In an interview with
Vanguard yesterday, fast-rising Yoruba actress Oluwaseyi Edun said sex before marriage is the way to go. When asked what her take was on sex before marriage, Oluwaseyi said;
"I think it’s an individual thing. Once you are an adult and you
think you are ready, go for it. Personally, I think sex before marriage
is good. Because it will make you know your partner well before going
into marriage. So if there is anything you are not comfortable with, you
have an ample time to correct it before actually going into the
lifetime contract of marriage. Doing it before marriage also reduces
adultery and fornication. It is also a good way of studying your
partner before you get committed to him or her."
Nah, I think zipping up is the best... but
to each his own. What do you think of what she said?
1 – 200 of 339 Newer› Newest»If you go with her idea, you will end up sleeping with more than 50men before you know it cus this means every potential guy must be tested sexually
Yeah she right make love to any lady come your way now#lolz
Like you said to each his own, work will work for Steve might work for Adam.
This situation is economical, everybody likes to know the quality of what they're buying b4 purchasing it, hence why we all test drive a car before buying it #Yesbosse
Its obvious dis oneis far from GOD...... Keep the bed Undefiled..........
She's right abeg. Which kind zipp up?
Linda u dey post ova old news dis days abeg. Ur info staffs re dulling.
Like yu said, To each his own.... It differs wit every individual.
individual preference …. but one thing remains obvious ...nothing is better than abstinence at the end of the day! fornication is a norm but it shouldn't be encouraged….same with adultery
Linda this days its better to have a taste of it first before marriage oh..... I nor trust all this fine guys this days them fit get dick you nor go know
My dear its not relative,God's standards can never be changed.
Holy matrimony is an institution established by God,and you feel the best way to be prepared for admission into this institution is by going contrary to His commandment.
Although I've had the apple before its served,I haven't gotten so morally bankrupt to advocate for sex before marriage.
Sex before marriage has never proved to be the therapy for a long lasting marriage filled with bliss.
Haaaaaaa hmmmmm let me just fold my arms n wait for d debates. ...for or against with lot of pretenders that will insult her dis night put her in d freezer bring her out tomorrow morning n continue with the insults ( meemee ).
Yes. .yes u dont marry a man nd ud be like wtf!....linda re you zipping......hmmmmmmmmmm......sipping myandre#
I don't get how it reduces fornication and adultery! What do you wanna know before marriage that you can't know when you're married? She no make sense to me.
She's more of a sex therapist or expert than a good actress cus I've neva heard of this dencia's customer before.
Whose report would yu obey?
D scripture says no sex before marriage and a mere mortal like her is contradicting it and leading oda young girls astray.
Totally wrong! Pleas don't follow suit. Heb 13:4. BishopDammy#.
Zipping up is definitely the best, I concur.
This one toto go don finish 4 testing. Mtchew
moral perversions...
Was dat aw ha fada did b4 e married ha moda?
I for one think she needs to take several seats to d back nd think twice b4 talkn next tym.on second thought she can keep sleeping with every job and joseph dat comes her way in oda to determine which 1 to marry
I for one think she needs to take several seats to d back nd think twice b4 talkn next tym.on second thought she can keep sleeping with every job and joseph dat comes her way in oda to determine which 1 to marry
she`s an idiot,dats y their marriage don`t last,no one should take her advice she`s an agent of destruction.
she`s an idiot,dats y their marriage don`t last,no one should take her advice she`s an agent of destruction.
she`s an idiot,dats y their marriage don`t last,no one should take her advice she`s an agent of destruction.
she`s an idiot,dats y their marriage don`t last,no one should take her advice she`s an agent of destruction.
Hmmm BUT me tink sticking to one guy is d best bcus if u Shld say sex b4 getting married eh. it means u will slip wit all d men dat cums ur way o. But d koko b say me no won marry man way him d**k small o and cnt perform well o.cus I tink dats d joy of a woman for her man to always satisfy her whn it matas o.
