To be a homosexual is honourable, a gift from God, God makes no mistakes-Pastor Jide Macaulay | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 17 October 2016

To be a homosexual is honourable, a gift from God, God makes no mistakes-Pastor Jide Macaulay

Nigeria's openly gay pastor, Jide Macaulay, a gay Theologian and the Founder and Project Director of House Of Rainbow, took to his page to write about how honourable it is to be homosexual. Read what he wrote after the cut...
"To be a homosexual is honourable, a gift from God. It is who I am. God makes no mistakes. Knowing the truth as a gay christian is liberating and gives me the most joy of my freedom.
I have paid the price for lying to be heterosexual. Pretending to be who you are will only harm you. EVERYONE was hurt, my father, mother, wife, son, my siblings, in-laws, friends and relatives etc.
I was FORCED to lie. I justified these lies with religion, culture, tradition and law.

I lied to myself for all of my adolescence, I lied to my family and friends. Because I didn't know any better.

I lied to my ex-wife because I was afraid of telling the truth.

I lied in my prayers asking God to cure me of homosexuality instead of helping me to come to terms.
My religious belief and dogma nearly killed me. I wrongly married a woman and badly hurt everyone.
I suffered emotional and psychological breakdown and through it all I survived. - Reverend Jide Macaulay"


Bonita Bislam said...

But how can this endangered specie say being gay is a gift from God? I'm not against whom he chooses to forget his sword inside but such blasphemous remark is not only irksome but bollocks

Unknown said...

Idiot..God really nid to call some people home

Anonymous said...

I am tired of gay people acting like their behavior is acceptable to God. My question is if your God says being gay is good then you dont serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Elijah. You dont serve the true God. You do Not know Jesus. Now if your position is that Jesus loves you irregardless of your sexual preference, that he still adores you, i agree! The next step then as John said is that if we are saved by grace, does it mean we can sin? No! Because if you love Jesus, you will avoid doing whats grievous to him. You may not always succeed but you will keep trying and beloeving in him till you are in that place of perfect peace like all we that are redeemed do. We too are sinners but christ washes us new and we strive every day by his power to remain in that grace.

That is where you need to get to, that is qhat you need to be saying. You dont need to be heterosexual, just be a christian and that means believing the word of God. He does not lie, his word does not change because man changes litigation. Who knows in a 100 years, it may be wrong to be gag and liking animals may be the new fad. Dont focus on the world focus on Christ, the real one. The one who is alive and you will find peace. Not sure if this will be posted, but if it is, i encourages all of us. God hates the sin and not the sinner. Christ came for sinnera not those already perfect But align your words with the word of God. Sedual perversion in any form does not edify God.

Unknown said...

I smell Hell fire! ~Nwa_Nsukka

Unknown said...

Devil yaf finished this one, sorry bro, u ar gone and gone forever

. ........... Liber maniac..........

Unknown said...

The stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave, you can go ahead and deceive your fellow perverts, but God can't twist His commandments to suit you, neither can He be mocked! #Weirdo


Even white gays don't sound this foolish, whatever we learn, we tend to overdo. Smh

. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

Anonymous said...

READ LEV:20:13
AND 13:22

Anonymous said...

LEV 20:13
AND 18:22

akpa-ose said...

Look at this lunatic insulting GOD. How could he say that such evil is a gift from GOD? When Bible said that eyes of God is too holy to behold iniquity. And am still sure that same Bible made us to know that a country was destroyed because of same sinful act he said is gift from GOD. It really makes me piss off to see Dr way and manner people disrespect GoD this days. Hard it be in olden days thunder for done design his smell mouth for him. Linda Pls don't ever address this demonic agent as a pastor against he is only on the mission to mislead weak souls to hell. Homosexual is abomination before GOD man even to some evil spirits. Say NO to homosexual..

Unknown said...

Thunder fire u...end time pastor. Have u asked urself y God destroyed places like sodom and gomora?


Anonymous said...

Judgement day is coming

Anonymous said...

Judgement day is coming

Unknown said...

Now u re in more danger bcos re making God a liar

Anonymous said...

Omo ale, very soon u ll go to hellfire idiot

Pretty face said...

Tufiaka. Abomination. Blasphemy....

Unknown said...

U have been tormented by the devil and ur life would never remain the same if u let God take over u!i pray for God divine visitation in ur life today.

Unknown said...

Yaaaaaaassssss! Gay men are fabulously made. Talented and the best in everything they do! God made gays awesome!

Unknown said...

And you're not endangered? You're lucky boko Boys and herdsmen haven't reached your side in the north. See this black short potato insulting someone.

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

Can't waste my precious time reading this. The sight of this an disgusts me

Long Live LIB

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...


Anonymous said...

Foolish guy, your story sound as foolish as you are

Amazing lady said...

Call some people home indeed lol. I also wish God should call our wicked leaders home sharply.. God is watching

Unknown said...

I just wonder y all dis faggots belives being a gay is the right decision in thier life.. Nd aunty linda, pls limit d way u post gay issues cos it will endanger d future of our children

Eddy Ogbunambala said...


Anonymous said...

