The AkwaIbom state governor, Emmanuel Udom, is currently holding a thanksgiving service at the Godswill Akpabio Stadium in Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State for his January 27th victory at the Supreme court. Governors of Abia, Bayelsa, Ekiti and Rivers state are in attendance. Bishop David Oyedepo is the guest minister. See more photos after the cut...
Loool its worth it.Supreme court is a hotseat.
That's my BISHOP..!
Is worth thanking God ooo. Praise Him more
Good to know.
Please my fellow libers, in the spirit of ash Wednesday am pleading for financial assistant from you all my lovely family here to go learn how to makeup, rather than sitting at home idle.
They returned like that one lepa to give thanks to God,9ce one sir
#Hajia Mufliat
Thanking judges of the supreme court
if its the other party some people will be saying its a waste of time and resources. anyway, it is well.
The crowd is much ooh. Congratulations again. Next in line for the thanksgiving is Abia state governor
All this crowd for him. They must really Like him
Ini don carry toto go there
Ok it seems that the trend now.
Linda mee k'anyi fu anya! @uchemacj
Ok seen
Yes ooooooooooooo the down fall ao4 a...p...c is the begining of joy.
My cousin is there live singing
shame to all a..p..c and there useless member Niger delta is not for them.
See how my people are shining waooo dancing awesome welcome the great bishop sir.
Shame to terrorist sponsor buhari and his dirty supporters.
#sad indeed
Mama P no attend??? Linda take note!
Not ur bishop and u r lettin ur stupidity trend here
Congrats my able Governor. AkwaIbom Dakada!
Yes o,thank God fr u Sir
LIB ADDICT#just passing#
Linda, I weep for the people of Akwa Ibom.Firstly was this event budgetted for?How much did it cost taxpayers?Could the money have been used to provide farm settlement for some jobless youth?The questions are endless
The governor in this difficult times should have been more sensitive and limit his thank giving to his private Church during normal Sunday service. But the truth is far from the people and the politicians will always cash on this ignorance. DA
Linda, I weep for the people of Akwa Ibom.Firstly was this event budgetted for?How much did it cost taxpayers?Could the money have been used to provide farm settlement for some jobless youth?The questions are endless
The governor in this difficult times should have been more sensitive and limit his thank giving to his private Church during normal Sunday service. But the truth is far from the people and the politicians will always cash on this ignorance. DA
AkwaIbom state governor thanksgiving for victory at Supreme court is a waste of fund & resource and it should not repeat itself again
Una don reach LIB again... dee
It is a waste of tax payers' money
Na wah with the crowd oooooo... dee
Good for them
Udom please pay the doctors na, over a year without pay. My bae is broke
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Yeah, Linda this is worth thanking God for.
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I was there at de stadium
Nw it's Oyedekpo and it's normal, if na Mbaka nw it will b d topic 4 all d news papers n social media. Why?
Gov.Udom Emmaneul
Did u see dem sharing food or drinks or giving gifts is it every gathering that money is spent pls let's stop all these nonsense ur president that has been traveling from one country to the other for months and now gone for holiday what money has he been using with d 2016 budget he sent with all d rubbish written there abeg u pack well u will soon sing a different song soon
Thank God
Linda, I can tell you categorically that this event cost approximately N500 Million. I'm currently serving in the Akwa Ibom government and I don't want to lose my job or wind up disappearing because there's no protection for whistle blowers. Please let Nigerians know what is going on.
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is okey
Is not all gathering that money is spent the stadium is for Akwa ibom did they rent it na wa oo people canont b happy again the party they held wen APC won was it not money dey spent ur president that has been travelling from one country to the other and now has gone on holiday is not spending money u people should call black black and white white if APC celebrate is ok once is PDP is to start talking rubbish
It is good to give thanks. Haters there is nothing wrong with one showing appreciation to God. The governor is Just showing his appreciation to God for preserving his Job. If friends and well wishers choose to rejoice with him. It is very much allowed and welcomed. So I encourage all the haters to learn how to rejoice with those rejoicing . So that things of rejoicing will reach you.
Is okey
Congratulations on your success
South South is PDP, till we have a better party that will not deceive Nigerians. For now APC can't win elections in South South, PDP will take over Edo State soon. Enough of this APC PAGANIC HYPOCRITES!!! Congrats governor Udom. Shame on Buhari and APC for their stupidity.
