Man denies impregnating his girlfriend, says he did "some small Biology on human reproduction" | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Man denies impregnating his girlfriend, says he did "some small Biology on human reproduction"

So, the man took to his Facebook page to debunk claims made by an ex girlfriend who is reportedly blackmailing him that he made her pregnant. In the comment section, he wrote: "No, I do play my cards safely. I did some small Biology on human reproduction..."


Unknown said...

Lol. You go fear

Blog It With Olivia said...

Which one is biology on human production? Lolz, he's high on local cheap weed

#iT wiLL oNLy geT beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

Unknown said...

Can u imagine...

Unknown said...

Hian!!! He is crazy,meanwhile taday is #AshWedessday #ACallforRepentance

Unknown said...


baba said...


Olumide Abiodun said...

What does he mean by that? It doesn't' make much sense.

Research Shows That Most Women are Either Lesbians or Bisexual

Unknown said...

Amu na otu together ebene egbuo

Unknown said...

Why is he so pissed, don't know when matters like this can't be settled in private. Ugly guy. By posting this linda u re making this guy feel relevant

Unknown said...

Hahaha...u go fear small biology...


Hehehe this cracked me up big time.
lol so with his sound knowledge of biology, he feels he is not responsible they met 13months ago.

. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA


Lmao.. In these type of case, WhoBiologyHelp?. E nah help Davido self

Unknown said...

They both look alike, ain't they blood?? Lol

Unknown said...

Lol, the thing dem do 13 months ago na him bring Belle today? Lol the girl shaa no get sense at all.


Unknown said...

Funny dude

Davido's driver said...

Crazy world

Unknown said...

Hmm, keep denying like we were there when you guys were playing, when the baby comes you'll see your carbon copy, then we'll see if you'll keep denying, Lmao.

Unknown said...

Lol......wonders shall never cease to happen.

Unknown said...

Hmm, keep denying, like we where there when you guys were giving styles, when the baby comes you'll see your carbon copy, then we'll see if you'll still deny, Lmao.

Unknown said...

You had unprotected sex,cum in her,what did he expect would happen? Irresponsible fowl

Anonymous said...

now linda can speak swahili to do much of the interpretation. hmmmm, the world is really global!

MUFASA said...

funny world .... who cares ?

Unknown said...

Serve her right what is wrong with this girls of now days ones a man say i love u the next thing is for her to on her vagina for him to enter why.
As for the idiot boy you must be a...p...c for saying this trash.

#sad indeed

ary said...

What does he mean by that?

Unknown said...

Yeye people

Unknown said...

These people sha....when u were in it, t'wasnt on facebook, now u are washing your dirty linen unna sabi abeg

Unknown said...

Aunty Linda, which kain wahala be this? Making us read language that's incomprehensible. Anyway, after the girl gives birth, they can have a DNA test. Science has made these things easier.

Anonymous said...

Check my blog


He should also knw that condoms are not 100% safe

NnekaOchu Blog said...

someone pls explain all those stuff wriiten above.

Unknown said...

Hehehe! Drama dey everywhere. Linda take note!

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

OK,good. For her.

Unknown said...

She don enter one chance..Linda observe carefully

Unknown said...

Na the girl cause am..them no teach am look before u leap in sch?in her next world she will look very well.rubbishhh

Unknown said...

Lol..foolish pple everywhere

Enchanting said...

The young man is a coward. Ladies please wise up! There are a lotta dumb guys out there who don't deserve you. Stop being cheap.

Unknown said... wa ooo

tosisochukwu said...

What did he mean by small biology on human reproduction

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...

mad pipo....funny dou

Unknown said...

Yeye dey smell. Lolz

#Somebody must to love me tonyt!!!

chommy said...

Lol@ a.p.c. Linda observe!

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Both of them are not Ok

Unknown said...

Gud for dem.


Unknown said...

Crazy guy

Nenyechi said...

Their cup of tea

yawanow said...

the guy is an insensitive nincompoop

Unknown said...

Lol, your comment cracked me up

NnekaOchu Blog said...

linda where is my comment?

Anonymous said...

See who is talking abt opening Vagina when you've lost count on yours'. What does APC have to do with pregnancy? U get sense so?

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Ndi ala

Unknown said...


The Ghanaian-Nigerian Prince said...

hahaha serves the ladies right

The Ghanaian-Nigerian Prince said...

serves her right. what's wrong with all this ladies.

Tha Prettiest said...

Ode of the highest

portable said...

Enter your him give her belle joor c has dem resemble deir blood don mix 2geda lol

Pretty face said...


Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

real mumu

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