The Madueke family release statement on Diezani's travails | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 9 October 2015

The Madueke family release statement on Diezani's travails

Below is statement issued by the Alison-Madueke family on the travails and media trial of the former minister. Read below...
The Truth Versus The Media Hysteria Against The Madueke Family
1. In this era of cyber terrorism, decency dictates that one should respond to false and defamatory allegations with silence. But there is a limit to how much any reasonable person can bear the tactics of these cyber terrorists. We all know that what makes a lie fly is the little truth contained therein. This happens to be the weapon used by most online news media to feed their weird obsession with defaming highly placed people.

2.   The Madueke family is appalled at the ongoing media frenzy against Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke by a section of the mass media following an invitation to her by the British authorities last Friday for reasons which have yet to be disclosed. For the avoidance of doubt, the family would like to state categorically that it has no issues with any persons from the family being invited anywhere in the world to answer questions about their private or official conduct. The Madueke family believes in law and order, honour and due process.
3.   However, it is clear that here is  a deliberate and vicious campaign to demonise members of the Madueke family, with all manner of frivolous allegations. For example, an online news media gleefully published that Mr. Ugonna Madueke “owns at least three properties in the United States.” It even called the properties “POSH” and went on to state the addresses. THEY LIED.
4.   Mr. Ugonna Madueke has NO PROPERTY ANY WHERE in the United States and has NEVER OWNED ONE. The USA is a country which runs on transparency, accountability and technology. A little honest effort by the online news media would have provided in a few minutes the true ownership of the properties at issue.
5.   For historical accuracy, the Madueke family avers without any fear of contradiction that 11711 Scooter Lane (a three bedroom town house) in Fairfax, Virginia, was acquired by the Madueke family in 1997 when Ugonna was only 10 years old. Ugonna’s siblings lived in this property while attending George Mason University in Virginia, USA. Records available to the appropriate authorities in the United States can also show that 13116 Silver Maple Court in Bowie, Maryland, USA belongs to an uncle of the Madueke siblings and was purchased in 1995 when Ugonna was only 8 years old. As a student of the University of Maryland in 2002, Ugonna stayed with his uncle at the said address. All of this was before Mrs. Diezani was appointed to government office. No Madueke or a distant relation has anything to do with the ownership of No. 4227 Summit Manor Court in Virginia.
6.   It is evident that what the online news media did was to turn on an internet search engine and maliciously reported that every property where Ugonna Madueke has ever lived in the United States or used as his address must belong to him. The description of the properties as POSH was the icing on the propaganda cake. This is not only unprofessional, as it offends the tenets of journalism, it is clearly not in resonance with good conscience.
7.   The online news media also reported that Ugonna and his cousins registered a company by name Hadley Petroleum Solutions Limited which they have been using to deal in Nigerian crude oil sales. As young men bubbling with enthusiasm and fantasy, they registered a company but after two years of no jobs, the company folded up. The company never had a bank account, let alone being a trader of Nigeria’s crude oil. They lied.
8.   The online news media took its campaign to the in-laws of the Maduekes. It claimed that Mrs. Beatrice Agama, the 81 year old mother of Mrs. Diezani Madueke, owns a house in the United Kingdom. A LIE! Mrs. Agama has no house or property in the United Kingdom. She has been staying in a rented two-bedroom flat from where she is receiving medical attention for a broken femur. Her son, Timi Agama who has been living in the UK for decades, used to have a house in the UK long before his sister was appointed to government and he sold it long ago. Since then, he has no house in the UK. Archbishop Doye Agama of the Apostolic Pastoral Congress in Manchester, who is in his 60s, is a successful professional and consultant well known amongst his peers, but he does not own Unit 8 Quebec Building in Manchester which the online newspaper ascribed to him.
9.   As though to outdo the sensational allegations in the online publication, the mainstream media in Nigeria has been alleging that Mrs. Diezani attempted to purchase a property on Hyde Park Street in London for a whooping amount which embarrassingly ranges from 12.5 million sterling pounds to 13 billion sterling pounds. This claim is utterly false and laughable, for  the amounts mentioned are only in the imagination of the reporters. This property is quite popular. It belongs to a well-known eminently successful Nigerian entrepreneur who would also find this allegation embarrassing as the intention to sell the property has neither been contemplated nor disclosed to any person.
It is worthy to note that despite all the frenzy over Mrs. Diezani Madueke, not even one reporter or journalist has tried to contact the family to verify any of the rumors they have published with reckless abandon. This may be because they know the stories are false but it feeds the mood of the moment. Hence, the silence from Diezani all along. It is worth emphasising that Mrs Alison-Madueke was never arrested or detained and her passport was never seized. She was merely invited, and she honoured it promptly.
11.               The Madueke family, like most other families, have their own challenges. For instance, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke has been receiving treatment for cancer in the UK which started while she was in office. The health crisis has unfortunately exacerbated in recent times. She completed months of chemotherapy just last week and she is scheduled to undergo surgery next week in London. The family has been bearing this challenge with prayers and as much grace and fortitude as possible; and would plead with all reasonable Nigerians to pray for her recovery so that she can face this allegation and give account of her stewardship. Yes, she can—and very well, too.
12.               The Madueke and Agama families would want the decent public to know that neither Ugonna nor Somze or Abiye or anyone related to the two families was picked up or arrested or invited for questioning by anybody whatsoever. Ugonna’s father (the Rear Admiral) has been in Lagos and working in his office. The lies about his having travelled with a team of lawyers should please stop. The Madueke family has taken a decision on how to appropriately deal with those who are on a mission to soil their hard earned family name.
Signed for and on behalf of the Madueke and Agama families.
Barrister Oscar M. Onwudiwe.
Legal Attorney
0814 939 9319.


