Who rocked it better? Christiana Milan vs LIB reader | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Who rocked it better? Christiana Milan vs LIB reader

It's the same dress and I vote for the LIB reader. Amazing body. And the shoes..to die for!


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Anonymous said...

Lib reader has the better body but her awful wig is a no no.


LIB reader

Ade said...

Definitely LIB reader...super cute...proud to be a Nigerian


Woooooow! Lib reader of course
She got the curves needed for the dress in the right places. Me likey

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

lynzzzeve said...

D Libers rocks it better,,,,nice structure .

Anonymous said...

Abeg d LIB reader looks slutty. Where will she wear it to?


She use her hips oppress christy

Anonymous said...

Sorry Christina Milan killed it.

Anonymous said...

LIB ni o.......*nuga*

Anonymous said...

Go, LIB reader. Smashing!!!

Unknown said...

Lib reader, but her legs r too short,so d sexiness of d gown is not really obvious...

Unknown said...

Choi see bobby

vivienne said...

Lib reader jhoor

Anonymous said...

The lib looks like she's selling something, she looks trashy!while christiana milan looks classy, the difference is clear, I prefer christiana milan on the dress....

Anonymous said...

LIB reader mayne! Full breast, slender waist and round hips! Beautiful bod! And those shoes...simply beautiful! FLIPA

Anonymous said...

Jeeez!!! D lib reader keed it jor...chk out her shape na & her style of hair ÈŠ̝̊̅Úª jst perfect 4 d outfit. Stunnin look babez.

Unknown said...

LIB is the best

Secret's of Linda Ikeji

Glammo! said...

Christiana milan. The LIB chic looks cute also.

Unknown said...

Bia Linda, what is in the shoes that you want to die for... please visit my blog..powerfulgiststation.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I also go for d LIB reader

Pretty Abeke.

Princess Charming said...

I wwore it better!

helena said...

And I prefer Christina Milian.Classy without effort...

Unknown said...

U sure say no be Bonita Bislam be dat Linda Ikeji? She fine shaaa. Breast dey boost fitting for dress shaaaa. Her mammalian gland did justice to d dress. *thank God I ve go some boobs too * *tongue out* to Bonita Bislam.... Hehehhehehehehe!!!!

Unknown said...

I concure with u linda...who says that our Naija babes re not the best? Just check out this liber.

Anonymous said...

Definately lib reader,abeg c milan's legs

Anonymous said...

LiB reader rocked it better , Hot body to bring out the elegance

Signs she wants to get down wit U

Anonymous said...

Definitely the LIB reader..... She's sexy!

NMA said...

Lib reader rocked it well with her great shape,african shape...m

Anonymous said...

Funmi ofcos! She has a body to die for... I'm a gal n I'm in love wit her body!

Anonymous said...

suwooo!! Not common, but i think the lib reader had this one under wraps 100%.

Unknown said...

I vote for christiana miliani there's sometin simple nd cute with the way she wore it

Anonymous said...

Ehen nau, our very own LIB reader rocked it most

Adroit said...

The lib reader definitely rocks it but I love Milan too

Anonymous said...

The LIB reader na heavy Kwanagida Otondo!

Anonymous said...

Lib reader! damn!!

Anonymous said...

Lib reader! damn!!

Anonymous said...

Linda nwannem na lie oo! b4 nko u 4vote christy insted of ur customer? christy own not only luk class n decent on her but its also mor unique n original, while ur customer own luks a kinda inferior n she com luk lik all dis abuja nite babes wey dey wait 4politicians 4nite at sheraton junction. my result-Christy #Event dress# LIBer-#huzle/runs dress# But I must admit she has a physic dat makes drivers loose control of d steering! hahaha (Miss LIB'ly addicted)

Unknown said...

lib reader obviously

Anonymous said...

lib reader rocked it beta

Mystic Falls said...

