On Friday August 10th, mother of 3 and banker with Stanbic IBTC, Yinka Johnson, was arrested by the police for allegedly crushing an official of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority to death while driving against traffic along the Lekki Expressway.
According to LASTMA, Yinka killed Hammed Balogun by driving recklessly while trying to evade arrest. But Yinka and her friends have denied the accusation, claiming Hammed was hit and killed by a Danfo driver that was also trying to avoid arrest.
Yinka Johnson is currently being detained in Panti Prison with her 2 month old baby. The police say they plan to charge her to court for the death of Hammed Balogun.
After the cut, you will find LASTMA and Yinka Johnson's version of what happened on that Friday morning
LASTMA's version of event which they posted on their official site
A 33 year old Hammed Balogun a staff of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) was this morning killed by a banker along Lekki-Ajah Expressway while carrying out his official assignment at his duty post at Mega City, Ajah area of Lagos. The driver whose identity was revealed by the Auto Inspector device as Yinka Johnson a staff of IBTC drove in a Green Landover Jeep SUV with registration Plate number CY 276 LSD against traffic from Mega chicken inward toll Plaza two (2) and was intercepted by three officials of LASTMA led by the Head of Operations, Mr Quayum Asafa for traffic violation.
In a drama like scene, Johnson started driving recklessly in other to escape contravention and in the process ran over the officer. The deceased was rushed down to Germaine Hospital where he later died as a result of injury sustained from the accident while the corpse was deposited at the Lagos State Teaching Hospital, Ikeja for autopsy.
Realising what she has done, she ran and escaped from the scene of the incident immediately into Ikota Estate, Ajah with the security men shutting the gate permanently. The situation became riotous as the security attached to the gate refused all entries to open the gate until the intervention of the Area Commander in charge of Area J, Mr Felix Uwamli who mobilized and called for backup before access could be gained into the Estate. The suspect was finally arrested and taken to Ajiwe Police station from where she was transferred to the Criminal Investigative Department, Panti for further interrogations.
Bola Ajao – PRO LASTMANow this is Yinka Johnson's version of what really happened
I was driving on Lekki-Epe Expressway trying to navigate to the other side of the road when I was accosted by a LASTMA official. The path I took was a one-way road but residents of Ikota Estate usually take it because of the ongoing road reconstruction on the alternative road. While I was discussing with the LASTMA official, a vehicle crushed another official a few metres away, causing commotion. I did not run from the crime scene as it was not far from my home but instead came down from my car and called my husband.
After the LASTMA officials drove my car away, I went to the police station with my husband to report the incident. When I got to the police station, the area commander immediately took over the case and took me to the office of the commissioner of police. I heard the state governor had already told him about the case.
When I narrated my ordeal to the CP, he did not believe my story. He immediately ordered that I should be taken to the SCID. I am the innocent person here, yet I am being made to pay for what I did not do.
Statement from a friend of Yinka Johnson
You might have heard the story going round about the Banker who allegedly killed a LASTMA official by knocking him down with her car.
Eye witnesses on the scene insist that the LASTMA official was in fact knocked down by a Danfo bus he was trying to accost AFTER he arrested the Banker for a traffic offence.
In fact, her car was about being towed as can be seen from the picture on the lastma website. You can also see from the picture posted there that the car was empty. How did she get back in, ram the towing vehicle and killed the LASTMA man?
LASTMA is trying to skew the story as murder and she is currently in detention. Please note that I have seen her car and it doesn’t have a single dent on it.
Kindly spread the word and encourage eye witnesses to come forward and give statements at Panti where she is being held.
She is a mother of 3 (including a 2mth old baby who is with her in detention). I know her personally.
Please note that the incident happened on Friday morning 10/08/2012 at Ikota, Lekki Express Way. She was on her way to work.
Please call 08037076890 if you have information or witnessed what actually happened. We need eye witnesses to counter their lies.Some people have been calling me claiming they were eye witnesses...but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with the information because the police is convinced she's guilty. I just hope that the truth comes to light before an innocent woman (that is if she's really innocent) is put in prison for a crime she didn't commit.
Yes. We are tired of this hide and seek. Linda give us auto COMMENTS.
We demand auto comment.
1st September is protest day to demand auto comment. No one should visit the blog.
Linda, you do realise you have become a voice right?
Gather their evidences and make meaning from it. Our justice system is faulty. Do not stay there and say "you don't know what to do" and watch an innocent mother go down!
Do something Linda do something!!
Nigeria! they had better not sentence an innocent person o!
all these lastma officials. thats how they will hug ur car in a bid to prevent u from moving claiming u have committed a traffic offence. the other day at oba akran, at the traffic point just by 1st bank that's how lastma official waved a guy cruising a range sport to park for no reason, d guy used hs ride to kiss the lastma offical's leg when he would'nt get out of his way. all he(LASTMA GUY) could do was point a warning finger and smiling stupidly at the already cruising away vehicle.
We have been patient, even when you abandon us to London. Now we demand auto comment. No
Yinka Johnsons account is bull shit! She did not want to be bothered by the Latsma offIcials and in a panicky and nervous not well tot out escape bid,she killed Balogun! After it dawned on her that she had killed someone,she abandoned her car and ran into that estate where she obviously instructed the security who knows her not to open the gates!Let the courts determine her guilt or innocence! This is d consequence of flouting the Law.
linda post comments naw!!!!!!!!!!
do u need deliverance on this? timely posting of comments makes the blog rock. stop this hanging of comments thingy. its making the whole blog atmosphere ice-cold. dead
What you are supposed to do Linda, is speak for the truth.
If the truth is before you, and you choose to remain silent, you are just as guilty as those who are trying to shroud the incident with their lies.
Nigeria!! Never any proper investigation done with forensics!! Just always he said, she said, pointing fingers and accusations. The criminal justice system sucks in Nigeria!
