Epic response to a comment... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 5 February 2016

Epic response to a comment...



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Unknown said...

Lobatan....epic shading

Unknown said...

Good reply


Double gbam lindo

Anonymous said...

Hahahah...Hanselm na savage

acid man(linda's husband) said...


Unknown said...


Oshiolo 1 of Belema kingdom said...


Anonymous said...

Who cares!!!! You're obviously jobless

Unknown said...

Lmao,Mr. Know Know.#NoChill

www.glowyshoe.com said...

Perfect response...aproko master

Glowyshoes's blog

My Facebook

Unknown said...

Lols, Crazy! Big Ladies dances Naked in Public Eye all in the name of tradition

Livvsreamblog said...


CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

Poke nosers everywhere...

Unknown said...

Lmao... just eat Jollof and waka!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Hahahaha...I'm telling u,life would be much simpler that way instead of doing gbegboru

Unknown said...

Minister of information delivering his ministerial Report onto person jollof rice...i cant laugh enough! #BrosEatJRandWaka

Anonymous said...

Linda why u use Condom spoil ur page like this? my Lil sister is always following ur page on my Laptop, pls reduce the condom sample abeg!

Mofokosobonla said...

Chai women, hoes will be hoes l

Unknown said...

Lol......saw this on instagram.... epic indeed........


Delicia said...

Abi oh

Unknown said...

Abi ohh...mind ur bizness

the one said...


STERN said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Well said. Who holy pass?

Unknown said...



Lmao. Such wickedness.

Unknown said...

Lol...... We are always too busy judging others. The person who replied is a genius!!! Posted by MAESTRO.

Nenyechi said...


Unknown said...

Eat two plates self.....mind your bizzz. There is nothing new under the sun

Unknown said...

This isn't new. Was at a wedding some years back and the same scenario played out.
In fact 50% of the guests including your truly knew or suspected that the Chairperson was her "benefactor" .
It was the man that got her a good job, ensured her confirmation as a staff and used his influence to get her a juicy unit in the workplace. The lady paid the goodness "in kind"
The poor groom was no wiser. "A case of what you dont know doesn't hurt"
Today the couple have a cute child and are doing fine.
There are some cases it is only God that can judge.

keke driver said...

EPIC: ABI WETIN CONCERN YOU.....tHE hUSBAND DOESN'T "Get down" well, so she gotta look for a sub....Boda Gbeborun

AfroShill.blogspot.com said...

People don't know how to mind their business.

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Hahahahaha epic

Unknown said...

Epic response.

Unknown said...

I tire oo,drawing mouth,fool

mizz diamond said...

Simple.Minding your own business is a full time job

Unknown said...


michael George (the Fulani Prince) said...


nekkymighty said...

He said it all!!!!Biko Mind ya business oooooooooo..lol


Hahahahaha epic indeed bros just chop nd go

mzjenjulius said...

Enter your comment...fool mind your business

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Ouch! Some people on social media needs flogging
What concern you with the complaint?

Unknown said...

That's an epic response. Looool

Lolly said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Fucking my your business.

Busy Fingers.

Unknown said...

Correct reply. Amebo!!!

Pretty face said...


Unknown said...

Lol, May be the guy is friends with the said chairman. And that goes to shows that you can never really trust city girls. If am gona marry I will come back to naija and visit my grandma in the village to ask her to help look for a wife.
Which am 100% sure will be almost perfect

Unknown said...

lmao that comment was so precise he shouldn't be a wedding crasher.

NnekaOchu Blog said...

amebo!pple like u re home breakers,bet on ur own day the M.C of the day will be her ex

Unknown said...

Simple and short

Unknown said...

U go better!

Anonymous said...

Small minded people mind ur business .....eat and go home.

Unknown said...

Lol. Linda, I was here!

Unknown said...


Luciana Chinda said...

Mind your business.
Eat jollof or fried rice and drink fanta and go. Period.

Unknown said...

Lol...nice reply

Unknown said...


Mrs telema ronaldo(CR7 wife in making) said...

Some people don't dont know how to mind their bussiness.

Was the man not forking other ladies?

Unknown said...

Hoes stays winning.

Unknown said...

Linda and 'gbam' shaaa!

Anonymous said...

Enter your comment... What is EPIC about this response? Linda like to dey support immortality as I don observe. I guess that's why she is struggling getting a man.

Unknown said...

Aproko everywhere. Just eat jollof and go home. Lol...

freakzsugar said...

I wonder y the guy cant jus eat jollofrice and chicken and get lost

stacy_kema said...

i love the reply he got. lol

Posh mum said...


rino said...

Enter your comment...wetin concern am before,gud answer

Sena Job said...

Correct response

Unknown said...

The best respond I can ever imagine.

Unknown said...

