Texas couple takes Nigerian nanny to the US then turns her into a slave | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Texas couple takes Nigerian nanny to the US then turns her into a slave

A Houston-area couple is accused of forcing a Nigerian woman to care for their five children and home without pay during a two-year period in which she was physically and verbally abused, made to work nearly 20 hours a day and told to sleep on the floor, federal authorities say.

Chudy and Sandra Nsobundu were arrested Monday on charges of forced labor, withholding documents, conspiracy to harbor an illegal immigrant and visa fraud. Authorities say the couple seized the nanny's passport, so she was unable to leave.
The 38-year-old nanny, whose full name is not given in the criminal complaint, told authorities she was promised $100 per month but has never been paid in her two years working for the Nsobundus in their home in the Houston suburb of Katy.
"She regularly endured physical and verbal abuse and was not treated like a human being," the criminal complaint said.
Sandra Nsobundu, 50, made her initial court appearance Tuesday morning in federal court in Houston. She was granted an unsecured bond by U.S. Magistrate Judge Nancy Johnson and was set to be released later Tuesday. Her attorney, Joan Nwuli, declined to comment after the court hearing.
Chudy Nsobundu, 56, was set to appear in court Tuesday afternoon. Court records did not list an attorney for him.

The Nsobundus each face up to 25 years in prison if convicted.

Ruben Perez, one of the federal prosecutors handling the case, said after the hearing that the nanny was "enslaved" by her employers. Perez said cases in which immigrants and others are forced to work in homes in harsh conditions as nannies or caretakers are more common than people think.
"We know they are out there. When it comes to our attention we'll act on them," he said.
The nanny, who was living in Lagos, Nigeria, moved to Texas to live with the Nsobundus in September 2013, according to the criminal complaint. The Nsobundus are naturalized U.S. citizens originally from Nigeria.

The complaint said the nanny would work every day from 5:30 a.m. to 1 a.m., couldn't take breaks and had to eat leftovers and not fresh food, including being forced to only drink milk left in bowls in which the children had eaten cereal. She also couldn't take hot showers, according to the complaint.

The nanny alleged Sandra Nsobundu repeatedly hit her if she thought the nanny wasn't doing her job correctly. The complaint said Sandra Nsobundu is accused of once striking the nanny across the face with a slipper and threatening to "shoot her and kill her" after not liking the socks the woman had put on one of the younger children.

After the nanny found out that she hadn't been paid in two years, she reached out for help and was rescued last October following a tip to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, the complaint said. It's not clear who made the tip.

Perez said the nanny is being cared for, but he declined to offer more details about her status.

Source: AP


STERN said...

I'v NEVER come across such stuff

Anonymous said...

Hmmm mmm

Meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...

Hmmm mmm

Meenah_wakil on instagram

Unknown said...

Hmm.. Nawa oo
Can u imagine

Enugu's second shoe designer


And I was thinking this happens only in Nigeria.. Esp among the Ibos and yoruba. Sad

Unknown said...

Na wa o! Such wickedness! Linda take note!

Kayode Odusanya said...

funny to think this happened in the U.S...and for 2 whole years?

Research Shows That Most Women are Either Lesbians or Bisexual

baba said...

God takeover


Phew such is the fate of many Nigerians who were taken abroad with big promises, thank God help came her way.

. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

Blog It With Olivia said...

Nigerians eh, lemme reserve my comment

#iT wiLL oNLy geT beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

Unknown said...

Thank Goodness!


Anonymous said...

Their name has befallen them! Wicked lot.

Unknown said...

Mhen I feel for her. Almost fell a victim in my quest to get a job by all means. Thank God anyway.

Unknown said...

We don't have to leave the shore of this country before we can make it.

Engee said...

Wickedness in the high places, how can you keep your fellow human in that such conditions? Even the 100dollars peanut you couldn't pay the woman, na greediness commot their yansh for outside. Heartless fellows, they will pay in jail

Sipping my hennessy

Unknown said...

Odikwa very risky

Unknown said...

Hmmm. Obodo Oyibo. It is only Africans and Nigerians to be precise who would treat human like this in this era, the twenty-first century.

Anonymous said...

I will take the whole story with a large pinch of salt( if you get my oxymoron) she's 38 and allowed herself to be subjected to such inhuman treatment? I know there are a lot of evil and callous nanny employers out there, but there are also very devious nannies with a plan B. Whatever happens, everyone will get there comeuppance.

Rotimi segun said...

2yrs......... She f**k up.... She ought to have told d police earlier

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Wicked people

Anonymous said...

Nigerian against Nigerian. Man against man. God dey.

Unknown said...

God will punish them

NaijaDeltaBabe said...


... Merited happiness

Unknown said...

These family is truely Evil....Off to jail with Them..

Unknown said...

Evil couple

Unknown said...

Terrible modern day slavery.

Snow white said...

This is wickedness

Unknown said...

People wicked sha... dee

Unknown said...

Can u imagine...a nigerian treating her fellow nigerian bad in another man's country...too bad..where d fck is d love..

~make I go drink one bottle of beer~

Anonymous said...

Hmmnn!Nigerian's have to be careful with bringing house helps abroad! A lot of people have gotten into trouble with the Law! Sometimes these Domestic helps are given the wrong advice by friends especially who would tell them they could get their resident permit by reporting to the authorities! Please don't get me wrong it may not be the case here. If you're looking at bringing a nanny or any domestic help from Nigeria you can apply for the Working Domestic visas which is renewable every year , just to cover yourselves especially if you live in England.

