gud 2 say d truth
OBJ you see wat you cause,I will soon write my own bt mine will go to APC cos al dis is all about them.
-Linda make you swallow my comment-
OBJ you see wat you cause,I will soon write my own bt mine will go to APC cos al dis is all about them.
-Linda make you swallow my comment-
Nyc letter....well said bt u no dey fear for ur life sha cos dis naija u talk anyhw u c anyhw.....dey say freedom of speech bt all na wash!!
Like his re-election depend on your opinion and decision. It goes to the polls and its about the people's mandate. See jonathan could remain till kingdom come so long the country gets better than what we currently see. Nigeria is by all standards a shop wreck under this dispensation.... BO
WELL COMPOSED! Yoruba's adage says "Abo oro lanso fun omo luabi to ba de inun e a di odindi." Which simply means "you only give a well behave child a clues then use his senses to solve the rest". #itrysmallshey?
You are such a dunce and might need to use google to find out who the writer is and the prelude before this response and recent encounters with ASO rock. "Linda fall your hand" cos its not the usual downtrodden stuff published for your sexual pleasure.
anony 9.46 firstly writing in capital is rude and unacceptable in netiquette it's like shouting.From your comments we know you an ignoramus probably a houseboy using the computer when OGA is at work.Ewu.He goat.
@simplycock, you're about as daft as your name sounds. IT might help for you to google the name "Tolu Ogunlesi" before assuming that he is just anybody
Now, dats a letter!!!!!!!!
If dis dosnt move him, notin else will
Tolu you are a fry by dabbling into this murky waters of letter writing. Your stupid and tribalistic analysis will not earn you any appointment from the presidency mark it. You even look hungry anyway. Go and tell your sender (APC) to find you appointment. When your Yoruba man was there what did he achieve than bullying people all over the place. Idiot
The long and short of this treatise is that there is a lot of poverty and unemployment in the land. According to Chief Mike Ozekhome (SAN), Youth Unemployment is the father of Boko Haram, Militancy,Kidnapping and Robbery
Beautifully written piece... Shares my same sentiments. All una wey dey critisize a critic should go to hell. Everybody has a right to air their opinions.
Senseless prick! Future of a nation indeed! Nothing but sweat from a baboon's balls!!!
Sabi sabi letter? Hmmm, nigerian youth! SMH... Soooooo saaaaad. We r a reflection of the kind of "RULERS"(not leaders) we have
Why are. U such an ignorant cow? Do u knw wat a "public office" means? "If u can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Another senseless comment! Isn't his spokes peeps disrespectful too? U need to sit at his feet and learn wisdom, cos u need an overdose of it! "So you think you are wise enough to advise him on what to do?" So lame its amazing
Another foolish nigerian, they come in a pack! Innocent man indeed! Seriously??!
Lol, the expression on the president's face says, "Not again". Sigh.
Linda, this is a good writer, but you don't suggest president should go on social media and answer question....... but good you can point out, the president aides are pulling him down.
Lol, the expression on the president's face says "Not again". Sigh.
Great comment! "All the while Nigerian's and the international community have driven for power to change hands to a younger generation." If u go thru the commet thread, u will agree with me that we have lots of bored senseless "younger generation" that will run this country to d ground if given the opportunity. Bunch of youths that thinks everything is a joke! So out of touch with reality! Gowon, ojukwu, murtala, T.Y danjuma etc guess wat these guys had in common? "Young bloods"! Yes they made impact as young men. Here we are laughing abt "open letter"
See ur english? Yet u can't see anything wrong with our nation? Well,let's blame it on the strike. Dust ur books an go back to school. It is well with our nation and Her "future leaders". Amen
Another unfortunate future of nigeria! Wat a stupid comment!
...And an idiot comments...
Respect?? Where did ur come from? Libya got tired of "respect"! If u want respect stay outta public office! Ignorant nigerian. Abi na d cnn award be ur problem? That dude earned it!
And there goes another idiot
I swear!!
