A Nigerian migrant in Germany says he is being stopped by Police 'on every corner' | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 5 February 2016

A Nigerian migrant in Germany says he is being stopped by Police 'on every corner'

Germans are worried about the number of asylum seekers who have been allowed into the country following incidents of sexual assaults and muggings in Cologne New Year's Eve and at the city's ongoing annual festival which were mostly blamed on migrants who "looked like they were from north Africa" .
22-year-old Nigerian Fidelis is among more than a million migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015. According to BBC, he fled fighting in Libya and travelled to Italy before making his way to Germany nine months ago.

Fidelis told the BBC Newsbeat that he was stopped "on every corner" on the opening night of Cologne's annual carnival.
"I am very worried. Police have been checking my papers. They've asked me Where are you from? Are you from Africa? Can I see you papers? I'm very embarrassed"

There were protests all over Cologne in January and German Chancellor Angela Merkel made it easier to make asylum seekers who commit crimes leave the country. Thirty-five suspects are being investigated over the attacks with two men - a Tunisian and a Moroccan - charged.

Fideleis who worked at a bar in Libya, says he loves living in Germany but when he heard what happened on New Year's Eve - he knew people would treat him differently.
"I was praying to my god. I watched it on the TV station. It was like something I couldn't expect was happening by some people who I don't know. I don't know who these people are."

He thinks people should be more open minded.

"Africans are all different. You see white [people] in Africa you see black [people]. People need to see this"

Source: BBC Newsbeat


STERN said...

Don't you know that GERMANY has high rate of racism. You should be aware of that even before going there. DO NOT COMPLAIN.

Unknown said...

Biko he should come back home.

Unknown said...

May GOD! Help u

Unknown said...

With a face like that? Abeg why dem no go de stop u?

Unknown said...

Ξ‘ΠΈ∂ worst is he doesn't know d road to Nigeria shey??? He shld stay there na

#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE

Unknown said...

Once beaten twice shy

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Come back πŸ”™ home 🏑 na if you're feeling embarrassed 😳

Anonymous said...

why na?

meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...

why na?

meenah_wakil on instagram

Pretty face said...

Cone back home and I'll be as free as the birds flying in the sky

Donjazzycrush said...

is that why he kept his face like that huh?

Don~ jazzycrush

Unknown said...



GPD said...

God will surely help you....


Enter your comment...Eyah
You can't really blame them, they are only being proactive.

Linda I'm here o


Man, come home to your father's land.

Unknown said...

You don't have to live in Germany before you can make it, bro your life is important you need to be conscious of your security.

Na me said...

change your dressing, wanabe.then see if they wont stop.

Anonymous said...

how wont he be stopped by the police dressed like that!! with his face cap and a chain like that....when he is not a celebrity! see his head...

Unknown said...

It's as expected na...#DealwithItguy


Na police country u dey so

Unknown said...

Eya fide soryyy

baba said...

Enter your comment...NOTED BY DJ BANTI.fellow on IG@djbantiben or like my fbpage@djbanti

acid man(linda's husband) said...

Wat do u expect b4...

Unknown said...

God will help them.Linda see to that case

Oza said...

When it is said that there is no place like home, you think its a joke?

Unknown said...

Racial profiling?

Anonymous said...

Sweet sweet home, people no where can be like home unless God leads one out of home Himself, yet you will still be ill-treated but hen you will be able to conquer at the end, just like Isaac in the face of the people of the land of the Canaanites, who had to dig well for seven times before he could get water to use (Genesis 26:1-35) and its only God that blesses when He leads you there, else you will always be a fugitive.
We therefore need God.

Unknown said...

U sure say u no carry white for that chaplet, officer pls search him properly, na Yoruba boy

Unknown said...

Na wah oh

Unknown said...

Jst come back home.

Unknown said...

What happened on new year eve?


Unknown said...

Home misses u Son.
Jst Come back Home.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Germany remains No.1 racist country in the world... They're like a wolf in sheep cloven.... *sipping my Andre*

Anonymous said...

Come back to Nigeria if u are as uncomfortable as you're saying.

Unknown said...

Life for u...


Unknown said...

Eyahhhh if they disturb u too much,just kukuma come back to ur father's land.

Unknown said...

Sorry man shit happens....

I B M bolubantin said...

I feel your pain brother...

Unknown said...

No be lie. They treat us like a slave still we run they like a moron..Linda observe carefully

Unknown said...

I live in Germany and I must say he's been stopped every now and then because of the cologne attacks which where carried out by people from north Africa and as you said he came from north Africa(libya)

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Eayaaah I feel is pains

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Mehn. Don't wanna be in your shoes right now. I feel your pain bro. You'll overcome by God's grace.


Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Welcome to the West my friend.....Africans unfortunately do not know this and instead all rhey do is glorify everything white...designer this from oyibo, rubbish noodles if no nutritional value from oyibo, tv programs of oyibo, fake accent of oyibo, every travel to oyibo land, all the images of your God oyibo and yet oyibo hate you the black man...When will the black man especially our leaders understand that our God and power and strength is in our culture and identity...If we invest all our energy and resources in our culture and motherland, there will be no reason for any African wanting to slave or work in oyibo land let alone live....

*linda's Future Hubby*

Unknown said...

Eyah you for kuku stay your country now...
I won't blame them

Unknown said...

Wilheminna that boy is cute

Unknown said...

Shape ur mouth

Unknown said...

Bad belle people

Unknown said...

Security in Nigeria? Aboki pls

Pearlie said...

Please, stay where you are, Nigeria aint better joor

Unknown said...

don't you have a country?...angelmakiz@yahoo.com

Unknown said...


youngest billionaire said...

hmmmm bad belle is allowed

Anonymous said...

When he fled fighting in Libya he didnt flee to Nigeria abi? Instead he went to Europe. A beg they should deport him back here sharp sharp

Unknown said...

Every country is fed up with africans...cant we develop africa and avoid this humiliation

Unknown said...

Germans hate blacks. Blacks don't mind. Blacks live with them anyway, life goes on.
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Notin to do here, better stay der n hustle lik others

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmm hope he is not killed

Unknown said...

He should come back home

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Germans re funking racist!!!!

#Somebody must to love me tonyt!!!

Unknown said...


Innocentia Annie said...

shit happens
You gotta deal with it dude
Or you come back home
Hustle is still real here

Unknown said...

Oga just learn to live with it jare....Many Men for igboro won dey ur shoes joor...

Unknown said...

Germany has always been a very racially biased country...

Unknown said...

I think better put, they're wolves in lion's skin

Unknown said...

Make he kukuma come back

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