There can't be a better response. Young man, just eat jollof rice and go. Lol.

Unknown said...

I love this reply. Mind your business jare

Unknown said...

Lmao... Over Sabi people

Anonymous said...

You're just knowing...? cos that's what happens in over 98% of weddings.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Muna said...


Kentomah said...

That's the problem with naija folks. Somebody has just identified a problem and a potential threat to a union and you are telling him to mind his business. Tell me, when the groom eventually discovers this, which will happen given the society we are in, won't you be the first person to condemn the bride? It is obvious there is no openness and truthfulness in the union. Mr "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS", I hope it happens to you. Only then will you understand.

Kentomah said...

That's the problem with naija folks. Somebody has just identified a problem and a potential threat to a union and you are telling him to mind his business. Tell me, when the groom eventually discovers this, which will happen given the society we are in, won't you be the first person to condemn the bride? It is obvious there is no openness and truthfulness in the union. Mr "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS", I hope it happens to you. Only then will you understand.

Unknown said...

Ppl won't mind their business

#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE

Muna said...


Unknown said...

Ppl won't mind their business

#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE

Anonymous said...

Lmaooooo eke ibidun, since E dey pepper u,collect d microphone n announce to all d guest say chairman dey juju dis bride o. Mtchewwwww

Unknown said...


dansignature said...

hahahaahhahahaha, e concern u?

dansignature said...

hahahaahhahahaha, e concern u?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

shakara don end

Unknown said...

lolz some days are like vhat

Toni'Fresh West

Anonymous said...

If you are still worried who ur wife to be fucked then remember ur still a baby.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

hahahaha.... Epic response indeed

Cynberry said...

Alakoba oshi

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Abi watin concern am home wreckers

Unknown said...

Nice response. Amebo everywhere


Unknown said...

Nah serious Gbam...... #punkass

Unknown said...

Nah serious Gbam...... #punkass

Unknown said...

Nice one therE

ofure said...

Rotflmfao Anselm has always been mean! Kai

yawanow said...

The lady is cruel to invite the man as chairman of the occasion.

Fifi's blog said...

Abi O! All this big mouthed people that can pour sand sand in people's sugar!

Nkemy said...

Best answer of the year! Amebo

Unknown said...

Gbammest!! ~Nwa_Nsukka

Anonymous said...

PJ col

Anonymous said...

Enter your comment...hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Jay-b

Unknown said...

Seriously to hell with him and his cheap words.....

Unknown said...

Infact wow again!
That's truly epic!

Lady with class#

Unknown said...

Infact wow again!
That's truly epic!

Lady with class#

Unknown said...

Big Gbam!

Anonymous said...

hahahahhahahahah GBAM! GBAM!!....... Thats how they go about spoiling peoples home ... when he doesnt know yet who his own chairman/ best man will be.

Unknown said...

Aproko guy see his head, nice answer lol

Unknown said...

Aproko guy see his head, nice answer lol

Thatigbobabe(Lilyflower) said...


Unknown said...

Nice response

Villager said...

Haha. Bitches ain't faithful

Unknown said...

Gbam!this is more than epic

Unknown said...

Kpoo Ihe ojoo,ihe ojoo

Unknown said...

Choi... Gbam Gbam. Next pls

dansignature said...

hahahaahhahahaha, e concern u?

dansignature said...

hahahaahhahahaha, e concern u?

Chizzy Liz said...

*******hahahahahahahahahahahaha******dis one pass epic

Unknown said...

Aproko! Negodu world people. The girl ure dying for today was also used nd dumped by someone else ni

Unknown said...

Real epic response

Unknown said...

Mtcheeeeeeeeeew! Bad belle people....I love the response.......

bemcious said...

Aproko gud for u!!! U go chop d grl jolof rice dey judge her......

Anonymous said...

Like seriously, as if his sister is a virgin. Fucking retard

Anonymous said...

Like seriously, as if his sister is a virgin. Fucking retard

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Funny tweet

‘Mide said...

such is life

Unknown said...


Dis got my ribs cracking.

BOXY (A.K.A) common sense said...

Hahahahah I can't stop laffing

s said...

na wa o aunty linda hw com no comments on post of ur posts 2day?

kween Bee said...

Those years I used to think guys were better at minding their damn business but this time around the reverse is the case...... God abeg ooo!!

poshchynwe33 said...

Answer On point, e be like say na him been Dey touch light fr dem.

Unknown said...

Lol,aproko people.....

Unknown said...

Pussy pussy pussy everywhere, Linda with odusbaby

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha, some people needs to be put in their place. Lovely response

Donjazzycrush said...

no mind am. Amebo.....

Don~ jazzycrush

Unknown said...

He is full of wisdom
Serves de aproko guy well
Am temporary out of service
Pls try again later
Linda dont take note!

