Dear LIB readers: My brother is still friends with my ex, is it right? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Dear LIB readers: My brother is still friends with my ex, is it right?

From a female LIB reader
I dated one of my brother's best friends for a year and two months and broke up with him just last November. My ex has moved on and so have I but what pisses me off right now is that my brother is still friends with this dude. I'm angry at that because our relationship ended because his friend cheated on me with someone in our inner circle. I expected my brother to at least have my back and be on my side on this one but he's still hanging out with my ex and even going out with him and his new girlfriend (not the girl he cheated on me with). I confronted him some days ago and he said what we had was between us and he never got involved and their friendship is between them and I shouldn't get involved. I'm currently not on speaking terms with my brother because I feel betrayed by him. I was hurt by his friend and he would continue to be friends with him? Where's the loyalty? I've cut him out of my life until he cuts his friend out of his life. My brother is wrong for still being friends with a man that hurt his baby sister, is he not?


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Unknown said...

He is dear but remember Men will always be men. Though its not really normal knowing how men tend to fight anybody that messes with their sis.

AnnMarie said...

Well his friend cheated on u not him, his friend has not hurt him and trust me ur brother doesnt understand exactly how bad u were hurt. If we kip people out of our lives over their flaws and mistakes we would all be lonely. Get over it

Anonymous said...

I'm very certain your brother was against the relationship when it started but you ignored him and still went ahead with it. Why are you crying wolf where there's none?

Unknown said...

My dear u don't have to act that way... Its none of ur brother's business, u said they are best of friends... So u don't expect them to to separate coz of that... Thank God he has moved on and u too... So settle things with ur brother and forget the past!

Anonymous said...

You are a went ahead with the relationship knowing fully that he's friends with your brother,how exactly do you want him to unfriend him now?

Anonymous said...

In the first place you shouldn't have dated ur brother's bestfriend. So don't put the blame on ur bro for he's not d reason why u brokeup wit ur ex.

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Lol u dis grl u funny oooO nd yes ur bro is rite he neva got involved so dnt get mad 4 no cus,cos mayb he warn u abt it nd u rfuse 2 listen 2 him so wat do u xpect nd bsde u cutin ur bro @ of ur lyf is realy crazy.I advice u get off d@ creazy high horse of urs nd tlk 2 ur bro

Anonymous said...

Babes pls grow up! D world doesn't revolve around your feet.

Anonymous said...

Try n ignore deir frndshp n move on wit ur life.....dont try to spoil d frndshp btwn him n ur bro....

OMG!WOMAN said...

Lol are they meant to be enemies? Did your ex kill someone in your family? Lmao, you're just being childish, seems you don't understand life, the things people have to live with and make it through each day, you should have known what's at stake when u fell for him, don't put pressure on your brother, its wrong for you to, you could hv just told him playfully;mehn I hate seeing you two together, instead of saying cut from him, u don't have that right, and boys are boys, they rarely beef like us.

jbankzE said...

Ur a foolish gal fr datin ur brodaz frd.....abeg go stay fr corner jare

zheenie said...

i don't think ders anything wrong in him being friends with ur brother, as ur brother said,ur relationship with him is different from der friendship. secondly guyz do not behave or think like ladies do; so girl u gat to accept it d way it is n if u truly have moved on, this shouldn't affect you in anyway.

Anonymous said...

He is a man please, not a woman. Get over it already

Unknown said...

So because of you he should be @ war with him?? Move on ma dear... #Life na Sence ooooo.

¤¤MR Comment Waiting For Approval¤¤

Anonymous said...

move on jare. Your bro was friends with him before you guys started dating. I agree with him, what you guys had was between you and should stay that way. MOVE ON

Livvsreamblog said...

I dont see anything wrong with this,it better u move on

AMY said...

Uv got a very shallow thinkin babes! U think guys are like ladies ba? Biko leave ur brother out of it. He didn't match-make u people did he? Guys hardly keep malice. I thnk ure jst being jealous cuz ur ex has moved on. Move on too.

Phaeton Phoenix said...

How ridiculously petty and narrow minded of you!

To cut your brother out of your life because you expect some self-made up "loyalty" from him? Do you want him to be alone without friends?

At least he was mature enough to tell you straight up he did not meddle with your relationship when you were dating his friend so now do not meddle with his friendship.

If tomorrow you get married, who will you show more loyalty to, your husband or your brother? Will you leave your husband for your brother? Are you still a child?

The whole world must revolve around you if not it fails to exist. Women!

Anonymous said...

Seriously. Had d same problem,men shuld respect and protect family.if is a woman,she will be on d brothers side,but some men don't bloody first,if someone humilates ur 6ter back off frm him.

BR64 said...

I don't see anything wrong with that, my own bro is still friends with my ex and it's cool

Anonymous said...