"Fast rising Yoruba actress",I think this explains why she have such a sexual perspective.....#cheEZyjayne.
Opinions differ. We still have to go with bible's teaching. No sex b4 marriage.
I'm out *** CATCH ME IF U CAN***
she`s an idiot,dats y their marriage don`t last,no one should take her advice she`s an agent of destruction.
she`s an idiot,dats y their marriage don`t last,no one should take her advice she`s an agent of destruction.
How many have she tested?
How many have she tested?
Her recommendation is irrelevant as long as it is contrary to God's word. It is not about it being an individual thing. His word says you should not, so you must obey. He is always willing and ready to forgive those who err, as long as we ask for forgiveness
what i only see is that she has a wrong orientation. How many men must you sleep with to adapt?
read more interesting stories
How many men do u want to sleep with before u marry??? Or do u think it's every relationship that leads to marriage??? Think before you talk, Abi u bleach your brain too??? Lol
My tot exactly buh in away she's right o imagine u get married 2 a man who luvs certain tins 2 be done, u knw dat u re not comfortable doing.
Very true, I had an experience with my ex(t***), he usually brags abt how good he is in bed, den we strtd having sex, d longest he has ever gone was 2mins Thank God I did not end up with him, cus i dnt knw ow he will satisfy me if we had gotten married.
sex b4 marriage is a sin ooh omo naija
Is each his own........
This actresses are public toilets. Mtcheeeew.
Deris God o!!
In d sight of Gid it's wrong. But been realistic she is so write.
sexs b4 marrages often leads to mistrust among d couple
Is not good, is a sin before GOD
Am with her on this one no doubt....
Obviously doesn't read her bible!!!silly mofo...
Sex before marriage is wrong. Ideally. If you can avoid it, it's best.
I think you shld wait!! Guys cant be trusted dis days!!! Zip up plz until you are married...m
and who the fuck gave her a mic? Kmt
all this bastard daughters of a 1000 fathers
She must be crazy for such a wack paradigm.
Sex b4 marriage is not d expose ladies to a lots of danger....anyway its not advisable. ..
I think she has a point
She is talking absolute nonsense. That people do it doesn't make it right and should not be openly published in national newspaper. Remember children read papers and will affect them negatively in their life choices. Talking about d few children that would've been upright in this crooked generation.
the question is how the hell would the notion "sex before marriage" work??? basically 80% of celebrities who are "supposed" role model have kids before marriage the annoying thing is with the high rate of intimacy between both male and female celebs i'd prob say they dont use condoms cos all u hear is celeb A and Celeb B are dating
No wahala
I disagree with her o. Juliet Oranagwa has said it all. As it is right now, she might just fall prey to that which she thinks is right. Every guy would want to test her now with no intention of marriage because they know her stance on sex. Babe, zip up.
Serzly? Sex before marriage is fornication. You are making the biggest mistake of your life if your a Sex before marriage kind of person. If you take her advice you might probably never experience the best of true love
Lie lie!!..I don't agree atall!! if 10 guyz approach me for approach me for marriage..I shld sleep wif them inorder to knw dem better..take several seats abeg!!!
She has a point, but sex before marriage is still the best.
Supported . . . Fidelis via BBtorch1
God bless u!
Who cares what she thinks is she GOD? abeg
she's right
i concur with her...
How does having sex before marriage reduce fornication kwa? Isn't sex before marriage in itself fornication. Edun you need help! Jesus Loves you!!
D only way I will allow Sex after marriage is wn d pesn is a Virgin & cn romance well dn I can leave it till honeymoon, bt if d oda way, I go test oooo b4 marriage. Bt I dnt wnt 2 marry a virgin shaa.
