From The National Enquirer
Scientology has married into the family of superstars Beyonce and Jay Z and their friends are afraid the mega-couple could end up as the next Tom Cruise and John Travolta. The National Enquirer has learned that pals are “freaking out” over the church finally getting a foothold into the showbiz couple’s powerful empire, after actor Richard Lawson married Beyoncé’s mom, Tina Knowles, on April 12 aboard a yacht in California.
Richard is also dad to actress Bianca Lawson of “Pretty Little Liars,” whose own studies with the church include a “Purification Rundown.”
While Beyoncé and her family are devoted Christians, 61-year-old Tina and her new husband have attended a string of Scientology events – with Tina reportedly starting to show interest in the program!
Okokobioko *i siddon dey look*
They look good
Durh! Who cares bout what tina does with her religious life...
Na wa o!
Hmmmmmmmn scientology church that's full with controversy since several years now
Marriage is dat strong na
Hehe luv- the burning flame that makes the old burn with incandescent desire and even dump religion.Cupid's arrow working overtime here.
Good for dem na she sabi
Her Business
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Scientology kwa?
Just wondering what the tenets of faith will be in such religion.
You see how disheartening this is? I reserve my comment! Sad# John 10:10-11
Beyonce a devoted christian? ????
really????? All her baphomet symbols and hand signals!!!!
devoted christian! That's d news of d day for me.
Scientology gini? Kai! Nekwa ka nwanyi kobaa ka onye egbuwaa isi.
I've always knew the Knowles family are not intelligent,she fit convert to islam sef,...the kardashians are better than the Knowles
This Tina Knowles ain't fine @ all with all her plastic surgery,Kris jenner is prettier and more shappy than her.
Hmmmm, Scientology kwa, how is that even a religion
Tor, her business
her life her choice, same goes for Beyonce and Jay
This marriage will not last thats for sure....
Hmmm! Nawawo, we don hear, next...
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Dat is love, awwwww
Good for her!
The husband is the head, so she gats to do wat he wants
Its her choice...did he point gun n say she must do it...nt my biznez
I don't believe this shitty report.
Bianca lawson is a devoted christian.
OK.She did it for love
All for marriage. Linda take note!
Abeg oo
Hmmmmmmmm! END TIME! She knew what kinda Religion the husband believed in before she got married to him. So, what do you expect?
Hmmmmmmmm! END TIME! She knew what kinda Religion the husband believed in before she got married to him. So, what do you expect?
She v no choice dan 2 follow r hubby's religion o
She v no choice dan 2 follow r hubby's religion o
Thank God she didn't convert to d deadliest worst religion in d world...Islam!
Scientology kwa??? Oh Chukwu.... Nawa oo.....
It proves she was never a Christian just a casual church goer. Sadly most people who claim Christianity fall into this group. No one who has accepted Christ and has the spirit of God living in them can ever consider a false faith talk less one that exalts aliens!
Exactly. Christianity is under attack. The sheep know their shepherd and the shepherd knows his flock.
Linda, you have not told your readers that he talks too much and loves publicity. He gave the media info on Bey and her hubby.
All for love
They look great, and lovely.
To Linda&all LIB readers...
Henceforth u r going>
From backward to forward,
From nobody to somebody,
From downgrade to upgrade,
From impossible to possible,
From repossession to possession,
From zero to hero,
From flee to free,
From rift to rich,
From stress to strength,
From scar to star,
From trial to triumph, and
From test to testimony.
May this new month of May bring blessings, joy, and testimonies 2u, and ur household. Happy New Mnth&Worker's Day.
Na dem sabi, confused bunch. Her Christianity no even strong before
Preach it onyx, freedom of worship aslong as u don't hurt anyone, let God b d judge!
Leavin Christianity for Scientology...Downgrade! #lindaihailOo
Please don't ever quote the National Enquirer EVER again. Its known for outlandish unsupportable claims such as "man pregnant with twins" or "Jay-z's twin brother finally revealed". Trash mag
Let me google scientology.
Bishop dammy shut up...she has the right to practice whatever religion she wants...just like u have the right to be a christian...i am a christian...i wasnt forced to be one esp as an adult...most people practise what they are born into...only a few change...so y act like her supposed change is disgusting?????? No choice anymore??
I'm sure she knew she was going to convert before marrying him, that's her business though.
Are they both in any contest?? Well speaking of plastic surgery, I guess u just started keeping up with the kardashians last year, kindly shut the hell up!
Ohk and your own definition of intelligent is???
Devoted Christians? Lmao!
Yh, She accepted his Baggage 💼.
lol at beyonce and mum devoted xtians! xtianity is a way of life o using the bible as ur guide.the bible says if u dnt forgive,God won't forgive.Jesus said in mark 10vs11divorcees can't marry again or they will be guilty of adultery. .so linda how are they devoted xtians if they couldn't forgive Matthew knowles like victoria beckham and hilary clinton?
Rightly said! If you can be converted to Scientology or kabbalah or whatever fad religion is on then you never knew who Christ and God is. No one can change you if you truly believe in Christ. It is really unfortunate. True Christians have a lot to do in not just speaking the word but also acting the word.
Shut up too dumb! What do u knw? And uve been keeping up wth d kardashians since 1990? Fool.
None of my business but Devoted Christians since when?
What the heck your stupidity scares me men, u daft no doubt. Jerks come up here to fight for the kardashains that don't fuckin no if their fuckin corps exits! Well dumb ass, before kim's wedding in 2011 Kris did a plastic surgery. I wouldn't blame u idiot if u can't afford a cable,on the other hand YOUTUBE ain't just for porn. So get your fact right los**!!!
Lol @ Baggage. Ashamed to admit I watch that show #guiltypleasure
spot on!!!..dat was exactly wat caught my attention...beyonce a devoted Christian. ..Hian!
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