Puhleeeeez YOU dated HIS friend. They had a relationship before you chose to be with him. Almost all guys have cheated/will cheat at some point in their lives(your brother inclusive).not excusing it though, but making you understand that your brother wont deem it such a big deal to the point of ending their friendship. At the time he cheated yes but now you're both good so perk up love. Let him see how happy you are now sans him.


*yawn* am sure u were singing Irreplacable by Beyounce when u both broke up,u ought to have gotten over u cut ur brother outta your life coz of an ex. ara na apu gi.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

bimpe said...

you sound like you are dealing with the hurt, maybe you need to try getting rid of it first hunny. and u mentioned that he was ur brothers bestfriend before you dated him, shouldnt u think ur bro should be upset u dated his bff, but he chose not to be and you should not be upset either.

Anonymous said...

What u dint was weda u sought ur brother's consent,knwin hw close dey r, b4 embarkin on ur voyage?if u had I'm sure he wld v done evrytin within his power 2 stop it,n he wld v advised u beta. But it was stil Stupid of u 2 date ur brother's best friend,

dhobiz said...

Sis plz wake up,its called the guys code why would he wanna pick fight with someone who has done nothing to sound like a teenager

Anonymous said...

Who sent you to date your brother's friend? You didn't think about what might happen before dating him?

Ms_oyink said...

dear,u cant expect them to stop being friends bcos of u o.4get it.wat u had wt him is different from what your bro has with him

Ms_oyink said...

dear,u cant expect them to stop being friends bcos of u o.4get it.wat u had wt him is different from what your bro has with him

Anonymous said...

The mistake u made at first was 2 date ur brothers friends. Just let them be and move on with your life, I guess u have not actually moved on, they are guys, and even your brother must have done the same to some chicks.

segx said...

first to you comment..nah nah...dunno wat ur angry abt...oya linda post my comment

obi said...

you shouldnt have dated his friend knowing to well that such a thing can come up.i will do same cos u disrespect me by dating my friend.

jenny said...

Baby sister indeed,he is a guy and guys hardly quarrel over issues like let ur brother be pls,u entered d relationship alone not with ur brother so u have to come out of it alone too!my opinion thou

Bonita Bislam said...

Silly questn.B4 u came he ws there,nd he'll b there long afta u'r gone!so chill u cnt btw ur bro n hs frnd

Anonymous said...

Seriously. Had d same problem,men shuld respect and protect family.if is a woman,she will be on d brothers side,but some men don't bloody first,if someone humilates ur 6ter back off frm him.


U've already made ur decision, xo why u asking again?. My frnd stay out of ur brodas business. U even dumb 2 be dating ur brodas best frnd, cos he more or less like family.

Debbie Chelsea said...

Dat is why is not advisable 2 date ur bros friend!!!!!!,my dear settle with ur bro,he cnt end his r/ship with his friend all b'cos u dated him! Mind u dey were friends b4 u started going out with his friend.....

Anonymous said...

Nope he is nt. His stand is d true position. Do nt b blinded by ur emotions. Remember dey wr friends bfor he became ur boyfriend..

Anonymous said...

Don't allow ur past to control u.

Unknown said...

mtshewwww guys dnt care....they have dis brother loyalty among dia selves dey cnt brk..geez if u av moved on u wudnt care

Anonymous said...

You are not serious.....was brother there when u accepted to date his best friend? Did you ask for his consent??? Ewu Gambia ga nuru odu biko!!!

Anonymous said...

Thats why they are guys, he prolly harassed him about it initially but they were friends before you now, It can just end. Better dont be hurt and keep speaking to ur brother

Anonymous said...

Boys don't act like girls my dear. Beta reconcile wif ur broda n erase it frm ur mind dat ur broda will stop talkn to ur ex. Dats impossible. Don't bring ur past into their friendship

Anonymous said...

Nope he is nt

Unknown said...

Foolish girl.

lindy said...

Young lady, guys dnt reason d same way ladies do. As u said, he n d guys r best of frnds, besides, ure probably nt so close wif ur bro, so y wld he leave his best frnd 4 u.

Anonymous said...

Don't allow ur past 2 control u.

busybee said...

well. that is the difference between men and women. if the situation were reversed, u would be going up and down causing drama for the ex-gf but here is ur brother, not too big to have a drink and hangout with someone he's acquainted with. DEAL WITH IT!

Unknown said...

Your broda is rite; wat happen was btw you n your ex it has not in to do with your broda

sewababy said...

Lol u are d 1 wrong for not speaking to your brother, guys we always be friends no matter what, I also dated my bro friend for 3yrs we broke up he broke my hearts because his my first love but I moved on and all of us are still friends.

Anonymous said...

Watin concern your brother with u and your relationship? U did not respect him by dating his friend so why should u expect him to cut off his own friend? Any way men are like dat,they does not keep malice.