The new Lagos state traffic law will cause more problems than solutions. Instead of the State focussing on making laws to prevent the massive corruption going on in the state, they are busy with laws that will stigmatise innocent and law-abiding people. That law is not implementable - if it is, only a few, hard working people, like Yinka will be victimised. Fashola will soon see the futility in this law and repeal it.
Linda, I believe you are a lady of justice...if you could fight for Blessing, then you can fight for Yinka too( if her claims are true). My heart bleeds for her though I don't know who she is. Pls refer those that are calling you to the number you wrote above and please use your position/ influence to ensure that justice is served so the lady won't suffer for what she didn't do.
Thx :)
Pathetic *sigh*
Lastma looking for scapegoat,since most of their atrocities are being revealed daily on radio now,from this picture ,it is clear the woman did not crush the man,though she might have drove against traffic to demand being arrested. May God help her,if she is innocent ,I'm sure she will come out clean
Anon 5.22, where you there, if not STFU
Pathetic LASTMA officials. Mtsheewwww
She is my sis..she did not crush the man,I don't no why lastma want to use her as their scapegoat,pls linda am begging u to help our family out of this problem
@anonymous 5:08pm,can't stop ROTFL,at least she don hear evrybody today,she sef na listener now,she no go won be like Nigeria govt.
Linda plsss anytin u can do with ur connection plsss help us.
If truely u were there and what u are saying is true then God will be with you but if u are hiding behind Anon and what u are saying is a lie,may this be your portion this year,u will enter a situation u know nothing about and nobody will come out to defend you,those that come out will bear faulse witness against you IJN...
Somethings are not just funny.. Y come out and say something you don't know.This is a very sensitive case and I advice you to keep shut If u were not there..Thank you
Linda, she is yet to be proved guilty, you should NOT prove her innocent!!!
Linda abeg consider this auto comment thing now..Abeg..U can always censor the comments and delete any comment that is against your blog rules..
Linda simply call the contact number in the broadcast,and link them with the eye witness so they can testify. Period
The events in the coming days will show that LASTMA was very quick to release a story that was not even investigated. She is my friend and I have spoken to her the day after the alleged mother. How much fine would cause her to run away and kill someone right in front of her own estate. Please, independent people should go and ask around where the incident happened what actually transpired. It is not just enough to seat behind our laptops typing opinion that cant be substantiated. People witness the whole thing and they are all alive! It was simply lazy journalism that even made that news come out without any clarification of the facts. In the past, it would have been @an alleged...' with 'a new generation bank'... but her name and company were printed even without finding out the facts. Thank God people are now coming out to say what they saw. If the Government seeks to drive home the seriousness of its new traffic laws, accusing an innocent woman of murdering another person is not the way to underline its seriousness. This is a travesty and an insult to basic reason!
I sincerely hope n pray the truth comes out. If truly she's innocent something needs to be done. Linda people like u should get to the bottom of this. Send people out to get eyewitness accounts first.
But y shld the baby stay with her in detention? Even if she is on exclusive breastfeeding for the baby,I think its time they introduce milk. Don't think its nice for the baby to stay with her in detention. #myopinion# may God see her through
-lady B
I jst hope she's innocent ..na wa o...
Sori, are u an eye witness? Cos I dnt get ur drift in dis matter
Gbam! Cld nt av said it better! Linda encourage dose ppl calln u 2 contact Yinka's family members asap! If ppl saw wat happened and r willing 2 testify to it pls pls pls link dem up wit Yinka's ppl o!
Yep! 4 months now ppl av bin complaining about posting of comments, yet LINDA has refused 2 ans us o! I think we shld storm Linda's house 1day n stage a protest dere! Lol. Bt serzly linda auto comment or @ least post comments on tym.
Today today i must do deliverance for u linda, lord cast away every spirit of nt upgradin comment on tym,o jesus linda must approav auto comment dis month. yes linda u must grant our request cos d tin dey giv me concern o. I dey brag on oder blog sey na u b d best i hop u wont fall my hand. Hallyshally
It's still amazing to me how people curse others in Jesus' name!
Why take it personal? What makes you think the writer didn't write the truth? Why cause the writer?
##Misplaced priorities##
Linda u we're jus named in forbes as nigeria most powerful blogger or sumtin right?well believe it or not u av some kind of influence.I'd tink yu're a feminist too..do what u can to help that poor woman and maybe in that we can learn the truth.something just don't add up.
I began to visit laduns blog more often wen ur blog bcame very dry cos u wont/cant post comments..am sure many others do too..do something about ur comments posting.everyone can't be sayin d same thing and ud sit on ur high horse and do nothing about it.
I admire u,and if for whatever reason u don't post dis at least I'd know u read it.
Why should the police act on statements. Thorough forensic investigation should be done before conclusion Ȋ̝̊̅§ made. The corpse and the car should be submitted †☺ forensic experts.
Don't u poor ppl know I dey drive Landrover? Una wan stop me for what? Waste ma time ke? Abegi make una comot for roadi,smelly ppl!See these yeye pplooo! Gbang person don dieooO! Make I run! Catch am,catch am don begin! Olympics don enter! Case dey court,we go see who dey guilty for this drama!
Ђơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ω can a nursing mother run faster than the LASTMA officials with her baby. Something Ȋ̝̊̅§ not right here
Why should the police act on statements. Thorough forensic investigation should be done before conclusion Ȋ̝̊̅§ made. The corpse and the car should be submitted †☺ forensic experts.
Having gone through the story I think mrs yinka jonson is guilt of an offence, she violated traffic law that's her offence and not murder. May the soul of the dead guy Rest in peace my hrt goes out to his family but there is no way u can hit someone with a car without any dent on that car. Pls let's not use because someone died and pin a crime on an innocent woman. Let the police avoid bribes and do a proper investigation on this issue because is better for u to set a thousands guilty people free than to jail an innocent person. I rest my case
Linda pls vet ur blogs b4 downloading them! I have seen how insensitive and mean spirited some of ur bloggers can be when u make a little typo. Can u imagine the type of rubbish ppl will post on this site if it becomes auto blogging?
