Former Oyo governor Adebayo Alao-Akala's son Olamiju Alao-Akala and billionaire businessman, Rasaq Okoya's daughter Hadiza Okoya, had their introduction over the weekend at the bride's father's compound at Eleganza Estate, Ajah. Their wedding will hold later in the year. Continue...
Omowunmi Akinnifesi and Shade Okoya stunning in traditional attire at the introduction
Lovely nd happy married life.
Pweety couples nd omowunmi is lukin gr8 I mst sai
Hmmmm...beautiful. Couple
Congrats to them.
His son looks dark,later Otunba will claim he doesn't bleach.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Akalas, who would have thought??? Rags to riches! Uhnnn
congrat....but money good o..
Rich will get richer
Lovely traditional attire.....
You go fear, fear na!
preety lady, hp ur union last. D though part is in marriage. congrats
preety lady, hp ur union lasts. D though part is in marriage. congrats
wow. money is good oh
Rich marrying Rich is very normal, cos poor can't find rich in a poor gathering...congrats to them...BGM
Omowunmi haf add up o...she luks gud!!!
Omawunmi still looking fuckable
Shade is still beautiful
Hehehee...I no fit shout o
*singing* otunba alao akala mi, eni rere moba rode
wow naso e dey for naija o rich for rich poor for poor
Hehehee...I no fit shout o
*singing* otunba alao akala mi, eni rere moba rode
Gud 4 dem
Cute couple
Gud 4 dem
Congrats to them
No b small tin. Lord I tap in2 d blessing in Jesus Name,Amen. Omowunmi is gettin fat but still pretty.
For I shall be rich too
Juwon say say via how sex changed my life
Too much money.
Omowunmi Akinnifesi and Shade Okoya-so classy.
HML 2 d newly wedded couple.
Lovely couple!! The groom sure looks handsome and the bride is so pretty. May God bless them.
Waoo wat a classy wedding,,,lindodo wen is ur own comin up nw???
Nice couple.Congrat
We will get there #Isnothing HOTGIST
Nah wa Oh rich people marry people
Onye nw'ego muru m, onye nw'ego luru m gbara m motor!
Moni talk to moni moni understand!!!
Congrat to them, Omowunmi Akinnifesi is now fat...abi no be the former beauty queen???
Beautiful couple... My God bless their union!
omowunmi needs a threadmill o...Jesu,. see cheeks and belle?
how can shade be skinnier than omowuni? hahahha
gud 4 dem
gud 4 dem
gud 4 dem
Before nko Linda what were you expecting... Life is so funny and unfair, wish them the best in their union
Ola don marry sha. see all my old time buddies getting hitched. congrats to him!
Congratulations- God bless your union. The bride is absolutely gorgeous
Alao-Akala is nothing but a shameless gold digger. All he did in office was to steal & wasted Oyo state money on his two daughters' wedding. I pity the Okoyas
Alao-Akala is nothing but a shameless gold digger. All he did in office was to steal & wasted Oyo state money on his two daughters' wedding. I pity the Okoyas
Only introduction them dress like dis. Who knw wetin them go wear wen d main tin comes up. Oluwa bless ur daughter ooo
Linda, with all the money you now, would you marry a poor man?
Of cos Rich marry rich
But this is not fair
God bless my hustle
Whales carter
True talk
Yea omo looks plumpy! See cheeks! Yea agreement marriage. All d best to them!
Yvonne okoro shows her big breast.
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Congrats 2 dem. Bt omowunmi don dey fat o ***sad***
Thank God he is not bleaching like his father.
Hahaha 'fuckable'?
Nna is this thomas okoya's son awww rich ppl that's why they will neva marry poor ppl
So lmj wat happend to that girl that u framed her picture and put allover your house?? This raisa geh sef hmmn *lips sealed* anyway gd luck sha 2 both of u
linde place wat z ur email address I have one good incident for you wt evidence please I want it published dz z my email please send ur contact in it for
What a stupid comment! A fair skin person can give birth to someone as dark as a charcoal
Darrel you are fool and very disrespectful. You are stupid child for saying that. Am not surprised you are pure water seller running around on the street of Lagos. You have no manners at sell. Is linda your age mate as we'll that you are disrespectful to her haba, , for the fact that she Post stupid comments made by idiots like you is beyond me. Your generation will kill, steal to come yo Lagos on a trailer, you got to Lagos saying rubbish about Yoruba people, stupid boy that will never amount to anything in life. Linda pls stop posting the comments of this stupid Kids, omo iranu, waste of spAce, I pray your fellow Igbo people will kidnap you and use you for ritual. Linda I pray you will meet a wonderful man that will be your friend and companion soon. Keep up the good work. This generation is so unruly and I'll mannered..
Wow! Omowunmi is blown already... age is telling on her... she can't help it... make she sef marry na... hmnn... aunty shade with her Hiv body is still looking fine... well... good for her she's taking good care of her self... well... money dey sha...
omawunmi is now fat, nooooo she needs to lose d weight fast
Brıde z burıfuuuuu! N ofcos dah groom aınt bad lookıng eıther'..congrats 2 'em..HML!