Anonymous said...

Omg this happened to me also

Anonymous said...

Personally I tried to avoid dating my sibling's friends. Too much emotions runs high if the relationship does not work out. You should not let this affect your relationship with your brother. He has a point.

Anonymous said...

Babe get a life, u say wht? Are u suppose to date ur brother friend in d 1st place? He has no reason y he should stop bein d guy friend anywhr my girl na u f...k up wht were u thinkin dat he will marry u? Lol funny u. U better move on ur brother can never stop bein dat guy friend, becos d guy no offend am O hisssssss

Benjamin said...


Anonymous said...

Dahz female mentality not guyz...n U̶̲̥̅̊ strtd d wrong by goin ahead 2 date Ūя̲̅ brother's friend in d first place...or dint u tink it ws weird 4 hm dat his friend ws f*uckin hs baby's sis

Anonymous said...

no he's not.

you had no business dating his besto. we really need to manage our expectations of people. men do not process stuff like women.


Unknown said...

Boys will always be boys #sighs# keep calm sister

Gaia said...

They were friends before you; don't think its fair to think they will not be just because you broke up. Here is the thing,they guy betrayed you not your brother and personally I think guys are much simpler than us in terms of friendship and stuff.

Unknown said...

Boys will always be boys #sighs# keep calm sister

Unknown said...

I think ur self full... U careless abt ur brodaz own happiness... #sowrong

Anonymous said...

Never date your sibling's friends or ur friend's sibling. it rarely ends well.

Anonymous said...

na small pickin the worry you..grow up...

Anonymous said...

Apparently d two of u aint close. 1st ur broda shld not be dat close wit ur ex. 2ndly,men don't hold grudges like we do. 3rdly not speakin wit ur broda coz of sum guy u v moved on from is just plain stupid. Just sayin...D Curious1

Anonymous said...

Dat is not enough reason fr ur Broda to have issues wd his friend,just forget about him and move on wt not d end of d road fr u

Anonymous said...

You dated his best friend, your brother did not,He loved you in a romantic way, he likes your brother in a friendly way.

what ever happens in your relationship, you should be emotionally mature in handling it.

Your ex is longer into you, does not mean he should not be friends with your brother. Sort yourself out.

Written by a lady

Princess Chinasa Ukaegbu said...

Well make friends with his own ex. Do me I do you God no go vex.

Mumcie said...

I agree with the girl,he definitely has to cut ties with the guy,This is family okay and all guys should be willing to do any thing just to protect they own kid sister.

Anonymous said...

try and 4get abt d past.......2 err is human 2 4give is divine

Anonymous said...


Honest Nigerian said...

This is the problem with dating your brother/sister's friend. U shuld consider the after-relationship effect. I understand where the lady is coming from, but I also understand where the guy stands. She should have considered before dating her brother's 'best' friend. Guys don't just break friendships the way girls do. If she has really moved on, it should not bother her. #My2Cents

Unknown said...

i strongly support the brother coz she can't destroy their friendship bcoz of her own nd at first its was her wish to date the guy so i don't see anything wrong in her brother friendship with his ex.

Anonymous said...

Though am not in ur Shoes, buh did u consult ur brother before dating his friend cos for sure I know he won't agree to dat.Apperently he must v warned u against dat buh u insisted on dating his friend..pls don't drag ur bros into this..bear ur cross girl

Anonymous said...

for d fact u broke up isnt enof reason he should. By the way he gains dats why hes stil in it.

Anonymous said...

Grow up, ur bro can't judge his friend cos he cheats on his gf too and he doesn't see it as a big deal...

best baby said...

Girl, ur d 1 at fault! how can u think of that? Girl, u don't hv a qualities of a gd woman, so becos u hv misunderstanding with ur ex who happens 2 be ur brothers best frnd now u expected them 2 dismise bcos of u, where were ur sense of humor when u stated dating ur brother's frnd which u surpose 2 take like a brother 2, girl that's men 4 u they are not like women who keeps marries at any mistake, bent me they can't seperate bcos u.

Anonymous said...

Ur broda was already a friend with ur ex b4 u started dating him, S̴̩☺̴̩̩̥̩̩̩ u sud don't have problem with dat, ur brother meet him b4 u meet him

Anonymous said...

Why should she even date her brothers bestfriend ,girls can b so callous

Anonymous said...

Sorry sis, but u r on a long thing if u fink ur bro will leave his BEST friend 4 u (plain dreaming)#rolls eyes# sorry 4 ur pain. #advice: men will always cheat. Ur prayer shld be never 2 catch him# comment eater linda, post o!

Anonymous said...

Sorry sis, but u r on a long thing if u fink ur bro will leave his BEST friend 4 u (plain dreaming)#rolls eyes# sorry 4 ur pain. #advice: men will always cheat. Ur prayer shld be never 2 catch him# comment eater linda, post o!