The choice is urs Linda love!
"Yinka Johnson is currently being detailed in Panti Prison with her 2 month old baby."
1. detained not detailed.
2. Does the police in panti have a prison or a detention facililty i.e., cell for offenders? which one is it.
"but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with the information because the police is convinced she's guilty."
3. I really am surprised you are saying this. Who should declare her guilty the police or the courts? If the answer is the latter on what are they going to base the judgement police report or substantiated evidence. Moreover what you should do in this circumstance is to encourage people who have evidence to come forth. Remember death is involved, any pre-judgement of the issue could alienate some of your fans.
Take care.
Ds car doesn't look like a car dat jst crushed som1 bsides d scene looks peaceful too. Dere's more to ds...
How can Latsma officials who saw the danfo man hit and kill Hammed Balogun,then ignore him,not even getting his licence plate and then accuse an innocent Banker for this crime?
Did she run into the estate to hide? Are there witnesses who saw her come into the estate? Why was her story not bought by the comissioner of police when he interviewed Yinka in his office? This case is no laughing matter ma ppl! Somebody has lost his life performing his lawful duties! So is it the Danfo man that unlawfully killed Mr Balogun or Yinka?
Yinka's account is correct. To illustrate, you can't crush someone to death in Lagos in a busy spot and people won't attempt to lynch you. Furthermore no one would attempt to come forward for you as an eye withness.
I was at the scene earlier today with the Police and lastma. Lastma's account changed to the deceased was tryng to enter her vehicle and got pushed unto the path of the bus.
Luckily 3 eye witnesses came forward to refute lastma's account including a government official at the scene and a VGC resident was passing by as the accident occurred. These People came forward of their own free will as the noticed police trucks at the scene. What the lastma guys have proved is the depth of unwarranted wickedness in our society.
The police have taken some eye witness statements today and Femi falana is representing her. It's good to know that some people actually fight for true justice in Nigera. And to clarify, it wasnt one way as driving on the express but driving on the sandy side of the road which all residents of Ikota Villa estate using the 2nd gate have to do because of the road work.
It is clear that the lady in question as commented a traffic offense,we have to be careful and not module every thing up,what she is up against is if she is responsible for the death of the LASTMA official,questions we should ask is did the police visit the scene where the incident occurred,as there being any forensic investigation carried out.
We Should not just crucify this woman and act base on what we hear alone,let the authorities give us fact and investigate the situation properly,do we have eye witnesses at the scene what do they have to say,these are the details that needs to be combed out
Anonymous 5:21
If I understand u correctly, if the woman abandoned her car and then ran away, that means she left her baby behind..? And by virtue of being a mother, she can't possibly leave her child behind, even after if indeed ur claim that she did actually run the official over. Or if she did not, how can a woman carrying a baby elude you officials to the extent that she could run comfortably with the child? Even Usain Bolt wouldn't be as fast..and if she did do it, how come there's no dent, not even a broken headlight on the car? It's either of 3 things:
1. Either u're a LASTMA official
2. You have no heart, trying to put blame on an innocent woman.
3. Or you are a typical unbrought-up, a wicked person, a pilfering liar and a conniving bastard!
It seems to me u don't know how big this case is. That woman has a neighbour who happens to be my sister's friend and from all I can see with the picture and from the LASTMA statement, it's obvious there are some missing facts which they have decided to elude and as such, punish an innocent woman. The Lord help us all.
If Yinka was talking to a Latmsa official while seated in her car and the Danfo bus passed and killed Hammed Balogun,then that Latsma official who was talking to her when the Danfo passed and killed Balogun will be a very vital witness for Yinka to validate her claim!
let the truth set her free and stop debateting on her issue. May God help her out and let the will of God come to pass.
Why will a LASTMA official pin the killing of a government official on someone who is innocent? LASMA may be sometime overzealous but they are not stupid. It makes no sense for them to accuse her if she is as innocent as she claims. Driving against the traffic, suddenly a mysterious danfo appears and kills a govt official? Pleeease. That's not even a good lie.
gosh what a pity am on tears for both d dead guy and d woman wt 2months old baby,thou d both stories looks real espescially that of lastma God cm and interven if she's innocent may d God of justice,d God who has done so much good in my life vendicate and free her in jesus name amen but if shes guilty may she nt escape justice in jesus name amen and may God protect d new baby,linda just find out d exact truth b4 u fight ok so that d dead wil also rest in peace,i wish her d best.
Nigeria ,SMH. No investigation and d police have already concluded that she's guilty . Has been charged ,if not while is she been detained.I cry 4 dis country . What about d doctrine of innocent till proven guilty
Autopsy again??? Hian
I have made up my mind dat I wunt comment cos it might take 2days for it to be uploaded.but rather read other commenters and laugh over the ones that are funny. Even dis one am typing it might even not be posted. Sorry yinka.
How can Latsma officials who saw the danfo man hit and kill Hammed Balogun,then ignore him,not even getting his licence plate and then accuse an innocent Banker for this crime?
Did she run into the estate to hide? Are there witnesses who saw her come into the estate? Why was her story not bought by the comissioner of police when he interviewed Yinka in his office? This case is no laughing matter ma ppl! Somebody has lost his life performing his lawful duties! So is it the Danfo man that unlawfully killed Mr Balogun or Yinka?
If Yinka is innocent may d gud Lord vindicate her and punish all tryn to put her in such mess...
Strange set of facts in this case that no one has pointed out.
The story claims that she is in detention with a baby!!
However Yinka's account says she went with her husband to the police station.
Question: Did Yinka take her baby and husband to the station after which the husband left her and her baby in detention?
