Rescued Nigerian girl says she would rather be with the Boko Haram militant who kidnapped and impregnated her | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 5 February 2016

Rescued Nigerian girl says she would rather be with the Boko Haram militant who kidnapped and impregnated her

Almost a year after she was rescued from Boko Haram captivity by the Nigerian army, Zara John, 16, is still in love with one of the fighters who abducted her and impregnated her, AlJazeera reports.

She was delighted to discover that she was pregnant with his child following a urine and blood test carried out by a doctor in the refugee camp to which she was taken after her rescue.
"I wanted to give birth to my child so that I could have someone to replace his father, since I cannot reconnect with him again," said Zara, one of hundreds of girls kidnapped by Boko Haram during a seven-year insurgency in northeast Nigeria.

But any decision over the baby was taken out of her hands. Her father drowned during flooding in 2010 so her uncles intervened. Some were adamant that they did not want Boko Haram offspring in their family - and insisted on an abortion. Others felt the child should not be blamed for its father's crimes. In the end, the majority carried the vote and Zara was allowed to keep her child, a son she named Usman who is now seven months old.

"Everybody in the family has embraced the child," Zara in a telephone interview, asking that her location remain undisclosed. "My uncle just bought him tins of Cerelac [instant cereal] and milk."

Zara was 14 when Boko Haram members fighting to establish an Islamic state raided her village of Izge, in northeast Nigeria, in February 2014.
They razed homes in the village, slaughtered men and loaded women, girls and children on to trucks.
Two of Zara's brothers were out of town when the assailants struck in one of a wave of hit-and-run attacks on villages, as well as suicide bombings, on places of worship or markets.
Zara's mother fell off one of the overloaded trucks but tried to chase after the vehicle that was ferrying away her only daughter and her four-year-old son, but was unable to keep up as it drove 22km to Bita.

At the time, Bita and other surrounding towns near the Sambisa forest were in Boko Haram control.

"As soon as we arrived, they told us that we were now their slaves," Zara recalled
Her days were spent doing chores and learning the tenets of her new religion, Islam, until two months later when she was given away in marriage to Ali, a Boko Haram commander, and moved from a shared house to his accommodation.
"After I became a commander's wife, I had freedom. I slept any time I wanted, I woke up any time I wanted," she said.

He bought me food and clothes and gave me everything that a woman needs from a man." She added that he also gave her a mobile phone with his number in it, and tattooed his name on her stomach to mark her as a Boko Haram wife.
Ali assured her the fight would soon be over and they would return to his hometown of Baga, where he intended his new wife to join his fishing business.
He told her he abandoned his trade and joined Boko Haram after his father and elder brother, both fishermen like himself, were killed by Nigerian soldiers.
In a June 2015 report based on years of research and analysis, Amnesty International said the Nigerian army was guilty of gross human rights abuse and extrajudicial killings of civilians in parts of northeast Nigeria, calling for an investigation into war crimes.
Ali was not at home when the Nigerian army stormed Bita in March 2015 and rescued Zara and scores of other women, taking them to a refugee camp in Yola in northeast Nigeria.
The raid came as international scrutiny on Nigeria increased after the high-profile abduction of 200 schoolgirls from Chibok in northern Nigeria in April 2014, which caused outrage internationally and sparked the global campaign #bringbackourgirls. The girls are yet to be found.
But Zara and Ali stayed in touch by phone until Nigerian soldiers realised some of the girls in the camp were still in touch with their abductors, seized their phones, and moved them to another camp until they were reunited with their families.

Zara now lives with her extended family and son in a town far away from Izge.
Her male relatives took over control of her life again, with requests for interviews fielded by them and all of her movements monitored by her family. But asked her opinion, she said she would rather be with her Boko Haram "husband".
"If I had my way, I would retrieve the phone number he gave me," she said, regretting not committing his number to memory.

But Zara is realistic and knows the possibility of being reunited with Ali is slim.
Instead she wants to return to school when Usman stops breast-feeding, and maybe then run her own business.

"I want to do a business that is suitable for a woman, something that will not take me out of the house," she said.



