Below is what Washington Post wrote about president Jonathan's supporters using the #bringback hashtag for his campaign
It was the social media campaign of the year. #BringBackOurGirls awoke the world to the ravages of Boko Haram, an al-Qaeda-linked terror group in Nigeria, and the plight of the millions of people who live in the midst of their insurgency. At the heart of the message were hundreds of missing schoolgirls, abducted in April from the remote village of Chibok by Boko Haram fighters, who vowed to make them into slaves. Continue...The #BringBackOurGirls hashtag channeled both sympathy from abroad and local outrage and concern in Nigeria, with many angry at the government of President Goodluck Jonathan for being unable to free the captured women.
But four months later, the girls have yet to be brought back despite the efforts of the Nigerian military as well as U.S. counter-terrorism forces deployed in neighboring Chad. More than 200 girls remain missing in suspected Boko Haram captivity. Others have perished from snakebite, illness and deprivation in the wild.
Boko Haram itself has continued its slaughter this summer, and seized more territory in the country's restive northeast. Over the weekend, it stormed towns along Nigeria's border with Cameroon, killing dozens of innocents.
Nigerian forces are now fighting Boko Haram in pitched battles around Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state, the main hotbed of Boko Haram's operations. The U.N. reports that at least 1.5 million people have been displaced by the conflict since Jonathan's government declared a state of emergency in May.
But the gravity of the moment hasn't stopped some in Nigeria from appropriating the tragic hashtag for rather cynical purposes. Banners emerged in the capital Abuja over the weekend showing Jonathan alongside a new slogan: #BringBackGoodluck2015. The campaign appears to be the work of supporters of the president, keen for his reelection in presidential polls next February. It's not clear whether Jonathan has officially endorsed the new hashtag, but its seeming ubiquity suggests that he is not opposed to it.
Rubbbish #bright bravo#
Make dem leave our jona abeg!!!!
They kinda making a point there anyways... But it shouldn't really curse chaos.. 2tim 2:1-3
Well I guess it's because he knows the girls aint missing...Taking the world for a ride.They all know what they are doing and it's such a shame he is using the same hashtag for his campaign cos when I first saw it I tot it was a joke..Too bad!!!!!
Whoever is behind this hash tag is either incredibly stupid and insensitive or really anti Jonathan.
Nothing can make me vote for someone who couldn’t rescue about 230 girls but still has plans to rule a country of about one hundred and sixty million (160 million) people. NEVER EVER!
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Senseless president. Yeah I said so. Sue me
Dats Nigeria for u. We politicise everything
Stupid people
I don't support the # but America should mind their biz; their own is too much!
*My R1.50c comment*
you can visit our own blog: engrdemo.blogspot.com
Its quite a pity, those that conceived such idea deserve to be shot.
This is the height of carelessness that has characterized this administration.
visit engrdemo.blogspot.com
Mitchewwwww Y am I no surprise
yes it was wrong, yes we know but is our problem dey shud mind deir business. Enitin 2 divide a nation dat seem like a threat 2 dem and is not under deir control den go carry 4 head. Fk dem jare
The only thing I see wrong here, is that GEJ's team is slow to respond and dissociate itself from this kind of slander and apologize.
I wish Nigerians will try and understand and not just jump to judge. Cos in this politics biz here in Nigeria, its very very different from America or anywhere else.
Volunteers campaign for u, ppl just run around and do things without coming to u or ur ppl. And if u look at the poster, it is done by someone who wants to create pressure on GEJ to declare for presidency.
We should be on Washington Post telling them to mind their business. Why don't they castigate their government after all the things wikileaks has shown us about how dey side with these terrorists to protect or extend their interests.
GEJ won't succumb to this, it's his useless pot bellied, hungry, greedy and tasty for power compatriots dah put this up..
hhhmm when the girls are still missing ?.....PDP n dia supporters HV to b careful....#bringbackourgirls 1st
sadiq3051 says so via Tecno M3
A man who works in the sewers will smell like crap! GEJ is not a leader and I will say that without fail or fear!!! You want to tell me he hasn't seen this posters or that his so called 1.2M publicity people (Levitz) didn't catch that and put an end to it? This guy just doesn't know how to do himself any favors at all! Earlier today, he took a 'suspected' BH sponsor to a security meeting! Biko nu onweru ife na eme this man n'isi!
GoodLuck for President 2015
He is asking for reelection, when he cannot even secure the release of those innocent girls. God will judge all of them. Shameless idiots.