Davido's driver said...


Unknown said...

Not noted

Alloy Chikezie said...

*yawns* this is super story.....
They should tell that to the judge.

Your comment will be visible after approval.

Davido's driver said...

Why won't they support their own? Lol

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Super story, they want to gather all the excuse $ sickness to the international criminal $ her family so as to ascape the law,but lsi lai! No place to run nor hide.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Super story, they want to gather all the excuses $ sickness to the international criminal $ her family so as to ascape the law,but lsi lai! No place to run nor hide.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Too long.
Cover up.

Anonymous said...

They deserve to be locked up with her (if they really released this statement).

Unknown said...

I wish her safe recovery....

Moye says so via BB Passport courtesy LIB....

Unknown said...

Hmmm... I do not totally believe the media tho or its single story... Alison shud be tried and should be punished if found guilty, but all these other extra news could be true ore not... the heck who even confirmed the stories...

tinko design services said...

At the end the truth will reveal itself.nothg hidden that will not be revealed says the Lord.we are patiently waiting...

Anonymous said...

I just knew all these stories were APC propaganda. Evil government

Unknown said...

Story 4 d gods

Lib freak

Anonymous said...

wow! Nigerian media is evil! this family had to spill all this private info to respond to them! I pray Deziani recovers soon and shame all this evil people. the problem is the bad ones are in a cabal and are protected. time will tell. i weep for my country especially its yoots

Anonymous said...

APC at work. I believe Dezani stole shaa, but the whole thing has been over-hyped. Propaganda is all they do.

Unknown said...

Blah.blah..blah... we all knw ur mum stole if u like say she rents d house she lives in nah u sabi.. hw abt d houses in switzerland n da in Austria.. calm down . Truth will b out soon enuf...

Unknown said...

People are just envy dt dis woman is great and rich....I don't know her but I think dhe z too beautiful to commit crime........truth is gradually coming out

Anonymous said...

Who una dey deceive?nonsense pple

Anonymous said...

Well in situations like this, you won't blame Nigerians. The family attorney has written a nice piece I must say but did dieziani embezzle money? She sure did, and a lot at that. May she recover in one piece as cancer is a disaster.
~D great anonymous!

Kodjo's Mum said...

Story for the Gods. Amen ooo, She must outlive the cancer, so she can suffer the way she has made nigerians suffer. Ole barawo.

Unknown said...


Aunty linda.....

Unknown said...


Aunty linda.....

Unknown said...


Aunty linda.....

Unknown said...


Aunty linda.....

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Shameless people.Thunder fire all of you.

Anonymous said...

Shame no de worry una? Ur still opening your mouths to talk when u have milked this country dry. Justice will prevail and you will pay for all u did. Rather pray than try to defend yourself via social media.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Hmmmmm...but if her tenure was transparent enough, y would she be invited?

Anonymous said...

'cyber terrorism' Had me stitches yo...lmaooooo!!!

Anonymous said...

Una dey craze...naa we be fool now abi...make una return all our wealth wey una steal...ole,barawo ,bansa....your pickin dey steal bring gooodies come house una no ask am where she get am...she go rot in jail...

Anonymous said...

Yes she might be guilty of some of the allegations made against her but as a Nigerian, I know all this is happening possibly because of one man or group of persons now in power for reasons best known to them. So called Anti Corruption campaign! Give us steady power supply, good roads, good standard schools that are very much affordable to the poor, pay the civil servants properly! Do and provide things that even d poor will benefit from and be a bit comfortable, then corruption will reduce drastically! No country in d world without corrupt pple. Imagine a grade level 9 step 3 civil servant in Nigeria earning 46k Naira per month in Abuja! A master's degree holder and the so called govt is on the so called anti corruption war...Anyway, am tired of talking about the problems in Nigeria because the masses do not even know the right things to pursue. Find a way, make money and enjoy life

Anonymous said...