Linda here and we are not running charity organization...
anony 3:30,..since u raised questions but jumped to conclusion wthout proof,your weeping continues!
FAYOSE....Lion of the southwest!Buhari's nightmare!
Nice one...
Please let this people go and work all these thanksgivings and party Na state funds.
Man of the ppl
Lol. APC be like "go to hell" hahhahah but it's ok. We get it
Congratulations bro. Victory well deserved.
@Lindaikeji No. I FAN
thank God for him
Enter your comment... thank God for my governor nd pls it is Emmanuel udom not Emmanuel udoh
OK,Congtrats to them.
OK,Congtrats to them.
Go hand yourself
Glad someone sees reasons , My thoughts too
Not interested cos they r celebrating on how loot its jes a matter of pen n paper
Chippings continue...
Wow see people!
Owok udom Abasi at work. I'm proud of our governor, Akwa Abasi Ibom state voted right.
waste of resources, lol with leaders like this how will Nigeria move forward. Man even gave public holiday, as long as you mention God even if you are killing someone while doing it many Nigerians will defend you, sad stuff
Happy for Udom#Lindangwanu#
Olodo linda its Udom and not Udoh, u're welcome
How many thanksgiving will he do now? Oga you are call to serve your people, not doing thanksgiving up and down because you know you'll thief plenty money *Mtshewww*
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Can u imagine dis so call thanksgiving, c fool akwa ibom people. D governor can't pay #18,000 minimum wage but he can spent so much on his thanksgiving. We are we going.
Yes oh you are very correct. Now that is pdp is a good thing
Good 1
Nigeria politicians will never seize to amuse me!!! This proves how backward and unserious these leaders are. Celebrating victory over another opportunity to steal public funds?? Pastor sef follow join when there is plenty work to do ...smh
Gud for him.
You said it all a waste of resources.what is need of all these.Abia will be next in line...nuel
So happy for my main man
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Omoh, dont blâme him. Most Nigerian pastors brain washing is real! Very real
I weep for the whole of Nigeria
Pls keep ur advice for urself and apc. And face what is facing u, de fall of naira, de missing budget and the typographical error made by the so called change agent minister of education, who wants to still our money b/4 de senate notice and she gave it an english name (typographical error)..congrats akwaibom governor as ur enemies hit transformer...lmao.
Emmanuel Udom... hmmm!
The gods are watching
Ok seen...
It was nice
And linda keeps saying udoh....smh. it's actually udom
Congrats to him. Linda observe!
Linda dis event happend since morning,, if na EggPlant u go post am quick!! Continue...
My thought exactly. He even declared a public holiday for it.
serious waste of fund
Linda,its Udom n not udoh..Thank me leta
APC fool
Congrats to them
Ahead Ahead..
God time is always the best my people of akwa ibom state no jobless youth currently living in the state worry no more the money have been used to provide farm settlement already for some jobless youth?The questions can never ever be endless Emmanuel Udom all the way.long live supreme court.
God time is always the best my people of akwa ibom state no jobless youth currently living in the state worry no more the money have been used to provide farm settlement already for some jobless youth?The questions can never ever be endless Emmanuel Udom all the way.long live supreme court.
Lindiway, it is Emmanuel UDOM and not UDOH..He is worth the seat and would set SMART goals for Akwaibomites.. He has done it before in the private sector and the public sector is so meagre. I believe he would do much more. @ Kush Alabi, keep getting pained when u see and read about people been celebrate.. your profile pix just depicts your worries - Life's blindspot...WORRY LESS and CELEBRATE MORE!
Why my comment on any issue on this platform is not always show
Stupidity, thanksgiving forwinning a seat given you by the people,what will now happen when this governor actually does his constitutional duties for the people. It's just so sad to see stupidity so blatantly celebrated, get to work and don't let us hear that u cannot pay salaries.
Fool. Just shut up. The bullshit things bihari has put in his budget and is charging all bank customers N50 on all deposits to augment his loot have you asked questions. Illiterate.
Which state are you from again? Who is your governor? Did we borrow money from your state? Ntin mkpo. Unam ikot.
Eya. E pain you die. Since your own Toto is now worth zero naira.
Okay oo..Thanking God for victory
Pls let him celebrate,how then will you describe Buhari unnecessary trips abroad.
Tank God for victory
Thank God for victory
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