Y such slogan na? They should have chosen something else it's like ridiculing d abducted girls. What a pity d blame is now on GEJ. God help naija.
Ahaaahh....ah sed it......#lousyGEJ....#bringbackmaass
Who wan vote for a failed president that tinks of nting Bt his. Bank acct. Guess d guy want. To buy anoda shoe, yeye! Loooooooooonnnng hisssssssss
And you call that one a leader.
Goodluck lack sense na...Jst imagine wat d president of a country is doing..Abeg naija don tire persn
Dnt mind them,brainless walkin corpes leaders n their supporters!
Maybe some fools on here will thinks it's bad since Washington post said something bout it.2 or 3 stupid people said theirs nothing wrong on here yesterday on day before oshisco ppl
These God forsaking people are just playing with our lives. Heyo pls vote for me come 2015. Am officially declaring via linda ikeji blog as an aspirant vying for the post of the president come 2015. First to comment.
They should leave my GEJ alone!!!!! #ILOVEGEJ
This is just the beginning Mr president. #####QUEENMAYA#####
This is insulating to all the efforts put in by the International communities as well as families that rallied/protested.
I am so sure that the people that thought of this campaign strategy were the first group that went out on the media to publicly condemn the Bokoharam . Where is their "common sense " to know the sensitivity of the words chosen .
A person's worth is known by his words. If the words that comes from your mouth has no values, filled with lies ,unjust and can easily be changed based on the situation to suit ones greedy need . Then its time for the people to stand up.
A saying goes" The citizen of a country deserve what ever treatment (both good/bad) gets to them.
Nigeria wake and smell the coffee. This isn't a just & fair democracy.
Parents/people hurt this is your time to SPEAK.
I imagine a british political party using something so sensitive for their campaign vote, MP with their pride and acknowledgement of their wrongs will step down.
Why is there no one with a good ethical and moral mindset in Nigeria. if you don't know what is ethical wrong , how can you lead. Because the society may look on it as normal or even acceptable does not make it RIGHT.
I agree. It's very insensitive of him. Senseless man. Both him n his campaign manager deserve knock.
How is it that our president just cannot seem to stop himself from taking one mis-step after another?? It's like he seeks out PR goofs
Washington post should take it likely with the way they spread the news about Nigeria to other. How many of them experience/ perished from snakebite, illness and deprivation in the wild???
This people shouldn't drag Nigeria reputation to the mud.
This will definately be a big shame to the image of this country if Jonathan endorses it.
@washingtonpost, Ori Iya yin ni o daa.
So everything must be judged by you abi? You want to turn us into another Ukraine abi?
I am YorubaDude. And I approve this message.
Omg, what were those supporterš thinking? A failed mission? If he had succeded in getting the girls back, would have been another story but they have totally been forgotten and yet they went ahead to use that! Gosh!!! Did an outsider have to take note??? Lets be using the God given brains na....... if Na 419 or to millions their head fo function well. Its well.
When I saw it I just said to myself this is so wrong. Its like they are making a mockery of the whole thing especially with the girls still missing. This govt lacks empathy.
stupid and cluless man,surrounded with idiots called advisers. That will come to pass whem boko haram kidnap you too.
What is wrong wt us in this past of d world, clearly naija is a cursed nation.. N the pple of nig are fool. GOD forbids Gej is re-elected
Echoes of a sad country
Veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy insensitive
That's fucked up they shud have used another key word for the campaign not the #bringbackgoodluck thing
That's rude to use that hashtag keyword, they shud have used another key word for that campaign instead of using #bringbackGoodluck
Is dis d only phrase in English language? GEJ nawa ooo, yesterday u re wit Sherrif, today is dis again,u re making It so difficult to support u, I know u re a good man, but a dumb administrator, a weak husband n an insensitive n clueless leader. But we igbo n ur SS people has made up our mind to put u dere by 2015, Oya APC get ready for anoda auto tune for d next 4yrs
God dey
Pure, undiluted idiocy. How brain dead and stupidly insensitive can whomever sponsored those ads be?
Who are his advisors or campaign managers pls! Haba. U haven't brought back the chibok girls, yet ur using the #bringback hashtag. Very dumb campaigning. #nogirlsno2015. Shikena!
Uncle Jona don suffer no bi small buh honestly he really made a joke Outta #bringbackour girls.his campaign manager should be sacked
Face of lib
I said it earlier on that, the slogan was very very wrong but some apoliticals seems not to capture the content of d message.