Anonymous said...

Oh plsss give me a break! Why is dis an issue? So because ur ex cheated on u and d relationship is off, ur brother too shld DEfriend him? Haba, wat if ur Ex was his boss there4 he shld quit d job? U funny gaan ooo. Let dem be. Stop d hating n move on. I am still friends wit my Ex!

Anonymous said...

Lol. It's never that serious. Guys never do that kinda shi. Stop talking to my G 'cos he 'cheated' on my younger sis? Lol. It may be hard to take for you but forreals real niggas respect the bro code.

Anonymous said...

I will advise you leave ur brother out of this. They were friends b4 u started dating his friend. He's just a man. Men don't behave like us women. There's nothing wrong with the both of them being friends. U better make up with him.

Anonymous said...

My question is if back den he ask u not to date d guy would u av listen to him? This happen to me and dis was d first question my brother asked me. Ders notin wrong wit dem being friends and d thruth abt it is ders wen u get to meet a better person u will be thankful u didn't end up wit him.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

I will advise you leave ur brother out of this. They were friends b4 u started dating his friend. He's just a man. Men don't behave like us women. There's nothing wrong with the both of them being friends. U better make up with him.

Anonymous said...

but what your brother said is true. Men are not like women that when two people are not on speaking terms, they just force themselves to enter a beef they were never a part of. you sound immature to me.. why cant he be friends with your ex?was he not friends with him before you dated him?

DeeA said...

That's not a sensible thing to do. Your ex and your bro were friends before you came into the pic. He has your back but what really happened b/w you and your ex has zero to do with their friendship. Don't be bitter. How can you cut your bro off over something so petty? I'm pretty sure it's cause you are still in love with your ex. Deal with your feelings and leave your bro out of this.

Anonymous said...

Gist. Haven't u heard of bros over his? He can't ditch his frnd coz of u girl,u don't know wat dey ve bin thru. Ur ex has moved on, u wil do well to move on with ur life too. Nyiny's view though

Anonymous said...

Men don't reason or behave like we ladies, pls don't,t blame ur bros,he is doing the right thing,you don't,t have 2 keep malice with somebody bcos he is not in good term with your relation,that is childish. Intact i have made that mistake b4 and I regrated. So don't, blame or bros.

Anonymous said...

Dnt wrry,he will get back at him some day nd u will be d one to smile last my sis.

Anonymous said...

Please it depends. If they have been friends before you jumped on the guy(That's what likely happened) don't expect them to just cut off because your brother may have even known that you were 'over-falling' for his friend and may have even tried to stop you but women and fantasy sha. Now you want to blame the poor guy. Abeg leave them jor and find another lover.

Someone_Special said...

Never date your brother's friend. Go and reconcile with your brother because he took the right decision.

Anonymous said...

My dear frnd,u don't need to cut your bother off,bcos there are frnd before u came in. And now u can't seprate them. Infact u shld act maturely and do has if u don't kwn wot is happen! Move on with ur new guy. All I will tell u is that make sure that every time ur are happy. Always happy & don't look @ their side. Bt if u contiune with dis my sista u are nt helping matters. Am also a lady so I kwn wot am saying. Trust me

Anonymous said...

I had exactly the same iss... My den bf hit me and I broke up with him. Funny thing is my brother was there when the whole iss happened tho he stood up for me but he's still friends with my ex till now! Someone he met thru me sef, mtcheew

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what to say to U̶̲̥̅̊. Whose loss if U̶̲̥̅̊'ve cut ur bro outa ur life? Cus he, ur ex n his current gf will continue to live happily ever after....I'm sure U̶̲̥̅̊ even started going out with his friend without his permission else he would have warned U̶̲̥̅̊ about the kind of guy his friend was/is. Abeg free him because he is right!

Chinedu said...

your brotther is right in this one... Your relationship is ur relationship and his friendship is his friendship... Everyone should mind theirs... U don't expect him to cut of his friendship coz ur relationship with his friend did not end well

Anonymous said...

Pls say the main it right or wrong?...pls more ideas

Anonymous said...

grow up!

Anonymous said...

mtchew.... Pls grow up n b matured like ur broda... He played mature when he didnt get involved wen u were dating ur ex... Grow up

Anonymous said...

Shud ve tot of somfin lyk dat b4 u decided dating ur broda's frd. #walksaway#

Anonymous said...

Rubbish. You shouldn't be dating your brothers friend anyways. Grow up and move on, ur ex clearly has. And pls I'm cool with my bro's ex's so anon 1 speak for urself. Don't get urself involved in other peoples relationships.

Anonymous said...

Its obvious you've not moved on. When u were enjoying the lamushuaing, did you call your brother? My sister carry ur cross 4 head abeg.