I vote 4 my fellow liber hands down,Lin Lin if C milan sef see dis post she fit vex sue u oOO 4 deformation of character#justkidding#

Anonymous said...

Linda even with dis over size shoes and d dress take a closer look ur so call LIB look like it fake when u see truth abeg talk am, and d LIB looks like a runz babe almost naked thanks

Unknown said...

lib reader obviously

Anonymous said...

Na lib reader na,libers no dey carry last.she rep wella GO gurl.

Philip Obin said...

Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) raid students of Landmark hostel. Details at www.linda-ikeji-blog.com

Anonymous said...

Christina naild it. The LIBer luks tacky cos shez got A̶̲̥̅ bigger bust size.


Anonymous said...

The LIB reader killed it! No doubt

Anonymous said...

I vote 4 d LIB reader,she got it all


christina milan is learning here o!...who is that LIB reader abeg??...

Anonymous said...

Liber looks like a hooker with that boobs...good shoes and clutch tho. While Christina looks chic except for those sandals and bag. They need to swap

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh funmi omotosho have reach this place, this girl that finished from babcock uni after 2 extra years lmao correct runs geh anyway she looks good, thank me later for the gist hehe

Anonymous said...

And I lovee d LIB readerz clutch too! She nailed it #fab

miss indomie said...

Christiana looks awesome but I have to go for the lib gal she rocks it more

Anonymous said...

The LIB girl knuckles are dark, she probably bleached, she looks good tho, but what kind of background is that?

Cute G said...

Yes liB reader it is!!

Anonymous said...

LIB reader of cos.....

sheilaslim said...

Lib reader all d way.hair-check,bod-check-dress-check...

defat said...

See shape see body,body to badt gaaaaan

Anonymous said...

LIB reader rocks, I vote her, supap baby

Anonymous said...

Give it up 2 christiana she defined classy in dat dress n nyc shoes 2 d LIB reader bt she didn't do justice 2 dat dress

Anonymous said...

Mehn! Am with you Linda on this one, the LIB reader sure wins...the girl too hot abeg, see body na#phew


Anonymous said...

I vote milan becos of the origiality of the material. This other girl material is aba so fake look at d color kai nd her bleached skin

Anonymous said...

Breast don fall

Fuck your opinion said...

The lib reader killed it. Nice everything. ♥

Anonymous said...

LIB reader!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aba clothe linda stop giving this whore audience and stop comparing her wit my milan

Anonymous said...

Her dress looks cheap kai aba

vivian said...

Pls oo ....decency is my watchword... I prefer Christiana mlian

Anonymous said...

D difference is cyrstal clear...LIB reader u rock jaree.....seE shappeeeee

Unknown said...

Lol..aint that Dorcas??..shes looking cute tho'

Anonymous said...

Hot damn! Lib reader!!sposy her handle please.

Anonymous said...

LIB reader all daaa wayyyyy!

Anonymous said...


Soul said...

The dress was designed for the LIB reader. Chineke!!!! See as her breasts enter the cloth well.her waits come tiny. Her ukwu come dey protrude from the right angles. Dammit baby gyal. Christie shouldn't have bothered. She sinned against that dress by wearing it.

lord mosi said...

LIB reader coz she got the shape to match it

Anonymous said...

Dis milan girl looks more decent appealing to d eye. D LIB chick has a nice body quite alright buh d clothe is so tight on her. Its as if her boobs r fighting for freedom. Nice shoes!

Teminikan said...

Me too.. More lovely, cute and sexy too on the LIB reader

Anonymous said...

Our LIB reader joor o,she gather well. Thumps up 4 d LIB reader..... Apinex

Anonymous said...

Its not d same dress.

Anonymous said...

Its not dsame, d LIB reader looks raz wit overbleached body,

Anonymous said...

Lib reader needs to get the dress in a size bigger. Ms Milan looks classier in it!

vip said...

Yeah lib'er is 100/100 nd d othr person 50/100.

Anonymous said...

Christian Milian wins hands down. She makes the dress look classy but the LIB reader makes the dress look tacky.