Ole,ole,ole, of u no how many pple ur family don suffer.may God heal her buh she shld return all d money she has stolen.awon modafucker..sholz

Anonymous said...

Ghen Ghen APC is your turn to bring out facts . this is a slap on Oshio monkey face oooooo.

Anonymous said...

sharrrrap dere anuofia, oloshi hand don catch una. u room has been prepared in kirikiri

Anonymous said...

Bloody liers......after enjoying all the loots, I know you will come up with something......what goes around comes around....u had better return all ur loot.......thiefolebarawo

Anonymous said...

Diezani Alison-Madueke, a thousand death isn't punishment enough for you and you family, plus other unnamed ministers that stole.
How much was FGs bailout fund for state? And you alone moved 13 billion pounds.

Your family should be hiding in shame not writing any dirty statement that no one cares about. You all deserve whats coming to you and more. Demons

Obilo Dorothy C. said...

Oshomole should be number one on the list of people they will deal with.He was the person that started all this rubbish.

hrm paul ojeih said...

I won't bother to read dis d time she goes to jail dey will no how far.this lady spent over 2billion naira on flying private jet for 4years dat she held swayed wat happened to saving tax payers moni. This woman spent hundreds of millions in hotel bills refusing official accommodation. Dis woman toook bribe left right and centre yet her family is talking thrash. All nigeria the uk do forensic investigation we are waiting

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stating your own side of the story.I don't know anyone in this family but I am happy you stated the facts from your side. Perhaps people will learn to take journalists reporting with a pinch of salt from now on. I pray that Mrs Allison- Madueke will go through the surgery successfully and recover from it all. May God be with you all.

Unknown said...

Rather than believe all the blabbing from a lawyer who is synonymous to a lying poppet payed to say whatever he is told, every Nigerian in public office or aspiring should learn a timeless truth from the predicament of Diezani which is that "A good name is far preferred to silver or gold" whatever hard earned name they may have had, she has put at d mercy of the public..
There are people who know the family around us, we did see videos and pictures of her children's frivolous spendings of monies they can't account to have earned from any honest labour.. rather than defend allegations of some "media faslehood", they should all hide their heads in shame, return all they have stolen, Ask God and Nigerians for forgiveness only then will her true healing begin.

Unknown said...

They still got guts to say trash bcus she's not been incarcerated.

Unknown said...

Na una saka

Nwa Imo said...

What a generation and future generation of thieves.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know. But it's true sha, no one interviewed Dieziani or any member of her family, which way for Nigerian journalism.

American media would have camped outside their houses until someone makes an official statement

Anonymous said...

wicked Nigerians trying to blame an innocent woman for what Lord Luggard caused #Nigeria is not working as it is

Anonymous said...

Barrister be ready to go in with her. By the time UK force finish dealing wit you and ur client the truth will come out. Crazy bastard lawyer. She no get house na.

Anonymous said...

I knew it was a lie all along, d story was obviously exerggerated

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God will punish this idiot.... Ode Ni man yi sha..... Oga unr writing rubbish.... I pray the cancer does not kill her.... She go wear shekere for hand last last then cum enter jail

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All of you should bury your head in shame.Shameless people.

Unknown said...

Vicks blue defence

Fabulous_Life said...

Hissssssss. Passport never seized indeed!!
Who is fooling who?

Mrs Smith

Anonymous said...







Anonymous said...

If she is truly ill, may she get well soon and overcome her ailment. In cancer cases though, you usually have the surgery first and then chemotherapy, NOT the other way round. The chemo is meant to kill the cells after surgery. I know in certain cases one can have the chemo first and then surgery later, but not within a WEEK. The communication from her family points to them playing on peoples emotions to garner sympathy. Remember that her accomplice Jide Omokore has been singing like a canary bird.
It is time public officials know that we as citizens expect them to be accountable for their actions and not a law unto themselves and not caring about Us citizens.

Unknown said...

Dis people have no shame. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Dis people have no shame. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Dis people have no shame. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...


Greg izuu said...

Its appalling the way information flies. May God grant her good health of mind and body.
God will take care of every situation any one finds him/her self one just pray to God and work towards being the good one God requires of us

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are always in a haste to condemn people without fact.

Anonymous said...

Story people

Unknown said...

I am impressed the family has responded. It is always important to be together as one family esp in times of trials. I really pray she gets through her treatment and have the strength to defend herself. This is Nigeria and she is innocent until proven guilty. Let us learn to love more and maybe, just maybe we will have less wrinkles and headaches.

Anonymous said...