Chinedu said...

your brotther is right on this one... Your relationship is ur relationship and his friendship is his friendship... Everyone should mind theirs... U don't expect him to cut of his friendship coz ur relationship with his friend did not end well

miss Sparxz said...

Why even date ur bro's friend?

Anonymous said...

Did ur brother give you the go ahead to date his friend.

Unknown said...

Well I need to his side of the story because I had a similar problem with my sister. When she started a relationship with my friend she didn't seek my opinion or consent even when I found out about it and told her to call it off she didn't listen. She said "I can't control her life". If it eventually it ends bad. You shouldn't come running to "your brother" expecting him to cut his relationship with his friend. When this all could have been prevented if you had just listened in the 1st place. I know for fact that brothers often love their sisters.

Anonymous said...

The same thing is happening to me, my friend wants me to stop bn friends with his ex, who also happens to be a friend.

Unknown said...

Uhmm did he send you to date his frnd?

Speakfire said...

Bro before hoes expect she is naked

Anonymous said...

R u serz,he shld keep malice with his friend bcos you've kept malice wit him,loooool kain ur line gal...y wld u fuck ur brodas friend

Chinedu said...

your brotther is right on this one... Your relationship is ur relationship and his friendship is his friendship... Everyone should mind theirs... U don't expect him to cut of his friendship coz ur relationship with his friend did not end well

Unknown said...

You've clearly not moved on.. cos if hav, things lik dis won't bother u

nekkyville said...

Jst let him be.he was friends wit dis dude b4 u came in2 d picture.n dey re guys,dey dnt keep malice n surely dey wud av settled dia mata

Anonymous said...

They were frnds before u started dating. Ur brother isn't betraying u. I think he's right. U dnt expect him to destroy friendship he has built over the years cos u guys are no longer together. I don't think you've moved on if you still hurt this much. Move on dear and forget about him.

Anonymous said...

If U̶̲̥̅̊ had asked us whether it was right to date ur bro's best friend we would have advised U̶̲̥̅̊ better.

Daddy's Girl said...

Feel ur pain buh men and their ways shaa

Doo said...

Its unfortunate dat u feel dis way.ders sth dey hav in common cos birds of d same feather flock 2geda.dnt xpect ur broda to cut off frm him cos of u.ur broda is capable of doin wat ur ex did to u so to him.its jst d way it is.I tink u shud ve been wise enuf to kn d kind of frds ur bro kips n mayb d kind of person ur bro is. Dnt blame ur bro,u had a choice n u chose to date his frd.bsids,ur gf is also irresponsible person to hav agreed to date ur bf knowin very well,u guys were an item.she's got no self control n respect 4 the frdship u both hav or had.reconcile wit ur bro.he wil 4eva b ur bro n may stand by u wen d nid arise.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, he is very right u ended yr relationship with me nd their friendship goes on as far dey are still in good terms. After all ur relationship is not based on dia friendship. Babe park well jor

Unknown said...

Guys will always be guys, and girls the same. I don't see how ur relationship should affect their friendship. Get over it and move on.

IkwerreBoy said...

first commenter... we don't choose family but we choose friends and to the mailer I think your brother has found true friendship with this guy that goes along way to tell you that he might not be what you think the crazy fuck up cheat. Maybe he made a mistake something that is common with all men.

Anonymous said...

Next time don't date your brothers best friend. Your brother too probably cheats (birds of the same feather and blah blah) - Dry your tears and have fun with your life jare.

makasteve said...

He is not afterall he wasn't the one that brought you guys to dating each other. Let him live his life

Anonymous said...

Can't blame him if they were frnds b4 u guys start dating, can only be mad @ him if he knew tru U.

Anonymous said...

My dear move are different from we ladies. Like he said what you had was btw you two. I don't think you should be angry with your brother

Anonymous said...

no comment

Anonymous said...

He is rite doh wotever u guys had is between u both. He still remains hus friend regardless

Anonymous said...

Blood is matter wat..he shulda created sm rules 4 himself

Anonymous said...

I seriously don't see anyfin wrong with him seeing ur ex. They are just friends and not dating. Besides they were friends be4 u started dating ur ex. Think about it.

Blog Queen said...

My dear if truly u are over with your ex,then there's no problem with your brother remaining friends with him.. Just let go of that anger against your brother,it's not worth it.

Anonymous said...

Having the same problm too.....mine was even 3yrs he has moved on, I avnt!!!.....imagne my brothr advises him on his current relationship....and am like dieing in silence!!! It is well!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sory buh com t think of it maybe he as warn u abt his friend before.

Anonymous said...

Poster $ Anon u 2 r big fools.why must u date ur brother's best friend $ expect him 2 end his r/ship wit his friend bcs of ur useless asshole.smh! U 2 are biggest fools ve ever seen. Nonsense! Poster ur brother said it all.

