Am sure you all know what I’m talking about precisely. Yes, you've heard about it but just in case you didn't get a hold of the full gist, here you go.... Recently, TYBello, a Nigerian recording artist and photographer, was having a photo-shoot with an American music star called Tinnie Tempah.She had chosen to pitch her set on the streets of Lagos so as, according to her Instagram post, to showcase the beauty of her Lagos rather than be confined in some hole. While on the shoot, a bread seller from Sabo market strayed into the shot. Upon realizing what damage she could have done, this bread hawker became confused, perhaps a little scared, especially with boos and jeers from people who asked her to quickly get out of the set.
Alas, TYBello, the photographer, signaled her to walk back into the set and asked for her photograph to be taken and she obliged. TY had seen, through her lens, diamond though very much in the rough at this time.
When I saw the pics on TYBello's Instagram page, I was pleasantly surprised to know the bread seller concept was not pre-scripted. Kudos to TYBello for her ingenious shots. The effect of these photos was so overwhelming that the scout for this 'Waka Pass' model began. Finally, she was found.
She is Olajumoke, 27year old mother of two: a boy of 5 and a 2year old daughter. She can't write or speak a word of English, she communicates in Yoruba. Though she's not literate, today, she shares the coveted ThisDay Style Cover with the likes of Dangote, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, A'List Socialites and Celebrities, the Creme de la Creme of society, From a most indigent background, Olajumoke left Osun State where she was a hair dresser, to come to Lagos in search of the Golden Fleece, hawking bread 7times a week with a profit of 200 naira daily.
Even with two children, she didn't fold her hands and beg for hand-outs, she hawked her way into her destiny. She was the Golden Fleece that TYBello was going to search for. In no time, with a make-over, the gold in her is brought to fore and shone in her pictures that have gone viral on the internet.
TYBello has proved with this story that we can create positive movement for one another without waiting for government (government should play their role though). It's obvious that most of the people who walk around the streets have gold in them, they are all waiting on a gold digger to dig it up. Nobody is ever useless, no matter the condition you find yourself,no condition is permanent, as long as you are not lazy.
This is the moral of Olajumoke's story. People pray to God to meet them at the point of their needs but they need to know that God is waiting to meet them at the point where they are making use of that which is in their hands. Hard work and tenacity will always win "it" for you. Opportunities are all around us everyday but we seize them (or not) by time and chance.
Attention seeking Charly boy. We already know naa. More Instagram followers for you jooor
Yes ooo..
Charlie boy still alive,
Thats nice
Dia mad man always have sumtin to say about everything.....like we didn't know about this bread seller n ty bello before now? Charly shaaaraaaaap!!!!
Yesoo! To me the term LUCK is a coincidence between your hard work and opportunity.
each new day provides an opportunity, try establish a coincidence.
. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA
Well said!!!
Well said!!!
Nicely said baba
the whole bread seller story is a hoax by Ty bello. foolish gullible nigerians! we believe every story online. well the publicity stunt worked for her.
No competition in destiny...
What a touching story.
Charly my man is not easy at all.
May God bless bello for this please i want to advice wise guys and rich guys like me to do the same to there guys out there please except hausa almajiri.
#sad indeed
Very touchy αи∂ inspiring piece!
#it WiLL onLy geT beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise
Well said....
Ok... Seen!
Story Story!!! Once upon a time!!!
Story that touches the inner minds
!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere
True talk
owk charley well said.
Naso nah
Well Said. Our prayer is that we should be at the right place at the right time.
charly Boy you are great God bless you AMEN
#Hajia Mufliat
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Well said!
Thank you sir, some people will be there displaying cartoons on twitter and facebook while some are waiting for 5,000 salary from buhari...you better wake up now..
I never liked this man before but today you captured my mind with this write up
God works in a way u just don't understand...he can do and undo..create a way were u can never imagine to be a way....Gods favour.
~make I go drink one bottle of beer~
Well scripted Brow Charly. Linda take note!
Well written Sir Charly...we all need to get up and stay positive no matter the condition we find our-self in. 200 Naira daily as profit....A mother of 2kids...Now a Model...This is truly a Testimony. J25
Absolutely Beautiful. May our destiny helpers locate us today in Jesus' Name; Amen!
Gbam! So much on point
Eva Da Diva...
Nice one Charly. But Tinie Tempah is not American.. He's British..
Charly boy nailed it! Opportunities come to those who are positioned for it.
Nice ass....
May we hawk our way into destiny...amen!
I agree with Uncle Charlie but lots of people are not discovered... she was at the right place at the right time.
Not all the time that hard work truly pays she is one of the fortunate few...I know that they are stories from people that found favour and was also located by their helpers and I can say I am one of them and I am everly grateful to God and cant say thank you enough to God and my helper in human skin.
But they are people that also have not been discovered with everything they have done.....God be for us all.....ProudlyDeltan
Na so...
I pray that aunty Linda will accept my request.. Aunty Linda pls accept my request
Future Cadet says So
Tinnie is a British Artist ooo
Dumb charly, he's a British music star
The last paragraph though.
entering Lagos in 3 days. I tap into Jumoke's testimony.
Well said, nicely written.
