Niyola replies fan who told her to be more flashy as a female celeb | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 5 February 2016

Niyola replies fan who told her to be more flashy as a female celeb

After singer Niyola shared this barefaced photo of herself on her instagram page this afternoon, a fan left a comment on the post, telling Niyola to be more flashy because she's a star and stop being all natural. Niyola wasn't here for that and replied the fan. See her reply after the cut..




Unknown said...

Nice and calm reply. Good explanation

Unknown said...

Some folks are just jobless.....Buhari shud really do something cos this is becoming annoying.

Anonymous said...

But the fan is right she can be abit boring attimes

Unknown said...

Good reply

#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE

Unknown said...

Just imagine, does she realize how dumb she sounds?people like her encourage toke to use mountains of makeup...fake life

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Wat's d person's own?

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

But she is right, I've been following Niyola but I dunno why am still following her, her page is boring.

Unknown said...

She can't simply join the bandwagon girl, screw them "fly" celebs!

Nenyechi said...

People and dr wahala


She should follow her fans advice and leave all those write-ups.

Unknown said...

Just his opinion though

Unknown said...

love your reply.linda see to that case

michael George (the Fulani Prince) said...

Lol. That's his observation. But it's good to be natural any way

Anonymous said...

Mature baby

Dam said...

If you looking for where to crochet braid of get prebraided hair add me on bbm 5bf9a23f

Unknown said...

Good reply

Unknown said...

Come to think, I just feel niyola has a dirty disposition. She doesn't strike me as a lady who likes to take care of her she looks. No one is asking her not to be humane or a woman, what we are saying is she has to step up her game a bit. We have ladies who don't dress to kill but humbly play with beautiful colours that match with how they look on a daily basis. its either she has a dirty publicist or she's just dirtily stubborn. You can be a good role model character-wise and also on your outlook. Anyways......"just drinking my pulpy and Lays chips"

Stella said...

Hmmmm, stories. you need to see this sextape btw 2 ikorodu sec. Schl students on schl premises click here

Linaberry said...

Lolz.No chills dis year

Unknown said...

Niyola, pls don't mind that person, that ur a star doesn't mean u must wear makeup always, I even love an appreciate u more when ur natural,that shows that ur a confident African lady with high sense of decency...i am ur number one fan and I love you the way u r,any other persons opinion does t matter...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Splendid reply must she pour make up on her face before we know she is a star..Linda observe carefully

owakah (A.K.A. Innosometin) said...


Unknown said...

On a more serious note this pics wasn't supposed to be shared in de 1st place, ,,, it not nice @ all

Peror World said...

Biko nu,onye bu Niyola? Ma 1st time of hearing such name

Luciana Chinda said...

Nice reply.

JOYOUS said...


Unknown said...

Niyola is so natural and humble,she walked pass me at Eko hotel one evening and she greeted me,.many other naija celeb won't say hi, instead they will be looking at u expecting u to jump on them first, and that day niyola was even rushing to perform on stage... I rate her as the most decent naija female celeb

Unknown said...

Kpomkwen. She said it all

Unknown said...

I didn't read that, miss Linda n odusbaby

Unknown said...

She's very mature, nice reply.

Anonymous said...

Don't know who she is but she looks beautiful if you ask me. Keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

some people cant mind their business shaaa.....Aproko!! leave the lady alone if she no bathe sef post pics its none of your business!

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Nice reply,I love that!

Unknown said...

No more chill on social media


Unknown said...

Aunty you are a celebrity. The fan wasn't asking you not to be yourself, he or she is only asking u to act like stars do. It's jus lyk a farmer saying he won't weed. His farm becos he hates using a cutlass

Innocent Sophia

Unknown said...

Nice love Niyola for her naturality

Ethel Azuoma said...

Polite response dear. May God bless your hustle the more

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

I love her response

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful...

Unknown said...