Unknown said...

Eyea,she is certainly traumatized,being ripped of her innocence as such a tender age. Hmmm,it's well dear.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Chai! She don fall in love

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

Love can be found in extremely strange and unfathomable situations, who I'm i too judge??

Unknown said...

Confused mind

Unknown said...

Eehn Eehn tell me something, this is interesting, is she mad


Oh no

Unknown said...

Chibok girls done even born finish.


The man really brainwashed her.. I don't blame her

Unknown said...

Useless girl...she's a bokoharam member too,Nigerian army should arrest her sharply..

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Touching story


Unknown said...

Yeye they worry her..Linda observe carefully

abujakenneth said...

IT is not about what she wants, it about the law

Anonymous said...

Love nwantiti

Cute G said...

The poor child has been brainwashed. What does she know? If only we had a rehabilitation institute for Distorted individuals.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Hehehehehhehe nawa 4 the girl,in love with boko haram hubby....smhhh

7F098C19 said...

She likes sex..... Don't mind her. She needs big dicks, 3 some and drug fucking guys on her. Engr Emy

7F098C19 said...

She likes sex..... Don't mind her. She needs big dicks, 3 some and drug fucking guys on her. Engr Emy

Anonymous said...

Aboki na aboki

Unknown said...

Nawa oh!! A woman in love with a terrorist. Nija my people..

Unknown said...

This four letter words called love can make some people to be foolish at times. She should go to sambisa forest who knows she might be able to locate him. Mtweeeeee.

Unknown said...

Mumu they are saving her,she is saying otherwise

Unknown said...

This love Na waoh!.. Since she has already eaten the forbidden Apple. It will hard to correct her dysfunctional brain anymore. She needs a rehab ASAP..

Unknown said...

This love Na waoh!.. Since she has already eaten the forbidden Apple. It will hard to correct her dysfunctional brain anymore. She needs a special rehab ASAP..

Villager said...

She's inlove wif somebody whose days are numbered.

Luciana Chinda said...

Hmmmmmmmmm! This kind story shaaaaaa, she wants to go back to her Boko haram guy. This sounds strange.

Unknown said...

Please she should go back
She can kill and whatever

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm. Nigerian Army over to u

Nenyechi said...


Anonymous said...

Dem don fuck this one brain, sotay the screws don fall.. Oga boko wey fuck this one, I throwey yansh for U....

Anonymous said...


NnekaOchu Blog said...

its alright!i dont know y they keep lookin for girls that doesnt want to be found

Pretty face said...

Hmmm, seems like the only one with a good report of her BH husband....

Unknown said...

A potential suicide bomber rescued but she still wants to go back, get her suicide vest and bomb innocent Nigerians

Anonymous said...

She is already an Hausa Fulani Yoruba boko haram terrorist.

Why let her mix with the community? Danger igbo must not let any of this people into our community

Unknown said...

It is a psychological issue. I understand how she feels

Jules said...

Choi! See love o

Unknown said...

Useless girl
I forbid her
What nonsense
Am temporary out of service
Pls try again later
Linda dont take note!

Unknown said...

Useless girl
I forbid her
What nonsense
Am temporary out of service
Pls try again later
Linda dont take note!

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

It's well

gentle said...

Hmmm...I really dnt blame her.

Unknown said...


Dlapikin said...

That is the kind of person that will blow herself at the market square... There should be some watch over her...

Unknown said...

She's possessed with some sorta evil spirit....this is where TB joshua comes into the picture for deliverance aka lose and die!

Unknown said...

Whoa! It's obvious she's possessed and need TB Joshua kinda deliverance....

Anonymous said...

Mtn...everywhere you go....even in Sambisa. MTN should pay the heaviest possible fine. Criminals

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm! Odi egwu. #Lindangwanu#

Anonymous said...

Stockholm syndrome

Unknown said...


yawanow said...

hmmmm shez insane.

Unknown said...

She should be allowed to follow her heart, women with poor brain.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This gurl is very..... anyway let me not use any hateful word! Cos love itself is stupid!