These maduekes think that Nigerians are fools! People who know this hard core criminal well knows what she is capable of, at least they never denied the fact that she stole billions of dollars of Nigeria's hard earned money. It's only a fool that will believe these false and fake points that they have listed above, I also strongly believe that her son or even she herself is the author of this article publicized by this lawyer. Her health issue is personal wahala but all we ask is that she does the needful of returning the looted funds or await her due punishment because no matter how hard she tries to run justice must be served

Anonymous said...

Shut up there mr barrister.You've been paid to write this nonsenses abi? From the same money she stole from us.
Nemesis is coming after you too very soon.

Abacha son wrote the same nonsense in defence of his late father. He got an epic response.

Nigerians are coming after the Madueskes.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is a fucking thief!!!!!!!!!!!!! You fucking bastards have alotta fucking nerve!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Pls! I need ugonna's contact. Thnks

Livvsreamblog said...

They should continue writing rubbish...sai buhari will finish them all

tsalz c.e.o said...

Follow naija people make una take note ooo...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really? Mrs Dieziani Alison Madueke is the most corrupt individual to have ever walked on Planet Earth!

Unknown said...

Thumbs up to the family Lawyer of the Maduekes... but the question still lies unanswered... is every funds in her possession legitimately gotten? spare Nigerians your good legal writeup and face the truth... She is OVER CORRUPT!!!


I am too learned to accord gravity to the media trial (a trial by ordeal of sorts) being visted agaisnt Mrs. Alison-Madueke---nor have I prejudged her a saint on this score...

All them fools who don't know how the law works would be shocked, when all is said and done, to discover that all along they'd largely being deceived and manipulated by those in control of the media who are hell-bent on using all this to score cheap political point...

And woebetide all those kettle calling pot black!!!!

Unknown said...

Sometimes one wonders where lies decency of journalism.until there is raw evidence is presented and the appropriate law court pronounced judgement on this lady.the press should very their stories very well to avoid things like.

Anonymous said...

Barrister you lie. Liar liar ole thief family. Everything u said does not make any sence. It's too late we can't be fooled.

Anonymous said...

Lie Lie Family

Unknown said...

I think I believe em

ary said...

Who wants to read this?

Anonymous said...

That fine. Please when will you return the $13billion she stole? You fucking bastards really do take all nigerians for fools abi? Are you guys f real? Ok riddle me this. How does an ex civil service walk around with £27k pounds spending money in her purse. Did she or did she not engage in illicit deals with Kola Aluko and Jide? Deziani will pay what she owes. She's lucky she's not in China where s would have been in line for prompt public execution.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I don't expect them to say otherwise. Next!!


Unknown said...

I don't expect them to say otherwise. Next!!


Anonymous said...

Did she steal money or no? Did she have a dalliance with Kola Aluko or no? All these long tory na story for the gods. Time will tell, na here we dey dey wait!

Unknown said...

Blah blah blah
She shaaa tiff money?

Anonymous said...

Did this fool just say that the "Madueke family has taken a decision on how to deal with......" I can't even finish sayin it. You steal nigerias money and u have the nerve to speak...??? May thunder fire all of you from the oldest agama Lizard to the youngest Madueke crook. May you all rot in th smelliest portion of hell. FUCK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Nigerian online media is a gossip mill. The amount of hatred and slander that goes on reveals that indeed the owners of these online sources and those who patronize these sites are vultures looking for dead flesh to feed on. In as much as I believe Diezani Allison Maueke should answer whatever questions in a court of law it is absolutely repugnant and below good taste to use the case against her to spread lies and rumors. Do unto others as you'd like them to do unto you.

Unknown said...

This is interesting, I know the media was over hyping the situation. Making her look like a devil. God be with her

Anonymous said...

May she recover real time to prove these people wrong. Mr. attorney please be putting all these publications together for libelous prosecution. I stand with the Madueke's in this trying times.

Unknown said...

Ok. Seen

DON'T LEAVE YOUR FRIENDS BEHIND! Click To Spread The Truth About This Pandemic

Monet said...

It was very necessary for them to release a statement cos nigerians thrive in uninformed foolishness. Silly #saharareporters always looking for false news to sensationalize and gain cheap popularity.

joyous babe said...

Ehee too long I will come bck to read comment.

Ruth said...

Thee shall be no peace for the wicked .

Anonymous said...

If you like, write a Novel..nothing can be changed at this level, the names aforementioned had been destroyed by God's grace.. Bunch of disgraces

Elizabeth said...

Too long,I can't read just return our money.

Unknown said...

Well put, these myopic Nigerian media houses would print trash to its citizens just to sell. I have never believed, nor will ever believe the pages of Nigerian papers.. surely, the truth will come out & people will know how hard Mrs Deziani worked to put our oil sector right..

Unknown said...

Well put, these myopic Nigerian media houses would print trash to its citizens just to sell. I have never believed, nor will ever believe the pages of Nigerian papers.. surely, the truth will come out & people will know how hard Mrs Deziani worked to put our oil sector right..