Unknown said...

Hahaha some guys are good in spreading bad story about people.

Unknown said...

Is not ur business.... Like he said eat rice and drink and go home.... How many girls did get down with?

Unknown said...

true talk.Linda see to that case

Anonymous said...

Gbam! Amebo, tafia, olofofo, aproko. Were you inside the bedroom when the man was getting down with the lady? I dont know why people cant just mind their business. Is it joblessness or poverty or fraustration that is worrying them sef?

Dan said...


Unknown said...

Gbam! Gossip guy

onogold said...

Lolz @eat jollof rice and go home

Anonymous said...

Gbam! Amebor, Tafia, Aproko, Olofofo. Response well deserved. I dont know why people cannot just mind their business. Were you inside the room where the man was getting down with the lady? I dont know if it is joblessness or fraustration or poverty that makes people not mind their business these days. Stmcheew

Anonymous said...

Gbam! Amebor, Tafia, Aproko, Olofofo. Response well deserved. I dont know why people cannot just mind their business. Were you inside the room where the man was getting down with the lady? I dont know if it is joblessness or fraustration or poverty that makes people not mind their business these days. Stmcheew

Makjesty said...

Right answer!`

Long live the Queen...
(Linda Ikeji)...

Anonymous said...

Gbam! Amebor, Tafia, Aproko, Olofofo. Response well deserved. I dont know why people cannot just mind their business. Were you inside the room where the man was getting down with the lady? I dont know if it is joblessness or fraustration or poverty that makes people not mind their business these days. Stmcheew

Unknown said...



AMIJEZ said...

Hahahahahaha,amibo,go mind your business.

Unknown said...

real gbam! he's jez saying hiz mind tho....

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Lmfao crazy

Unknown said...

pple will not mind dia business

APPLE said...

Hahahahahahahahahaaa....Nah today? i don't know why this hoes bother with marriage. * hiss *

Unknown said...

Lol na so na

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if you'd want someone to keep quiet if the man you're about to marry is still sleeping with some woman. Don't know what is so "gbam" about the reply.

liz swt 16 said...

Lol eat ur jollof rice n go home jarey

Unknown said...

Indeed epic..Linda observe carefully

owakah (A.K.A. Innosometin) said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahahah Gbamest!!! Mind d business dat took u there.lolz

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Sofo Adinni.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Tatafo! Radio without battery! Who asked you? Google! Bitter being!

Anonymous said...

The day wey dem go catch you for this gbam ehhh. #be careful

tosisochukwu said...

Epic 4sure

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...

Fuck up aye...

#Al sah-him

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Lol. Clap back season.


Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Best reply. Nice one from hanslem

Anonymous said...

Na wetin fit tatafo people. Aproko chapter 1 vs 2. No even chop jollof just drink water go house

Anonymous said...

Report the men who will still spend their honeymoon with their girlfriends, mistresses, concubines, prostitutes etc.

Anonymous said...

Even if its true, maybe both of them have repented before the wedding. If God has forgiven them, who are you to judge them? Good response. Simply mind your business

Cynhams Cakes, Abuja. Home delivery 07034794947 said...

Suits the aproko right.

flexfelix said...

Who ask you? Just go there and eat Rice and chicken finish

Unknown said...

Bros u be Saddist!

Unknown said...

paddle your own canoe..

Unknown said...

paddle your own canoe..

Unknown said...

Nigerians poking their fat noses everywhere.
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahhaha...I like this response...

Unknown said...

Hahaha lol. Good answer!! Enemy of progress everywhere!!!

#Somebody must to love me tonyt!!!

Unknown said...

Hahahaha...yes o!gbamest reply of the month...

Anonymous said...

As if men are not worse. Stmcheew

Anonymous said...

So the society has gone this bad that we cannot jointly condemned what is not good. Oh! it's a general believe now that everybody must have 'ex' before he marries? Anyway, I doubt if our 'mind your business' people will be able to save the marriage if the die is eventually cast.To those of you who are 'ex' freak, I want to assure you that nothing done in the dark that will not be made manifest. My question is that when confronted with your ex of a thing in the future under a more shameful atmosphere-of course it'll come-where will you hide your head?

Anonymous said...

It's nothing new , dangote attended Lola (P square wedding) didn't he

Anonymous said...

Sorry but the village I served had young school girls sleeping with corpers. Village girls are worse and always horny.

Okaro said...

Hey, please take note that the level of corruption amongst village girls is even worse than you might think.

Just pray and hope you get a good Lady wherever you meet doesn't matter and if you get one be wise and don't let go

the truth said...

How little us your sister? Maybe this will be an opportunity for sex education

the truth said...

Lol. Better find a girl where u are. Village girls will surprise u.

the truth said...

You have all the men nah. Mchew!!

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