At want point did the baby become involved and get detained with the mother????
Linda if u no put auto comment 4 ur blog b4 d end of dz month.. I swear we b leavin ur blog and we will cause chaos 4 ur blog.. Take it lyk a joke until it happens.. Haba,to like ur blog na crime..
Pls help me beg her,I'm tired of beggin her 2.
Are Nigerians dumb or what? even the police commisioner. so much mad old ppl in the country. They said the woman hit the lastma official with her car, and they didnt do a forensic check on the car, but yet want to accuse an innocent person.so silly! if she had hit the lastma official there will definitely be signs of it on her car, either blood or sumfin. this is so stupid
@anon 5:21 pm, Were u there when d incident occoured? If no, why complicatin d matter? (2) if u were there, how did d woman hit him without mark on d vehincle? ( d windscreen should have been broken by his head). Was he lying down while she drove over him? How did she manage 2 escape after hittin him when they were plenty? So, shut up!
Linda you need to be careful as a blogger not to make conclusions on issues you don't have facts on. Wait until proven innocent on the issue before you tag the lady innocent. Just an advice!
To lib reader at 5.21pm. You are very stupid and mad.You want to condemn an innocent woman. Do you know how furstrating lastma can be? May this be your portion.
Pls if its d ikota estate I know, d tym lag d latsma ppl had gaining access into the estate was enuff for ha to hav gone far or even hide in sum1's haus so am interested in how she was found in d estate
Pl's, how can they claim dat she killed him? D picture of the copse was taken in anoda blog @ d right side of d road, with blood while this jeep was on d left side without blood, mark, empty with doors carefuly closed with towing van in front of it. Did his colleagues washed d jeep, the road, parked it properly & parked the towing van in front b4 takin the photo? Observe it pl's!
This is so pathetic...xxx
poor woman. They simply want a scape goat!
For some reason dis woman's version of d story sounds so crappy, i mean y would d LATSMA officials choose c prosecute a banker over a danfo driver wen dey knw it would probably cost dem more, for God's sakes she should go 2 court n prove herself innocent instead of screamin SOS
What are the blog rules?
If u want auto comment,move to nairaland.com
What are the blog rules?
Read all the three statements from Yinka,Yinka's friend and Latsma and u will decide for urself who is speaking the truth.
The Danfo guy shud be produced to make his own statement too!
there seem to be inconsistencies between her version and the various versions being given by friends... thereby making the LASTMA version more credible.... while it is understandable that her friends mean well, they are indeed complicating the case for her. there needs to be one story only and she needs to hire an excellent defence lawyer to get out of this (if she is innocent of course) because we all know that the Nigerian Police have a 100% conviction rate (which is impossible in the rest of the world)- and hence anyone who falls in their net is 'guilty until proven innocent'. God protect her little baby who has to endure the dirty and smelly police station environment and most of all my condolences to the family of the late lastma official. very sad.
My own be say... If this woman is innocent like I'm suspecting she is, and dey just want to make her a scape goat ehn.... We will eida riot, or all lastma workers and dir family will die of AIDS dis year. Fashola shld not take sides on this one. He shld just step aside before he does sth dat will make me hate him.
Dear family member of Yinka, theres really nothing linda or the rest of the media can do for your sister.... in case u haven't noticed, the press have been guilty of sensationalising the story ....... the entire family should put their trust in God only to vindicate your sister. All of you should gather in constant prayers and you will see miracles.
pls does with valuable info should pls come forward before an innocent person pays the ultimate price.
Linda u sef check am na. I'm so annoyed. This pic was obviously taken afta d accident as evidence abi? D lastma pple r really stupid... See... No blood or dent on d car... If they had already stopped her, the impact would not have killed him if she indeed tried to escape. I dey boil as I dey here so. These people just dey oppress pple anyhow. Imagine dem locking her up wiv her two months old baby. Gosh!
We can't really do much but pls Let's join forces to pray for God to vindicate her.Linda is not God and trust me she can't do much. If we can be our sister's keeper and shout to God to save her if 'she's innocent' because it can be anyone. This country is crazy. It can happen to anybody. False accusation is real.
linda pls anything u can do to help her. She is innocent. If not 4 no one else but 4 her 2 month old baby. I really feel 4 her cuz that baby is too tender to go thru such tramatisation talk more of been in a police cell.
This was why I refused to forward a senseless BB broadcast which claimed that the woman was innocent! Let the law take its cause! Wht about the poor LASTMA official that was killed? The man had a family too and they are now mourning. People should have some perspective when discussing issues. Mrs. Johnson canot be adjudged innocent by some BB or online ambush! Let the law decide...
I can only imagine wat ds woman is going through nw,ds police ppl are 'BASTARDS' dey are not only goin to milk her dry,dy wil terrorise her and threaten her,she had better be prepared and get a damned good lawyer.
Look it's simple , all they need to do is look for blood stains under her car or tissue from the dude run over. If its there then she's guilty, if to then she should be set free. It's a no brainier!!!!,
So what do u guys want Linda to do?? Na wa for u guys.All this lady needs now is a good lawyer and witnesses.If she didn't commit the alleged offence,she won't go to jail.I hope she gets bail.
I believe she is innocent. I think you can encourage witnesses to send you audio recordings of what they saw. Out a multitude of witnesses, the truth will be established. A star witness may emerge that will have the numbered plates of the Danfo bus, if indeed a Danfo did it.
Haaa no be small thing ooo
Abeg is the baby an American citizen? U guys shuld go report this @d embassy. They dnt joke wit citizens. They might pik up d case &fight lastma. But let's pray d police won't mess wit d car & other evidences o
Whilst you are free to publish anything on your blog, my fear is that you are treading a territory which I do not think you should. By addressing this issue before it has reached the courts you automatically have taken a side and showing that she is innocent. Unless you were there, you cannot do this and so let her go to trial and when you have heard all the arguments from the trial can then come to your own conclusion but until then, you are being biased based on the stance you have taken. Just because she has a good job does not preclude from doing wrong and neither should she be assumed guilty until all the facts have been heard. Once you go down this road, you open yourself up to numerous issues.