Unknown said...

I have always known Most Media House to b False I hv been telling People who care to listen that if Linda Ikeji did not Authenticate any story or channels Tv thru Video then it's lack merit Sahara Report is d worst! All those Media who claim her passport was seized d husband sent lawyers etc should burry their head in shame!!

Unknown said...

Ooh Now she has cancer.. Lol

Unknown said...

I have been asking myself who do humans feel comfortable in destroying Humans? Fine d bible says d heart of men are Wicked but he never said all y do some chose to follow this path of destroying others??

Unknown said...

seen.... as wl said "We all know that what makes a lie fly is the little truth contained therein". so what is the truth now, at least b4 d whole cook up story there must av been something.... so let it b known....

Unknown said...

Too long to read

Unknown said...

I suspected all long that she's having health issues. This is too Sad... She is healed in Jesus name and for those witch-hunting her, na thunder go fire UNA... We've lost Doraa akunyili already. Pls let's not loose this fine woman

Unknown said...

Sahara is funded by ThiefNuBu, so it's easy to see why they always criticise his enemies.

Anonymous said...

She really worked hard by removing oil subsidy and making the oil marketers to hold us to ransom per time.

Nkechi J. said...

I was starting to believe all this until it said she was not arrested. She was arrested, her passport was seized and allegation is she looted 13B pounds from Naija not that she was trying top buy an apartment for 13 billion pounds; that was an obvious lie as no apartment sells for that much. These few info were all confirmed by British NCA. I get damage control and obviously any reasonable person knows that media must have over hyped some facts, but nonetheless some facts still remain. Its also facts that NCA requested for her ally Aluko. Obviously the whole truth will unravel in due time but not all that was said was false.
Am guessing this lawyer is also banking that most people who will read this won't bother with a simple research.

Nkechi J. said...

I really hope she gets well soon, if for nothing else so she can account for her stewardship as you said!

Unknown said...

She has undergone months of chemotography and she is looking as fat as an indian loss of weight no hairloss waoh....even the late dora and yar adua lost some weight during treatment.... As for me her health issue NA WASH!

Unknown said...

I wont even read it.... didn't they know this would come or when their daughter was busy looting all the money, didn't they benefit from it?
Why didn't they distant themselves from her?
They should take whatever comes their way.

Anonymous said...

Lolz, u harsh ooo

Unknown said...

Have you ever seen someone undergo month of chemotography i.e xposure to radiation with losing weight and other symptoms associated with it... Zidane or wetin be her name was looking as fresh as a indian cow in court...abeg look beyond wat you see

abujakenneth said...

Sharia Reporters and Co must fail. We are in a civilised era and we must support every allegation with verifiable evidence. Until this press release I believed that Mrs Madueke was arrested but now I know better that she is sick. Divine healing is her portion Amen

Anonymous said...

What about the $700M cash they found in her house?

Anonymous said...

so this idiot of a lawyer used up all this words and grammer without even addressing the ish at hand.... oooh all of a suddenly she has cancer lol. -well over 60% of Nigerians are illiterates you can check that up- you can go ahead and sale your shit.
if these theft issues turnout to be real she should be dealt with. we states that can pay hard working civilians, teachers, cleaners etc and you have the guts to write this poo of a family press release. idiot..... WHEN THEY WERE BOYS AND BOBLING .... thief ola, your entire generation and that of the family should be stone to death. fck.

Anonymous said...

In as much as i know that some of the recent stories around your family are not true, the basic truth is that you miss managed your position as NNPC MD. So get well soon and come and defend how NNPC budget was much more than how much the country spent. Simple! And please we are not going to buy any sentiment you try to sell to us as a nation. Its high time people viewed public office as place to serve and not to siphon money

Anonymous said...

We dont need all this story,u can not fool Nigerians if u are fooling urself Mr Lawyer.Madueke family hv bribe u,awon ole

Anonymous said...

Cancer is bad but you will survive. Please concentrate on getting well. This too shall pass.

Unknown said...

We done hear it left for us to conclude on it.

Anonymous said...

True.... ugonna don't have any house

Unknown said...

Remember that there's an element of truth behind every rumour. Although the Nigerian media tends to exaggerate things I still believe Mrs Alison is not a saint in this matter. Y'all be shouting Apc propaganda against diezani, remember when Pdp used to do it? All I knw is that woman is corrupt, I dnt expect anything less from a well paid lawyer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Atleast they Alison should be given fair trial and people shud stop spreading rumours dat are not true to d public...

Adams Jim said...

I wish Diezani quick recovery from her illness.These Media hawks should respect her right to be regarded as innocent, until she is proven guilty

endy said...

U make me puke, the manner at which u write show the type of person that u are a frustrated beast that lack simple sense of empathy.