Ty rlly tried . #golden heart
I wish ti located at my appointed time, this whole issue is overwhelming
Just passing
Uncle Charley boy. I salute. You are one of a kind. Kudos
Vry true
Tinie Tempah is a British music star not American Charly boy
Spot on!
GOD bless you sir, i totally agree with you saying hard work and tenacity will akways win.
I an not surprise because if God wants to pick you out for greatness, He does it within a twinkle of an eye in respective of your condition
I an not surprise because if God wants to pick you out for greatness, He does it within a twinkle of an eye in respective of your condition
Nice write-up. I like it.
Tinie Tempah's parents are Igbo. He was born and raised in London...so he is not American sir .
Nice one.... Make the world a better place. My first comment, aunty linda post o
The story will continue to inspire people towards greatness
truly every one has gold in them.
Even God asked Moses,"Moses, what do you have in your hands?" She had a hustle on her hands and destiny met her with something in her hands.
great writ up and encouraging
Well actually she is literate, she can write in Yoruba. That's like saying someone that only writes and speaks French is not literate. English does not equal literacy.
Well actually she is literate, she can write in Yoruba. That's like saying someone that only writes and speaks French is not literate. English does not equal literacy.
Since OLUCHI was spotted and delivered how many of her kind has she helped??
We don hear naa
charlie my man, tinie tempah is british nigerian
true talk, I Pray God will locate me for good this year, congrat to you Olajumoke.Linda see to that
I really hope the lady is prepared for the positive change in her life which may be different from the life she knows.
Am so happy Charly man also agree to this.
True words...
tinie temper isnt American ....do some research occasionally
It's called Favor o. We need to prepare ourselves because some people have met their destiny helpers but they were not prepared. Someone was going to give me a huge gift. I was going to pass it onto a lady. She started acting funny. Ofcourse I gave someone else. By the time her eye cleared, it was no longer available. Pray that destiny helper finds you and when they do, that you do not misbehave around them. Also note that not all destiny helpers come dressed as Linda Ikeji or TY Bello. Nuff said- Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )
It's called Favor o. We need to prepare ourselves because some people have met their destiny helpers but they were not prepared. Someone was going to give me a huge gift. I was going to pass it onto a lady. She started acting funny. Ofcourse I gave someone else. By the time her eye cleared, it was no longer available. Pray that destiny helper finds you and when they do, that you do not misbehave around them. Also note that not all destiny helpers come dressed as Linda Ikeji or TY Bello. Nuff said- Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )
For window blinds, wallpaper and curtain please call 08160856785.
Maybe I have to start hawking bread so that I can hawk my way into my destiny (I wanna rule my destiny in Buju Banton's voice).
#aboki wey soji#
God d bless d pure in hrt
word! I concur wise man.
Rightly written. Hard work really pays.
God is still at work, thank God for her life
Eziokwu ka ina ekwu
so inspiring
I concur ooo
walking into your destiny. nice one from Charly boy
Nice one
Tinnie Temper is well known BRITISH singer of Nigerian Parents NOT American...
UK Tog
A good write up! Thumps up. That is what we call destiny changer. I pray I meet my own helper in Jesus name amen
Good one from charly boy,God please bless the handwork of all of us in Jesus name amen.
Sipping my hennessy
Well Said...........
Well said! Papa Charlie boy
God will surely meet st the point of my need..its just time..congrats once again Jumoke
Lame write up today uncle charlie. Usually, u come correct, but today's write-up! Lame! Wishy washy! Desperate attempt to pay your 2cents on the matter. Unnecessary!
The story of this girl is touching.
100% right
I believe God will do it for me too.
Beautiful write up by Charly boy. It's a bit ironic that I read this immediately after reading about coza pastor's all white bday bash. It makes one wonder how many lives has he affected positively? Ppl make donations to orphanages,idp camps,hospitals etc for their bday,there was even a story recently of a couple who chose to feed a thousand homeless ppl on their wedding day instead of regular guests. Wht has pastor Biodin done? Does wearing thousand dollar suits and shoes glorify God? Ppl who aren't even recognized as men of God have given away significant portions of their wealth to benefit others,wht has past Biodun done? What has coza as a congregation done? Are they truly following God's doctrine or like someone said "l only go there for efffizy o,I have other churches where I go for serious prayer and worship".
Am so glad for her oo. Also working hard and waiting patiently for my own upliftment from God.
##Linda is my Role Model##
This is a proof that God is God, He is never late, He's always on time nd never fails.
He is the one who brings out a man from the dungeon nd makes him sit among kings.
I saw her in Unilag today.. at GTB
Something is fishin abt this gal,ty bello get explanation t make,,,so bread sellers dey design for lagos? Whahala dey
Tinie Tempa is not American though. He is British Oga chalie.....
Wow, this is powerful! "she hawked her way into her destiny."
i respect people like TY Bello who dont wait for govt or churches before they can impact lives. so of d clowns commenting here cant even spare 50 naira for a begger let alone help anyone but they would be the first to criticize people wen they start ripping the benefits of their good deeds. if TY Bello holds a lavish party for herself or something no one will remember this bread seller story o, they will begin to call her names and suggest that she should have given the money to IDP camps... Nigerians and their hypocritical attitude. Anyway i don't blame people, internet is affordable, everyone is on social media, people can blab away on platforms meanwhile in dis life time they will never have the opportunity to meet the person they are blabbing about.
well said
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