You are lying and a liar you are.... God made no mistakes but not in homosexual... He did not made you that, you have been reading and preaching your bible upside down...

Anonymous said...

If it's honorable then why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah

Linda's childhood friend said...

At end times, Lucifer will infiltrate every spectrum of influence and authority, Pastors or Police, government or social workers etc. Let's be clear about something. Being Gay is a habit. Whether it's good or bad is in contention but God's position on homosexuality is clear... Read up on Sodom and Gomorrah...

Bree said...

He must be high on something cheap..who even made him a pastor???

Kagha Uchenna said...

Nawa for some persons

OSINANL said...


Unknown said...

I can't deal abeg. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

U are very lucky u are in the UK practicing this ur nonsense. Come home and say it,if u think is honorable

Unknown said...

Biggest bastard the world has ever known

Unknown said...

May God forgive ur unforgivable mentality/comment

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

this one is certainly in the wrong profession or callings and am very sorry for his followers; Sodom masters

nonso egbuniwr said...

May God deliver you,Read this bible verses God almighty himself condemns homosexuals and lesbians as an abomination Leviticus 18:22,20:13 Romans 1:26-28...may God have mercy on you

Unknown said...

and prophets of doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom

Unknown said...

Exactly, God makes no mistake. So why claim that HE did not know what was right when HE created Eve for Adam? Stupid people

Eva Da Diva...

Unknown said...

Ur going to hell motherfucker

Unknown said...

Mad idiot! How dare he even mentioned God's name?

Unknown said...

Any day u prove to ur self that a man can impregnate another man if left in the same room,that day i will believe God made no mistakes. This is blasphemy.

Unknown said...

and you have follower in your church dick head! olofo you are not a christian walai.

Anonymous said...

Sad sad sad.

AMIJEZ said...

Gush,please,keep God out of your stupid choice. Son of perdition.

Anonymous said...

God is indeed merciful. The more you say stuffs like this, the more glaring it is you No Man of God. You an agent of darkness and the path you threading is that of Doom. None of can ever back up homosexuality with quotes from the Bible. God never condoned it then, he can never today. It's ok if your mentally sick or retarded. Go get help instead of deceiving yourself.

Aymii said...

We go bust the bloodty faggit's mouth open with a 12 inch iron pipe if he shows his homosexual face in naija......

Blaspheming queer! ......will personlly arrange lynching the "unholy pastor" ......Bloodty fag! Lol

On 2 the Next!(Very quickly off this distasteful post)

Unknown said...

Demons from the pit of hell, seeking whom to convert to the kingdom of darkness, Mr. Man get it right* from the beginning it was Adam and Eve. Be ye not deceived for God is not mocked. What so ever a man does so shall he reap.

Anonymous said...

Assistant Satan, born to deceive people, went to school to study evil and is preaching evil.
You dare to mention God in this matter? u no dey fear? Who tagged u Pastor? do you know the meaning of Pastor? you went to the Bible school so people can take you seriously and believe your story abii? Let me tell you, you can not deceive responsible, God fearing Nigerians. Our Parents thought us good values and our culture speaks good values no matter the ethnic group. On issues as this our Fathers and Mothers will spit and exclaim Tufia! God forbid! Well, I do not know the type of Bible you are using but mine stated it clearly, do not Partake in same sex relationship/act. This was one of the reasons amidst many sins that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. Did you ask your mother how you were born? try and create your own world and see if you will multiply. All of you will just die and fade away in few years and your world will collapse . Mr Man, you already know you are heading to - HELL - but please go alone, don't take innocent people along with you. STOP DECEIVING PEOPLE, ASSISTANT SATAN!!!

Anonymous said...

Home? Which home? Just out of this surface earth before he pollutes many already. Gush!

Unknown said...

Thank God you acknowledged that He (God) does not make mistakes. Therefore, let's see Romans 1, I quote from verses 22, 24-26. vs22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves, Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their list one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. God made no man gay, it was the ways of man in obedience to satan. Every gay person represent the personification of man's rejection of God and His ways. You ain't a gift from God, but from the devil and an enemy of God.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No shame!!!

Anonymous said...

It's now you're actually lieing and deceiving and rushing yourself and your followers speedily to helfire.

Anonymous said...

If God is ok by it, why did He destroy Sodom and Gomorra for this same reason? It's like you're reading the bible upside-down. You need deliverance or you and your members you've polluted will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorra was destroyed.

Anonymous said...

A saying goes, "a mentally sick man will never accept that he is sick upstairs". Even his look here one can see that he is not healthy/fit, let us pray for them, "for this kind can only be overcome through fasting and prayers.

Anonymous said...

This man is not a pastor that is called by God, devil called him Infact he has gone gbeseck, how on earth can he say such.

Unknown said...

this is directly from the pit of hell. may God save his soul because he is a prophet of doom.

Anonymous said...

this is directly from the pit of hell. may God save his soul because he is a prophet of doom.

Unknown said...

this is directly from the pit of hell. may God save his soul because he is a prophet of doom.

Anonymous said...

ok u mean God supports these and he also distroyed sodom and gomorrah for these same reason read ur bibble rev.

Anonymous said...