A shame it is and this is the Man (GEJ) who is been compared to Martin Luther King Sr and Nelson Mandela!!!! Men who were SENSITIVE and SELFLESS leaders. Well, it's obvious that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree at all. #silenceisconsent# #sorryforGEJ#
Sentiments apart, this GEJ goofs a lot...Blame this particular mistake on his campaign team all you like..GEJ won the 2011 elections because of tribal and regional sentiments and also due to the fact that the average southerner/easterner seems to be tired of northern leaders...the painful part of it is that there is no credible opposition to this failure of a man called GEJ in the upcoming election...
Since we know all dis, Let's ALL just do the RIGHT THING and Vote him out next year! We all agree he's not good enough, so No sentiments please!!!!
Linda why are u somuch against Jonathan,u prefare to support Atiku,are u APC in disguise?u neva give our president credit for anything,we are watching u.
People like u are the reason this country is doomed! Tribalistic folks like u! So u want to elect him based on where he's from? U know he s a clueless leader and yet u r ready to vote him in.Are u serious? Why must we be soo backward in this country! Is that how ur mates voted for their president in america? I'm soo angry at u, I swear. Pls grow urself a brain!
Oga jona fucked up nothing for him in 2015 #GBAM#
It's really unbelievable that any1 will say the girls r not missing as some1 insinuated above. For d thought alone shame on u and also whoever conceived d idea 4 d slogan!
Lack of creativity.
U make too much sense. Thinking outside the box
So who gives a fuck if you didn't vote?. Mumu aboki
Juliet this shows how disrespectful you are to your useless and senseless parents. Now i know the cause of your mother's madness. Mpama
God punish your family.
Could your idiot father have done better?. NAMA
You are a fool just like your mad father
Beg your mum to tell you who your father really is incase you don't that you are a product of Ashawo work your mum did. Foolish dog
God loves you more baby. Thanks @Apple
sadly enough, they pitched their tent next to the bring back our girls campaigners.
Go and knock your papa. Aturu
No girls are missing use your brain.
Your father is useless and that's why he couldn't pregnant your mum. Bastard
Yorubas two faceless pple are worst.benefitting in every angle,greedy pple
(I hope it is now obvious how useless and clueless Jonathan is: from granting pardon to thieves like Alamieseigha; to calling corruption "common stealing"; to openly admitting that Boko Haram are in his government; to making empty promises to find the abducted Chibok Girls....and now rubbing shoulders publicly with Ali Modu Sherriff-a man that has been fingered as a Boko Haram sponsor!). If Steven Davies had called names of opposition party members name as Boko Haram sponsors - i'm sure the SSS would have come for them long ago!
I think all the other opposition parties are just stupid: the trick to winning next year's election is to field a reasonable candidate, basically anybody on the street, will win an election against Jonathan. Instead, they keep fielding the likes of Atiku Abubakar, Gen. Buhari and so one-people who have played one role or the other in destroying Nigeria.
I bet even my driver will will an honest election against this incompetent president of ours who continues to make Nigeria the laughing stock of the world.
Unfortunate and cursed Nation!
No girls are missing. Tell your poor father to go and confirm from IBB and SLS and ATIKU
You are just as senseless as your poor father mumurio
As if you voted for him in 2011. Who needs your vote?
Adisa you are senseless just like your dog of a father
Senseless and jobless fool
Juliet you are a mumu.
Well someone has to point out facts to Mr president and he "my belle only" advisers. I support this post totally.
we nigerians should grow up & use our brain, dont 4get that APC toothpaste (liar mohamed) was in london 2day to give a press statement on his ass he probably has paid the so calld washinton post all in the name of politics if u doubt go 2ru the post & see it was written by a nigerian if only you have a thinking eye. By the way wats their biznes wit wat we nigerians do...they beter keep their eye on thier nation & let us be...."Dont get caught up in the mix cos the media is full of dirty tricks"...Tupac shakur.
I'd say #kickOUTGOODLUCK2015...or #voteOUTjonathan2015.
Kevin O.
London UK
Guess for those few supporting GEJ...
If u na need US people to tell u this is just wrong ... then I can say u are all sick ...
How can u ever think this man can continue to lead a great country like ours ...
GEJ is not a true representation of the many Nigerians that have and still do lead mega companies...
Guess for those few supporting GEJ...
If u na need US people to tell u this is just wrong ... then I can say u are all sick ...