Nyc couple. HML TO dem
I tire. If some folks are calling omowunmi fat, what will they call slim. She looks gud and healthy
Ds is nt Omowunmi Akinifesi,she is nt ds fair or fat#methinks#
Congrats to them...I can smell money!
Mr Olamiju Akala what are you going to do with Lara Angel Udoka Fumi and Kadija?
Omowunmi looks bigger,congrats to them
Stupid u, na u give shade Hiv. Mumu fool
Lmj after you gave ****** ring for 3 years, u now go behind her back to marry someone else. God will punish you for the pain you have caused her. How wicked can you be. Let's see how this arranged union will last. Fool!!!
We shall see d end of u d wedding.
This boy is mean oh, he went to my school and got engaged to a girl in the same school. Wow, so you left her and married someone else after all these years. Fear men oh!
That's his fiancee of 3 years oh. Left her to marry this one. God is watching.
U sef ..marry ur own na. I'm very single oº°˚˚˚...& searchin.
Aunty linda ...I tink ♏γ̲̣̣̥ husband Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ among ur libers oº°˚˚˚ .
He even engaged kadija for 3 years, talk about being wicked. What will she do now
Cute couple..
Keep beefing lin lin. In your next life beg to belong to a rich family and go to rich people's schools.
Poor will get poorer!!!!
Isn't this the 5th girl he's getting engaged to?he's handsome sha,I love my men tall
And the Okoyas are NOT rags to riches abi???? They've always been rich eehhh? I beg make I hear word. All of you way think say you don arrive sef
Lolzz @ Bonario!
Eerrrmm.. Mr Anonymous mind urself ooo! Y d hate na?
Cute couple,congrats to them....Omowunmi is looking so big,pls go and slim down oo...
I am somebody.
Sade is ageless!!! Wow!!!
DARREL is a bastard. he is some frustrated and slum raised child. he has recently only been able to use the Internet and has heard people talk about class, though he doesn't know the meaning, he wants to use the word by force. I wonder how much class he has typing the way he has typed.
what of his sisters that will sleep with old dirty alhajis simply for money. they don't remember class when they are fucking their lives away. Linda if u like dont post. becos nowadays for u to post na wahala
Money ,Money , Money!!!!
Wishing them a HML.
Shey day Tanzania or Zimbabwean girl he met in Buckingham? khadijat to be precise. Heard he spent over 150,000 pounds on that babe, and no exxageration here
This guy is engaged to Khadijah Mohammed Kebbeh! How did this intro happen?!
Anonymous 6.63, In your bid to win support for Darrel's condemnation, you have assumed and alluded to him being Igbo. Could she/ hee not be Benin, itshekiri, ishan, Fulani , ijaw? You sound like the Libyans or Egyptians and so many middle eastern country folks who whenever they have a misunderstanding blame on the Americans.... How sad... Knowledge is everything
Pele Khadija. okoya jazz don jam luck.
Rich marrying Rich is very normal, cos poor can't find rich in a poor gathering...congrats to them..
Last 2 comment.
Obviously, Lamiju is a "money miss road" like his Dad. It is definately a thing of low self esteem and inferiority complex that has made him a gold searcher/digger. After engaging several girls, the reason he settled for this Okoya girl is obvious. As for the Okoya girl, must she take a gov/exgov or a name per se to your Dad? Your highly placed self has clouded your heart and brain from settling with a genuine guy with no name. As for this union, I see, garbage in garbage out. Abeg post!!
okay quick one.. y'all need to keep shUt about the khadijah or kebbeh babe u all talking about and learn life what's new or what's strange about this..its a crazy world and shit happens get used to it and move on or you get left behind...wake up peeps like y'all wont switch lanes if you have a better offer..omo make una soji and let the nigga be and dont put sand in his garri so God no go put sand for ur gari...LMJ CARRY ON SURE BOY..THE BABE FIT U DIE
Omowunmi is so pretty, with nice FRESH breast.
Yes ke...bcos poor ppl wahala too much...only you poor get winch for family etc. Don't nobody need that shit...everyone shuld stick to their me a snob but its less hassle plus you never know who's with you for money....Linda post or your ass is winter grass!
Confirmah, u'v said it all. All this bastards saying rubbish are low lives and I'm sure it's bcos they all want to collect Linda's 100k at d end of d year .smh
Crioxly who is this khadija slf??.....#fucktherichple
The groom's secrets spilling out. How many fiancées?
Lovely couple,bt our economic won't improve at all,d rich becomes richer,y d poor becomes poorer
Is d bride I pity cus she doesn't know wat she's gotten herself into. He likes 3some like mad, make una ask Tinuke....... awon arrangee mama niyen!
Jamb question!
See as dis werey weed boy dey do as if say he dey responsible(lmao) after weed, toh toh b hin second food.
My dear, na so we see am, I guess every1 from bucks is surprised! And he was behaving like he was gonna die if khadijah says NO 2 him! Wonders they say shall never end!!!
