Heavily armed firing squad in full body armour have been spotted in a boat heading to the Indonesian prison island o
f Nusakambangan where 9 men, including 4 Nigerians, convicted of drug offenses are due to be shot tonight. The men will be shot in the heart and their coffins have already been taken to the Island. No clemency, despite pleas from the prisoners' families and world organizations.
8 of the nine prisoners.
Condemned Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran will be killed by midnight
Chan's parents |
The coffins the men will be buried in
Sad photo
My goodness, this is heart breaking *sad*
Well, that is their law.
Another way to make heaven. Lindaobserve
*crying* they should hv mercy on them na
So sad.....
Really sad, wish last minute miracle can happen
Really sad, wish last minute miracle can happen
Feeling sad alreadY..lest I 4get Andrew chan z a handsome guy
So touching.....It hurt me more than a sting from a thousand bees to realise these mehn will be executed in some hours....May their gentle soul rest in bliss as they rest on, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF EXISTENCE.
Seeing their own death coming
So sad to hear that fellow Nigerians are involved in all kinds of shit abroad
This is like no going back on their words let be a lesson there is better work than dying carrying drugs
Too sad
such a sad way 2 die..
d suspense alone could finish d person
Ehya..So sad
So sad.
Hope d ibo guy ll see his kids b4 time?? Dz's so wrong,eachday God gives us a 2nd chance X most of us would ve died in our sleep yet man made laws can't b bend 2 save lives..at dz point they should embrace christ
Ehya..So sad
Father Lord! Rest their souls. My hearts bleeds for dem.
What an end, may their souls find rest in their creator.
God for just sink dis boat
It's heartwrenching
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
God have mercy.........So its really happening
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Na wa o
Sad way to say Goodbye
Hmmmm...sad,they know whats coming to them,but this law is too harsh.i hope others learn...
I pray God forgive them and accept their
D place is too fine to be a place of death na
My question is this, after killing them will the economy of Indonesia improve? Will their children attend oxford university? Will they build orbit? Will Bill Gates and Richard Branson relocate to Indonesia? Its a pity
They wanna waste this handsome guy(first pix). Mtchewww
Dis is terrible o
Do they have to shove it on our face, can't they make it private........they way they are broadcasting is very bad
Don't do drugs. Lindaobserve
Andrew chan such a handsome guy
So sad. May there souls rest in peace.
That awkward moments wen death stares at you in the face... Shud I pray for the men to get drowned already.. I cnt imagine wat their parents will be goin through
That is soo sad. I can't imagine what they or their families going thru
God help us,my heart bleeds for them.how I wish happening.
They can't try dat wif an American citizen,heartless people caught since 12years ago still gonna kill dem,sad
Na wa o! Dem bye-bye. May their souls RIP. Linda take note!
Na wa o! Dem bye-bye. May their souls RIP. Linda take note!
God please have mercy ohhhh
Fuck Indonesia!
RIP to them in adv
In btw stil searching for my oyindamola Ogundiran, am interested in her for real
Hangmen also die, "thou shall not kill"
I wish a miracle could just happen, anyhow but not death. No one has d authority to take anothers' life.
Enough of dis post! Stop making pple sad
Let us introduce firing squad for looters of our treasury.
Andrew Chan seems to be in good spirit considering.
So sad, knowing u re gonna die n can't do anything about dt. Wish dey would be pardoned.
Sad indeed. Evry air they breath counts so much @ this stage.
The international body should have done something to stop the death sentenced, Nigeria government is not even saying anything.
Am sure those 4 Nigerians are igbos,
The prisoners has just been executed now, so sad may their souls rest in parfect peace.
It will
Too badt
As sad as it is, I hope this serves as lesson to especially desperate youths who will wanna travel anywhere in the world all in the name of searching for greener pasture, we don't know the laws in those countries we are going, that is the Law in Indonesia. May their soul rest in peace.
So touching
I feel very sad, i wonder how these men wl be feeling now
This is so heartbreaking.
This is so saddening
Feel very pity
For these guys families
Hope they embrace God before
their death
RIP to them
Who are we to condemn pple wen God havnt condemned us?
As if they didn't know the penalty before committing the crime!
Sad but lesson for would be's'.
Check out the truck Total Plc is using to transport fuel at www.naijacarlovers.blogspot.com
Still can not think it through. Don't know what to say @ this point
So sad
OMG this is heartbreaking
Round up every Indonesian in igbo land, start paying back straight away, if i see nay Indonesia is over
So sad. How I wish dey can change their mind. May dey find rest in the lord
This people no dey play oooo,they dont have time for shit
Linda this my best post from you, lessons hmmmmm!
Ilu ti Ko si ofin, kosi ese. Sefinni.
So sad ...
Before u enter these asian countries, its written bold on ur visa dt penalty for drugs is death. Well its a lesson for others if our naija fast lane guys will hear
So painful
So painful
Ewww wasted life
Anonymous 7:05 PM God will punish your generation big fool. Look at ur mouth" like am sure those 4 nigerians are igbo". Stupid bastard,imbecil
Is agbaje an ibo name ???mkpi like u
Which kind yeye details be that nah! Shot in the heart! Abeg save it
Anonymous 7:05 u most be a very stupid idiot, what the meaning of that rubbish if dey should even check they most be from the west..
Wonder how it feels to be told you are getting the bullets on so and so date? Wonder also how it feels to see your confine in front of you and imagining in the next few hours you would be in it and covered up in the grave? This is more than torture. The Indonesians should do away with this sort of killings. A life imprisonment could be an option. Though they ran foul of the law but just feel for them facing the hang man in this cruel manner. May God have mercy on their souls.
Brave men who fought to make money....RIP brothers....money dey lion mouth....oo una remember ..these men were brave www.iwonpopular.com
sad. they need to adjust their laws
I agree with you. Jesus Christ suffered and died for us even while we were sinners. God forgave Mankind. Can't this indonesians do same?
Jesus Christ suffered and died for us even while we were sinners. God forgave Mankind. Can't this indonesians also show mercy?
I agree with you. Jesus Christ suffered and died for us even while we were sinners. God forgave Mankind. Can't this indonesians do same?
I really do wonder why we as humans want to eat our cake and have it..... Laws are made to keep people in check and if you decide to break it, then you pay the price. If we have mercy for all offenders then we will have a lawless society. Do they deserve to die?...yes they did because everywhere you go it is written the penalty for drug trafficking is death. If you decide to commit suicide then it's your call....please let's not flog the issue they got what they asked for...simple
Anonymous 7:05 u just displayed how retarded and shallow ur brain is..smh. I just feel sorry these 9, its their families that will bear the pain more.
God bless u jare... as simple as that
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