Award winning journalist, author and social/political commentator Tolu Ogunlesi is off the market. On November 29th 2014, he will wed his engineer fiancee, Kemi Agboola at the
Oritamefa Baptist Church, Total Garden, in Ibadan, Oyo state. Congrats to him. See more pre-wedding photos after the cut...
And Linda use stopped briefing us on important matter like d suspected ebola virus in oau and all some of us trust ur blog for vital information
Nice dress
Hehehe. Both of them look alike. Congrats 2 u guys...
Dem black like Ghanians oooo. HML to them in advance.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
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Na this their face shah..... Long and lasting union is all i wish them.....
They can never go broke.Their teeth is an asset for toothpaste advert.
Which one be off the market? dis Linda sef, very loki (local) sombori.
Congrats guys. You guys are wedding on my brother's birthday. I will remember to say a prayer for you on that day. May your marriage be blessed and fruitful.
Big Congrats to them. I can see Love in their eyes
Hmmm gr8.
Lovely couples to be...
Nice 1....wish dem luck
Lol…Them resemble well well. :)
Beautiful, God bless their union.
why do people take pre-wedding photos before marriage? i dont understand it. mind you am married ooo but i dont see the necessity for it jare. didnt do it and can imagine y people do..someone please educate me please. . Miss m
Congrats to him..he's been a good guy since way back ISI days...another ISI re-union that will be
Black is beautiful
Big Congratz to dem!
Linda, I pray urs 2 come soonest!
Some times I will see a post..I decide to keep quiet cos if I say wats on ma mind sha pple will attack well fvck u pple..#beastMode. ...............................#KingOfKings
Nice Pics.......... HML in advance
Lovely photos
dem try sha! best wishes. omo_chick
congratulation, nazzy luv
Congratz 2 dem...
Good......they look cute.
wow!!!! lovely pics and they make a cute couple
wow!!!! lovely pics and they make a very cute couple
So happy for Tolu & Kemi! HML in advance!Cheers
Best of luck for couple
Looking wonderful wishes the very best marriage can offer
congrat to them
@ KEMI AGBOOLA..go girl.. you deserve the best gurl
Waoh! see sweet couple.Congrats to them
Beautiful couple..the guy's smile tho...who has seen "the mask"?..
Congrt I tap into ur blessing ijn Amen
Them fit each other,d babe even fine pass d guy,see d guy 4heAd congratulations sha but even if hin still de market "NOT MY KIND OF MAN"
Lovely pre-wedding pictures,wishing them all the best in Marriage Life...Amen
Dey don try but dem too ugly abeg. Na dia babygirls ah dey pity.
congrats guy, i like to see young couple like this
Happy marriage my guy. I need a lady who can love me like dis guy wife. Add me. 25fc1101 or +2348141791567
congrats bro
Kemi darl! Congrats, we grew up together in Idishin, Ibadan.
Ugly couple
HML to them......looking beautifuL,Temi ade IJN.Amen
Dry couple,may ur pocket neva be dry as ur phyiscal look AMEN
Nice... Congrats
... Congrats. All the best
are they twin ?
I wish them all the best
Happy married life in advance
ok this is nice and congrats to them. sister Linda, next pls.
Cute photos...
Cute couple.hml
Face of lib
Congrat to dem,der so much look alike d pic r all beautiful.
where is he putting his hand on the fifth pics
congratulations tolu ogunlesi and his iyawo....sapiosexual pips....FYI linda tolu thinks ure a dumb bimbo sha.hahahahahahaha
Beautiful set to be couple.
COngrat to them, by
I sat beside her about 9 years ago during a mobil undergraduate scholarship copying
Pretty couple
are they Ghanaians?
Hummm••Congratulobia guys#GiftedDiva#
Foolish fool..aboa
Some LIB readers and their mouths shaa,i can't help it lmao... Congrats lovely ones jor, don't mind all these bad belle and their awful mouths.
Yorubas are always so damn ugly, yet the biggest noise makers. SMH
Why d girl teeth brown? Hope she doesn't have bad breath. HML
My Broda Tolu, finally U got Kemi, Paulz sents her luv from Durban!
Tolling Out
Something that will sap the guy's energy is here finally. Omojuwa should be introduced to a girl too. Their youthful exuberance pushes them beyond limit.
Asem oooo omo se Ghanaf) ma wo
Both av nice smiles. I love dat yellow dress
Yeah they are beautifully challenged. I don't want to use the " U" word.
ERM...there's something about their pics..they look too they are trying not to make a mistake or step on each other they are shy teenagers who are taking pics with their parents they are brother and definitely not feeling the photoshoot
Guys, Do you want a 'serious' relationship? Try
BV HookUps
Big congrats ohh.but una ugly shaaa.wonda wat dia embryo is gonna luk friend will alway say:pls ohh help out r children ohh cos ur parents helped u out"lol
Linda is more interested in paid news
They are getting married on my birthday, yay!!!! Congrats to them
Boring pictures.
Yayyyyyy!!!!!!! Ogunlesi is finally doing this. I'm soooo happy for u, Tolu. Kemi seems like a good match for you. You deserve the best, my guy. Big, big congrats.... *mwah mwah*
Na wa o. Must everybody take pre wedding shoot? Must you show us? Even people wey no fine still dey show here. Blacki and blacki, una no gree o. Happy married life o but I dont see what is worth looking here.
Na wa o. Must everybody take pre wedding shoot? Must you show us? Even people wey no fine still dey show here. Blacki and blacki, una no gree o. Happy married life o but I dont see what is worth looking here.
I'm really happy for these two...Kemi is a sweet, sweet, very well-cultured girl. She's extremely brilliant and is way prettier in reality than she looks in these pictures. Thumbs up Tolu on a great catch!!!...same to Kemi too!
linda.. give the photographer credit now..
anon 5:26..u are a big fool must u make tribal comments na piple like u no make naija move forward..ewu #getalife#
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