The BeyHive come for Mike Epps after he trashed Super Bowl halftime show
Just a few minutes after comedian Mike Epps posted this comment thrashing the Super Bowl half time show which featured Beyonce, on his instagram page, the BeyHive swarmed his page forcing him to delete the post. The post was up for less than five minutes before the BeyHive began to swarm. They are still swarming him. Leave the Queen Bey
Abeg they should leave him coz he said d truth. They can hype d hell outta Beyonce. I don't go with popularity, She was just there dancing n shaking her head like onye akwukwu jidere..
Exactly the halftime show wasn't all that! I don't get the hype about beyonces performance. But when ure loved people can't see a fault to anything you do...
meenah_wakil on instagram
meenah_wakil on instagram
Okay. More Instagram followers for you
Hahahahaha,good fr him
LIB ADDICT#just passing#
Comedian seeking attention.
!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere
Who is he again? Shading Almighty Beyonce?
I watched that show and it was great. Bruno Mars and Bey nailed it...
All these dead comedians trying to make a comeback...
Men! I can't stand those BeyHive people. Stupid people with low self esteem. Beyonce is not a god...COME ON!
Research Shows That Most Women are Either Lesbians or Bisexual
Super bowl or plastic bowl?
Watch you back for the beehives. Lol. This is so hilarious click here
All beehives are jobless just like bonario. Ndi ara
They got no issue
#iT wiLL oNLy GeT better
#it MuSt ENd In PrAisE
...merited happiness
...merited happiness
Lol, her fans don help her respond
Truly, her performance was crap.
Mcheeeeeeeew! Linda take note!
Next we have seen.....ProudlyDeltan
She shouldn't have performed with gay ass Bruno dem sabi
Abeg they should leave him coz he said d truth. They can hype d hell outta Beyonce. I don't go with popularity, She was just there dancing n shaking her head like onye akwukwu jidere..
Epp should close his trap hole
I like beyonce but her childish followers give me headache. They haven't jammed someone who will treat their fuckup yt.
Kikikikiki annoying beehives
These people criticizing Beyoncé I laugh at them sometimes.her fans don't joke with her!
He is right afterall
He's just looking for more followers
I used to like this dude but he has just turned into a common lousy hater right now.
Exactly the halftime show wasn't all that! I don't get the hype about beyonces performance. But when ure loved people can't see a fault to anything you do...
Jobless idiots!!!!!!
Abeg he is telling the truth. She didn't do anything extraordinary. @maunne
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