What we should try to figure out is why would she go to the station to report that a danfo has killed a lastma official after her vehicle has been towed? Is she not spose to be concerned bout her vehicle? Just saying, am not judging.
first of all, i do not like LASTMA,POLICE or VIO they are bunch of hungry liars who stay on the roads ( most time places u would be surprised at, and then stop you most times to extort you) they have no form of integrity at all, all they want to do is stop, harass and intimidate you. the Lagos state Governor should do something about this. and the way they cluster and loiter on the roads is another topic. that was how the other day my sister was driving in ikja 9 allen junction to be precise), i dont know if she crossed the line or didnt wait for the traffic light ( she was actually wrong), then thing 5 of them jumped into her car saying all sorts she had to part with 3thousand naira. That was how one was knocked down at Cele bus stop by a danfo driver a few months back
now what am I saying? these people need to be sensitised and re-oriented.
back to the issue of this woman.......LINDA IKEJI please biko, i know you can do something, find out if this woman is truly innocent, gather information pls dont let this woman go to jail please do spmething i really wish i can do something.
if an LIBer was a witness to this incidence please they shouldnt hold back justice must prevail, pls post my comment linda. pls
This is tragic. i happen to know aunty yinka and i pray that God in his infinite mercies will deliver her from this..
So laws that are meant to stop people from causing traffic accidents is stigmatising people? Do you realise how stupid you sound? Why should any normal person drive against traffic on an express? You nigerians need to learn to obey the law and stop complaining. Its pretty simple - don't take the one way, period. How is that so difficult??
First off you don't have to be going at full speed to crush someone with a jeep like that, so in the end there might not be a dent.
However how did she elude the lastma officials and run into an estate? Well maybe she was near the estate. Hell, who knows. A proper investigation should be done.
Yet, why was this woman driving against traffic in the first place?
Linda don vex! Okay o
Recordings are not credible enough. They have to appear in court to give their testimony
Do your leaders have integrity? Do u have integrity?
Linda pls u must help this woman o! It is clearly lies! They just want someone to be arrested for his death. was not there o but d car in her evidence, But why is her baby in detention? 2months old baby? God wht is our conurty becoming? Pls linda give us auto comment
The so called Ikota Estate does not av a gate!!!! There's something Fishy about the LASTMA's side of the story nd au would a nursing mother have run soooo fast.
Linda, i need to ask 3questions pls.
1)Why will LASTMA allow a Danfo driver that crushed one of there own in aplace u cannot speed more than 30km/h to escape.(maybe na Jonathan own the busu).
2)Why would it take a police truck and some senior police officers to gain entrance to arrest an innocent person.(innocent person dont hide).
3)if it were to be reversed a Lastma man trying to arrest an offender crush n kill a successful banker definately all of us wil be asking for him to be hanged immediately.
I dont pray she go to jail, i hate Lastma personnel wit a passion but the Lastma guy was a family man too wit kids let all stop dis sentiment abbegh
I seriously doubt LASTMA official version of what haappened, becos from the Ikota villa Estate gate to the opening used by estate residents to avoid Ajah traffic caused by endless construction work going on there is about 200m, now is it possible to accelerate up to a speed that will kill a full grown men? I don't think so. This will expose this new lagos trffic law, is it for traffic control and safety or revenue drive, if it is for traffic control, there will a LASTMA official stationed at the estate gate to prevent motorist using the wrong way, and make the road for everyone or they control the so caalled one way so that estate resident donot add to already bad Ajah traffic, but if it is for revenue drive you ambush motorist ssomewhere close to the opening and extort which unfortunately led to a death. Laws are supposed to be made first for prevention, then punishment and not the other way round. This is reason most laws fail in Nigeria.
@ Olubabafemi,u are amazed abi? Do you know how sensitive this matter is? She doesn't have to be someone I know,I just want justice to be done..If u read my sentence well,I first said if truely the person is an eye witness and he is saying the truth,may God bless him/her but if otherwise,I reapeat if otherwise,then d same shall be the person's portion..its unfair if people think they can just come up with bullshit and type..And if u ask now,these people probably feel she is rich and dats y she is trying to escape..
For ur info,dat car is not even hers..its an official car that was given to her @ work..If she leaves the job,she becomes carless,so people should erase d rubbish they have in their heart dat she's probably rich cause they see she's driving a land rover...Like I said,I dnt know her,my sis just happens to be her junior coleague at work..
Please let's be careful what we type and how we judge people and learn to do unto others what you want t be done to you..
To d dead Latsma Official,I say may your soul RIP and I pray the truth shall come out about who killed you (Amen)
They are probably angry that if d Lastma guy wasn't trying to speaking with the Lady,another car wouldn't have come to kill d lastma guy so they they are trying to pin it on her
It is not enough to say "[you] don't know what to do" ooo! That is not an excuse for someone of your status -- and you have become a 'public figure', as I'm sure you know.
What you SHOULD do is to, first, detail the information you yourself are given. The person who contacted you. HOW you were contacted, ie. a phone call, a text, or e-mail (comments on your blog from a person stating their account don't really matter from a legal perspective). WHEN you were contacted, ie. date & time and any other such details. And the details/account the person gives you.
You have to write all those things down oo. Don't rely on human memory cause it can fail you or be proven false by a good lawyer.
Then you contact the government official overseeing the case. Try to go for the head of the unit/team overseeing the case, not the lower level people. (You want the case resolved on time and only the boss can do that. Otherwise you'll spend time re-telling the same thing to multiple people. And personally I don't like dealing with lower-level personnel because everything takes twice as long!)
