Buhari Never called Nigerians "Criminals"- Presidency | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Buhari Never called Nigerians "Criminals"- Presidency

Press statement from the Presidency below...
The State House has described as misconstrued, the various interpretations of President Muhammadu Buhari's comments in an interview granted to the UK's Telegraph newspaper on February 5, 2016. In a statement released in Abuja on Tuesday, February 9, Malam Garba Shehu (Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity) noted that the wave of negative reactions to the President's remarks about the reputation of Nigerians abroad was as a result of an incomplete understanding of President Buhari's point.
"President Buhari was asked about the flood of migrants from Nigeria and the fraudulent applications for asylum put in by people desperate to leave their motherland at any cost, and it was this question that elicited his response," he said, encouraging Nigerians to avail themselves of a full text of the interview, which has now been made available on the Telegraph's website.

Malam Shehu added that it was preposterous for anyone to imagine that the President of Nigeria would describe all the citizens of the country he leads as criminals, when he himself is a Nigerian--obviously not a criminal--and when there are many Nigerians of honest living making their country proud all over the world.

"Unfortunately, there are also Nigerians giving their country a bad image abroad, and it is to those Nigerians that the President referred in his comments," he said, adding that people may play politics and online games with the President's comments, but the fact of the matter remains that Nigeria's reputation abroad has been severely damaged by her own citizens.

"These Nigerians who leave their country to go and make mischief on foreign shores have given the rest of us a bad reputation that we daily struggle to overcome." Malam Shehu called attention to the many efforts of President Buhari to clean up the image of Nigeria, such as the war on corruption, stating that acknowledging you have a problem is the first step to preferring a solution.

"President Buhari is very aware of the problems the people of Nigeria face both at home and abroad, and he is not shying away from admitting them even as he focuses on solutions to bring them to a permanent end."

Garba Shehu SSAP
(Media and Publicity)


Anonymous said...


meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...


meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...

Duhhhhh. Damage control

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Same wailers that try so hard to bring PMB down during election with uncivillize comments, na never bring him down now that he's the president.PMB we are so proud of you,keep the good work and you have more support.

tosisochukwu said...

He did jooor!

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...

Hey heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy a...p...c na waooo for una oooo.
I watched it live may God punish a..p..c and terrorist buhari for this lies.
No be buhari say that hausas and yorubas are terrorist and criminal a...p...c must know that we are in computer world what so ever the say is save.
Shame to a..p... C liars party na freeborn talk am no be buhari why denying the open truth may God punish all a..p..c liars for this.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

We don hear

Enugu's second shoe designer

Anonymous said...

Abek short up joor......and tell your dead brain president to talk with respect.....,(LINDA Ikeji cook)


So True. Unless you are among those Nigerians who travel abroad to cause mischief too. Then sorry my friend you are all shades of a criminal

seeker! said...

Eventually they had to deny.... that old man better mind is utterances.

Unknown said...


Kels said...

We are nit interested, continue with ur rubbish foolish president

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

So wat do we believe?

...merited happiness

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

Damage control... I hear

Blog It With Olivia said...

Na them sabi ooooooo

#iT wiLL oNLy geT beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Story for the gods.

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Story for the gods.

Unknown said...

Its to late cry while the head is off!!! He never went to skool so he really finds it hard to express himself....

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

So who did?

Olumide Abiodun said...

Buhari spoke the plain truth...Truth is bitter and people hate bitter things. That's all.

Research Shows That Most Women are Either Lesbians or Bisexual

Genesis said...

Who is a greater criminal? He who steals? Or he who receives? Do you blame them? After collecting our money thru our thieving leaders to develop your country yet you people make the impression like we are the thieves.

7F098C19 said...

This president spoke man is one of the biggest liar one can associate himself to. U shall die meaninglessly. Engr Emy

7F098C19 said...

This president spoke man is one of the biggest liar one can associate himself to. U shall die meaninglessly. Engr Emy

Unknown said...

Say no more jare! We all look but see differently. Linda take note!

tahar said...

Many of us r responsible and trustworthy.you cannot judge the attitude of all nigerians,by the attitude of some

Unknown said...

This is nonsense!


Saw the telegraph of the interview, its quite unfortunate how he was misquoted and the point he raised twisted by wailers so they could wail.


Anonymous said...

We know jare, it is Senator common sense o, he started the rumor.

flexfelix said...

Malam shut up your mouth there you will always cover this dumb President.

Unknown said...

Stories. Why didn't you correct that notion earlier? More Instagram followers for you

Unknown said...

All these buhari aides suddenly turn to puppet, Nigeria is going no way because we all server and respect the individual incharge not the constitution. Buhari will 1 day leave that sit remember cycophants

Unknown said...

Soo our ears are no more functioning ba


Anonymous said...