I agree with the Actress Oluwaseyi Edun, Sex before marriage makes you know the problem and solution to it asap, Once you're married no going back, If she/her doesn't stay on ehen u can talk about it and make thing up or amendment asap :D
She's right o bcos guys are like ladies
only savages act like she says, the best thing is to stay abstinent
The truth is bitter but you manage said it my dear sister. I surport you here.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Zipping up is the best. Once u start, there is no going back . #####QUEENMATA#####
If u ask me oo..I even think government should pass a law mandating everybody to TEST THE WATERS before marriage..hehe,,they should even make it a 14 year jail term for defaulters as well....and let the church say amennnn!!
Hmmnn dat means u will end up sleeping with all more than 20 men before marriage. Nope I don't support that o. Marriage is honourable bed undefiled.
It's really funny how people think Sex before marriage is OK".... So what if u finish having Sex with one guy $ he's not "good enough"? you'll break up $ av Sex with ur next bf? Na wa ooo! People don't even care what God thinks anymore.... Its straight forward, Fornication is a sin! Simple
she does'nt even know the meaning can sex before marriage reduce fornication when thats exactly what it is....
Hmmmmmmn, each to his own o abeg. What is good for the geese might not be good for the gander, I think sex before marriage is very very good but...
Linda u don't like posting my comments.
I disagree to her advice many men will u sleep wit bfre gettin married finally??abeg leff am d way bible talk am biko *bedundefiled*
God will say something one rat human will come and say another let devil better stop using u ma...
To a xtian sex before marriage is fornication..if u r xtian n u do odawise, na u sabi
Juilet is right in her own contribution and also another point is dat d 2nd man may not be as gud as d 1st and d 3rd may not match d 1st man. So it means dat she will continue sampling until she sees d one like d first man. Sister OYO for u cos na u go tire. D Most Complex in G says so.
That is why you fine a lot of men n women saying their spouse is not satisfying them cos they have tasted so many b4 ending up into marriage, as for me zipped up is the way
Say no to "no-testing"
Say no to "black-market"
Edun or what's your name? Of a truth,you must be edun. If you must sleep with all the men that come your way before finally settling down with one,then you are nothing but edun(monkey).
Edun or what's your name? Of a truth,you must be edun. If you must sleep with all the men that come your way before finally settling down with one,then you are nothing but edun(monkey).
Hmmmm well in as much as most of all are guilty, God's word still remains the same...
Story 4 d gods
If sex before marriage prevents "Fornication ", what then is Fornication folks???
Ashewo wey no sabi English! Spreading the gospel of prostitution to our your ones out there....#endtimes#
Is there really a marriage that was contracted without "sex before marriage" in this age? Absolutely none!!! Why pretend? It is happening in our society. There is always sex before marriage presently.
Olodo oshi..
To each,its* own!
You welcome!
Comes off a bit ignorant. She says doing as she advised will help keep away 'adultery' and 'fornication' in the marriage. Biko, what is the definition of fornication?
"Sexual relationship between 2 people not married; to themselves or other parties".
So simply, she endorses fornication.
If you're going to be rebellious, do am finish. No try take ignorant talk cover in defense.
That means we should keep sleepin wit evry gal that comes around till we see d one tht can fu*k well?... Good idea
Follw @successralu
Did she say it reduces adultery and fornication? Seriously aunty errrrmmmm...what's your name again? For your information, sex before marriage is I wonder how fornication reduces fornication!
Very shallow of her thoughts. She knows only little!! Shes saying it as if its only going to be a sexual relationship. Other factors are involved, many other factors. i hope she gets enlightened further about this matter. God will help her.
Linda so you self go hold body abi
Pls dont comehere to miss guide d young ones just becaused you are not a virgin any longer.if you like sleep with 100 men before you get married that's your own problem...but dont come here to tell us trash!am married,and my husband happens to be the very guy who disvirgin me,and now this marriage he honours me for that.
She is very intelligent,her reasons make sense, But Linda ain't intelligent,keep zipping up till u clock 50....mtshew
"Doing it b4 marriage also reduces Adultery and fornication"Is dis geh wt her senses at all?