Tell the official, you were just in contact with Mr.[X], who provided you with pertinent information regarding case[X]. This is new information relevant to the case that must be considered/investigated. Give said official a BRIEF SUMMARY of what you were told, plus name and contact information of the informant/witness. (You cannot give them full gist because that is HEARSAY, which is not legally admissible. Also, you don't want a situation where you're put in the middle because next thing you know it will become "LINDA IKEJI SAID..." if you know what I mean.)
If the government official refuses to do anything, pass the info to the suspect's attorney. They will know best how to use it.
Once again, it is VERY IMPORTANT to write down your own account from eyewitnesses that contact you.
As for the situation at hand, I can't form an opinion because Yinka Johnson's account is lacking. What happened after she called her husband and the car was driven away??? If the homicide didn't happen in front of her, how did she know 'another' LASTMA official was crushed? Who told her? Also, there are two different accounts of Johnson's arrest. Was she arrested at the scene according to LASTMA, or she drove to the police station with her husband? There are also different account of when the area commander took over the case and escalated it to the CP.
Sorry that my comment is long but this case is just all over the place....
Why won't it sound crappy to you? Msheeeeeeeeew! Abi no be you? Ode!!.. Did you even use your brain at all..the woman said she went to the station herslf with her husband to report the matter,police is saying they traced her and arrested her..who is lieing,y can't police counter her immediately that they were the ones dat arrested her? U can see,police and lastma sef dey lie..how many statement they wan give us..have heard like 3 different statement from lastma and police and just one statement from the woman..y do they keep changing their statement?
Yeye people!!
Yinka Johnson is innocent. We all saw what happened. Please do not allow her continue to suffer with her 2months old baby for a crime she did not commit. God help the Innocent.
I seriously doubt LASTMA official version of what haappened, becos from the Ikota villa Estate gate to the opening used by estate residents to avoid Ajah traffic caused by endless construction work going on there is about 200m, now is it possible to accelerate in that short distance up to a speed that will kill a full grown men? I don't think so. This will expose this new lagos trffic law, is it for traffic control and safety or revenue drive, if it is for traffic control, there will a LASTMA official stationed at the estate gate to prevent motorist using the wrong way, and make the road safe for everyone or they control the so called one way so that estate resident do not add to already bad Ajah traffic, but if it is for revenue drive you ambush motorist somewhere close to the opening and extort them which has unfortunately led to a death. Laws are supposed to be made first for prevention, then punishment and not the other way round. This is the reason most laws fail in Nigeria.
Auto comment!!! Auto comment linda auto comment!!! Auto comment oooooooo abi dem don bribe u join?
is it true that residents of the said estate normally drive through same road the banker drove through?..this sort happened to me back in Ikorodu at Agric.. residents
normally drive through one way after government college in order to take a little alley way into isawo road or agric..i was arrested for driving against traffic, other vehicles after me were left unarrested and the LASTMA officials even saluted a man in a jeep who committed the same offence i was arrested for...i asked LASTMA officials why i was been held when we all could clearly see other vehicles driving against traffic like i did..LASTMA's response was shocking, "we dont have enough officials to arrest others". tears clogged my eyes as i saw injustice being meted right in my presence..i nearly swore not to come back to Africa again
The only official I can Kill on duty with my two eyes wide open and plead guilty in court is the POLICE. GAWD!!! They are so wicked and heartless..
I am wondering y the Danfo guy didn't make a statement??? Prolly he ran away dat's y they are blaming this innocent woman. For christ sake y wud she kill someone and there's no dent on the car???
May the soul of Balogun RIP. And may the living Lastma officials learn from this case, they are too over zealous when they want to arrest somebody that they dont take note of on coming vehicles.. They need more training.
Pls linda let us fight for Yinka justice pervail in this matter. Amen.
JAIL Ke! U dont know the penalty for murder in Nigeria ni? Death by hanging or firing squad!! So her innocense needs to be shown at all cost!
My guess is, she went with her husband to let the police know her side of the story cos she was innocent, and they locked her up. I've seen such cases lotsa times. That's why pple hate going to the police. You just try it and see for yourself. Pple have gone to the police as witnesses of cases, and were locked up as the prime suspect.
Now my question for you: what were the LASTMA officials looking @ when she ran into the estate? How can a woman (nursing mother) single handedly outrun able bodied men?
From the pic, you can see that the towing van was already on site to take her vehicle to the station. If she indeed killed the official, don't you think his body would have been smashed in between her car and the towing van?
Why is there no dent on her car?
From the pic, you can see the car is on the side walks. How fast can she move (after being stopped) on that side walk, well enough to knock the officer dead?
Why is there no blood splash on her car?
How much would have been the fine that she cannot pay, But chose to run an officer over?
Do you think she would have stopped to be interrogated if she had any thoughts of running away?
Use your sense people......the answers are all in that single pic. The danfo story is less ridiculous than this BS the lastma officials are coining up.
Yinka Johnson is innocent. the truth shall prevail
@ Davincci
there is a bigger case here and if she's truly guilty would she be the focus and not her car. think
I feel really glad to notice dat some Nigerians think rationally and not emotionally.there's always two sides to every story.D dead LASTMA official is also a Nigerian carrying out his lawful duty before he met his untimely death. Let's not take sides without bcos anybody can make up a story.Yinkaa has not been proven guiltyy or innocent yet
How is it possible for a stationary car to kill someone? Before a car could kill it must be on speed. How can a car kill someone without a single dent,atleast there should be there should be a tiny stain or dent but so far yinka's car is as clean as brand new.We all know how our governmental officials tell lies,I do feel very sad for the loss of the lastma official and I pray God almighty grant the family fortitude to bear the loss but yet the innocent shouldn't suffer for what they didn't do. The accident actually happened at the other side of the road. Yinka is innocent and she wasn't the one that killed the lastma official. May God vindicate her
I take it there's no disputing the fact that she broke traffic rules right? Now if she didn't we wouldn't have this story...