Lies and lies again.

Unknown said...

Mr Malam park well, This is not the first time your Oga is calling Nigerians criminal.

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Hmmm I don't even know what to believe

Unknown said...

Ok, thanks for cleaning the air...

Unknown said...

Ok,thanks for clearing the air...

Anonymous said...

Garba Shehu Thunder and Brimestone fire you there. #iamaNigerian iamnotacriminal

Unknown said...

Mallam shehu trying to do damage control. #ndiara

shescute said...

Oh shut up..... so we are blind and deaf at the same time abi? We can't read or hear abi?

Anonymous said...

Becos Nigerians got angry and started to vent on twitter.. u guys now want to come and explain wat ur president said.. akuku!! This presidency must really think we r soo stupid and we dnt have a choice.. sigh. A president dat tells his pple 'there will be suffering' and they are criminals. Na better person be dat. R u suppose to give us encourgament or sacrifice us?..

Unknown said...

Enough talking!!!
Start working you Fools!!!

Unknown said...

Why wont nigerians travel out when the hardship is unbearable, its only the abokis that are excellent in withstanding poverty, you cant tame a dog without throwing it a bone and thats what the president dont understand, if you want crime to reduce its not by preaching and just fighting corruption , most importantly the economy must be stable and accomodating if not all these sermon are a waste, look at russia for instance right from the leaders to the average man on the streets are corrupt yet their economy thrives, in russia bribery is a culture if u doubt me browse it online... My point is this its not all about fighting corruption and sensitizing the people more than that the economy must be accomodating... The first question the presidency should ask is why are people travelling out and endqngering their lives when they can stay back home

Unknown said...

Watever , tnk God he is a Nigerian too so no Shaks

Mz Endowed said...

Shut up my friend! Don't insult us more. Looking forward to 2019 so we can enjoy democracy again.

Unknown said...

Please the Presidency should use his time to do something better rather explaining to some cowards what he said. We all know he can never say that, some aggrieved pathetic losers are just trying to generate something out of nothing, what he said was clear, only the smarts will understand, if I was the President I wont even explain, you can say what you like, after 4 years if U still wanna die because he's the still the president, then vote him out and stop being unbelievably dramatic! Ride on Mr President! Meanwhile, leave ur comments, insult me and my family as usual, it has never taken anything away from me! #WellSaid

udojicletus@gmail.com said...

Enter your comment...its obvious DAT dis idiot don't unstnd simple English b/4 uttering nonsense

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time to explain only those who are criminals complain about it.I went through the article many times I didn't find such statements my brother.. Nuel

Unknown said...

Did your response change anything..? Pls you need to teach PMB how to respond to interviews outside the shore of this country...he is a president not the owner of Nigeria.

rednaxela said...

I understand the President didn't mean we were all Criminals but his words and body language gave him away. He should learn how best to use words, he lacks that. And it shouldn't be seen as him being blunt! He lacks how best to use English words (No disrespect intended). There is always room for improvement or better still, he can speak in Hausa and have someone translate to English, there is no shame in that.

layinka said...

Its a lie.
He did

Unknown said...

PMB said it clearly and Garba shehu can't deceive me on this one

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mallam Shehu, Tell them our president words should not be taken or play politics with.

Anonymous said...

Are you minding PDP criminals and go and jump in Lagoon people. English is not one of their strongest point, but bitterness. If you listen to their whining you wont and can never please them. Bunch of hypocrites.

Amy said...

His business. Damage control. Na im family members wey de UK Na dem be the criminals. Finish.

chommy said...

Buhari eze ashi. Linda observe!

Anonymous said...

I don't think he should be washing his dirty linen outside. It is hard to imagine that Obasanjo is actually more diplomatic than Buhari who is supposed to be quieter. I never heard Obasanjo attack Nigerians abroad in 8years. He was focused on getting it right at home because he knew if things work at home, no one would go out to steal. PMB wants to cleanse Nigeria overnight. It will not happen. We have a systemtic problem. Nigerian corruption has to be handled as whole then it will reduce gradually. If he is in touch with reality, he will know no one wants to risk their lives and swallow cocaine or be doing gateman in Europe at -5 degrees Celsius. If e easy let Yusuf try it for a week if he no go run. Let's fix our country and change our values. When we stop worshiping money and rich people n our preachers start preaching the true gospel not money gospel, Nigeria will change. Selah- Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )

Anonymous said...

