Model Nicola Griffin is 56 but as part of the brand's new #SwimSexy campaign, which promotes body positivity and is inclusive of all ages, shapes, and sizes, the 56 year old model is stripping down and holding her own among women half her age.
'It’s not all about being 20 and 5'10". We’re bored of that!' she told Daily Mail Online of the campaign, which also features 28-year-old plus-size model Ashley Graham and plus-size British Ghanaian model Philomena Kwao, 26. 'We are all different ages and sizes and that’s the beauty of it. We’re real women.

Wow! 56 αи∂ bubbling
#iT wiLL oNLy geT beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise
56? With that banging body.. Issorite
Good for her
freshpresh says, when uv got a nice body, u can imagine her age
beautiful mama
Nice body for a woman her age. Linda take note!
aka Lindaikeji's son
.old model God is you watchin
My birthday is on feb14
linda take note!
Enugu's second shoe designer
I like this, the old mama still have rocking body. Plus size is taking over, too skiny models are boring now. Seen enough.
Sipping my hennessy
Nice flat stomach.
Research Shows That Most Women are Either Lesbians or Bisexual
Nor be small tin o jare...
She try
... Merited happiness
That's nice.
Hotty Sexy old Wine on Point!
Very hot @56, good for her.
Ok good
she still has a nice physic
Plus size ain't sexy at all
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
my mum is hotter......
Don BABA sweetest heart....
I love that black beauty... Bold and beautiful
She is still very hot at 56yrs good for her.
Keeping fit has added more pepper (cash) to their bank account
She is still very hot at 56yrs good for her.
Yass that body is legit
seen @ Linda
Damn I love the last chic...-*sexy as hell*
@ 56? Hmmmmm!
!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere
The body is not bad for a 56 year old except for the tanings. she try shaa.
Linda mee k'anyi fu anya! @uchemacj
Iya oni'gba...
Dey r cute. Linda observe!
I love this. More Instagram followers for you
that ganny is sexy n hot
Nice body
She's still look good
She look 90
That's it, learn to appreciate ur body
I'll gladly date her Linda connect me
Nice figure @56
I'm sorry, but 56 isn't old. Maybe years ago. She is very, very attractive.
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