Linda kudos for writing both sides of the story. Now as for you not knowing what to do with people calling you with information, I will spell it out for you - TELL THEM TO CALL THIS NO 08037076890, shown in your write-up. Thank God for people who are willing to come forward on their own with the truth. One person I read has given the plate number for the danfo bus. Let's keep an open mind and encourage people to come forward with any information, let this matter be properly handled is what really counts.
I think there is some truth to the LASTMA version. And I really don't like LASTMA. In fact, I think they are the scum of the earth.
1. We are in Nigeria, we know Nigerians, if a Danfo driver had been the one to knock down a LASTMA official in the AJAH axis, there would have been a riot by now.
2. If the two vehicles were close enough, she may have not realised she was the culprit.
3. The story of her fleeing the scene into the estate makes sense is she was guilty. If not, why not just keep going until she got to work?
4. The fact that someone called THE GOVERNOR about the matter means that they felt justified and aggrieved enough to ensure that she didn't get away with the crime. The risks to the petty LASTMA officers if they are found to be lying are much too high for them to go that far.
5. Just because you have a baby doesn't mean you should not be locked up. What about the family who now have no father, uncle, brother, son?
6. The rich in Nigeria must learn to pay for their crimes.
@anon 5:21pm i pray you fall into a similar situation and know how it feels like to be falsely accused. By God!where you there?You either a member of the pathetic LASTMA clan or Fashola's stooge. Even the guy who walked into the theater in the US and shot people dead in Colorado was not arrested immediately.You investigate, interview everyone then get a warrant for arrest. HABA!Like someone said how would she run away and leave her baby behind? Anyway, I pray Mrs Yinka Johnson is vindicated and Fashola knows that this his barbaric law will cause more harm than good.Its a sad sad situation. we don't know our rights in this country Mrs Johnson can actually sue how can you keep a woman and her baby behind bars?thats a violation of child rights.Its not until a child is seen hawking or used as a house help.GOSH GOD HELP US OH!!!
So laws that are meant to stop people from causing traffic accidents is stigmatising people? Do you realise how stupid you sound? Why should any normal person drive against traffic on an express? You nigerians need to learn to obey the law and stop complaining. Its pretty simple - don't take the one way, period. How is that so difficult??
What a sad story, i really feel for her (Yinka Johnson), children and husband whether guilty or not. If Yinka Johnson is really saying the truth, all she needs to do is to call on God and he will arise on her behalf and if otherwise, i will still advice she should confess, call on God and he will still arise on her behalf.The simple truth is that, this is Nigeria if we all continue to lament without praying for her shame go catch money you will now see power in action.
the most callous,ruthless and heartleSs set of people in Lagos are the road side police,VIO and lastma officials,they lack the requisite intelligence in effecting arrests,and they jst jump right in front of you,accusing you of taking one way at every slightest opportunity and requestin you to allow them access into your car,where they will uselessly and without integrity demand a sum of money from you,with the threat of towing your car and arresting you.From the glaring circumstances of the matter at hand,yinka johnson did not in any way hit d lastma guy,talk more of killing him,so d issue of manslaughter does not arise talk more of murder.Our criminal justice system is very dissapointing.can't we all seee,must we be biased becos d murderer of d lastma guy outsmarted the other lastma officials,by escaping without trace.
May his soul rest in perfect peace and may the truth come out!
Appreciate your spouse this week; it's the Celebration of Marriage Week!
1) if the LASTMA took this pix, means they have a functional camera
2) if they have a functional camera, why didn't they take a full and well detailed picture(s) of the accident scene as they were trained to do?
I really hope dat gov. Fashola and d judiciary system will let justice prevail
Whether or not u like it, she wld be charged for manslaughter bcos her actions either directly or indirectly has caused d death of d official. She wld be charged to court today and remanded in prison custody untill DPP advice is given. This is a lesson to u all. He who comes into equity must come with clean hands. If she had not taken one-way, she would not have been in dis mess. Don't be decieved, she has a long journey in front of her.
This is sad and I'm disappointed that this is even an issue. There are courses called 'forensics' that have been around for decades that will measure the skid marks from the car tire, the injuries from the officer, and the condition of her car. With this information you can tell the tires that caused the incident, how high the bumper is (based on the injury impact on the officer)... this will tell you the whether it was a danfo or a landrover. You can then test the lady's car to see if there is blood or pieces of the officer's clothes on her car!
This is really sad. In the western world, this would be an open and shut case. By the evening news, we would have a suspect.
Certain things just don't add up in this matter. Why would the colleagues of the dead officer,ignore his murderer and rather implicate an `innocent' person.That's not logical.What seems more logical is, they would do all within their power to apprehend the killer , especially as the incident happened right in front of them. Mrs Johnson has been coached by her lawyers, who would have advised her never to admit guilt....
Lastma workers are not trained the way it suppose, the authority just employed them. most of them has mental problem, some look human by physical but animal in behaviour thier action on the road can cause any bad incident to happen, l suggest that Lagos state govt should demand for thier behaviour report on any trafic spot they are or set up another group to monitoring thier activities on the road. We have them to control trafic but most of the time they are the one causing the trafic.
l pray that if the woman in quetion is innocent God should see her through let her enemies be put to shame. Amen
Anonymous 7.55 pm.Pls get a grip.wot sort of stupid question is dat?
is it not possible dat d baby was brought to be breastfed later in day after she was detained?did she know she was going to be detained for that long?pls focus on the real issues here abeg.
The LASTMA officals have allegedly retracted the story. Witnesses have come forward to sign their testimonies. However, the police are allegedly refusing to issue a report and release becuase her husband has refused to gve a N500k bribe . . . That's what i just heard oooooo....