I'm not hating. Just saying it as I see it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah me too, super hot

Unknown said...

i beg na l i b reader

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda its not the same dress...and the LIB reader looks like a call girl. Sorry..but that's my opinion. Christiana rocked it better..not too tight and fitting at the a ame time.

FAMMIE said...

LIB reader all the way, she is got a great body....

A washer that lets you do your laundry from your phone to be launched by Samsung

Munet said...

Its looks classy on C.M but slutty on LIB reader, luv her shoe though bt still I vote 4 C.M

Anonymous said...

Ladies have still not found what they are searching for on the ground? Love the Liber tho.sammydress.com iam guessing she got hers there

sunday otuns said...

Ladies should be dressing smart,not wearing little children's clothes that will tight their bod to reveal the cleavages,boobs and butts.milan rocks

Anonymous said...

I tink i prefer d aba version..........

KennyD said...

That's Funmi from babcock! Indeed she has an AMAZING body! #NOHOMO

Anonymous said...

i go for the lib reader she made me spill my coke, she has a "banging" body.....if you know what i mean

Semaj said...

Fahear say LIB reader rock well...tha gal dey use hypo na

Anonymous said...

Omo LIB reader toh sure ni

afrochic said...

2 different looks. The LIB reader looks HOT. But Christina looks way more classy.

Chinenye C said...

Wow!!! d LIB Reader

Anonymous said...

LIB reader ko c d way her boobs are droPping #iyanma and pls the girl didn't rock anything abeg.Linda na wa oo how u take fit compare celeb with this mgbeke

Walata said...

Lib cos she's got a "figure 8" shape so dats dope

uk.kofo said...

The lib reader no get name? Linda u re too money conscious. Omo ibo! E dey ur body there.

Unknown said...

Christiana rock it bera

Unknown said...

Lib reader kill it...too sexy.

Unknown said...

Christiana rock it bera

Unknown said...


haters-slayer said...

lib reader in her own way though her breast has fallen which makes it "awkward" buh i think christiana naild it.

Darkchildlovethyhair said...

Christiana did it for me but the liber is cute too

albarry said...

All I see is hips ohi don't even want to imagine wot d back side will look like. Rock on LIB READER

sureguy@toronto said...

Christiana Milan looks better on d dress

zee said...

Wow! Linda I'm with you all the way. The LIB reader is on fire!
She made Christina Milan look malnourished.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Milan..LIB reader looks less decent

Anonymous said...

Me too, LIB reader nailed it

Unknown said...

LIB buh Christiana's own is looking more decent than hers

Anonymous said...

The LIB reader did! She's got a great body.

Unknown said...

LiB wore it beta buh itz looking indecent on her

Anonymous said...

Nna ehn! Linda in as much I won vote 4 my fellow addict of lib buh her boobs iyaf sag sha. She sha needs a gud push up bra. Milan I vote 4.

Unknown said...

LIB Reader all the way!! Kai that waist line is a waist to Die for.. Kai Blood Of God... #ÚNú ga egbu Mmadú!!

I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
>>Comment Moderation Disabled<<

Anonymous said...

LIB rocked it

Unknown said...

Mehn...is the lib reader ooo,she damn sexy!!

Unknown said...

Dear LIB readers, the time has come when we LIB readers would become celebrities. I know for sure that we are far more intelligent and beautiful than this so called celebrities who go naked everyday in the name of fashion. See how stunning that babe looks,she smashed with her lovely shape and beauty. Meanwhile the so called celeb is looking like a housemaid on that same attire.

Anonymous said...

LIB reader rock it mehn nice figure matured swag plus d shoes

Anonymous said...

Give us the name of this you lib reader. I need to ask her something real quick.

February said...

Haaaa no contest o LIB nailed it well. Nice

Anonymous said...

LIB reader. She fills it out better.

Anonymous said...

Funmi reeeee. This girl sha. nice tho

Anonymous said...