Unknown said...

Nawa ooo

Unknown said...

Sorry dear u want to go back to boko haram husband abi? Hauses and the sence.

david agbogun said...

she need treatment... * Linda stop wasting my time *

david agbogun said...

she need treatment... * Linda stop wasting my time *

Unknown said...

She was enjoying the boko haram eggplant. Day in day out,

CherishD said...

She should not be trusted, dumb girl. She prefers d S*X. Idiot.

cheny girl said...

They should monitor that girl closely ooo she ha sbeen soo brainwashed such that she cold be one of them too.

Arc. Adefila said...

boko haram on drug made her a woman, what a pity

MummyChristmas said...

So pathetic

Anonymous said...

Wat is she spitting out? Could this be love. Happy love oo

Anonymous said...

Smh..stop helping them

Anonymous said...

So a boko haram man can treat a woman well, where seemingly law abiding men are abusers.

Anonymous said...

Poor girl

Unknown said...

Kolo mental

Anonymous said...

The jungle is better than home when you can not even see food or be sure of your next meal

Anonymous said...

Enter your comment...its obvious d bokoguy dy fuck ha well a,is ha choice 2 stay,xo make Una free ha

Anonymous said...


AMIJEZ said...

What a story. O chim,boko haram wife.

Unknown said...

That girl is not serious,if their allow her, she will go and meet. Her Boko haram husband.
I can see, she have dr inked the blood of innocent pple Boko haram is killing.

Unknown said...

E favour her nah

Anonymous said...

This is classic Stockholm syndrome. There should be trained psychologists in that camp. This is how ideology spreads. She has idolized the monster. Now she will raise her son and teach him that his father was a hero and the government killed him. We have more work to do - Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )

KC said...

Young love... If d Nigerian Army did commit dis further comment

(Linda d Kim K's fan)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hmmm dats life

Anonymous said...

Jungle is better than home for her

linda's bestie said...

Her problem

Unknown said...

God bless you for this comment


tollyjems said...

She should go bk there now,

Unknown said...

So unfortunate,very sad indeed,she is a potential suicide bomber,she should be monitored..

LALAcious smallchops said...

That is where I kan pick my own points from. Na poverty make that statement sae whe wan return to her Boko Haram guy. U knw she mentioned that the guy used to shower her with clothing and foods etc. Abeg na poverty.

Cynhams Cakes, Abuja. Home delivery 07034794947 said...

She was terribly brain washed. I hope she doesn't run away from home in search of her "husband".

Peror World said...

Can u imagine n d government allowed the child to be alive of cos the child will grow up to avenge the death of his fada...#WearetechnicallystillatwarwithBH

Cynhams Cakes, Abuja. Home delivery 07034794947 said...


CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

In love with the "wrongest" man... Smh

Unknown said...

End time Zara

OSINANL said...

@Onyx: you are so right

Anonymous said...

Akuku uwa linda abeg post my comment biko

Unknown said...

When she loves the guy?
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Nah she's In love abeg

Unknown said...

Shebi she like prick......all dose empty promises r lies jare, she knows wat she is missing

Unknown said...

Hmm, Boko lover!!!

Unknown said...

That is part of what ignorance can do..
Pity u Girl

Unknown said...

That is part of what ignorance can do..
Pity u Girl

Olashile Canada said...

I second ur tot sir,she be ashewo ten kobo

Anonymous said...

This is sooo true linda the girls we are looking for knows where they are we nigeria are chasing boko haram they are running with them.. They are paid by them and also come to town to buy somtin for them in their hide out ...

oh-G said...

So this is how they get those girls to blow themselves up. I've always wondered. And at that age they are so impressionable. Lord help us because they will give birth to children and fill their heads with the same ideas.

Peace nwadire said...

Poor gurl! She's already brainwashed, need a psychological/medical attention before she start planning unimaginable things that Wil wreck the whole village.

Anonymous said...

Strange Asin? Man's ass abi? Gay fool finding love in strange fellow man's ass

Unknown said...

Hmm, Boko lover!!!

Unknown said...

Too bad

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