I believe in wanking b4 marriage tho
girl are u kidding me God says something is wrong you say is right that is how some people give dem self ticket to hell good luck ms lecturer of sex
I disagree with her
See as people dodge to comment on this post. Na waoh!
I wonder who taught her all these. She should speak 4 her self biko.
From wat I undstand. I think she means if u knw fully well dat this person is going to be ur life partner, there's nutin wrong with having sex b4 u get married... It's nt like she meant dat u shud go n have sex with everyone u date..
Some girls be like..I wont have sex before marriage...Guess what? They ended up marrying an impotent or a 2 seconds guy
Zipping up Linda???
"Congeal" is deadly than Ebola oooo. Abeg know your partner before marriage. I dated my wife for 11yrs, of which we fucked for 10yrs, before marriage. Now we have 2 beautiful kids and still loved up like never before, yet am to see a punani sweeter than hers 14yrs counting.
There is nothing bad in it. Just apply caution.
Sexual incompatibility is a major cause of stress in marriage. To each, his own.
Dis like d most dumbest Idea av ever heard... Aw does slp wiv a guy mks u knw him very. And aw does it reduce adultery? Gez u avnt met ashewo guys dat no mata aw frequently dy gt d cookies 4rm u dy will still slp arnd.
Davido's GF
who cares??i aint even up to 20 but my body count is up to 15,xo practically i must have sex with my partner b4 going to the altar,that's a nothing new abt wat she said,cause almost all couple had sex b4 getting married..i might even smash my wife to be friends to know whether they are better than my wife to be on bed... i smash any girl that comes my way...
She is such a low minded human being
am so in support of her cos i cant do NoTESTING as well...i must know the status of my fiance b4 signing the life and unbreakable contract...... but stil doesnt mean you should fuck around
Am not a virgin, but i just gave my life to Christ few days ago, but has vowed never to do it again till i marry.....its not right b4 God,even some humans. Young lady have a rethink, cos after here (earth) we are heading to a holy place, we need to be holy too. #Iknowsaynobodyholypass# but caution my dear. The end is so near.
I still believe in sex b4 marriage.
What if after marriage you discover that ur wife's C**ts is very wide that u don't enjoy sex with her or the lady discovers that the husbands d**k is too small or too big that she doesn't enjoy sex with him... What will u do then? Divorce?
You know ur lady first b4 marriage...i can only forget sex b4 marriage if i confirm that the lady in question is a virgin
Hmm, her idea is not Godly so therefore, it is to be trashed and I pray that God will speak to her in a special way and she will repent in Jesus name!
Ehya, wat a shallow opinion. U want 2 live on ur own terms $ expect God 2 bless it rite. I pity people that u do advice. fornication is a sin ok weather reduce or not.
Ehya, wat a shallow opinion. U want 2 live on ur own terms $ expect God 2 bless it rite. I pity people that u do advice. fornication is a sin ok weather reduce or not. Social media don suffer. Get a bible $ study d word
Own decision
I strongly disagree.wat if after sex and d marriage does not work?dat means d person might sleep wit thousand men or women to get a suiting one
This is why 'they' always end up in divorce and stuff! taking care of the ephemeral and leaving the things that last. #JustVain!
look at what u r sayin for Christ sake. But come ooo celebrites surprise me oo. They think like lad. And if u asked her she is a christian. Sorry 4 you. Linda post my comment ooo
Well to me she is making sence,cos most times some people end up having dis kind of problems after marriage... Nice 1 there....linda post dis 1 oh
U r not married but ur having sex. so don't come here n say shit like ur not from this planet
Hmmmm partially true buh if u should go by dat,it means u might sleep with uncountable men b4 u settle down,and if u dnt do @ all u might end up with a man who cannot satisfy u sexually in bed,so it's a two way thing n it is 50/50 chance.
