A knifeman slashed a man across the throat at a busy London tube station and allegedly shouted 'this is for Syria' before being Tasered by police in what has been described by Scotland Yard as a terrorism attack.
The victim suffered serious knife injuries at Leytonstone underground station shortly after 7pm last night.
Terrified children ran for safety with their parents as a victim was left on the floor of the ticket hall lying in a large pool of blood. The distressing scenes were filmed on mobile phones and posted online by onlookers.
Anti-terror police are now investigating the attack after eyewitnesses claimed they heard the 29-year-old man shout 'this is for Syria' and 'all of your blood will be spilled' during the terrifying attack.
Terrified children ran for safety with their parents as a victim was left on the floor of the ticket hall lying in a large pool of blood. The distressing scenes were filmed on mobile phones and posted online by onlookers.

Witnesses said that until police arrived, the knifeman, 29, attacked people at random for up to ten minutes screaming:
‘This is what happens when you f*** with mother Syria. All of your blood will be spilled.’
But one onlooker defiantly shouted back to him: 'You ain't no Muslim bruv.'
Another called out: 'Drop it, you fool.'
One victim, 56, was left with serious injuries and rushed to hospital with a police escort while two other people suffered minor wounds. None was life-threatening.
After reportedly slashing his victim's throat, the man allegedly threatened several other passengers before being confronted by a number of unarmed police officers.
The officers ordered the man to drop his weapon, who continued to wave the large knife.
One video shows the man lunge towards the police, with witnesses shouting 'he's stabbed someone'.
One of the officers reportedly shouted 'Taser, Taser, Taser' before discharging the weapon.
It is understood the man needed several bolts of electricity before he collapsed to the ground.
The incident has now been handed over to the Metropolitan Police's Counter Terrorism Command.
The victim suffered serious, non life-threatening knife wounds while two others were injured.
Source: Daily Mail
God save us...
Cameroon should be responsible ....he kill innocent there in Syria. ..what did he expect
Sad.....Itis well
Moye says so via BB Passport courtesy LIB....
This is why I can't be with any muslim person. They are very dangerous. So glad i abandoned my muslim friends anymore. I dont care if they say i'm now a snub. Prevention they say is better than cure.
Terrorist, what are u doing here? Cameron should be responsible- did you hear urself? How many innocent ones have you and your group killed in Syria? Shameless terrorist
This beheading is much
Also Check Vabadon's Blog
How can slashing of throat with some f***king Sharp knife 4rm a heartless d***khead son of b**ch nt b life threatening?jst saying..
Dey just butcher ppl like dey r animals. God help us
Better for you.
You are a terrorist
Muslims better cum out en mass n reject dis killings made in d name of their religion..am beginnin to tink dey re all d same...dis is evil..GOD save ur souls
Must are the end time signs. The world problems!
@ Ahmed ...Cameroon ko, Congo ni ...na over sabi dey do u ..lol
Nawao ppl no get conscience anymore.
~D great anonymous!
idiot it is spelt Cameron not Cameroon..Fool just shut up when u re not current
WTF this is so sickening, Lord please deliver us
God help us all for dis end time. Linda take note!
God help us all for dis end time. Linda take note!
He is a beast
Dey shld castigate him like an animal he is b4 killing him
Bunch of blood sucking demons terrorising innocent people
God pls let no1 loose his life
# oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
# oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
Shame on U, U misguided youth
This people have to stop now. Am not taking my children out at all this Christmas cos of fear. Am avoiding a lot of places this is madness.. and to even think that is my route. I use Leyton station which is next door to Leyton stone!
These Islamic fighters have no chill. Thank God he didn't succeed in killing anyone.
Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha
@Ahmed did you even read what you typed before commenting......SMH! If it were an advanced country, police will pick you up immediately for questioning.
This is sad. I pray the victim survives.
Cameroon ke or Cameron oga go n sit down d way u talk I don't tink u r a Muslim so dat justify he should b stabing every u beta wise up tank God no life lost
Thaank God for the mans life.
Lol. Cameroon koh, Zimbabwe ni
I don't even know what's a terrorist attack No more
Exactly my thought.
My God! How did we here? How did we get ourselves involved with these animals? These Muslims ppl are not suppose to be among humans
My God! How did we here? How did we get ourselves involved with these animals? These Muslims ppl are not suppose to be among humans.
