Underwear model, Sarah Stage, who gained Internet fame when she shared a picture of her tiny baby bump when she was 8 and 9 months pregnant has revealed the secret behind her taut and toned postpartum tummy – the same kind of waist-training corset made famous by the likes of Kim and Khloe Kardashian. Sarah is pictured above just two weeks after giving birth...
Ok this lady is hot for dats..congrats to her
No 1da, gud 4 r sha
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No 1da, gud 4 r sha
Waist trainer or not
That woman has a great body
I really admire her
Super hot post- baby bod!
It's not possible. No matter what ur stomach can't come down like that after 2weeks. This oyinbo people be fooling us. Mtcheeeeeewwwww
It's not possible. No matter what ur stomach can't come down like that after 2weeks. This oyinbo people be fooling us. Mtcheeeeeewwwww
I hope she doesn't kill herself! Just 2 weeks? Doesn't she have a doctor to advice her? Her body isn't even ready for exercise yet talk less of waist training. She's so fashion crazy she can even relax for 6 weeks? D hustle is real o. Nawa!
true that... though this waist trainers have serious sides effect. wont advice anyone to indulge in such.. check below if you want to reduce and burn out fats and baby bumps
Good 4 her.
Errmmm... Owk
Good for her, and I wish her all d very best.
Beautiful baby. I guess she's blessed to have such a body.
Let her kill.herself coz of flat tummy. It's her problem to solve
Hmmmmm pregnant women ignore this post oo biko!
Wow! And I'm,sure some women over here have been,stressing themselves thinking she achieved that naturally.
Nw tell me why men wont love this babe for christ sake...... My wife is not allowed to get fat i swear......
Yes! Its very common in naija to tie your tommy after birth and trust me it works wonders. Though its discomforting and painful at first.
Linda post my comment
Trying to break natural conventions all in the name of fashion. Good for her.
I love her waisttrainer
I like it, amma try it out. ShapeYou get d type??? Linda take note!
I like it, amma try it out. ShapeYou get d type??? Linda take note!
I like it, amma try it out. ShapeYou get d type??? Linda take note!
Pple will nt kill us with dis rubbish waist trainer,pple can over do something,thank God u dint kill that baby.
#Hajia Mufliat
Chaiii, Omo see shape, I love it
this waist training thing;
d discomfort no here oh...
hmmm....datz cool....#a1sirmuel
Jesus dis people self....waist trainer in pregnancy
Chaiii, I love d shape
hum.... lovely... Good for her anyway... where can i get one?
Her baby looks quite healthy.
Oh boy see shape!!! Linda hope u waist train too...
she's not caring the baby with love. Haba
Wow, I want
this is a good one. interested in interior design? then check this out http://sheedahventures.blogspot.com/
make dem no sha kill dia sef mtcheww
I guessed that already
I doubt how true this is
OK o! Seen!
Would buy for my future wife.
This waist trainers isn't safe for a pregnant woman especially during her second trimester. It is extremely dangerous till after childbirth pls.
Haha, how will Shape You use this to its benefit?
This lady of a model
got dope bod
Nice one
Okay so now that you can see that women can use waiast trainers and still have babies. and still be hot. You ladies shouuld not dull o. hehe
Fine woman.
Busy Fingers.
These oyibo women don't fear God o. 2 weeks?
Olodo na publicity she's probably doing for the company .
Wanna be like you when į grow up nice one
Story! I know someone whose baby bump is even smaller than hers.
I need me a waist trainer like already!!
Nice....she definitely loves her body.
so far the baby is healthy, she can pin her stomach to size 2 if it makes her sleep good
That's bad. Sorry I can't use. Am happy with my baby bump
Wow! Niice bodyy
Nice one, guys shey Ʊ can see dis before Ʊ start abusing Nigerian women... Money is good o...
But y
Like seriously???
wow body esp after childbirth.
Again who is this chick? and why would we care?
So that we can buy shape you from your Laura your sister abi, carry go
I will buy four of these for the future I really need aa flat tummy dats d beauty of a woman
It's very possible. My cousin stomach was flat just after one week of childbirth bcos she's very slim
Wao! Nice out come
Wait wait... she wore it wen she was pregnant too???
*** Linda's 1st Daughter * * *
Nd she is carrying the bady with Wat?... Smh
It is very possible if you work out regularly and eat healthy, rather than stuff your face with yam and fufu all in the name of eating for two. Mtcheew! Victoria Street models give birth and show up on the run way two weeks later.
Confused too
Sis read properly...she said postpartum meaning after delivery.
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