Anonymous said...

you all that are criticizing in as much as i dont believe both sides i want to ask the public and the media a question. Did you see the houses with your own eyes before talking? and for some that don't believe in cancer i pray it doesn't come to any of you if it does i pray you live to tell its success story as the saying goes "seeing is believing "GOD BLESS NIGERIA

Anonymous said...

Actually dear I'm a level 9 step 3 civil servant in abuja...masters degree holder and I earn 60k per month after deductions for pension and all...not that it makes that much of a difference, it's still deplorable but your figure is incorrect. I think it's a step in the right direction in the fight against corruption as Rome was not built in a day so let's exercise some patience and see how things pan out shall we? Cheers

Unknown said...

Was too long to read...

Adams Jim said...

You are right. Any accused person has the right to be regarded as innocent until proven guilty and not be regarded as guilty until proven innocent.

Anonymous said...

Will u shut Tha fuck up. What do u know?

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Alison late wife was my cousin so I know them well.

Anonymous said...

Actually dear I'm a level 9 step 3 civil servant in abuja...masters degree holder and I earn 60k per month after deductions for pension and all...not that it makes that much of a difference, it's still deplorable but your figure is incorrect. I think it's a step in the right direction in the fight against corruption as Rome was not built in a day so let's exercise some patience and see how things pan out shall we? Cheers

ONYI P.K. said...

On the face value, everything in that piece may not be outright falsehood but one directional pointer to everything seemingly becoming a lie is that I cannot figure out how Ugonna who was 10 years in 1997 became an undergraduate in 2002. And, there has been no record that he was an exceptionally brilliant child! It does not seem to add up. Can somebody or the lawyer tell us some truth about that! I may be wrong though.

Unknown said...

lying fool. someone just finished chemotherapy weeks back and now she is going for surgery. is the surgery not supposed to come first then chemo therapy is used to kill the existing cells?

Anonymous said...

so this idiot of a lawyer used up all this words and grammer without even addressing the ish at hand.... oooh all of a suddenly she has cancer lol. -well over 60% of Nigerians are illiterates, you can check that up- you can go ahead and sale your shit.
if these theft issues turnout to be real, she should be dealt with. whe several states can`t pay hard working civilians, teachers, cleaners etc pls even if it is $1 return it. this idiot lawyer have the guts to write this poo of a family press release. idiot..... WHEN THEY WERE BOYS AND BOBLING .... thief ola, your entire generation and that of the family should be stone to death. fck

Anonymous said...

In 1995 ugonna was 8yrs, then in 2002 was a uni student....what ever happened to going to highschool?? Tf are they talking bout??

Anonymous said...

May God dash am ebola to the cancer, how much be your salary wey ur son dey take 200k dollars pose 4 picture or photo too dey lie...nigerians dey die during the subsdy wahala ur bank accout dey big...may all the madueke plus the lawyer rot 4 prison..!barawos

Anonymous said...

May God dash am ebola to the cancer, how much be your salary wey ur son dey take 200k dollars pose 4 picture or photo too dey lie...nigerians dey die during the subsdy wahala ur bank accout dey big...may all the madueke plus the lawyer rot 4 prison..!barawos

Unknown said...

you well at all? how much did Nigeria make from Crude oil throughout her tenure for her alone to steal 13b pounds? do u realise how much that is?......

Anonymous said...

do people still reason like this? Too beautiful to commit crime .... Seriously???

Anonymous said...

Dats why we need to recover our stolen common wealth, end corruption so we can improve our economy and hopefully the salaries of civil servants can be looked into.

Anonymous said...

I thought so too...I wonder why they critisize the media when they can't even give a true story...fos

Anonymous said...

I pray for her recovery as well. But she sure has questions to answer for sure. U can't just give contracts n oil blocks to inexperienced companies only after 3 months of registration, that speaks volume.

Anonymous said...

no doubt Jesus Christ was the greatest man who ever lived on earth. but this woman greatest biro rubber (Ole) who ever lived.

Anonymous said...

Senseless online terrorist

Anonymous said...

Trust me dear, my figure is perfectly correct because I am d level 9 step 3 civil servant in abuja earning as I previously stated. And Linda, really don't no why you didn't post my first comment before this because it didn't contain any hate statement but facts and my views. Thought we are free to air out our thoughts on ur comment section. Probably there is corruption here, this is why I hardly comment. said...

Anita gold, u re right. Not noted two.

mayor said...

Mr Legal Adviser did what they asked him to do>>> Follow your Oga's Instructions.....

Concerned Brother said...