Exactly why they r either single mom or forward 5yrs she will b here trying to tell us how sweet and cool it is to b a single mom..#whore ..all ur suitors browse d web Shey? Wit this mentality how will they marry u?say this to ur self and not make a fool in public
If that's her opinion, don't crucify her, look for your way and walk the path
So Linda are you trying to say you're a virgin? I pray oooo
Im sure Nigerian women will pretend that they dont know what sex is, meanwhile they are one of the easiest women to get into their pants. How many of you are VIRGINS??? Sex before marriage is unholy we know that. But How many people are willing to wait. A successful man that has women throwing themselves at him wont wait till marriage for sex. She is right, the world has changed. This isnt 1970
... Hmmm, i see. Shaking ma head..
Linda be talking of zipping up.. Linda are you a virgin?
This babe sef is contradicting herself. See what she said
"Doing it before marriage also reduces adultery and fornication"
Lol!! What is the definition of fornication? Lol ppl end up appearing ignorant when they want to force it !
She should keep opening leg to every guy that smiles so she can get to know him better!!
Shikena! Nuff said o
This idea is for those who don't have God. Cos if u have God and know him, u will trust what he gives u as a life partner and will be able to fix what problem that might come ur way. And by the way who says u can't satify everytin ok as a human being and enter into the marriage to discover problems beyond sexual compatibity. Marriage is not only sex. Always think before u talk.
Did she jst say it will reduce fornication and adultery? Lmao and wht is d act of sex b4 marriage called? Mtchewww,sha it's d generation I find my self where dia's total disregard for d word of God and total lack in morals
Does ur brain function or u sha jst wan write something sha. So if person give u advice u no go add ur own jara take make things work properly u go jst do am exactly as d person tell u. Use ur damn brain woman
"doing it before marriage will reduce fornication" ?? Please someone should tell this woman what fornication means.
@LindaIkeji, Just as u like it big, how would u cope if u zip up and later find out he is small down there?
i dont support that,how can she say such a thing
i disagree,if u truly serve God wit 100% trust and faith in him and u let him guide you through in choosing a partner,u dont need to confirm anytin,its lik doubtin God,if u allow God to lead u,ur marriage and whole life will be sweeter dan dos who have had sex many times before they marry,#putGodfirst...#lindayoumustpostthis :D
i disagree,if u truly serve God wit 100% trust and faith in him and u let him guide you through in choosing a partner,u dont need to confirm anytin,its lik doubtin God,if u allow God to lead u,ur marriage and whole life will be sweeter dan dos who have had sex many times before they marry,#putGodfirst...#lindayoumustpostthis :D
Nt a gud idea tho bcos d foolish ones might end up hvin sex wit evry men dat come their way vise vasa.
I think everyone should be mindful of who he or she listens to. Some empty brains both spiritually and morally come out here and spew rubbish. Who is this one? i guess she thinks she is wiser than God.
@ Juliet u are very right......even more dan, nd that might be d goal of d other party too(sampling his swagger),thereby the lady ending up with no man. Those kinda people are those that turn to sugar mummies.
D bible say bed undefiled, once u practice sex b4 marriage, there is no way u can trust ur partner even in marriage. As regards 2 what Juliet said, how many men will u end up testing b4 u get what u want
When the Almighty God commands that marriage bed sud be undefiled. Here u r advising against his commandment. M sure some pple wud v been encouraged more by this ur antichrist advice. I pray God himself will locate u before u send more pple to hell.
"Doing it before marriage also
reduces adultery and fornication" Bitch please, you already fornicating.
yeah,i agree with u linda,am sure zipping up is the best,it saves u a lot of heartaches.
Hi, my take is Sex before marriage is very important. But 1st, just like Juliet said, u might end up sleeping with every man...... If u have slept with at least 3guys, den there is pretty much no difference in sleeping with others what I advice is never do it for the wrong reason, so u NEVER regret it, make making luv fun by committing it to who u feel is right at the time, n if it's not, then u move on with no hard feelings trust me. Just always play safe ,...HIV u know. Lol.