I cannot believe all comments that you guys have been writing here, why all of you are so crazy. Suppose the LASTMA guys that happened to be a victim here is one of your brother, are you still going to say the same thing. We are talking about one stupid lady that kill government officer and all of you are just complain that LASTMA is not good. Because LASTMA is not good, that has now warranted us to be killing them. Let for one second accepts that LASTMA want to arrest this lady for whatever offence she may or may not have committed, what’s a big deal in that; Just pay the fine and go home. If she is find guilty of killing officer she might be going for a very long time, if not life. I have no pity whatsoever for her I don’t believe her story; she is a liar. You guys over there don’t believe in respect the law. She needs to pay the price for killing fellow human being. Remember LASTMA is human being too, I did not condone what many of them are doing but we have no right whatsoever to kill other human being period.
My broda abi sista 742 thank u jare. Nigerians are too emotional and irrational. I know how lastma can be a pain, trust me, I have been in their clutches enough times. But lookin at the 2 statements, I have to say lastma's own makes more sense. From yinka's speech she didn't go inside her estate so why would lastma claim that security locked the gate and they had to bring police. That statement is too bold and easily verifiable to be a lie. Why would yinka go to police station to "report" herself cos lastma took her car? Who does that? Will u not follow lastma to their office? Something fishy is going on. Me I was not there and no one on this blog was there. Everyone heard from a friend of a friend. But from they're own words, I can see the lastma's statement happenin in my head but yinka's own no just gel, no mata how hard I try. Sha sha, God dey. Truth will come out
its getting better, witnesses have come forward esp traders around the area, she should be granted bail tomorrow. God is great
we demand auto comment..or you loose us all
They should sue the Government for the damage they have done to her, her reputation and family's name. I do not know who is handling this case but they must not let this just slide like this. God knows how many people are in jail because of stupid people imagining things that did not take place as evidence. No single investigation was done before the story is taken to town as true. Yinka, go to court and get a decent money for damages. Relocate somewhere else and begin a new life!
Wait oo... The penalty for man slaughter caused by reckless driving is 7years imprisonment. Driving against traffic is 1 year imprisonment plus impounding her car (forever)...and it is most likely her official car!!! D lawyer should prove that she neither killed the lastma guy and had to go against traffic because of govt's inability to provide basic ammenities like good roads! When he is done, he will also appeal to her employer to pardon her for the damage this has done to their reputation. 1 year, 7 years, impounding range rover... No one good!
In all of this God will ensure that justice prevails
The circumstances the Latsma official died maynot have been a direct hit! He may have be brushed aside as he was trying hang onto the door of the car! I was not there I am just speculating!
Has no one heard of the "egg shell principle" ? people are different. she doesn't need to hit him with any major force enough to dent her car, if the deceased was physically weak or fragile ( as a egg shell is). let justice prevail.
Make I tell Unaooo! This is a very serious case that will not not be solved on a blog site! Dunno if u guys have jury system over their? If una get,thEn there may be hope for Madam,but if not,na serious caseooo!
Make madam do plea bargainooo! Cos law enforncement ppl dey wickedooo. Dem go come add jara put for matter wey nor concern them!But if she nor kill person and dem come they acussam wrongfully,make her friends,family do every tin possible to release her!! If dem want chop money give them ooo! I do talk ma own!
Hmm. This is a test of the justice system.
This is not hard naa. It it was her car, they will find blood under her car. Same applies to the danfo.
This I just a case of pure chancing. Because sh drives a better car, she is d money bag?
This country is finished
You are very stupid. She did not kill that officer. See you talking like you are so sure. Even if the lastma official was in any way related to me, I will not sit and watch an innocent nursing mother take d fall for his greed and stupidity.
I know of a pax in the bus that hit the lastma guy, but has refused to come forward cos of Nigeria police wahala. You fools just talk wivout reasoning. If she was ur moda nko? Keep accusing her for sth she's innocent of o, you will fall into a similar trap or worse soon.
Who said? Why r u this stupid? If she didn't take the one way lane, the danfo (guilty party) would have still passed there, and would have killed d lastma guy no doubt. Nonsense.
Some asking weda it is possible for them to frame her and saying her story is fishy...abeg which hole una dey hide since? No be naija police? Do you know the thousands of pple they have framed? Do u know how much blood is on their heads? Abi was it not on dis same blog we all read of how the police FRAMED 16 YEAR OLD BLESSING EFFIONG? Abeg make una go siddon. Anything evil is possible with those societal menace.
Justice must be done cos dt woman is innocent::::::
Some readers could be so annoying! Not even a remorse for the corpse! The woman took wrong way, then d guy tried to stop her, she den sped up and knocked d boy to the path of an on-rushing danfo driver who crushed him to death. That was exactly what happened, no doubt. That's what an eye witness who was in d danfo bus said. She has a two month old, so what?! Hamed is a 33 year old boy who has 2 infants including a 7 month old child and a poor mom! Why on earth are some people callous! If she is innocent as she claimed, why did she run away and instructed the security guys not to open the gate? Whatever, the court wil determine and because Hamed's mom is poor and may not be able to compete with the lady financially, she could win d case but can she win the heart of God or can she avoid the wrath of the dead's family? Let's see. Linda, pls she is lying ... Iro lon pa.
Let the law of the land take it's course.
Please if there are eyewitness let them come out and help this woman. i have been a victim of false accusations in Nigeria. There were even some people that lied blatantly. The police ar enot to be trusted. They have beef for people that are affluent in society. Please eye witnesses should come out. If not for the Grace of God I wont be able to wirte this comment but God intervened for us. Please they eyewitness shoudl come and help this lady. Also forensic should check if there is blood on her car.
LASTMA has made a u-turn after investigations. Murder charges have been dropped and she was granted bail this morning. She should be home by now. LASTMA must be made to pay a substantial amount as compensation for the defamation of her name. I do hope the Danfo driver is found and charged accordingly as LASTMA seem to have foreclosed the presence of a Danfo in their story.
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