Such sad and heartbreaking news. After two years and three months, Baby Miracle Ibiam has lost his battle to Hydrocephalus. For those who don't remember him, Ndubuisi Nwachukwu Ibiam, known as Baby Miracle was born with Hydrocephalus, which is a defect that
affects ability of the brain to clear excess fluids so the fluid
accumulates therefore leading to that expansion. We tried to raise money for him back in 2013
Unfortunately he has passed away. He died on Saturday morning September 6th while in his mother's arms. Baby Miracle was born 28th of June 2012. Guess he's too good for this world. Sleep with the angels little one.
It is well..
Sleep on little angel...
So sad.. RIP baby Miracle
This little kid has really suffered alot, i pray his soul R.I.P.....
I am just happy that he was loved and nurtured... May God bless his mother!
may his soul rest in peace
Aaaaaawwwwwww may his pretty little soul R.i.p
May his soul rest in peace and may d Lord console his family
Ibcbet. Your blog is very interesting and I am very happy to read your article., hopefully continued success with you and your family and allow me to share the info, I wait for your visit via this link: Taruhan Bola. Thank's
Aww! R.i.p Baby miracle. See you in heaven!
Rest in Peace little one as u sleep among d angels...
Awww so touching
Rip baby love
R.I.p to him #beausteven_blog
Rest in peace baby Miracle
Rest in peace baby miracle...hope am 1st
Alas! May his soul rest in bliss. May the passage of time heal your grief mrs Ibiam.
Rip beautiful one.I know u will be rejoicing with d angels.grace b
Alas! May his soul rest in bliss.May the passage of time heal your grief mrs Ibiam.
RIP baby
Very sad. RIP little one.
So sad!may your gentle soul find rest
I know you are in a better place. Rest in peace, may God comfort his mother and bless her and give her the strength she'll need this period ..Amen
Rest in peace kiddo! I remember his case. So sad!
Omg sorry little one may ur soul rest in peace
May he rest in peace... So sad
Oh so painful. After everything. God knows better.
unfortunate and sad
unfortunate and sad
Eya....sleep on
may his soul sleep in his miracle.
So sad! May he rest with the lord. Good morning linda!
So sad. May his soul rest with the lord.
Lovely farewell message, Linda. RIP Baby Miracle.
And he had to go through all that pain. His mum must be devastated. God rest his innocent soul and give his parents comfort. S
Awwww! Rip li2 Fighter**
Cute little dude in his white gloves and shoes. At least you felt a mother's unending love or a while. Sleep well little dude.
Baby miracle rest in the bosom of the lord. God has a popose for everything. Baby miracle will come back a second time without stress and pains from the mother.
I spoke with the parent almost every day when the parent where with him during the surgery in India. I must admit that the parent really went through hell trying to safe his life. They must be devastated... R.I.P little one and Ibiam senior mama miracle, pls take heart too
God bless all the mothers in the world rest well son ~ice princess~
May he soul rest in perfect peace.
So sad
Must we go abroad 2 insert a shunt that will drain off the fluid in a hydrocephalitic baby? What a country...please when was the last time a baby died of this in the US? R.I.P lil one.
May his soul rest in RIP.
Rest in peace baby.
May his soul rest in peace.
How person no go pass away with this kain head...
But i can't make heaven sha (If there's one) lol
Sleep on
RIP little one, it reminds me of mine she also had hydrocephalus i had her 11 dec 2012 she could not make it I lost her 14 dec 2012.RIP
sad event
sad event
awwww! sleep on little angel. Sure u'r in a better place now. God console d mum!
ashanka, u r a fool. a swine and a cursed animal. a baby died and all can type is OK!! why bother to.comment. I hope u die a very horrible, painful and shameful death!! animal oshii. omo alee. fool. RIP baby. u r free from dis world of Pain.
Rest in peace little one
Face of lib
Too Sad
May his soul rest in peace..amen
God brings and he has taken. He knws d reason why.RIP
Rest wit d lord baby "M.........
FF @aiwaxe
Eyaaa RIP...he was so adored by the mother...
its wel...his pain is over...RIP
sleep on little one.
Oh my! He's in a better place with the Lord, Sleep on little one.
RIP baby....wat a soul to be called a saint!
Really painful what the family must have gone thru.... He's gone 2 be with his father,
Little Angel
am really scared abt mysef..som1 shud pls tell me d truth...i had symptoms like fever,swollen lymph nodes in d 2 sides of my neck nd my throat,my mind keep telling me i hv hiv,i went 2 hospital on friday,instead of giving me a positive or negative result,d lab attendant said my result was inderterminate nd directed me to come on Monday..Wah do u fink Lib readers?
Rest in peace Baby Miracle
Rest in peace Baby Miracle
Rip Baby miracle! My baby God’swill who had the same condition went to be with the Lord 2007 but guess what the Good Lord has wiped away all the tears. God will see you through Ndubuisi Nwachukwu Ibiam
May His Soul Rest In The Bosom Of The Lord!
Rest in peace angel.
so sad...met him and his mom once in akwaibom and cried for such injustice. he was such a cheerful baby. God knows better. RIP miracle baby.
Where God closes a door somewhere he opens a window. He is in a better place now.
rest in peace dear
rest in peace dear
Bby Miracle is now at peace. God console his mother.
Hmmm....So for 2 years no NGO or govt or patriotic Nigerians were willing to assist this baby??? It's so sad to knw that we rush so fast to partake in that als icebucket challenge nd even donate $100 to find a cure bt turn our backs on one of our own, an innocent baby...kai!!! RIP baby Miracle(my Bray mate). Indeed u r too good to b in this sinful world!!!
OMG!!!! this is really sad.. it's so painful when little ones suffer and then can't survive it... may he rest well in the bosom of the Lord and may God grant his family fortitude to bear the loss..and may he give them another Miracle. Amen
RIP Baby Mimi! You're in a better place.
Biagodunu oh! Papa Chuluo, Badoo of Convent or whatever u call urself! Quit taking too much space nd frustrating other readers! Ur comments r not even worth d space taken! Mtscxheew!
#GozManuel Says#
RIP little angel...
awwwww... so sad
Rest in Peace little one.
Awww so sad
What touched me most was the love the mum showed the baby not minding the baby's condition, some mothers might strangle him over night. may God rest the poor baby's soul amen
Awww may ur soul rest in peace. God knows best
Rest on little one........
Thats so so sad. Rip.
Sad, but God loves you most
happiness it lies in the love and affection you, I am sure there is someone behind the lack of excess to evoke in us.
Miracle's mum is a fantastic mother, she loved a little baby nonetheless. You are an example of a Mother.... be comforted that precious Miracle is in the hands of God. he is in a better place. Thanks for being a gem.....
So sad seeing little ones like this suffer and still not survive it... May he rest well in the bosom of the Lord, and may God give his family the fortitude to bear the loss and may He give them a greater miracle.. Rest on little one.....Linda ,i still can,t find my previous comment.
RIP baby Miracle
Sad news. May his soul rest in peace
Rest with the Lord my love.
RIP baby Miracle. so sad
r.i.p baby miracle
Sweet baby! Rest with the angels little one...
May God rest his innocent soul........IJN(AMEN)!
RIP Little Angel
RIP Little Angel
RIP little one. Take heart Mrs Ibiam
RIP little one, all these health conditions are completely preventable.
So sad RIP little one may the Lord give ur parents the heart to bear ur loss
I also had a nephew like this and his name was Miracle. May their souls rest in peace.
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