Now about sex before marriage, when u get married, apart from being friends, d next best thing is making luv, y not test ur man n find out if he's so tiny down there or rushes to come or goes straight for sex or always makes u do d rides, or doesn't sensitize ur body before love making, or only does it with the light off, or wants to hit u from the anus instead, my dears I can go on n on on men's wrongs in sex, but if u do not find dis out on time so u can either correct or plan to live with it, u would end up cheating in marriage or getting frustrated or pushing him out cos u do not satisfy him.... Now that's total disaster, there is no amount of friendship or commitment that can correct that.... Be wise girls. Cheers.
A fool says in his heart..there is no God. God is against it even tho pple are doing it. If u do it, y don't u keep to urself. Must u come out publicly to advice against God's will? If u like, v sex 1k times befr u marry,u can only know what ur partner wants u to know. God will forgive ur ignorance
Isn't fornication sex before marriage? So how the hell is having sex before marriage reducing fornication. What a fruitloop dingus. Dumbass. Understanding the words to use is fundamental
Doing it before marriage also reduces adultery and fornication???? As for adultery, I wouldn't know.....but fornication?? What exactly is fornication if not premarital sex? Just like saying adding sugar to ur tea reduces the sugar content. Lolz
Noooooooo!!!that's very bad of u. is a big sin, full stop. Tek it or liv it Rubbish. Mtcheeeeeeew. J. JUST PASSING.
Silly tin...tells u how she bitch around. may God help us
Hmmmmn what work for u may not work for me
As morally wrong as her position might seem, Its pretty difficult not to agree with her. I am married and I know what sexual incompatibility feels like....
Nahhh that's wrong ɨ don't agree
Sex before marriage is nothing but one stupid thing one should suggest to ladies. One, as a lady, you are worthless and a very cheap article before a man who conquered you in bed before marring you.
What face do you use to face the man who may have slept with you many times before abandoning you for another lady?
Secondly, sex before marriage contravenes GOD commandment and disregards to GOD'S law attract HIS wrath and judgment.
Good, I definitely would end up fucking this girl..yipee
I'm on the fence
Kamto Haf Tok
So,you have up to 50 potential guys,or you plan on having upto 50? ....
Girls enh...
I think I agree with her view on that......
Nooooooooooooooo, strongly disagree!!!
How many guys or girls wud one test. Sex is more of an emotional thing, if u really feel a strong desire 4 d person and the other feels same, u wud enjoy it regardless of anything. So waiting till marriage is a gud idea.
All these ladies that love big dicks,this is how they reason!
She is right if your partner is not strong bed then you will know weather to go on or not so she is right
Linda stop fooling urself. How can u not test a guy are u joking.. Then wen u marry and find out he can't perform u end up miserable abi? Hissssss
Linda likes to pretend....Are you zipping up at the moment miss Linda? You are not married....but you always comment that sex in the morning is the best....How do you know that if you are zipping up? Life of pretense no be am.........Don K
Rubbish talk......y nt come straight use d word test wen u finish testing all d men in d world u will now settle with 1 right....mufu dey der dey deceive urself
Her advice Is nt if dres anyfin like dt...1. It disobeys Gods command.."Sex b4 marriage reduces adultery nd fornication"!! Girl u need 2 gt ur brain checkd. A man who wil cheat wil surely and certainly cheat..u cnt hold a man down wif sex...he has 2 love God in order 2 stay away frm stuffs like dt nt u usin ur bdy 2 hold him dwn, in dis EBOLA period!! D pple dt wnt 2 go wif her advice I wish u luck! As for me zip up is d case!
How many of us zip up before marriage .....???
Linda, stop promoting immorality. The knowledge God gave you use to win souls for Him instead of winning souls for the devil
Linda 'Holier than thou'. She said it's an individual thing. Meanwhile, it pays to live according to God's principle in every aspect of your's not just zipping up because you want to prove an individual point, zip up for the love of God.