You ain't exaggerating dear! The spent money on the babe! Btw shez from Gambia! It's a wa o!
Pls omowunmi looks healthy, wich 1 is fat here mbok? All d pple calling her fat, u guys had better get civilised and learn wt u spew out of ur mouth, if u ve nothing nice to say about ur body, do us all a favr n shut up. Women shld develop healthy self images abt themselves n stop labelling fat as bad.
U pple shld be der n be calling all d women he is engaged to. Elvis has left the building, all d women shld wipe their eyes, pick their hearts up n move on. Let God settle scores with the dude. If he says this the one he wants to maRry, clap n wish em well. No man will fap my blessing this year. Must generate positive thots towards all.
Ode ni e! Business rags to riches is different from government money rags to riches.
Whatever it is just wish them success or keep mute. I wonder why we always have to say what doesn't concern us, if he really proposed to someone else and left her, then do you know the reason for that? Goodness, pple just talk too much!
Aunty Linda reading ur bloggs afta a yl is reminding again o, "future husband where re u? I'm tired of bin single jor *sad face
Name dem dem. Why dey no go look for people way dey go affect their lives. This marriage you sure say ego last.
Awww...cute couple...
@ Darrel why are you so pained naa? you need to chill with lamiju and see he is as fresh as fresh can ever get. nigga is balling so stop the beef. ya'all shouldnt blame the dude yea, he had too much money at his disposal and even them girls wouldnt let him rest so whats the point hating on him? if na u biko wetin u for do? anyways only lamiju knows why he chose this one out of them all. i am so not sorry for funmi oduyemi buhahahaha sharing pussy to every rich boy on the island
How can u fools call omowunmi fatt! Are u guys ok! You people have big problems if this healthy looking girl is fat. Infact God will punish u for trying to spill out nonsense! Don't use your standards to judge anybody! This girl is perfectt and has d right curves. Only God knows how u idiots look like! Panla fish! I no most of u people abusing fat girls, its because u don't have comfort and money! If u people have just a bit of comfort, that fatness will come from no where! Now u have mouth using lepa as cover up for ur lack! Poor idiots and yes am pained! How can u call a size 10 woman fat! Morons
Abeg help me ask Linda o
Arangee things hahaha
No one has stated the most important and obvious fact here! Shade Okoya still looks the SAME!!!! She hasn't aged a bit. Money, money, money (how many times did I call you??) money is gooood!
Wish them happy married life, may them b one of d best couple
Is this Olamiju that went to FEGO??? Sounds like test items here...I wonder why rich girls won't do me too...Congrats bro! #Dolphin
Why can't people mind their business for God's sake? Do you know if it was this Khadijah and d so called girls that broke LMJ's heart. People! Pls sew ur cloths where is torn. Do you know how ur marrital life is going to be?. LMJ may God bless ur Union Insha Allahu. All haters go and hold electric wire! Shikena!
Angel, udoka, Lara una don loose dis 1. Na caro matter be dis. The 2 funmi's
The2 funmi's na pay as u go matter. It wasn't a relationship wit lmj . Skelewu !!!
Mo'banks. **next to blow**
I remember wen ds guy walks aimlessly round d street of U.I with is oga's Nero, jaru, abon etc... ibadan local champions
Lolzz...omo ayee.....wetin God don join together...hmmm...sometimes girls don't stop to amaze many experiences una wan use learn...after una go dey find one poor guy to dump everything ontop in d name of future husband...mtcheww
Mo'banks. **next to blow**
Just passing
U forgot toads Kay, az, carrot,
Buckingham peeps sha... This blog is now a bucks reunion blog. Anybody that gives the full details about kdj and lmj, just know that they went to buckingham uni. Anywhoo... Shout out to my girls Ibiba, Lara, adanna, ina, mami, Tosin, FKB, wonu, Sarah, Feyi, Aina... I know ya'll love Linda ikeji.... Linda, post my commeny. Btw, why don't u change that pic on your "about me" page. Kinda out dated don't you think?
Your ODERITY pass my own o I tell you. Infact you be mumurised ode of the first order. A complete didirin.
Mind your catering and stop chatting rubbish. You want to belong abi???? Otimkpu for rich people. Make your phone no fall into that food wey you de cook o.
Yeye de smell
himcatering abi wat ever u call ur sef, u r just a fool n a looser, if e easy why ur fada no go join politics mk hin for see as e easy. haters, u better pray to God for ur own to come.
hmmm will keep enriching rich......God help us all poors....cryingggggg
Come o this bucks peep list names of bucks peeps what r u trying to imply
Come o this bucks peep list names of bucks peeps what r u trying to imply
It means the person is trying to say hello. #Duh
LMJ Its a Lie??? Thought It was Khadijah U proposed To infact Hope this Hadiza Knows who This LMJ is??? Babe Double Check this LMJ Cos y'all should see the Big Diamond he gave Khadijah. LMJ e no good o!!! Who is the Big head that named Bucks ladies,I know who you Are very Ugly human. LMJ u no just try sha!
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