The pipu.......when u are all out there thay will criticise u and wen u are not they will still talk..... nah wah o

Eliza said...

Fantastic response

Golden Princess said...

Her fan is kinda right. She has to come out more

Unknown said...

Can't you just love this woman
The day I will meet this woman the whole world must feel my joy

Golden Princess said...

Her fan is kinda right. She has to come out more

Unknown said...

Her choice

Muna said...


Anon said...

Yea...Na so!

choqlatelymart said...

Gud riddance.......go girl....jus b ursef @yr game!!

Unknown said...

Nice reply....I love her choice.... what is the point in all the sure that lady looks for the wrong people to mentor her.....

NnekaOchu Blog said...

nice the fan is one of those bleachie bleachie ladies.

rino said...

Enter your comment...hahahah its great to b natural BT sometimes its gud to look fly n flashy

keke driver said...

Kisses Niyola..........How dumb some people think celebrities are demi gods....smh

Unknown said...

Oooossseee jor. I beg tell them

mzjenjulius said...

Enter your comment...she's a second class celeb

Anonymous said...

Bizi bodies everywhere

Unknown said...

Nice response niyola

Posh mum said...

Good response

Unknown said...

Niyola ur own is too much truth be told

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Best reply ever... Post the giveaway winners.

Currently with Obama.

Anonymous said...

Where is d comment er flying to????...d guy/babe must be yoruba bc they like ko crawl ni

Anonymous said...

Ur blog is becoming boring u don't even post comments on time. If u like post my comment na u sabi

Unknown said...

Dont mind them, fake people on instagram, be you my dear dont change for anybody joor. Linda post o

Unknown said...

Dont mind them, fake people on instagram, be you my dear dont change for anybody joor. Linda post o


U are real problem... u put up a fake lide problem...... I think being real is the ish no point editing tI'll u look like a Barbie when in real life u don't look anything close to the girl in do picture....


U are real problem... u put up a fake lide problem...... I think being real is the ish no point editing tI'll u look like a Barbie when in real life u don't look anything close to the girl in do picture....

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

True Talk niyola

Anonymous said...


PomPom said...

Nice reply. Some fans can be very annoying. She makes up then she is ugly or bleaching, she doesn't then she is not flying. Some people jobless sha.

Unknown said...

She sure does look like a house help thou. Too dull 4 a celeb

Unknown said...

Good reply

Unknown said...

Nice reply.... Next please

Unknown said...

She sure does look like a househelp thou. Too dull for a celeb

Unknown said...

oh pls niyola put something on dat face idiot

Chizzy Liz said...

******I love Niyola****My bae of life****

Unknown said...

Honey, I love your reply and you are absolutely beautiful without makeup. Continue to be a role model.

Unknown said...

She should be happy for the comments. Nice one

poshchynwe33 said...

Becos everybody dos it does nt make it right,leave ur life d way it pleases u gurl. Kul reply

Nkemy said...

Well we should try and cut these celebrities some slacks cos actually they are humans first before anything else

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Mind ur business biko leaf niyiola alone,me love her natural look.

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Mind ur business biko leaf niyiola alone,me love her natural look.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, dat pic is not flattering at all. There r better natural pics Abeg, she looks old

Unknown said...

love her response. linda see to that case

Unknown said...

I love d answer, Notin u can do to please people, just be urself

Unknown said...

love her response. Linda see to that case

Anonymous said...

I have never followed her music, I actually loved the song she did with freestyle of trybesmen. But with this response to the lady in question, I respect you, and I will look for some of your original albums, here in Canada, to support your movement.

You are an amazing lady and keep up the realness!!!

The world is lost, don't get lost with it ( sh*t aint real anymore)

NnekaOchu Blog said...

linlin wey my comment?u better post am back

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Lol please leave niyola is not by force

oben said...

Ur 1st apearance speck 50percent volue wu u are tho | like I always say, if a container is change without the content been change| all reamine the same!

lilly said...

