Bangladeshi Islamists threaten violence if Supreme Court drops Islam as the country's main religion | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 26 March 2016

Bangladeshi Islamists threaten violence if Supreme Court drops Islam as the country's main religion

Thousands of Muslims rallied in Bangladesh's capital on Friday to denounce a court petition seeking to remove Islam as the country's official state religion.
About 3,000 Muslims protested outside the national mosque in Dhaka against the petition, filed by a group of prominent citizens, which is to be taken up by the High Court on Sunday.
The Hifazat-e-Islam Bangladesh group called for a mass strike on Friday, warning that "Millions of Muslims will come out of mosques against the Supreme Court” and punish the judges. The Islamic fundamentalist group Hifazat-e-Islam Bangladesh has threatened retaliation and a general strike if the Supreme Court seriously considers dropping Islam as the state religion.
“Bangladesh is a country where 92 per cent of the people are Muslim. If anybody removes our religion from the constitution, we shall oppose them. If the government and the Supreme Court do it, they will offend our religious sentiment,” said the Hifazat-e-Islam Bangladesh Secretary Azizul Haque Islamabadi. Huge mass protest and people will follow with dire consequences.
"We are here to give a message to authorities that we will not tolerate any move to cancel Islam as state religion," said Abdur Rahim, a participant. "We will resist such moves at any cost."

The judges are currently holding public hearings to decide whether to repeal the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution, which makes Islam the state religion.
“We abide by the court, but we hope it will not take any decision which will force religious people to take to the streets and cause chaos in the country,” Islamabadi noted.
Military dictator H.M. Ershad declared Islam the state religion in 1988 to win support during a campaign by major political parties to oust him from power. He resigned amid large protests in 1990.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina brought back secularism as a pillar of the constitution in 2011, but retained Islam as the state religion.

Source: News Asia


Anonymous said...

Dey should do d needful for peace sake

Pretty face said...

Na wa o

Anonymous said...

These people be causing confusion everywhere they are. Must they be noticed. Not like they are stopping them from knocking their heads on the ground they are threatening fire and brimstone. I tire for these people.

Unknown said...

Dere biz

Unknown said...

May God punish them, they're always every where unleashing terror on innocent people. Costly mistake made by our father of Faith :Abraham smh

waffymercyjohnson said...

God should take control.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Dey ve spoken

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

Smh.... tamtrium throwing people...always violent.... punish punish punish.... damn thank God for Christ and salvation...

Unknown said...

Islam and violence, no be today na.
Still lovin Sheikh Hasina. She a Real Bae.

Anonymous said...

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gentle said...

Is that not all you guys know how to do? Threaten violence? Is it new? Stupid idiots. Kill yourselves now.. the joke is on y'all when you rot in hell with your choice of worm filled virgins.

gentle said...

Is that not all you guys know how to do? Threaten violence? Is it new? Stupid idiots. Kill yourselves now.. the joke is on y'all when you rot in hell with your choice of worm filled virgins.

Yetty k said...

Why do muslims turn to rebellion?dey bliv so much in it

Unknown said...

I beg no more war oh.

SongsOfSUSSAN said...


Eddy Ogbunambala said...


Anonymous said...

Come on! its time we throw away the evil religion already, it hasn't brought any good

Unknown said...

Joke of the day 👉👉Islam is peace.


PrettyChi said...

Their headache

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmm is a pity!

Unknown said...

Na their way nah. Always looking for a reason to cause trouble. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Wahala dey God help the world!

Anonymous said...

Must they always resort to violence, why are these people so sick? The elders in these groups and Islam never take part in the fighting/suicide bombings etc, they just push the youth to do it. They value their lives but feed on chaos that comes with Islam. Islam is peaceful not violent!

Anonymous said...

A country with 92% Muslims? They should leave them na. Let's stop looking for trouble please.

Unknown said...

As its a radicalized religion filled with violence.

Unknown said...

Crazy set of people

Richard said...

Islamic religion Kai always harsh


Anonymous said...

imagine see what will cause violence. are they not crazy I can say it boldly Christianity is peaceful. i'll rather go with it.

Anonymous said...

Islam and its terror! Awful religion.

Unknown said...

When they say Islam is peace they mean peace in their own term "violence".. all they know how to do is shed blood nd destroy yet they want ppl to see wat they do as d right tin.Thank u lord for creating me in a family of christians where they teach nd practice Peace.

Anonymous said...

You can see the country belongs to Muslims and some stupid people are wondering why they don't want Islam to be the main religion there.Its like saying Muslims going to Jerusalem and say they don't want Christianity to be the main religion there so since the place is already mainly Muslims they should let Islam be the main religion there

Anonymous said...

That's all they know conflict/killings. Tufiakwa!!!

Anonymous said...

Idiot like u! When d Christain leaders staged a protest against tagging Nigeria as an islamic country, u dint see it as violence then! Christains r bunch of hypocrites

Unknown said...

Pressure of having a child made Abraham slept with that house girl resulting to Ishmael.when God told Abraham that Ishmael was not the promised child he would have just killed him immediately.

Unknown said...

God all we need is yur intervention. #ILL#

OSINANL said...

This evil religion again?😈👿👹

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

So what's ur own religion?

Unknown said...

Allah knows d best

lioness said...

@Amos...u've said it all bro...i jux tire

lioness said...

@Ana...u no get sense...gbam!

Unknown said...

In as much I don't like Muslim rascality I believe not all anyways cause I have Muslims friends going to the population u habe 92perscent Muslim I don't see a need to scrab Islam from the constitution..serious ly #Proudly IGBO BOY from Anambra state jee juo ise nwanne

Unknown said...

May God save us in this world,take look at anything bad in this world you will see Muslim

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