How can u ever think this man can continue to lead a great country like ours ...
GEJ is not a true representation of the many Nigerians that have and still do lead mega companies...
Some people will still vote for him or some other lunatic. Smh.
It would only take one who worships God and not the devil to bring naija out of this pit hole. But clearly we are too blind to see reality!
Was he captured too?
I pray Boko Haram kidnap Oga Jonah and his family so this campaign will come to reality. What an Ewu goat we have for a president and his fat cow wife to match!!!
Am with you on this. They should mind their fucking biz. And I know some guilible Nigerians here will still spill rubbish coz its the Americans that released this statement.
This is not good to hear or see,,,but he will come back 2015
Who da hell Washington Post??? Washington Post, you imperialist criminals, mind your business!!! Nigeria is a sovereign nation. We're NOT slaves. We do what we want. Daily Times of Nigeria does not dictate anything about your government to you scummy bastards. LEAVE NIGERIA ALONE. Leave Africans alone and take your EBOLA with you. YOU LOT, THE WEST, HAVE CAUSED ENOUGH PROBLEMS IN NIGERIA, AFRICA AND AROUND THE WORLD. When you diabolic scums are not spreading diseases and viruses in Africa, y'all are killing Arabs and Palestinians. You people and your government are the cause of the many problems in Nigeria and Africa. Washington Post, you hypocritical bastards should go berate Zionist Israel for slaughtering Arabs and Palestinians. Nigeria will not be dictated to by anyone, especially imperialists and their offsprings. Scumbags. Y'all must get out of Nigeria and Africa. We don't tell you what to do and you don't tell us what to do. Y'all WILL respect Nigeria and AFRICA. YOU WILL.
Hmmmmm Jona my broda u fuckup sha bt I 4giv u. #TeamGEJ2015#
The President is a true reflection of the country, He is visionless so are the myopic contributions of sentimental Nigerians, they will live to regret this generation being anchor by GEJ.
It is a BIG pity we still have people supporting GEJ. I am from d east but based in d north. If only the southern, eastern, and western part of Nigeria are to experience just a quarter of what people are experiencing in the north bcos of BH, I can assure u nobody in their right senses will support GEJ. Like, is it not obvious why d FG have refused to prosecute ihejirika and Alimodu sherrif. Abeg, #let me use my tongue to count my teeth#
The hashtag shoulda been #BringBackAFailureGEJ @your own risk. There will be no Nigeria by the time you bring back this idiot Oga Jonah. Dey there!!
Wrong campaign strategy!This will continue to remind people about the girls that are yet to be brought back.
Foolish anonymous replying everyone, jobless fool...u must be rebeun
Oh u people should shut up. Why insult Adisa merely because he's airing his opinion? Anonymous 10.40, u r definitely retarded. That's all I have to say to u
The guy has spoken the truth. You can go and die because of your mumu drunken fisherman. As if he can win election with only the votes of riverrine and ibo people. Ingrates!
This our leaders don see us finish... (Any single naija lady in the u.s here? ( single, living in d U.S, any single lady in U.S interested? My email thankulord2014@gmail.com.)
Leave him alone u said?
Abeg they should remove that banner cos it does not tell good of him.
The plain truth is that whether u or one million of people do not vote for him,he will still win. That is how it goes.
Who is this useless anonymous on Linda who is attacking whoever is against badluck jolantern it is obvious u re paid to do dis on social media. God punish ur ancestors foolish anonymous. Come 2015 GEJ is out in Jesus name. Bastard
I've been reading this Anonymous person's comments and I wonder how bitter and morally depraved this person is. Your replies are tainted with so much hate and lack of moral values. You can try to be a little constructive with your replies rather than being so vindictive. Respect the fact that not everybody supports your president, his decisions (and indecisions) and the actions of some of his misguided supporters. #OkBye
I see you Reno omokri...na u dey insult ppl fathers since abi?instead of u to tell oga jona say wahala dey u dey come here come insult ppl fathers..I know u very well and I know how u talk...this is definitely you.talk to oga jona,that's what he's paying your gay ass for..
There is a very good opposition but that's if tribalism doesn't set it again..if people like fashola and other young like minds are allowed to contest,Jonathan will fall but some people no go gree o.Asari say if jona no enter naija go dey ungovernable,Hausa say if jona enter war go dey..u no see say wahala don dey???