Thanks so much for this good explanation Barrister Oscar M. Onwudiwe. But I expected that you would make mention of the 13 billion pound sterling and other huge funds which is allegded to have been stolen by Diezani and her notorious errand boys. Did she dispossess our great country of such huge sums? Just as Diezani and her family have told you that Ugonna is clean and that all the other allegation against them is untrue , please ask them to tell you about the 13 billion which is said to have been stolen by Diezani and her agents. Is Diezani trying to say that she clean and has not done anything wrong? Why is she the most hated woman in Nigeria?

Anonymous said...

As all these rumors are flying around and online media are having a field day, I have wondered and still wonder at what has happened to the saying that one is innocent until proven guilty in the case of maduekes. The public has already tried and convicted this woman and is currently lynching her. All these without given her the opportunity to defend herself. I see that as very unfair. Nobody should be made to go through what she's going through now. Please people, let's give her a benefit of the doubt and allow her to defend herself first before finding her guilty and crucifying her. Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to have been done. Right now, unfortunately, that seems not to be so here.

City: Unknown

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between 46k and 60k???wtf level 9

Anonymous said...

With masters again??? Y'all kidding bruuh

Unknown said...

The truth go surface sooner or later.
No one can be trusted either the media or the so called diezani's family.

Anonymous said...

Oh SHUT THE FUCK UP! This madueke family should just hide their faces. There is NO WAY you can SPIN or JUSTIFY your behaivour. Diezeni is a greedy thief, she misappropriated and stole funds. We witnessed her sons spreading dollars and spraying dollars and flying up and down via private jets billed to us the tax payers. We have proof, we lived to witness all her shenanigans during johnadaft administration. Cancer o, Ebola o, she as to cough up the money she stole and she and all involved have to do jail time. It is just too much in our faces with reckless abandonment. You the lawyer are just eating your cut of our sweat. So fuck you all. Awon Wobia Ole!

FunmiD said...

Theif,ole, barawo family,so you still have mouth to talk.When your Alison was stealing Nigeria's money and buying private jet for herself and family members she didn't have cancer .Idiot we have no sympathy for her, she must answer for her crimes even if she is on her dying bed.Nigeria needs all the money she stole to rebuild this nation so please get her to return those monies and she can have her chemotherapy sessions in pieces sorry peace!

Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled, it is all scam. She is obviously guilty and trust me, u don't need a jury to indict her. It was in our faces. We saw it all. She is the most corrupt female to ever occupy an office in Nigeria. The blood of the poor who died due to the state of the economy, would come for her and other corrupt public officers. Cancer or not, she should face the music. Long live Nigeria

Anonymous said...

Ehn ehn after you return our money you can GLADLY Die of your cancer, just as many other Nigerians you've denied good medical care have died. I pray the cancer rips your gut and you rot! It is what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

Too long and boring...yawns* #Estee

Anonymous said...

Too long and boring...yawns* #Estee

Unknown said...

The press are spreading lies about you , well duh that's what they do no sympathy for you . All I hear when I read this lame ass comment is blah blah blah , I have cancer feel sorry for me blah blah blah.. Where there is smoke there is always fire , A massive amount is unaccounted for while you was in power explain yourself , give us a real explanation of how such a massive sum can just vanish into thin air that's all I care about , that's all we as Nigerians really give a shit about , all this blah blah blah statements are just sentiments used to distract us from the actual truth ,

Unknown said...

The press are spreading lies about you , well duh that's what they do no sympathy for you . All I hear when I read this lame ass comment is blah blah blah , I have cancer feel sorry for me blah blah blah.. Where there is smoke there is always fire , A massive amount is unaccounted for while you was in power explain yourself , give us a real explanation of how such a massive sum can just vanish into thin air that's all I care about , that's all we as Nigerians really give a shit about , all this blah blah blah statements are just sentiments used to distract us from the actual truth ,

Anonymous said...

I pray for you...cos u said "yoots"

Anonymous said...

Endy...I actually don't blame you...I blame your father for not doing his work and imposing your current poor man mentality into your life. That's why people like you never amount to shit! Go ahead and keep supporting people who gamble your children's lives away. Bastard son of a bitch

Nkechi J. said...

Its puzzling, am hearing that Ugonna became an undergraduate in 2002, if this is true, pls explain how someone who was 10 in 1997 became an undergraduate 5years later? He must be the smartest brain in ever.
Lawyer pls make sure your lie is well prepared before dishing it.
I was going to take a bite but not a chance, try again biko!

Anonymous said...

STFU stupid lawyer. Do you think Nigerians are stupid. We witnessed the meteoric rise of all those hoodlums she enabled. Like Jide Omokore, kevin Okyere the Ghanaian, kola Aluko etc. etc. they became stupendously wealthy. Do you for one moment think she would allow them to become more wealthy than herself. Some of us have inside information as to her activities. They should STFU and stop telling us stories. Did they bother to tell us anything when they were living large. She and her acomplices should vomit the money immediately.