I don't think he should be washing his dirty linen outside. It is hard to imagine that Obasanjo is actually more diplomatic than Buhari who is supposed to be quieter. I never heard Obasanjo attack Nigerians abroad in 8years. He was focused on getting it right at home because he knew if things work at home, no one would go out to steal. PMB wants to cleanse Nigeria overnight. It will not happen. We have a systemtic problem. Nigerian corruption has to be handled as whole then it will reduce gradually. If he is in touch with reality, he will know no one wants to risk their lives and swallow cocaine or be doing gateman in Europe at -5 degrees Celsius. If e easy let Yusuf try it for a week if he no go run. Let's fix our country and change our values. When we stop worshiping money and rich people n our preachers start preaching the true gospel not money gospel, Nigeria will change. Selah- Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )

OSINANL said...

This evil shehu garba should just shut up...

Unknown said...

Shut up..!!!!

~make I go drink one bottle of beer~

Unknown said...


Men of God said...

I guess we all don't understand English, abi?

Ekenekwa m unu!


Unknown said...

Buhari doesn't have to say it, but that's what he portrays Nigerians to be.

Mommy's girl said...

Buhari and his co criminals should be ashamed of themselves. Nonsense

Enchanting said...

Nigerians understand English language o! Besides, we are not fools.

Unknown said...

It is sad when we refuse to own up to what is in effect the truth! Is it news therefore that a few of us outside the shores of Nigeria have over the years involved in all sort of despicable criminal activities the world over? NO!
Outside, our travelling documents are constantly perused to ensure we're legit....people of other countries presume at first encounter that we are criminals until we prove beyond every doubt that not all Nigerians are.
Did he insinuate that all Nigerians are criminals? Hell NO! A discerning Nigerian mind knows the truth, yet some due to political proclivity and affiliation chose to blow this out of epic proportion to score some cheap anti - Buhari point.
He is Nigerian too....

Unknown said...

Good for clearing the air on this

Hana said...

Buhari u r a pathological liar
Son of a bitch
Terrorist old fool
U wud die in ur reign
Ur nemesis wud catch up wit u n family
Onye iberibe....atulu!!

Miss Freeborn!!

Unknown said...

Gworo man

Anonymous said...

Why didn't u put it in a quote? Illiterates. U could have quoted it the way he said it and u are referring us to some website we knw nothing about.

Anon said...

Is they anything APC won't say & deny?

Anonymous said...

every time GMB messes up , this so call media aides come to tell us he didnt say / do . the truth is that the president is too old n cant handle the presidency. since the APC took over the centre there has been series of scandals , bombs still going off. the press have tired to show a little support by not putting them on the front pages or should i say they are all scared of what could happen if they reported such. all apc is doing is talking about $2.5billion but obj wasted $25b on nepa , GMB himself could not account for $1.5b has PTF boss. i really do not think $2.5b is nigeria's problem right now . there are so many pressing issues. GMB should sit at home and find solutions rather than travel up and down like a dog who has been chained for long with out food and has been let loose.

Anonymous said...

every time GMB messes up , this so call media aides come to tell us he didnt say / do . the truth is that the president is too old n cant handle the presidency. since the APC took over the centre there has been series of scandals , bombs still going off. the press have tired to show a little support by not putting them on the front pages or should i say they are all scared of what could happen if they reported such. all apc is doing is talking about $2.5billion but obj wasted $25b on nepa , GMB himself could not account for $1.5b has PTF boss. i really do not think $2.5b is nigeria's problem right now . there are so many pressing issues. GMB should sit at home and find solutions rather than travel up and down like a dog who has been chained for long with out food and has been let loose.

Unknown said...

Buhari better be careful
Every leader from 1999 either died or their partner did except Jonathan

I say be careful with your leadership o hmmmm

U-C-J said...

Bia Mallam don't add insult to injury okay, at least some of us are privileged to see the fore-walls of school so don't try to use our heads here by twisting what was said.
Linda mee k'anyi fu anya! @uchemacj

Anonymous said...

He is who he is. Can a leopard change its spots

Anonymous said...

He is who he is. Can a leopard change its spots

Arsenal said...

President has every right to defend his subjects not to condemn them.
Deny all you want but I can't deal.

Twizzy said...

Why u nor get sense.ur generation no go fit do better thing. U hv to be logical wit ur comment .go read d full text. Mr president obviously stated the fact.

Austine said...

get away you.. and sharaaaaaaaaaaaap

Unknown said...

"Many efforts of President Buhari to clean up the image of Nigeria, such as the war on corruption".....hmmm, where are the other examples, he is fighting his enemies not corruption. Please they should tell us somefin we don't know.

Anonymous said...

Most of the people showing anger over what Buhari supposedly said are the people who either live in Nigeria, and have never traveled out of Nigeria, and so, they don't know the kind of stigma it carries to hold a Nigerian passport. What Buhari said is not a lie. This has been going on for the longest time. The world think of us as criminals. In America, there's been campaign and all kinds of DATELINE, 20/20 documentaries about Nigerian fraud. There was even a time in America when they stopped hiring Nigerians in the banking sector because of this fraud thing. If you feel ashamed, tell you brothers and sisters living abroad to get real decent jobs and stop doing fraud. They need to stop tarnishing our image so there won't be a need for this kind of statement from Buhari or anyone else. The other group of people getting angry are just using this as a politically motivated yardstick to insult the administrator. If you are offended, change your ways!