Another dull one! Smh
All of u condemning this guy are the problems Nigeria has to face as a country. I have never seen or heard of this guy before this letter, and I must admit that he speaks not only for himself but for me too, and ai guess for a bunch of others. Rather than to encourage or applaud his bravery, you say he's an attention seeker? What exactly do u guys want? U dont want to arise to start to make the difference, yet u condemn those who are intelligent and brave enough to speak, whilst cowardice eats u all up.? You comment under anonymous frivolously without any iota of decency. You make me sick, all of u who condemn the writer. Am outta here
Anon 8:04 u are a fool. Did u read the letter at all? Empty fucking barrel. Get the hell outta here with ur low level of IQ. Olodoooo
You raised some salient good points but Why call your president UNDERDOGS OF UNDERDOGS? -no respect and puts you in same shoes with his media assistants ( a kettle calling pot black)
This write up sounds cool but my worry is that all these journalists are alike. If Tolu is given same portfolio his style of writing will be same. Nigerians should learn to respect thier president
Anon 10:31 u are d one who actually have nothing to say. If u were not clouded with some kinda daft mentality, u'd realise that as much as nobody really hates GEJ, u can't help but see that what Tolu is saying is the truth. But ppl like u tend to pretend for some reason that everything is alright with Nigeria. Tell urself d bloody truth jorr. Let's hear word.
Like seriously, listen to urself. Ppl will respect a president who does what he's meant to do and not someone who covers up a whole lot of wrong doings in his cabinet. Nobody hates d president, everyone wants him to open his eyes and see what is happening in our country that his aides r preventing him from seeing. And who better to tell him than the masses who r d ones bearing dis pain. Look around u. Can u sincerely say everything is as should be??
Pls STFU. Mtchewwwww
This is a very inappropriate and malicious comment. You need to change your orientation.
This one na professional amebo she sabi, her brain never reach d@ levell
And for everyone critIcizing Tolu, really, did you read this letter? If you did not, take a seat yourself. This is te best letter to President Jonathan. Truthful, without bias, and without hate. #SpeakTheTruth
I love this piece. I hope the President gets to read this. Obasanjo would be best served reading this piece as well.
Tolu is not just anybody, he is a Nigerian. I think that gives him the right to endeavour to write to his leader. This is Linda's blog and she can put anything she likes on it. After all, a lot of irrelevant posts in my opinion have previously been put up.
Yes, Jonathan is a public figure and anyone can have a go. He should leave the kitchen if the heat is too much for him.
Regarding saving the wisdom for his family, I think you need it more. His write up is a proof that they have enough to share.
May Jonathan be your only hope.
Tolu already has the attention. If you don't know him, fine. If offered a job like that, I am 100% confident he will do a good job. Not every Nigerian is corrupt.
This guy lacks home training. Go to North Korea and writes to Kim jnr. We will clap for you.
Nigerians please this is unbecoming.President Good luck may not be the leader we expected him to be but please accord the man some respect.He is still a human being like everyone of us and deserves to be respected no matter what.
So ex-president Obasanjo wrote a letter to Pres.Good luck ,so what?Does that mean every other person should follow suit?Now this mosquito too now thinks he needs to be heard.
We are the reason our president is being ridiculed by people from all other parts of the world.Its time we start according him some respect.#RespectJonathan#
Evn if he gets thr and performs terrbily nko? Does dat detract frm the facts staring us flush in d face???? That u folks cn type these thngs simply describes hw empty u r. Its disgustn
Before the season of open letters come to a close?the content of ur letter is good but why at this open letter season?we nigerians are now advising our own president on how to lead us.an overfeeded bird is calling out his god on a wrestling contest.constant prayers to this our dear country is the best anyone can do,but if you can't do that,then SHUT UP
Nice 1 Tolu.oya, over to mumu foolish ugly abati.we are waiting.
That's thesame question I asked myself.. This is the best open-letter have seen so far. It couldn't have been better..I really hope it gets 2 the President.
There's freedom of speech, but freedom after speech is not guaranteed. Easy Tolu.
Linda get ready to receive my love letter to you because it is time
@anon 12.26..I mst say dis..u're abt d most idiotic fellow on LIB...I wonder if u read d letter at all...he only called out d president †̥♥ leave his hollow chamber n address d issues on ground n nt sending his dunce aides who only speaks †̥♥ protect their selfish interest...he never insulted d president nor his tribe.....Nigeria has no future with hopeless idiots like u....