Anonymous said...

so the story of cancer is that supposed to bring pity on her? how about all the rituals on 1 day old babies she does every month? or the people she wrongfully removed from office because they refused to date her or obey he barbaric requests. i would say KARMA is what is happening to her. God will punish her for her atrocities.

Anonymous said...

ha so Bishop Agama is related to this woman! ugh! I hope they don't rope that honourable man of God into this mess.

grace said...

I am also a level 9 step 3 civil servant in abuja and can testify that I earn 60k after pension deductions..may he meant level 8 step 3 and even level 8 officers earn 49k...let's get our facts right..

Anonymous said...

I just hope after she has been found guilty she should be rightly punished and made to return most if not all of the money. Still wish her quick recovery if she is truely sick. No one deserves cancer. Even the devil.

Joe said...

Sahara Reporters Bola Tinubu and Mohamed Lar, APC and their propaganda is really out of hand,
please we need steady Light, Water, Road, and stop all this propaganda, lets see the Change u promised Nigerians, first disappointment is the list of the ministers u submitted & surly more is coming, some fools still expecting Miracles Lol,

Anonymous said...

Did you just say tax payers money? How many people pay tax in Nigeria? Haha. You mean oil money

Anonymous said...

Lol. Girls dey hustle sha..

Anonymous said...

Shatap n return the stolen money.

Anonymous said...

Who will think that the maduekes will just fold their arms and watch their sinking in this high scale corruption mess from a woman married to them? And what would you want a Nigerian lawyer (known chronic opportunists) not to do other than to make the most of the money possible from the corruption expose? Where were these battling family members when Diezani was milking away so much what belong to the masses for their upgrade? Or Is Maduakes now saying Diezani is a saint in this fore-knowledge mess to the whole wide world? Or is this family now muting it that countries that discovered her statched loot are lying and out of their senses? What blame should the local and international media have in this? So what some are relunctant to believe now is that Oshiomole and others within and without do not have their facts and whipping of sentiments? BUT why did Diezani so desperate to run after Buhari at the Abuja airport, boarding same flight with him to London and tried all efforts to seek Buhari's audience in the aircraft? - meaning this lady actually do have a lots in her cupboard. VERDICT: DEAR NIGERIANS, RE-CHARACTERIZATION HAS TO START NOW. ALL LOOTERS JUST HAVE TO FACE THE MUSIC NO MATTER WHOSE OZ IS GORED. NO EXTENT OF ANY ORCHESTRATED BLACKMAILING FROM ANY ANGLE BY ANYBODY OR PAID GROUP CAN FOIL THIS NEW DAWN DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA. THAT'S IT

Unknown said...

This is laughable. Sounds like they are begging for sympathy from a people that have endured years of hardship while they looted the country's treasury forgetting that diaris God. I wish madam Diezani and her fellow looters all the Karma they deserve

Unknown said...

Most of the critics would have done worse if they ever found themselves at that position. Is this how she gets rewarded for serving her country, someone is dying & people aren't even being considerate about that, i mean you don't have to be, the least you could do is give her a chance. Being in trouble with the British authorities doesn't mean she's guilty, even students who study abroad get into trouble with international airport authorities for carrying just school fees in cash.
Like most of you have no idea what 13b pounds is like, & am sure she had a boss then under whose authority all this happened. All am saying, if you can get the head of the snake, why stick with the body.

olawale29 said...

The money you embezzlement is "owo alajeseku" (cooperative money) . You sick or not, you die or not,it must be returned. After that you can continue your story for the irunmoles.

Anonymous said...

Okay...u guys re making me feel like I am not sure of what I am saying, so since I am here as anonymous, let me state d facts even with names, probably something can be done about it or I can get a reasonable explanation here. So I got the job at fcda in May, then resumed June and in my appointment letter, it was stated salary scale 09 step 03 gets #833,805 per annum. So per month, dat will be 69,483.75. Then after all deductions of 9,335.99, my salary is supposed to be 60,147.76 right? So September 2nd, I got my three months salary (june,july,august) and the alert I saw was 167,064.50 nd den on my pay slip was 167,222. Den on 16sept, before sallah, I got salary alert for Sept of 46,920.80. I thought something was wrong but when I went to work the next day, it was just me but same thing with other colleagues. Till now, no explanation from d salary dept. So, am actually waiting to see what the Oct alert wud be. I know level 8 in d ministry of works gets 53k. Anyway, at the end of d day, what I am trying to say is that this isn't right. @Grace, uve got an msc to be level9 nd getting 60k in a city like abj with house rent to pay, it right? All I am trying to say is that the government needs to look into d salary scale of civil servants.

Anonymous said...

Because with such poor salary scale, they re indirectly telling us to be corrupt because we just have to pay our bills.

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish others.

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