Stupid man mek I catch u first na 2x2 plank I go use bring u back to repentance

Anonymous said...

Destination to HELL, better repent before it will be too late for you.

Anonymous said...

This man needs deliverance and counselling. Demons are speaking to him and he believes it is God talking to him. Pls he shouldnt rubbish the name of God and christianity. It's blasphemy!

Anonymous said...

This man needs deliverance and counselling. Demons are speaking to him and he believes it is God talking to him. Pls he shouldnt rubbish the name of God and christianity. It's blasphemy!

fortune said...

This is condemnable, abomination! This kind of post shouldn't have been published, it is capable of misleading the gullible minds

Anonymous said...

Chai our Gods name has been insulted n trampled upon...
Oh God,pls let Your wrath not fall on the innocent cos of pple Iik dis anti christ pastor,please forgive us all oh Lord
Ife onye metara Oviruo,fake pastor b warned

Anonymous said...

This man needs Abacha's apple I swear.

Anonymous said...

Indeed God makes no mistake. So he was right when he made u a man, gave u a penis nd not a vagina. So I think u need a psychiatric evaluation becos the devi is playing mind trick on u. I stand to be corrected if as a rev u claim to be where in the Bible did God created man nd man, why did he destroy sodom nd gomorah? All this u need to ask yourself. May God help u

Anonymous said...

Evanjelly Anon, welcome o! So much wisdoom and underchatting bullshit.

You're so confused and indoctrinated, with your head stuck up your ass.

What you need to do is mind your fucking business, you think gay people haven't heard your bullshit for centuries, we are not interested, in fact, we have and will ignore your propaganda for the rest of eternity.

Every decent human being looks for ways to make life better for their fellow man. You think those who are trying to raise the downtrodden, give a rat's ass about your incoherent nonsense? We're done listening to dumb lowlives, who's only object in life is to make others suffer.

Gay Prince

Anonymous said...

Who is this man pleaseeee?

Anonymous said...

If God wanted men to sleep with one another, why did he not create the proper channel to do it. Shameful act

Anonymous said...

Mr jide, beside God, what u do is not Natural, man and woman dating does not need a human law to enforce it, anythi that is Natural does not need human law to back it, I see u and ur co fags need a government to pass a law to make u acceptable. Lesbians are so foolish that still use a dildo, show that place was designed for something to go in.

And to those saying it is not my business, stop that foolishness, your future children are at risk, your younger onces are risk, bcos u r not affected direct does not mean u r safe

Anonymous said...

Mr jide, beside God, what u do is not Natural, man and woman dating does not need a human law to enforce it, anythi that is Natural does not need human law to back it, I see u and ur co fags need a government to pass a law to make u acceptable. Lesbians are so foolish that still use a dildo, show that place was designed for something to go in.

And to those saying it is not my business, stop that foolishness, your future children are at risk, your younger onces are risk, bcos u r not affected direct does not mean u r safe

Anonymous said...

Mr jide, beside God, what u do is not Natural, man and woman dating does not need a human law to enforce it, anythi that is Natural does not need human law to back it, I see u and ur co fags need a government to pass a law to make u acceptable. Lesbians are so foolish that still use a dildo, show that place was designed for something to go in.

And to those saying it is not my business, stop that foolishness, your future children are at risk, your younger onces are risk, bcos u r not affected direct does not mean u r safe

Anonymous said...

Mr jide, beside God, what u do is not Natural, man and woman dating does not need a human law to enforce it, anythi that is Natural does not need human law to back it, I see u and ur co fags need a government to pass a law to make u acceptable. Lesbians are so foolish that still use a dildo, show that place was designed for something to go in.

And to those saying it is not my business, stop that foolishness, your future children are at risk, your younger onces are risk, bcos u r not affected direct does not mean u r safe

Anonymous said...

As I always say, stop riding gay people's dicks. We're not interested. We will do what we want, when we want, you all can go jump off a bridge.

Anonymous said...

Atleast he's accepted he's gay, on the other hand, you're just a fat, ugly faggot.

Queen Tea said...

hmmm, people now use GOD's mercy to buy akara and crefish. no problem, the same all merciful GOD is also a consuming fire. GOD is not a man that HE should lie. Heaven and earth will pass away, but the WORD, WHICH IS GOD lives for ever. the word of GOD condemns homosexual. i pray for your soul to be free from the serious grip of satan.

Unknown said...

Na wa o! i'm just speechless .

Anonymous said...

Gather all these guys together and make them disappear forever!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

What bible are you reading exactly?

Kedike said...

After this Bastard Onyix will say his not gay! Y insult Bonita did she call ur name or his the gay pastor ur father? May God ve mercy on all u gay ass! When trumpet sound u go know where u go dey. Animal

Anonymous said...

Let them be aboard and be running there gay mouth ,come home oga pastor and preach gay semon,we will born u alife ,irritating man.

Anonymous said...

No thanks

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Go ye and multiply, says the Lord.

How do homos multiply?

Chuks Bruno said...

This is really irksome suck blasphemous write up...well thank God, God is reserving them for destruction

facebook autoresponder said...

just imagine he can even brag about it .I believe the saying that you are what you think

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