Close up of Rihanna's new tattoo | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Close up of Rihanna's new tattoo

Here's a full view of Rihanna's new tattoo, a cross added to her huge hand tattoo...


Unknown said...

Riri take it easy oo, said...

I don't like her tattoo - different strokes for different folks

Anonymous said...

nice one there > like allbloggersblog fb page. to get updates on making money online. lot more tips

Anonymous said...

this tatoo resemble Pharaoh's machete

Unknown said...


Bee said...

I seriously luv d tat

Anonymous said...


shine said...

This woman don dey old o!

xtinexxx said...

Good for her

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I no some stupid yoruba gals would want 2 copy her.. Awon smellos

~da only hausa girl dat reads blogs~

Nana said...

riri be balling!

OMG!WOMAN said...

*Eyes rolling* flips hair...

Unknown said...

Badest Gurl Ever Liveth!! She loves her TaT!!

Unknown said...

Good 4 ha!!!!!!

Stephen Ikiyei said...

how this one come take increase the money for my pocket

Unknown said...

Just hope she doesnt get skin cancer in future

Anonymous said...

it's her life

SANDRA said...

Bad girl Riri well done

Unknown said...

end time

Unknown said...

end time


Tacky,me no likey.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Paul said...

The tattoo looks quiet good. Rìähna

Unknown said...

that's ma girl, sexy as usual

Unknown said...

that's ma girl, sexy as usual


What do you mean by close up?? You gat me thinking na toothpaste u dey talk about

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umunas said...


Anonymous said...

I like.
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

And this is news bcos?! #bbm confused smiley#

Big OG said...

ok I hear!!!

AnnMarie said...

mstcheeew. this girl is really crazy

Unknown said...

Not C̣̲̣̣̣̲̣̣☺̣̣̥̇☺̣̣̥̇l... ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ Ω̴̩̩̩̥O like.

SCANDAL said...

She just succeded in getting herslef a permanent bangle.she wears d ones dat gets to dat point anyways so she saved herslf sm stress.

Anonymous said...

I like Rihanna and her music but why is this news abeg?

Unknown said...

Tattoo is beautiful. Most pple call it fashion buh I call it evil... In as much as I love dressing cool I rilli don't like it.

Anonymous said...

All these TATOO is evil pls Nigerians should stop copy forieners

Unknown said...

Riri hmmmm

Anonymous said...

All these TATOO is evil pls Nigerians should stop copy foriegners

blackrose said...

So tacky I can't stand it

Unknown said...


diamondblinqZ said...


Bonita Bislam said...

Crazy girl obsessed wit nonsense mtcheew

phykel said...

Sexy riri
Looking good always

Unknown said...


verachte said...

Riri-I na u biko,too much of evrytin is bad ooo.

Fuck your opinion said...

This gal just de spoil her fine body. Smh

Anonymous said...

who cares!

Unknown said...

This rihana is goin gaga by d day ..*sigh*

Anonymous said...

Omo mi. I love u just d way u re.

Hope Emeghara said...

Watz wıth all the Tatz?..well,as long as ıt makes ha happy + shez cool wıddıt!..aınt ma fauqıng bız!

Unknown said...

I done tire for this girl case. She should turn her whole body into a drawing board na... hiss*

Anonymous said...

I actually like it,lol

Anonymous said...

Linda I am really disappointed in you. You of all people will openly criticise anti-gay law. Better get born again or better watch it bcos u are really missing it. Pls don't mislead people. I wld hv preferred u were neutral in ur opinion concerning dat issue though it is ur blog,but dat doesn't matter for now.

Unknown said...

I have a feeling that she's going to chop off that hand,she's already getting irritated by it!mark ma words

Anonymous said...

the cross is upside down!!smh

Rachyberry said...


Unknown said...

The demons in her are gonna scream "chop it off

Anonymous said...

Congrats Rih!

Yvonne said...


slimzyose said...