Nice bodyy she got der *trippn*

ADEBOLA said...

Go LIB Reader i vote for u jorr ...... First to comment yes

Anonymous said...

The African waistline does have a way of bringing out the beauty of everything feminine , the lib readers waist is one I can't wait to have

Anonymous said...

Don't like the lib readers legs sha but as Naija has taught us a bad road can still lead to a wonderful building

Anonymous said...

Also, did she drop something on the floor?

AGB said...

I wish I had the "love struck" smiley here. Tell Christiana Milian that "she can go & die!" This LIB reader killed this ish man.

Sean O said...

I prefer the curves of LIB reader ;)

Unknown said...

She is Smocking hot

Anonymous said...

the reader mehn

Anonymous said...

LIB reader hands down!!!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

In my opinion I vote for milan her look is classy. It looks kinda trashy on d lib reader tho her shoe choice is better dan milan and she has a better body but d dress looks a tad undersize/too tight and d hairdo shoulda been more relaxed.. In my opinion o

ary said...

Abeg LIBER hands down! Amazing bod, she really fills out the dress.

Unknown said...

LIB rocks better

Anonymous said...

Christiano milan luks ugly an old all dis oyinbo pple sef up lib reader

Anonymous said...

Christiano milan luks ugly an old all dis oyinbo pple sef up lib reader

Anonymous said...

Hahahahhahahaha how u no say na wig e fit be weave on hahahhaha

Ms_Oyinkansola said...

Thank u o.its luks decent on christiana.so I prefer her look

candygirl said...

The lib reader has got a bangin bod no doubt but she made the dress appear cheap and tacky,chirstina milan looks chic and classy. So I say cm wore it better,they should swap accesories!

Zenki brown said...

It suits christiana beta

Slimayo said...

The lib reader tried all because she's got curvy shape but milan did justice to that better

@BOBO_EDO said...

My thots exactly... She's got great body for the dress, tho... She rocked it better,,, I mean the LIBer..


Unknown said...

Gbam! You took d words out of my mouth!

Amarachukwu said...

Lib reader!!!

Anonymous said...


Guess who is back to her blog????

Anonymous said...

Its nice on the libreader....but its classy on C-millan.....very classy

Anonymous said...

Abi oo....d dress is sooo tight that its stretching...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Abi ooo

Anonymous said...

This is the difference btw "Ada" wife material and "Caro" fuck material....I am sure u understand.......lol

Anonymous said...

You look too old for this shit

Uloma said...

D dress was worn better by CM, dis LIB reader.... Nah! Doe d body is hot buh may look better in anoda attire.

Anonymous said...

She should hv gone a size up. D dress is too tight and small for her but she got an amazing body.

MlleP said...

The LIB reader definitely has the curves to go with it but Christina rocks it like a star!

Debbie Chelsea said...


AnnMarie said...

The Lib reader looks trashy

julius said...

Oyinbo pepper, when are u having bikini LIB reader na. Guys dey wait o.

naija gist here

Anonymous said...

Iyawo ore mi ni yen @joro

Anonymous said...

Christiana.Libber wan tier d dress its too tight on her christy looks classy n libber tracy but l,ll kill for her shoes though.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians!!u cursed her under anon and pRaised her wth your name. I know it is d same person because part of my job is detecting documents.you need Jesus!

~Medusa~ said...

Lib reader killed it n made it obvious that it's a stretch dress with all her goodies pushing the threads... Millian needs to add some goody flesh

Anonymous said...

If you say LIB reader legs are too short for that dress pls look @ christiana's legs welll abi eye deey pain you? LIB rocks d dress better.

Anonymous said...

Abeg itx milan joor. Mst 9ja girlz wear short tinz b4 dey wil no itz fine??

Anonymous said...

The LIB reader looks so feminine in the dress! I want her! She is the clear winner!

Anonymous said...