@Stern : is good you abandoned these evil people
My God! How did we here? How did we get ourselves involved with these animals? These Muslims ppl are not suppose to be among humans
@ahmed Farah, do you even read news at all or you go about just reading headlines and feel u know to well. no single lives were lost in the Airstrike attack in Syria. innocent people were stabbed and all you could say is rubbish. you need to be investigated for this comment.
Ahmed Farah should be on SSS watchlist. He is a potential terrorist.
This is how to report news with injured victims or dead ones, blur their faces.... Linda learn!!
Psychos would just wake up in the morning and decide killing someone in d name of syria. God help us
@Ahmed Farah,u are a terrorist for tht stupid comment u just made....
You need to be observed closely.
It's not bout muslim... its bout terrorism..
This world is coming to an end.. Lord have mercy on lost souls 🙏
This world is coming to an end.. Lord have mercy on lost souls 🙏
Biko he should b punished accordingly so dat dis wil serve as deterrent to others.
Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (royalpriesthood007@gmail.com)
Can they slash his throat too? Please do unto them what they have done to others so it can serve as a deterrent to birds of the same feathers.
◇◇◇◇◇◇ Popular phrase "I AM SINGLE AND HAPPY". A consolation lie! It's not justifiable. You are only forcing yourself to be happy. ◇◇◇◇◇◇
Syria's problem started wen they joined hand n killed Ghadaffi
Why is the picture pixellated? It was in nigeria you'd make us and our children see all the gory details...we need to be more sensitive and respectfull to fellow humans, alive or dead.
Very sad how this bastards are succeeding in tarnishing the image of Islam every fucking day........ #GhostInitiate #GBTD
And the Brits are still letting them in the country and deporting Nigerians.
This is so close to home for me ohhhhh.
My God I live in around that area In East London, it's really frightening when you hear and see things like this happening so close to where you live.
God have mercy on us and protect each and everyone.
Nawa ooo...as expected after UK Parliament voted for airstrike in Syria!!!
Muslims are evil ( most )
Why abandoned your Muslins friends? These are Extremist criminals using Islam to kill unnecessarily.
Because of that barbaric fool I was stuck on my train for hours. I had nothing to eat and didn't get home till 3am.
**Central Line Train Driver
Am not sure anyone saw...'for Islam' in this article.... So why so many reference to Muslims? Russia invaded Ukraine so we can easily say the Christians are aggressive right? Double standard idiots.
Where is our security agents or don't they read Linda ikeja blogs? Dss should please track this AHMED FARAH down for making such comments. No doubt he is an ordained terrorist
Muslims are never taught to slaughter people...even if you are been oppressed there re more reasonables ways to object it, @stern you have made your decision but you can read well that even a guy told the terrorist that he is not a muslim because the prophet said that 40 houses from a muslim home to your north, west,east and south should be free from his harm.
See this difference between The british and American police? Were it in the US ... This man would have been shot severally... When a taser could simply do justice.. God help us all
Exactly my dear!! How come I don't see Muslims protesting against this madness????
My god, what has Britain done to deserve this? I have several Muslim friends, and they are actually the most down to earth people I know! Airstrikes isn't killing these sick minded people, we need to do something now!
Ahmed Farah. You are a true moslem... don't mind those stupid muslims that are hiding in the background. Go on and keep bombing and killing people for mother syria.
If you don't know... All muslims, black or white support terrorism, it is in the koran.
#No, you will not have my hate.
The exact reason for your idiocy is displayed here. You don't even know how to spell his name yet it's his fault. Blame your empty brain and your perpetual failure for your problems
The only justice here is for this bustard to be slashed the same way he slashed an innocent 56yr old. Sometimes you go all out to make a statement
White man massacred people, it's not terrorism....why is Linda not posting pictures of thousands of innocent people, children and women being killed in Syria on a reg...everything na Muslim dey do am....Christians are angels....lol
Non Muslim kills....it's stil Islam responsible....thousands of innocent people have been dying and are still dying in Syria by the hands of Europeans but no ones said anything about it....Linda is not posting how people, innocent children and women are dying in Islamic countries by the hands of white men....I guess the white Christians committing massacres in US are angels not terrorists....what a world....gullible 1d10ts down here in nigeria just keep spewing rubbish too...have you seen how they handle black people over there....
Thank God the uk has gun control if it was America the guy would have bought a gun and killed more pple
Thank God no one died....
F#cking bastard! They pretend like they do not know where the government official stay while they attack innocent victims.
hmmmm, wen will dis ever stop?
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