Pretty face said...


Anonymous said...

Some people are wicked. It costs about 1500 per child in a daycare. What would it take to pay someone a meager 100 usd and treat her right

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

That's bad.


Anonymous said...

Nah wah for our people o.slave drivers. After we will blame oyinbo for slave trade o. - Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )

Anonymous said...

Nah wah for our people o.slave drivers. After we will blame oyinbo for slave trade o. - Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )

Unknown said...

Hmmm! Na wahooo#Lindangwanu#

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Good for them,wicked couples.

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Good for them,wicked couples.

Anonymous said...

Those stupid idiots in the US embassy. See the type of people they give visa

Pretty face said...

Hmmm, this is serious, does this still happen?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Eyahhh...she should comeback home

Unknown said...

Nawa wicked igbo couple
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Human wickedness to fellow humans pls jail them

Unknown said...

I pray they re jailed

Donjazzycrush said...

laughing. .....

Don~ jazzycrush

CherishD said...

It is not d Couple's fault nau, d Nation's economy is to be blamed.

Unknown said...

in this 21st century? na wow!

Demmy said...

Nigerians treating fellow Nationale wit so much hates,,,, God wl deliver us.

Unknown said...

Thats very bad of the family. I never knew something like this is still going on.

nwa mazi said...

Onye tara amu ebune ji ebune ugwo. Biko hakwuo nwa a ugwo ya tupu ekpee ha ikpe. Odighi Oº°ÃšÃš°Âºokay

Unknown said...

Dis white pple re wicked

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Very wicked

Unknown said...

too bad

tosisochukwu said...

Ok that's cool

Wicked whites

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Anonymous said...

If you must take your nannies abroad, Sign a contract including terms of holding the passport and make sure you pay your nannies!

Unknown said...

So wicked of them...

Unknown said...

Wicked Nigeria-America, they shud be jailed for 50yrs if possible... Bad blood

Unknown said...

Stories that prick the heart

Maryann said...

This is wickedness in the highest order, tufiakwa! to this couple. To even think that the Nanny would accept such a little amount of money to work for somebody abroad and yet the peanut was not even paid to her and yet no good food. Anyway, na she wan go abroad by force. The couple should be severely punished, I also trust Oyibo people them go surely send them go jail.

tollyjems said...

Oga oo, I hope they get punished

chommy said...

Hmmm, nawa o. Linda observe!

Unknown said...

After they will say nigerian fraud them there money, now see. What this idiot is doing to a Nigeria woman.

Anonymous said...

This is a big fat lie! This nanny is evil.

Anonymous said...

SOmetimes this is a scam used by Nannies who came from Nigeria and when its time to go back home they are advised by others to go to police with a story of slavery knowing that Oyibo believe anything negative about blacks..My advise to Nigerians living there Don't Bring any relative for any reason to Yankee you better employ Caribbean or Latina over there already women abeg

OSINANL said...

Too bad...

Muna said...


Unknown said...

Why did it take her too long to cry out 4 help? Worked for about 730 days yet no pay? That's very unfair. People can be heartless,una no pay her yet una dey maltreat her anyhow. There is God ooo (in PGEJ's voice).

#aboki wey soji#

U-C-J said...

Such a pity.
Linda mee k'anyi fu anya! @uchemacj

Snow white said...

There should rot in jail

Unknown said...

Some whites are just too wicked...

Unknown said...

Thats Uk 4 you

Unknown said...

this is inhuman

Anonymous said...

I guess you reason withb your dick or pussy. What has being 38 got to do with the facts of the case? You just want to speak grammar as if you know the meaning of comeuppance.

Adanna Jesus said...

Nanny's here sometimes lie to get their papers. I won't be surprised if that's the case here

Anonymous said...

Imagine such brutality.

MumiAdasom said...

No be small greediness commit their nyash foe outside.i know of many

Anonymous said...

This couple is sure guilty of this allegation,the husband might be better of ,but his wife is something else and i believe she did all this! And they are freaking rich living in a massive mansion in a rich gated community! They own thier business and make a lot of money! They are so stingy and greedy and that is what has led them to thier downfall.why didnt they pay her the 100 dollars they even promised even though its unheard of!God help them.

Anonymous said...


Amaram ogechi


Anonymous said...

Anon 12.36. Your choice of grammar shows your level of reasoning. I would not stoop to your level but leave you to your frustration as to not knowing the word "comeuppance". Your mother should be ever so happy with how you turned out. As for what 38 had to do with it? It means she's a full grown adult that could have easily deciphered that she wasn't been treated right and could have easily called the authorities. And in case you are stuck with the word "decipher" there's a web called google. Bless your heart.

Unknown said...

Yes bcys the nanny didn't know any better..probably not allowed to watch television and all

Unknown said...

Nigerians ..taking their wickedness to another land !

Anonymous said...

How could you, when u are here 24 hrs. I seriously doubt u have a job as u post comments faster than people residing in Nigeria despite the time difference. Go get a job mister!

Unknown said...

That's wickedness of d highest order.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why I don't believe the nanny is saying the truth, for some reason this looks like a nanny don't just want to set up its employers, because she wants to get her resident permit.

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