For Season Three, Kanye injected a few bright hues into his go-to neutral palette, jazzing up shades of nude, brown, and black with — gasp — red, yellow, and blue.
But the show was still quite unlike anything anyone had ever seen before, starting with the out-of-the-ordinary invites and a larger-than-life venue, and finishing with supermodel Naomi Campbell hitting the stage.
Other stars in the audience included Jaden Smith, Anna Wintour, Jay Z, Tyga, and 50 Cent, while supermodels Naomi, Alek Wek and Veronica Webb joined a stage overflowing with models
Unlike the clothes of past seasons, Kanye's new designs feature some color, beading, and pearls In one of the new songs from his album, the rapper suggested that 'me and Taylor Swift might still have sex'
Sources directly connected with Swift say Kanye called her to explain it was a joke and wanted to make sure she wouldn't be upset. Swift said she got the joke and gave him the thumbs up to release the song with the lyric.

freshpresh says, nice one
Lol... the models and what they are wearing makes them look like some set of zombies, e don tey wer kanye don dey crase the best to him.
Fashion rebels, i think i can try d torn shirts tho..
End time show. * it's well*
Awww! I sight Hova.
The models looked like slaves.
. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA
Enugu's second shoe designer
The show was great, watched it live! I must confess that Kanye TLOP album may be the best of all time! Every song is a blast! Name one genius that ain't crazy! Wake up Nigga, let's go make this paper! Awesome Awesome
Best album release show of all times! This guy is simply a genius!
Kanye ended up proving critiques wrong! His album is divine!
All the way to go Kanye. My day one Nigga.
@Lindaikeji No. I FAN
No be small thing
#It WiLL oNLy gET beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAiSe
Funny outfits
Kanye put on a dope Fashion show/Album release concert. Madison Square Garden was lit!!
Good for him
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Cool that's cool
~Make I go drink one bottle of beer~
the first pic dey like Iraqi political rally setting
the models re ugly from afar
the designs are hideous
kanye what happened?
I would have being there but still have alot doing down here for now.
Kanye is going down hmmm i pity for him if this few people are the ones that came with failed models.
#sad indeed
Nice one.
mad men collection... double you hustle
Wow this is so lovely + it's nice to see he's now friends with 50cent. Big ups yeezy
Check dis out it's real....
Walking dead season 3 (no beefing)
Dem try
...merited happiness
Whoever deceived this guy to be a designer!!! I don't care if he changed the colors, they still look hideous pls!!!! And having sex with Taylor swift??? Hmmm Kim watch out....I see jay but I don't see Beyonce
This people sef...Kanye west n family na real movers n shakers
All designs and models looking lik the ancient Greek..
All designs and models looking lik the ancient Greek..
Smhhhhhh it looks like a slave section
Nice one
I think is far better than seeson 2,good for him.
I think is far better than seeson 2,good for him.
Congrats Kanye
The venue arrangement and the people all look confused like its organizer,Kanye...
Tear , tear , patch, patch
Now, I see more and more where Jesus said sin makes us slaves to satan But right ways makes us slaves of God*
Bad guy "ghost" from power was there.. good.
That's great
celeb things
Looks like the casting /shooting of 'The Walking Dead' to me
Prisoners again!!!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Loving me some kanye this guy is awesomely creative
Happy for him. Linda take note!
Beautiful collections
They look like zombies
Nice one
That is good#slimmy
But this guy is creative sha
Good one. Why is Kris forcing that woman for a peck
New definition of rags to riches,ppl will be ordering these online in no time,even those who badmouth the label before,isok
Wow Naomi Campbell made it
Awwwn dats nice
Ha di ka ndi ekpenta...moving on
Were is Kylie?
If these wears were so good! Why is kanye not wearing any of the samples just like the models. Rubbish! If I wrap my grandmother's scarf round my body, I will still look better than his models!
Kendall is a beautiful girl even in rags! Kim! Hmmm! Looks tired! Like something washed ashore! So happy for Lamar and Khole.
I wonder what 50 cent will say about this one... lol #EFFENVODKA
kanye needs help.
Nice. Linda observe!
real satanic
Controversial Kanye but successful.
He wants to resume a bant wif swift bah?
Good for him
They sure look like zombies in those yeezy's outfit.Ugly collections.
He is like a God in america.....
These clothes remind of slave era
It was a success
pple must still matter d hate
weird freaks
Ye *sigh*
Ye *sigh*
Mad collection
Rags! Rags!! Rags!!!
Idea behind the clothing line probably from African-American slavery
Nice one. Kanye is a genius
The show may be good but his desins are hideous
Look at the models. All looking like some grotesque.
Apparently You're My Idol.
Kanye My Idol.
I see Lamar sitting next to Khloe!
Shud we be surprised Onyix, oh no! We aint cus we kinda know U nd ur potentials....+ Jhud nd ha Man looking gud
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