I pity u,bcos if gej isnt gud enuf.den we deserve notin beta
Go mak money and stop all dis bullshit
Brilliant write-up , just wondering if many of us can read and digest other issues apart from entertainment gists. The future is here, youths let's take charge.
Nicely written, Sure I do not start a note and dont end up reading it completely. Just that my fear is, Jonathan will invite this gentleman and make him an Aide and He will end up like the rest.
baseless and uncalled for missive. The Job of the President is not a 3 Bedroom Flat Leadership thing. First of all you underrated the Size of Nigeria and the Population of the People there in. I 'll advise you to may be re-address this missive to a Bank Manager or a Secondary School Principal. You are by far ignorant of the ethics and norms of Governance.
Tolu Ogunlesi did not convey any message in his write-up. I just wasted 10 Minutes of my God's given 24 Hours today to read this baseless and uncalled for missive. The Job of the President is not a 3 Bedroom Flat Leadership thing. First of all you underrated the Size of Nigeria and the Population of the People there in. I 'll advise you to may be re-address this missive to a Bank Manager or a Secondary School Principal. You are by far ignorant of the ethics and norms of Governance.
Dear Tolu,
I am sure your Land Lord just deceived you. If truth be told, your letter should not have scaled through this blog. I enjoy reading this blog because of it's intellectual and well articulated messages. i don't believe we are in perilous times to warrant nonsensical letters
Dear Tolu,
I am sure your Land Lord just deceived you. If truth be told, your letter should not have scaled through this blog. I enjoy reading this blog because of it's intellectual and well articulated messages. i don't believe we are in perilous times to warrant nonsensical letters
Tolu well written to the point. our President needs to rise up and take a bold step. l lost faith in him after his presidential pardon to a know creminal
By Next week Saturday my open letter to Mr President must hav bn out...
That very anonymous replying almost every comments here, with "dunce, another dull one, olodo etc. I just pity you, you are so pained. Chill please! Carryin 9ja matter 4 head will only frustrate you the more.
It is obvious that no positive oriented person is interested in the current government of this country. Nothing has changed. We really need a leader with the passion of moving d country forward.
The problem with this Government is they cannot take simple criticisms. Any criticisms of their Government is regarded as politicts. Take for exmaple the case of Sanusi Lamido, why cant the president focus on the message rather than crucifying the messenger. I voted for president Goodluck Jonathan and it was my first time ever voting in this country because I sincerely believed that he would make a difference. However, I am very much displeased with his administration and the fraudeulent cases that had arisen, with no evidence of any solution proferred or sanctions or punishment melted out to the offenders.
Of all the open letters, this one takes the crown. Lets hope that when Jonathan begins to write his own open letters after he is no longer president, Linda will provide a copy of this letter to him.
Abeg..all this write write from pple who claim to know it all,where were they these past 40-50 years of foundation laying of the present day nigeria...while their fathers loot the treasury to train you their children abroad,there were no letters,.."Nigeria was peaceful"..now power appeared to have shifted..all manner of letters crop up...you better prepare to write more letters or you request to secede because all other tribes will have a taste of power...i say so
A trillion open letters will not nearly make an impact on the governance in Nigeria. These men in power will not easily give it up or change from their selfish acts ..
Brilliant write I must admit ..but we need a revolution in this country political or civil. Lives will be lost agreed but that's probably the only way to put this wreck Nigeria in the right path ..
It's a shameful thing that our president is an Educated Illiterate.
It's a shameful thing that our president is an Educated Illiterate.
I read some comments here and I wept. I shed tears for my country. How can we move forward when the people are so complacent, ignorant and filled with hate and tribal sentiment. How???
Ps. I enjoyed Tolu's letter. I fear though that his message has gone over the heads of most people because of the aforementioned flaws
Its sad though, sometimes I read comments from LIBers and I shudder. Some people are educated but not learned......how can anyone in his or her right mind, or possessing any little amount of intelligence read this letter and ridicule the writer or the blogger?
With that kind of mindset, I fear the kind of children such people will raise and the type of orientation and character they will instill in such children. NO HOPE!!!
Good one Tolu, Linda God make you bigger, ignore nitwits, they always abound aplenty!
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