Anonymous said...

no he isn't wrong...these are questions you have asked yourself or your brother before this relationship started. you said your brother and him were best friends, if thats the case you're being self fish and petty. it doesn't sound like you have completely moved on either

Anonymous said...

It will be very wrong for your brother to still keep such as a friend. Blood they say is thicker than water. This will hurt till eternity as long as he continue with him as a friend and perhaps he should understand that such a friend could also betray him. If you tell ur brother and he doesn't see anything wrong, I advise to be wary of him. Birds of a feather fluck together.

Swaggs isimemen said...

Ur brother should be where of him I don't reeling support him is nt rite 4 family reason is nt nice 2 him 2 continue 2 move wit him they can greet each other in any were they see themselves like hi hi dat's all

Anonymous said...

Pple are just commenting without looking at it d other way. How are u sure d brother wasnt against them dating before and this his is own way of gettin back at her. As a guy i wont allow my sis date my friend cos its gonna b akward just thinkin about what they might be doing

Anonymous said...

Your brother is right. He is acting like a man, period

Anonymous said...

Gosh ur funny o! Guys are like dat Pls don't be so hard on ur brother,

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity if your brother had asked you to not date his best friend in the first place would you have obliged? I am sorry to hear things did not work out between both of you but to cut off your brother for someone that is no longer in your life is only going to hurt you in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Is it friends or friend? Mr,grammatical please help us oooo

Anonymous said...

Lol, r u a joker? Dey were Friends before u started dating him, so which yeye loyalty r u looking for? Abegi rest n move on like u said u have.

Misunderstood said...

Ok,here is what i think, let your brother be

Anonymous said...

My dear u don't have u cut ur brother off all bcos of ur ex,they are frnds b4 u came in & ur issue can nt seprate them. All I have to tell u is that u have to be happy always, b happy with ur new man & don't think of ur ex or ur brother cos life goes on. U have to behave maturely & don't feel bad on wot happen. Am a lady & kwn wot am saying u don't need to cut off ur brother,yes it diff to do bt try & do it.

LauraB said...

Do you not understand dating 101, never date your bro's friends.... Guys are guys get over it, he's not thinking of you. Sorry it's a cold cruel world.

WhatEthniSees... said...

Sweety I understand why u re upset, but cutting ur own brother off just because he refused to feud with his best friend who also happens to be ur ex is not a smart move. First of all, u seem like u re still hurt, maybe cos of how d breakup went down, but u have to move past that. U really have to. Do not let ur anger at another person hurt ur family. Trust me no ex is worth ur happiness and the company of ur dear brother. Pls just let it be. Cos the dude hurt u doesn't mean he is a bad friend to ur brother and u knew they were bestfriends before u decided to date him. Those kinds of interwoved relationships tend to get messy and that's why it's best u stay away. But u said u've moved on and I know if u really have, getting past the hurt and betrayal is a critical step. I empathise with u, but don't cut ur brother off pls. It's not wise and u may regret it horribly. Goodluck hun and try to forgive...

Anonymous said...

why did you go out with ur brother's best friend in the first place.. You shld have drawn the line back then n asked urself what wld happen if it didnt work out.. Shld have asked urself so many salient questions before steping into their friendship. Guys dnt end friendship bcos of a gurl. Ever.. #Guyscode #rule1.. Had I known is worrying you now?

Etch said...

This girl forgot to mention the part where her bro warned and advised her not to date his friend. Pls u enjoyed the relationship while it lasted + u said u'v moved on.pls Free your bro.

Anonymous said...

girl wake up

Anonymous said...

Dear sister, If I told you to not date my friend, you would bitch and moan and tell me how much of an adult you are.

If I warned you that he wasn't ready yet, or that you would get hurt, you wouldn't listen.

You dated, got burned now you want to wreck my friendship.

If he beat you and I still broke bread with him, then you have a case. but he cheated and you dumped him and you both moved on.

It's hard to find guys to hang with and we were best friends before you decided you wanted to see more of him.

I hoped you guys would make it work but it didn't and he hurt you. I talked to him about it. He knew he messed up. I was angry and forgave him.

now I think you should to. It's the adult thing to do.

Anonymous said...

girl wake up!

Anonymous said...

Honestly speaking your brother is right. You are a grown woman u don't need protection. You entered that relationship without asking your brother for permission cos it wasn't relevant so your issues with dt dude is ur business. If u dated ur frnd's brother and u broke his heart would u expect ur frnd to stop talking with you? The fact is you are being childish. Grow up. If u have really moved on then u shud be frnds with ur ex sef, afterall were u not all frnds before you started dating? Your brother has done nuffin wrong. And before some angry females get on my case thinking am a dude, am a girl too and I think you are wrong

Anonymous said...