Anonymous 1:44 ure an olodo oh, so being natural is now boring mtchew the kind of fake life people live this days

Unknown said...

Toke makinwa pix are always full of make-up, i doubt if she sleep without make-up sef

Niyola is awesome

Most beautiful gal on linda ikeji's blog

Unknown said...

Lol na wah 4 fans oh

Unknown said...

nice one niyiola,live your life the way you want

Unknown said...

Niyola me love anyhow,anyday.. Being flashy is a choice.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind them they like leaving fake lives that is why they do prostitution

jasmine said...

She look boring

Unknown said...

Her fan has a point,,,,to have many likes on Instagram you av to get people entertained. I like d way both of them tackled d issue with maturity.


linda's bestie said...

Some fans wunt face their business

Okunola Adejoke said...

Haha...being flashly is a choice nah...

Unknown said...

Super reply.....


#Al sah-him

tollyjems said...

Good response jare, makeup doesn't make u a start it's ir brains nd talent. She has the beauty too. M sure she's ok with her look so what's up with be flashy as a star. Abeg carry the look that makes u comfortable joor

Unknown said...

some people won't mind dia business sha, Niyinlola pls don't mind dem. u rock jor!


Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Good reply.


Unknown said...

If she is flashy, she is too flashy... if she isn't den she is in trobu WTF do dis pipu tink dey are???

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

and if you look deeper into her life, you will discover that this lady brought up with some level of wealth, hence she has no point to prove to the world...she is fine the way she is...I believe she also studied abroad, unlike most of all these other artistes (Toke makinwa, tonto dike and co) that were brought up in wretchedness and they are trying to prove to the world, that they have arrived.

Stay real girl, that's what gets you a real man

stay fake like Toke makinwa and get a fake husband

Unknown said...

It is ok to be natural. Trust me it is...

Unknown said...

So she should be making up. I'm sure you're ugly

Unknown said...

beautiful response.

Unknown said...

Den fuck off dear!

Unknown said...

Yeah good reply! Some people tho...

Unknown said...

Let's see Whr ur fake life leads u!

Unknown said...

Judging from ur comment u are the kind of gal dat calls bricklayer to come plaster ur face weneva u want to go out...your name alone shows that u are a make up freak.

Unknown said...

Lol... first class lib reader!

Anonymous said...

It takes that red button to make me comment here …come to think of it, do people sign up to become celebs in this country? Is being a celeb a dedication of one's life( both private and public) to utmost scrutiny by every and anyone?. She might have a boyfriend or family that cares for her who are rightfully entitled to ADVICE her on her appearance if its found wanting not any hooligan who feels cos her job is in the public eye and she makes a living from entertainment then she should be bullied on social media, insulted and harassed by all and sundry…even those with mental issues! This is certainly crazy for people to think their opinion supersedes that of the induvidual concerned, worst is that the perpetrators don't even realize this is a form of bullying or terrorism cos she may be so worried about what people say that she breaks down emotionally. CAN WE STOP SOCIAL BULLYING OF PEOPLE? They are humans too.

Unknown said...


#Somebody must to love me tonyt!!!

Anonymous said...

She's just being herself before/after she turned out to be a celeb. Let her breathe for being herself. Biko!


Peace nwadire said...

Perfect reply, don't know you but ur response defined how beautiful you are inside, the world is lost and am happy you're different, keep doing what you doing, i lov the way you are and am your no 1 fan from now, don't mind those fake celeb,that their low self esteem had made them become different from whom they are, both inward and outward, deceiving their gullible fans. Generation itiboribos!

bhaire said...

Deres nothing innocent about u. Fake life ass people mtcheeew

bhaire said...

Not ur business, but u can plaster your own face with make up

Babious said...

nice reply. People got time on their hands...

Tinubu 1st son said...

She could be so boring attyms...

Unknown said...

Not ur business

Bebe Coupons said...

People are always so negative. Keep doing what you are doing.

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