D lib reader has d body 4 dis dress........buh it seems like she squeeze hersef inside #igazweardesigner

Anonymous said...

Christian milian killed it she just to classy.lib looks trashy

Unknown said...

Who are dis bitches, pls?

Anonymous said...

I think a better question will be WHO WILL YOU RATHER TAKE OUT ON A DATE??? that`s all

nikky p said...

D lib reader can only wear hers to a club or a night party, but milan she can wear hers to anywhere and still be respected. I pick cm. But i must say d lib reader has a nice body.

Gela said...

Yeah me too....it luks gud on lib reader bt she can only wear hers to club or nyt parties...c as e just divide her boobs bt Milan's much better.

Anonymous said...

D lib reader wore d Aba version of d gown.but d babe get 9ce shape.

Gela said...

Nd Linda, y wnt u choose d LIB reader b4...dats whr ur cash comes frm nah cos she opens ur blog all d tym....hehehehehe bt she gat lovely body nd dat shoe fyn gan!!!

Anonymous said...

def christy rocked it better. She looks classy and chic. While LIB reader looks slutty. Must she get the short version? Cant she get the moderate length

Unknown said...

Lib reader, me likey. She rocks wif nice curves

Anonymous said...

def christy rocked it better. She looks classy and chic. While LIB reader looks slutty. Must she get the short version? Cant she get a moderate length

Anonymous said...

The lib reader looks good but her boobs are sagging a bit, she also adjusted the length and that makes her look tacky when compared with Christina. Christina definitely wore it better

Anonymous said...

Christiana milian wore it better,that dress has a sleveless hand,and you either lose ur hair or a ponytail,and its not a party dress but you can still wear it as one like d lib reader........too much of white lib reader,keep calm

Anonymous said...

OBVIOUSLY, the LIB reader rocked it better.

Anonymous said...

Nawa na ur mouth dem gohere ,oya everyborri dz iz her handle on instagaram "mzberryfunmi"or mzberryfumi".thank melater

Anonymous said...

lib reader made the dress look slutty so christina milian

Anonymous said...

Christiana milian wore it better,that dress has a sleveless hand,and you either lose ur hair or a ponytail,and its not a party dress but you can still wear it as one like d lib reader........too much of white lib reader,keep calm............always wear responsibly not bcus u have curvsss or not,dress well as a lady,lib reader sucks

Chidigood said...

Mumu, I must comment. Whose leg short Liber or christie

Anonymous said...

funmi omotosho

ROXIE said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you o.
Christina takes this one

Unknown said...

Her Names are Funmilayo Omotosho not Bonita Bislam!

Anonymous said...

Milan is n wil always b a star,she rocks d dress better, SIMPLE n CLASSY, d LIB reader abused d dress joor,naija no go change,dey always turn tins upside dwn, dt dress is nt meant t look sluty

Iniwo said...

Milan wore it best, she wore the correct dress size. LIB reader wore Milan's size the dress is stretched too much

Anonymous said...

Linda it is Christina Milian! Ah ahn. Christiana Milian ke

Anonymous said...

We r nt talkin abt dia shape,we r talkin abt who wore it ryt, n believe me MILAN dia, its so classy on her

Anonymous said...

Thank you o.
Christina takes this one

Unknown said...

i wud go for christiana ....she looks gorgeous nd classic ....though noc curves for d other girl buh she luks slutty.

Anonymous said...

Really? I think Christiana looked classy and decent, while u look trashy and raz, wetin u dey sell?

Anonymous said...

All you saying Milan pulled it off its cs she bi celebrity,LIB gal killed it;nyc shape...purrfect waistline....go gal u rock

Omobola Alfred said...

I concur...d LIB looks like a slut..more like a club dress on er..Milan did rock it berra..

Efe said...

Tot i was d only one who tot that. She looks tacky. Milan wore it berra!

Anonymous said...

Not that she looks slutty... She's a real slut... Dorcas Funmilayo Omotosho that's her name! Runs gurl!

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