Are you 2 years old or what? ?? ? Ofcourse your brother will not stop being friends with the guy! What happened btw you and his friend is not his business especially when it wasn't a criminal offence that was committed



Anonymous said...

When it comes to relationships, guys don't joke with their sisters', that's why we won't let our randy friends date our sister. For your ex to have cheated on you in the 1st place, ur bro was aware of it. Just let him be, tho u can't change the fact he's ur bro

Anonymous said...

We women need to understand that men don't think like us. Personally I don't see any problem in your brother and your ex being friends.

Anonymous said...

while I sympathize with your position, I have to tell you that you should respect your brother's decision to keep being friends with your ex, and also to respect his reasons for that decision. That your brother loves his friend doesn't mean he loves or respects you less. There may be a depth to their friendship that you may not understand right now, and getting mad at your brother may be putting him in an awkward position. I remember you saying that YOU broke up with HIM, so in perspective I believe that your dignity is still intact. Ignore your ex, and try to appreciate your brother. who just might find out what is really going on in his head

Anonymous said...

The way guys think is totally different from we d women folks, will he take it if u did same to him?

Unknown said...

Soldier go, soldier come, barrack remain.

~~Success Has No Limitation~~

Eyeshadow said...

Ashawo girl abeg go siddon one place didn't the brother warn u against dating his friend,now u want him to be by ur side

Anonymous said...

I am currently facing the same situation actually they met through me. Now he is even dating my brothers girlfriends friend I feel this deep grudge for my brother

Alfchye said...

You should just shut up first, U are faulting your brother now, How come you are dating his best friend.You betrayed him by dating his best friend, You should have looked before you limp...Did u ever consider ur brother before dating his friend.
He sure knows his friend is a cheat and wouldn't tell you becos he wanted ur happiness, which he is aware would last for a while.....They are birds of the same feather...So move on and forget about them, Your brother is still family and he wouldn't leave his best friend becos of ur foolishness or lustfulness

Anonymous said...

Are u sure he s your biological brother? "adoption things"

Angelo Bazzini (Gibi Anchorage) said...

Let me dissect this issue.
First men are logical in their approach to issues like this whilest women are utterly emotional towards it.
Did you seek you brothers opinion prior to going into a relationship with the dude? Before even becoming friends with the dude, did you try to understand the basis of their friendship? I mean what if this guy has taken a bullet for your brother, which he is never gonna tell you, do you honestly expect him to just ditch him because he had a relationship with and took a dip elsewhere a few times and you bolted out of the ban? Please breathe!!!!

Blackberry said...

leave him outa ur scruples, he didnt choose the boy for u in d first place.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he has done anything wrong tbh!

Anonymous said...

They were friends b4 u came into d picture, so please be more matured and move on

Anonymous said...

Imagine this babe, they wia friends before u started dating him girl abeg chill jor what a childish thinking u have.

ary said...

That is why you should not date your brother's friend. It's too risky! FYI it's on rare occasion guys quarrel about babes! It's bros b4 hoes every time. Your brother had no business with your relationship, so why do you expect him to end his on your own accord. Abeg free your brother.

Blackberry said...

leave him outa ur scruples, he didnt choose d boy for u, or did he? your bros will remain ur bros...dont cut him off cos a mere fling u were having.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense simply becoz ur nt in tlkin term wit ur fucker ur broda shud stp tlkin 2him as well so funny n childlish. Remember he knew u tro ur broda. Guys will always be guys.

Anonymous said...

Men don't think that way dear,besides dey r all dsame. Get over it and let ur brother be,men av lots of tins incommon.

Anonymous said...

I can't belive u are saying this? so becos he is ur brother he should not be happy right? jst put ur self in his shoes abeg.. Read the latest trending fashion and beauty blog.

Anonymous said...

Diz babe get time o.. U shudn't force any1 2 join ur malicious game, life is 2 short 2kip malice wit ur family bkuz of 1 yeye cheater who can't hold his tin "dick" diz is *vv* commenting.. Hurray 2nd 2 comment.. Lin baby post diz comment don't eat it plz..

Anonymous said...

When u went dating your brother's friend did you consider that it may be a foolish move? Abeg park well. He is a man, he will never stop being buddy with his friend becos of you. Besides, it shows that your brother isn't a saint either; he'd cheat on a girl he's dating(shei dat one no get broda abi?)

Lisa, London said...

What your brother said.

Furthermore you are in no position to tell him who he can/can't associate with. You need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

Who sent u 2 fuck his frnd u re a slut. Abeg leave ur broda alone jor. Stupid bitch. Next tym don't fuck any of his frnds

Anonymous said...

Abeg nor she should get over herself,I am sure when the guy was toasting her the brother told her to calm down,but she must have hit him with stuff like "I think he is the one"she broke the family code by dating her bros friend in the first place.she should just drink cold water and just chill jare! GBA GBE OSHI!

praise said...