Mr anonymous, why are u being a coward. U condemn every anti jonathan opinion under anonymous disguise. Such a shame on you. Respect every1 opinion for they entitled to it.
Sure ur retched generation will continue to suffer in d hand of govt ...The way Nigerian are
How dare u bring someone's father into this??it goes to show u weren't brought up properly..
Take a look at these poverty stricken fools insulting Adisa. Commenting from a shit smelling one bed room apartment in defence of the ape who put them there. Mad people.
@anon 10:28 you're leper like your outcast father. It's no surprise his watery sperm could only come up with a retard like you. When you want to insult people, you go anon but the comment you made with your real ID gives you away. Oponu aiyeraye
He couldn't pregnant his mum you say "your father". Lol what kind of stupid did you eat for breakfast? Anyway, that's how people spawn of leper siblings reason.
Not sure of any girls missing abeg! Buh ds a rung Move GEJ! Sooo appalling.......
Nigerians enough of complain and finger pointing,... There must be change in dis country, we need to spread the good news of zero corruption and also ensure we act it.... Linda I so love what you are doing but you can use dis your blog as a starting point for sensitization
I saw this hash-tag and at first ignored it, thinking it was just some silly prank by some jobless people till i read the article by the Washington post ....again it took an "ONYINBO" to point out our flaws.
My thoughts: the people behind this are morally bankrupt and totally insensitive. Its been 149 days since those girls went missing, parents have died and families have been torn, and some BIG **** thinks it wise to build a campaign latching on this same hash-tag all for a quick buck.
First: as a communications person i think it is totally lazy.Create a hash-tag by all means but don't steal someones idea.
Second: There is a law against campaigning 90days to an election ( i took the pain to search it out) Section 99 (1-3) of the Electoral Act says: “For the purpose of this Act, the period of campaigning in public by every political party shall commence 90 days before polling day and end 24 hours prior to that day. - its either INEC is a toothless dog or our oga at the top doesn't give a hoot. (Well seeing his recent hob-nob with Ahmodu Sherrif says it all.... story for another day)
Third: If GEJ doesn't have a hand in this, then now is the time for the Abati's and Omokiri's of this world who are always so quick to talk on social media to come out to viciously "CONDEMN" this act on behalf of their oga.
To u Anonymous 10:38 why are u like dis u think u are defending ur president by insaulting people parents.I can see dat u lack home training bcos if ur parents train u how to respect elderly people u will not insult people parents .if u want to defend ur president do it in an appropriate way .stop insulting people here.
who ll rule is destined by d Almighty, he give 2 who he wish, so all our prayers is 4 d Almighty GOD 2 choose d best 4 us who ll transform our country irrespctive of tribe or religion.
God Bless you for this comment,Adisa. I couldn't have said that better.
Abeg.......let these GEJ go and seat down. i dont fancy him anymore. since he entered noting has changed,instead worst. he is too weak n has no say. Oh lord plz help us. we need a strong and vibrant leader that will save this country from going under.
As I read tru d comments am suprised at d comments sumpple make clearly d ad is an insensitive one but also GEJ is probably not responsible for dat I mean he is smarter dan dat, the real problem I have is why Nigerians take tins too far who ever dis person is dat keeps insulting everybody dat post any anti jonathan comment should really tink wat am I fighting for, for Gods sake its a forum n every 1 has dia right of opinion say urs and be on your way, why make a nuisance. Of yourself. Seriously we as a country are in dare need of sensible youths
@cape, ooh America should mind their biz? I guess they shd also mind it when it comes to the ebola drugs, we run to them to solve all of our problems yet we want them to mind their biz. I hail thee.
Well said. He who cannot be trusted with little.....
I agree with you, they are not always ryt, but most tyms are, even the device you are using is their creation.
Ano 10:40 pls why are u anonymous? I wish to send u recharge card! U get plenty sense. Na u sabi these dirty mouth-smelling two-faced bastards. Yoruba pple are the problem of this country. They support everyone and then withdraw when it gets hot. Most Igbos are with PDP, Hausa with APC, but Yoruba are with both! Eating from all corners and manipulating everyone with their mouth odour. Igbos are Christians, Hausa Muslims but again, Yoruba are both! A Yoruba can be a Christian and Muslim at this same time! Which kain double-faced bastards be dis sef? Munafuken banza!
thank God for Washington post! at least President Obama will now see the incompetence of our GEJ! but can we get a better replacement from APC? God help us o!
Typical Jonah, clueless crew and disciples
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