Unknown said...

Linda, I think you should have a commenting policy... Some comments on your blog shouldn't be approved..

Unknown said...

Linda, I think you should have a commenting policy... Some comments on your blog shouldn't be approved..

Nkemy said...

Is he trying to call NIgerians dafts or we probably didn't understand his English....to avoid been misquoted next time his speech should be written and edited by his advisers before opening his Mouth.#saibaba

Unknown said...

APC and PDP drama

Unknown said...

Just listen to yourself. SMH

Drakoy said...

buhari speaks in english and yet we still need someone to interpret to us what we heard with our ears?

owakah (A.K.A. Innosometin) said...


Unknown said...

Even if he call us criminal no doubt he is our presidio

Unknown said...

Why will he discourage people from traveling abroad when he cannot stay in Nigeria for a week without going their himself,he should stay in Nigeria and do what is promised not shuttling from one country to d other

Anonymous said...

How educated are you? You lack the necessary moral also.. did you read the interview well..you don't understand simple illustration how will you coup with in ur husband house? By rain insult.. Bloody monkey.

Anonymous said...

How educated are you? You lack the necessary moral also.. did you read the interview well..you don't understand simple illustration how will you coup with in ur husband house? By rain insult.. Bloody monkey.

Anonymous said...

Hana I can see the depth of your hatred towards the president, all the curses you lay on him shall come back to you and your entire family. Insha Allah.

Anonymous said...

Muderfuckers lying cunt! Keep lying to yourselves.

Edith Chukwuma said...

This man is a Clown. He is a fake Mumu Mallam. Do yo mean to tell me that we do not know how to read. Stupid Idiot. Your Oga Buhari still thinks he right

Anonymous said...

Some Nigerians home and abroad are criminals, the president doesn't have to say it to be true. It's a fact. Very manipulative set of human beings.

Anonymous said...

I believe him

Nenyechi said...

Cowards always denying everytin rubbish dey say

gentle said...

This government is like a circus show. So confused..it's hilarious. We knew you would deny. Sick president..sick government. .sick nation.

Anonymous said...

Nigerian politicians are the #1 criminals including Buhari, so they are the least of all people to chastise anyone!!

Unknown said...

I have been expecting them to do as usual, is remaining one thing which is blaming it GEJ. Very soon Buhari will deny his name and Lai also will deny his own too.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are so daft abeg. The so called graduates are not better than primary six pupils. We do have a problem. Nigerian youth are so infantile and annoyingly pedestrian in their 'group' thinking. Birds of the same feather flock together. Aren't you guys corrupt? Be real for once.

Bollocks at its best. Thats what you guys are.

Ak100 says so

Anonymous said...

Are u sure ure doing OK Hana? I'm bothered tho as a fellow caring Liber-ian. So much hate in one person....watch it dear before it consumes u.

Anonymous said...

He's not lying Now, GEJ is the master of all criminal act(s). I don't know y the presidency is trying to explain anything to begin with.

Anonymous said...

He's not lying Now, GEJ is the master of all criminal act(s). I don't know y the presidency is trying to explain anything to begin with.

Pretty face said...

Haba, what all of us saw and heard. Abi we are now deaf and blind?

Pretty face said...

Ok oo, we hear u. We are not babies that you people can receive

Unknown said...

I concur...


Unknown said...

I know they are coming to deny it. Maybe they think Nigerians are illiterates like them. Olodos.....

Unknown said...

God bless you. Let us stop giving Nigeria and Nigerians bad name. Let us redeem d image of Nigerians. #faceReality

Unknown said...

Abeg, was it not in Nigeria he was living b4 elected? Or its not obvious to you that he's running around for our sake? Pls go back and learn....it is "there" not "their". By the way you can earn more here in Nigeria than those living abroad, I'm a witness to that.

Unknown said...

Thank you. We should be real for once.

Anonymous said...

You are saying the truth can't stop laughing at your comment

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just died. Lol.

f said...

My brother, we cant blame him , he is an illiterate

Amie said...

You just said English isn't our strong point yet you couldn't even make a sensible and correct statement. Shame on u fool.

Anonymous said...

If Nigerians are thieves, it has become like the case of Alibaba añd the fourty thieves,lets just say the fourty thieves are Nigerians,lets guess who Alibaba is.

Anonymous said...

Go jump into a river. Imbecile

Anonymous said...

Of course our politicians are criminals. No apologies.

Unknown said...

I know he can never say that

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