There is nting wrog wet ur brother n ur ex being frnds so just 4get about it if u knw u dnt luv him aagin. But if u luv him u wil nt wnt 2 see him wet ur bro

Jerry said...

The psych of men is quite different from you ladies. A man can forgive his friends weaknesses in certain things while he cherishes the good things about that friendship. Men don't get as emotionally involved as ladies do. Most guys won't even let their best friends date their sisters but u sisters won't respect that. Let the guy be joor. It's not a support issue.

confessor said...

U sld av tot of d consequences
B4 dating ur bro's bestie
If u had respected urself or ur
Bro u wldn't try dating his friend
Or did ur bro talk u into dating
Him?and didn't u meet him thru
Ur bro?

Unknown said...

Nne u lie he said wht u guys had is blw u and their friendship is blw them. U dont expect him to mingle in ur affairs. Was he the d one dat ask u to date d guy? Biko u better free ur bro

joy said...

Oh please am still best friend with my brothers ex. It those not matter.

paul Agwu said...

It touches the heart

temii said...

They were friends b4 u started dating him ryt????? I don't see y ur relationship should affect their friendship, remember guys r not like girls

temii said...

They were friends b4 u started dating him ryt????? I don't see y ur relationship should affect their friendship, remember guys r not like girls

Anonymous said...

Girl, men don't reason d way we do. They r more logical and r not as petty as women. Let them be.

laulaudiks said...

Did ur bro meet his friend through u? If not back out of their friendship. Ur bro has answered u already sha so stop killing urself.

Anonymous said...

Yimu* Men will be men dear! So forget about it dear!!!

dollycents said...

u bro is nt wrong on anyfin.. did u consult him when his friend asked u out? moreover u xpect ur bro to scold his buddy over wat?

Anonymous said...

Yes it hurts, but respect the fact that he did not get involved in your relationship, guess he wanted you to have fun,I would advice you respect his own relationship with your ex, to me he has done nothing wrong.

Anonymous said...

Nonestly, you are a very selfish, self centered and egocentric person... Your brother is right, what was between you guys should be between you guys, and whats between them is between them... Guys and Girls tick differently.. so dont expect your brother to cut his friend away just because he cheated on you...and for your information, not many guys would!!! itd do you good to amend your relationship with your brother and stop being the obnoxious self centered prick you are portraying yourself to be

Anonymous said...

Lol. girls can be stupid at times. The bro is right one thing does not affect the other thing. Who send u to date ur bro's friend. since he cheated and y'all broke up .Life goes on. The guy should still have his paddy. If you guys were married and he cheated thats a different story. Women like to bring in unnecessary drama. Which dirty loyalty. Guess what guys are loyal but when its dating that one na OYO. if the guy did that and y'all were marrried then the bro shld cut ties. but till then go and cry blood if u like.

miss c said...

Seriously men are nt like women who make d malice keep moving in circles. Ur brother is rite, ur relationship between u & ur ex was between u 2. And d frndship ur brother has wit ur ex is btw both of them. Moreova he was ur brother`s frnd b4 u guys started dating so y shld their frndship end cos ur no longa dating him. If u`ve truly moved on lyk u claim u have dis shld be d least of ur problem concerning ur past relationship.

Anonymous said...

Women n their wahala so bcus u broke up mk ur broda stp d frd ship ! My frd grow up n don't b childish

Anonymous said...

My dear, jst accept that guys dnt think the way we do, you can't cut ur broda off cos of some random guy. In sme weird way ur brother being friends with ur ex doesn't mean he loves you less btw they were friends before u started dating him,so why will they stp being friends jst cos urs didn't wrk.

Anonymous said...

Really???!!! Now you are just being stupid and immature. You met the guy through your brother...and now he should stop being friends with him because of your failed relationship??? was your brother in d relationship with the both of you? Clearly you are just looking for people to back you up...if truely you know right from wrong you won't be seeking people's approval or backing. You cannot decide for your brother who he should be friends with or both have different lives and is obvious you are still hurt by your ex which is understanable, but if u say you have all moved on...what is your problem young lady??! Please..grow a pair.

Anonymous said...

My dear, guys wil always av dere bcks d only time dey wil av a fall out is wen a guy sleeps wit his best friend's girl n wen I mean girl... I mean sumone he luvs wit everytin in him. And even after dat dey still come bck as friends puttin d girl behind as a past. So dnt be offended its dere nature

Olabode said...

You knew they are friends before you dated his mate. You didn't mind his reservation before you went out with his friend. You should put all this thought(in case the relationship end)in your head beforehand. Your brother is just being civil here.

Anonymous said...

He is not wrong. Reconcile with ur bro dear


Lol! Idoit, common grow up u spoiled brat or gv me wat ever u r smoking cus dat shit must b fucking hard

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