Gud 4 her

Anonymous said...

Keep drawing untill there's no more space left 2draw anoda"tatoo girl"

chinny said...

Good for her #smh

Anonymous said...

Too bad for dis lady.

pimpmum said...

dis tattoo tin is damn serious,beware of skin cancer.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a hand angle

Unknown said...

Her body her wish. But I don't see the relevance. None of ma business tho. Nice tat.

Zenki brown said...

Good for her.

Anonymous said...

Kai, some ppl no suppose get money o, i swear... E don enter her head finish, wetin be this? So not girlie i swear.

Unknown said...

Sis Rihanna, u don't kn wat to do wif money cus its too much abi? VANITY

Unknown said...

Is amazing how the world is tattoo crazy. I probably might get one soon or

Unknown said...

This tatoo is def a no 4 mii...still love u Riri.

Unknown said...

This tatto might mean somthing "i**uminati" hmm end time.

Anonymous said...

Because she's a tart.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Which one b endtime nw...? C.E.O

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love rihanna but incase you guys haven't noticed, the cross is upside down.

Anonymous said...

I love rihanna but incase you guys haven't noticed the cross is upside down.

Anonymous said...

U re d real smello. Only ko. Nonely nii.

Anonymous said...

LMAO. U still did not get the spelling right.

Anonymous said...

C hos som1 wit beautiful skin is using her hand 2 destroy her body. This is d most she hs done at d same time. Nd she keeps goin back 2 d same hand which tells me she isn't enjoyin d outcome 4 a long period of time. Dis is just stupidity at its highest

Unknown said...

Good for her.. YeyeOge of SA say so...

Unknown said...

I don't like tattoos ! In Showbiz I think is fantastic.

keneri said...

i luv Riri anyday anytym..... Buh dis ha tattoos???. Hmmm.. Anyway, she gat mny, live ur life 2 d fullest baby. I,m only a fan/ac.... Luv u still... My baddest girl ever. Xo edgy, sexy, krazy, unrepentent.... Gosh, name it... Luv uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

emmanuel ayangebee said...

Good Gal Gone Bad

Anonymous said...

Easy ooooo riri.

Lee Phucku said...

Hausa? Lmao. Una odour dey shift Palm tree. By the way I'm Igbo. And I'm indulging you in your quest to become a star on this blog.

MissBusyBody said...

Riri will soon be the new Kat Von D....

Unknown said...

That's her choice!

Anonymous said...

Until you do become like lil wayne

Unknown said...

Nothing to luv abut d tattoo.

Anonymous said...

Where did U̶̲̥̅̊ see riri abt her in d third person or mention her on twitter if U̶̲̥̅̊ wan2 tell her sumfin. Olodo

Unknown said...

Rihanna, stop with the tattoo bastardization already,u're now resembling a gremlin...neway, NoFucks given,tis ya life!

Anonymous said...

That's a cross turned upside. Down meaning ders no Christ or Christ didn't die. Y'all open ur eyes. Dis pipl r usin you!

Daddy's Girl said...

Easy on the tatt o, too much of everything is nt good

bravest hrt said...

Ode dey wil use u o

ary said...

The girl is CRAZY!!!

Eby said...

Is not fine at all

Queen.C. said...

Onye ara

Unknown said...

Na angel ‎​Ʊ be or agent? Which one be endtime?

Amarachukwu said...

Non of my business.ONYE ARA.

Anonymous said...

Tarrh!!! Commot dere.... Wher hv u seen news increasin money ÈŠ̝̊̅Úª d pocket. Go get a job ....jobless swine! Mtsheww

Unknown said... likey tho.

Anonymous said...

D truth is i knw tattoo is a sin buh i kinda like it on guys n hate it on gals...
how do i reconcile dat..smh #nefaswords#

tosyno said...

Nice one

tosyno said...

First tym to comment

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Lool. This anonymous is an ode... where did u see rir here lmfao

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