Zipup is d best way
It is a very big sin in the sight of God! Aint surprised with her words....the devil is everywhr luring pple through different means 2 his kingdom. Our body is God's temple, hence, premarital sex is one of the things God frowns @. Xtians should beware!
Onye onye na nkeya
How does it prevent isn't it fornication the person will be doing trying to know the guy well in her advice. Pleace stick with your her day job.
And most pple here will comment rubbish wen 98% of u r not virgins or were not virgins before they got married. Even our so called ?bishop dammy will quote bible wen he has d gauss to open naked pictures on lib blogs all in d name of preaching but indirectly or even directly committing fornication or adultery depending on d marital class he belongs to. Bishop dammy stop viewing ladies naked pictures dts called ponography. How do u tell me not to steal when u r robbing temples, why will u tell ur brother pls allow me remove the straw in ur eyes when actually u hv a rafter and log of wood in urs. Pls before u answer dt name u can as well stop viewing ponographic pictures or u can as well change dt bishop name of urs to only dammy so as not to profane d name or dt of some responsible men of God. After u start looking for who to lay curse on. Dapada abi no b wetin den callam for Yoruba? Dapada I dodge am give u back one million times. Bishop my black smelling ass after poooiinnng. Linda u better post this n make sure he reads it.
Hiding those hideous knuckles. LMAO
Babe how many men have U known very well? What if the man is not as good as U expected? Will you keep hopping from one man to the other before you decide marriage?
U nailed it Juliet!.I do think sex is just one of many aspects of a relationship
Sin ooooOooo
I don't think its proper to test every lady that comes your way with the guise of marrying her. The bible says that marriage should be honered by all and the marriage bed kept pure. Hebrew 13vs4. More ever testing a woman in bed before marriage is not a guarantee
Pls Lib readers,can som1 hlp me out here,wen 1 wants 2 post a comment,dere's an option as Name/URL,pls wot does dat URL mean
There's way too much focus on getting married actually. Everybody keeps talking about it and puts women especially under so much pressure. Please advise people to become the best they can be and not obsess with who to marry, or wether to sleep with somebody or not b4 they marry....eisshh
She is so correct we ar all nt virgin whc 1 b zip up u ar suggesting she didn't say u shul jump frm dis 2 dat she says dia ar tins u shul correct b4 settling down u see in muslim religion is a gud reason 2 let ur man go if he can't satisfied in bad dats y u see dam getting married any hw to me is beta u date numerous than 2 marry numerous mrn swt gal lindodo~ice princess~
Too bad,she was sent by the devil himself.Pls guys,don't listen 2 b4 marriage is condemned by God n will always be.
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Marriage is honourable bed undefiled, it's a no for sex before marriage.
I don't think its proper to test every lady that comes your way in the guise of marrying her, marriage should be honoured by all and the marriage bed kept pure. Heb 13 vs4.
she is just a not wise, expressing a stupid opinion...trying to feel among (say something controversial) ... all these bleaching cream girls will never stop deceiving our children n young minds with wrong ideas...
Linda u are wrong n she's right.U hav to know ur partner sex life n level so dt u can both enjoy ur marriage.
Linda what are you saying ? You've bn zipped up all dis while ? Hah wahala de o. I personally think it's a personal thing to everyone but I for one would never buy a car without test driving it a couple of time to knw what I'm dealing with. Hellll no.
Sex before marriage
Confused fellow! And she ended up saying zipping up is the best. Do not be deceived for God is not mocked. Fornication only brings doom and reduces ur value. There's no way you will keep ur self and God will make u to end up with a junk. He is not a wicked God neither is He a liar.
Andy moller,
Please i advise you guys to drop this idea we are not wiser than God.
"Work will work for Steve might work for Adam"???? What are you talking about???
First off. Does she even know the meaning of adultery and fornication? Because she sounds clueless. We turn the world upside down and we say there is problem
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