The World Footballer of the Year event will hold tonight and the three nominees have arrived Zurich, Switzerland for the event. Ronaldo and Messi pictured above at the press conference in Zurich this afternoon. See the eye from He's like 'You ain't taking my award this year, mehn'.
Majority of football supporters think Ronaldo should win...who do you think deserves to win it this year? See more photos after the cut...
Messi is still the # Best so far.....,but let #Ronaldo have it.He has worked so hard so far.....!
Apparently the leak is that Ronaldo wins it.
Achievemnt wise,gv it 2 ribery,bt individual skils n talent,cr7 hs it.I tink is going 2 b cr7
This photograhper is a Mufo!love d captions die!
Ronaldo all the way, If Fifa don"t give it to him then I know they jst don't like Ronaldo..
<3D printing Machine that can build a house in 24 hours
C Ronaldo all the way!!!!
RONALDO (Portugal/ Real Madrid)
Goals: 69
Assist: 16
Laurel: 0
MESSI; (Argentina/ Barcelona)
Goals: 45
Assist: 14
Laurel: 1
RIBERY; (France/ Bayern Munich
Goals: 23
Assist: 22
Laurel: 5
Note: Ballon D'or is an award for most outstanding individual player for 2013.
Hala Madrid
Let Ronaldo win we can rest.
I'ld be happier if Messi wins tho'.
Ronaldo all d way
as much as i'l love to see sum1 else win ds,i fink it wil be given to ronaldo....sentiments aside
LM-10....the most complete soccer star ever liveth. I give it 2 him.
Go C.Ronalodo. It's ur time!
I pray Ronald wins oooo
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No PDP'in the awards this year. Ronaldo or this sux
see dat cristiano ronaldo look on messi like "wetin dis mumu dey talk"
oh Gawwwd of Messi.
Achievements over sentiments,Messi over Ronaldo.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Let them just pity ronaldo this time around,we know hε È‹̝̊̅§ arrogant or else ronaldo might do something but i think they should give ronaldo this time around.
Congrat in advance to de winner......
Cristiano 4 world best!
Cristiano 4 world best!
Na my messi now but they can also give it to ribery cos ribery don try sha
If Ronaldo doesn't win then we'll all know that football politics is stupid. He had a better personal year than both Messi and Ribery.
Lmao !!!dat 1st pic hav alot of story in it !!!
It has to be Cristiano Ronaldo..
Who deserves it should win can say but I like Messi &Ronaldo.
Messi should win
I'm also there already na... why am I not mentioned? Linda, ojoro l'eleyii ooo.. Doctor Gaga, Ronaldo, Messi, Ribery arrive Zurich for Ballon D'or Gala
Nice :)
Nice :)
What a pity Messi ad injury.Lionnel Messi d best player ever.
No other than Christino Ronaldo, CR7 all d way.
No other than Christino Ronaldo, CR7 all d way.
C.Ronaldo all the way.........
ronaldo all the way
lol @ dt ribery pix staring at d trophy like a kid in a candy store
CR7 all de way.........blatter ur fada if u no give am to CR7
CR7 doesn't deserve Ballon d'or..Ballon d'or deservers Ronaldo!. I pray he wins it *mindless behaviour*
Linda, U didnt get the news and videos about the protest in Eleme/Akpajo dis morning by irate youths in support of Magnus Abe, try check am ooo, i run enter Winners Church for safety oooo, cars were destroyed, men and women were robbed. get the jist oooo
Abii ooo mk we fit rest
CR7 all de way........Blatter ur fada if u no give am to CR7
CR7 all de way.........blatter ur fada if u no give am to CR7
Lol..pıpz b feelıng 4 ronaldo..bona aff say ıt all jawe'..y'oll quıt beıng sentımental!,Messı deserves ıt!..Dassol!
Linda where did you get the pictures from?? Abi nah you snap am???
Ronaldo all d way
Linda why dis photograph?+
Messi all the Way....
Cr7 all the way cause he deserve to win
#team CR#
Linda please post my comment
Messi deserves it. .buh dey shud qivit 2 Ribery anywayz.
You are indeed biased and stupid
I want Messi †✆ win †Ñ’ξ award
CR7 all the way!
My C will win
I think Jay Jay Okocha deserves it considering d fact dat he is a chelsea player,and Kanu dosnt deserve it coz he soo obsessesd wit his heart foundation..frm montelle
May d best man wins
Any one that wins is ok by ME.
It has been confirmed Ronaldo wins the ll be presented to him tonight
I don't care what ya'll write what I know is ronaldo deserve it #bright bravo#
Ronaldo all the way check here
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Ure right,mst cmplete soccer star
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MESSI
Linda christiano Ronaldo has won it check it out
Ronaldo deserves it this time bcuz messi had injury throughout last year and didn't perform much the few times he played.
This bonario no jst gt sense @all
This bonario no jst gt sense @all, na today u knw him nii?
Wetin dis tng dey talk? No wonder dem dey insult we yorubas, wen una no go dey use ur common sense talk
Ronaldo took it
Lindamu, I bet you haven't stepped out today, u've been paying rapt attention 2ur blog...hehehe#SeriousMoneyMustBeMadeThisYear! I get ur drift.
The eyes be like: 'n*gga I will knock you up side your head if you win this year. It's mine b*txh!'
Ronaldo all d way
Good predictor for you Robert Mokobia.
Nairaland say so via Nigeria hot celebrity news
People see open OGORO now dem no fit talk, voting date was extend to favour ronaldo knowing very well MESSI was injured and wasn't playing, trophyless season, una eyes blind to see but MESSI scored 91 goals and at least with a trophy and several records broken yet to you bitter souls it was OGORO. GOD punish all of you people in everyway including you, ASHAWO linda. As for ronaldo, he shd say a BIG thanks to MESSI's injury. Once again GOD punish you people for forgeting that he didn't win a teaspoon, if na MESSI that wud be chorus. E no ko better for all of una plus you linda!
They know they musn't take the piss this year .They know! I don't think Ronaldo will even think he will win it cos he be like say Ojoro don dey dey....
Congrats 2 d winners.
Congrats 2 all d winners....
Anonymous 10:35 you are so sick up stairs to be using this type of words in public and abusing people in public, and linda you don profread comment before you post it, if not this stupid man's comment wouldn't have gotten here, I feel his so sick up there. SANDY BERRY SAYS SO
If not for InjurY people for CrY.. MesSiless MessI still remains the Best player In the PlaneT..!!!
Dat pic actually sed..."my frnd shut up joor,u neva win am reach" (•_•)
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