When fans heard, through social media, that Kim and Kanye will be flying commercial and will be passing through the airport, they stormed Adelaide airport to catch a glimpse of the couple. Of course, Kim and Kanye were escorted through the airport by bodyguards and several members of the Australia Federal Police. And according to reports, Kim was especially nice to the fans who came out to see them. Some school children even left school to go to the airport. See more pics after the cut...

Cute Kim, lovely couple
I see
Exactly what kim like LOL!
First to comment
They re cool....#Jstknw...+Mornin to Y'all....akinloluakinboye@gmail.com
Kim with her big fatty pussy . No clitty . Idiota !!!!
Celebrity life. Pls why is Kanye West always dressed like a houseboy? Dosnt he have a stylist? This is appalling.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
So would heaven rejoice when you make heaven.. So live a righteous life friend! Matt 6:33. BishopDammy#
Wow! Good for them,next>>>>>.
Na wa o!
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Take it or leave it. I prefer to marry Kim K that has got a sex tape, than Marry BEYONCE the pregnant Virgin. KIM and KANYE rocks... Muahhh
And who da hell says this couple are not the Bomb??? Love u guys
The kardashian and jenner girls are very courteous.they never omit please and thank you.much more than I can say for a lot of us in Nigeria where common courtesy is supposed to be part of our heritage.
Bow down haters!! Even school children !! Awwwwwhhh love me some kimye. And how many People were watching BEYONCE and JAYZ on the streets of Italy? Those people's time have passed plz. Kim and Kanye rules..
Kanye sapee iru 4 once..... Oge obuna idebe onu ka onye kpu akamu na onu....
Auntie linda please how are they, power couple? #####QUEENMAYA#####
This woman is very beautiful.for those that open their gaps and scream surgery,you are quite ignorant.except one does a full facial surgery in which case even your mom won't recognize you,there's only so much surgery can do.
Some very ugly people on this blog,usually the ones that scream surgery,can never be half this lovely even if all the cosmetic surgeons operate on you
This Kim K toto just full all part of her body unlike nigeria celeb suffering from old age and funny legs
Wow...kimye they have fans sha. #DuchessYanki
attention seekers..if only i can give 2 of them dirty slaps!!
cool story sis
sometimes I wonder why kanye dresses anyhw sometimes, then I remember why he needs to care when he has a wife this hot.
Seriously???? Av a nice show Kanye
No homo pls, bt wat does KiM do 4 a living, pls I jst wanna know cos I dnt
Kim ur body shape na war! Kudus 2u big tym
See hw happy kim is enjoying d whole tin,Kanye na BO's kim na Actor, Kanye smiling won't mk u seem uncool. Oh kanye no knw lib
Lol. Can't stop laughing at the 7th picture. Kanye be like who be this one
Why is Kanye putting up that vampire look in those first few pix? More like a bodyguard lol.Btw Kim is looking stunning and obviously enjoying the attention
i met kim a couple of times actually and she is really really nice! not surprised she was nice to fans. such a sweet girl!
power couple, how sweet
Am loving this couple
Its been S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ long i saw saw smiles on kanye's face ....even for dese pics , obviously na Kim dey attend to dfans ..
#nwokem dem force u marry ni ?
Kanye is jst like a body guard
Kim dash me ur turtle nect top and ur dark glasses
#######LIB MY BAD HABIT########
See kim is so happy in dis her marriage unlike wit kris humperies
Only God knows how dis two will b feeling na
Kimye are giving Jayonce a run for their money
This is what Kim k loves ..... Attention all the way...... Nice sha...... I like her for that..... Kanye hardly smile's....... #beausteven_blog
Dis Kayne na wicked dude oh,see as he do face like shit wey don dry.
Jobless people!!
am always delighted when i see Kanye smile..thank God kim didn't show any cleavage today,especially to those schoolboys that don't know anything.
I love this couple. Please kim when you are done with Kanye West, pass him on to me. Thanks in anticipation. Yours Faithfully, JENE.
They luk gud.Nori has no shoes anymore?
Damn, celebrity life dey sweet die i swear..
Like seriously? Power couple of life.They should come to MMA,Lagos...only the security personnel there will notice them.
awwww nnot that self righteous Jay and B
My gorgeous kim.
And u don't like it? Onye anya ufu.
big head kanye
I just love Kanye and Kim. Lovely couple even with haters everywhere.
Lol@ preg virgin. U get mouth
Because they are real and bey and the other one is fake. Got it now??
Gbam. Ur head is there. Hehe
Make una dey reason, when last did Beyonce and Jay Z fly commercial? Their money go soon finish...
Good for them
Kanye kips dressin like an outdated clown! Yuck! So appalling! Ma Advice sue ur Wardrobe manager!!!! Kim kim!!! U hv it jst d way u'hv always want it#paparazini!!!!! Dunno if u r mourning d death or joan rivers/ sum1 else!!! #Ukwu_unu» ff@chymedony
I tell U! I love them more compared to that fake jayonce!
How come in most pictures of this pair, Kanye is usually walking behind Kim? Could it be cause loves the view from back there so much or she just likes hugging the spotlight or both or some other reason... just saying...
Keep wondering while she keeps making money
Dat house boy cloth go buy u...
yeezzy and kim my second family..Kanye doesnt smile lool..dat sweater sha................................#KingOfKings
A response to Bey and Jay walking through a small town in Italy
I bet u didn't know the phrase "bow down" is Beyoncé's did ya? Lol mumu. Oh plus Jay & Bey don't need their pictures taken when money no dey for pocket. Check d numbers, numbers don't lie!
A bunch of people waiting to receive em at d airport is NOT equal to money, I repeat NOT equal to money. If u talking money, check d numbers, "numbers don't lie". Don't talk s..t u know nothing about. Ignoramus
Awww now why u gotta bring em in here?can't see no Jay or Bey in that picture. Face d matter at hand and leave the Carters out of it
Whats with Kanye & dis sweater he alwayz wears. Kim do somfin abt dis jor. He doesn't look gud in it.
But hey I just love dis couple, Kaiiii Kim is enjoying dis attention die. lol
Pls somebdy should tell Kanye to @least smile for once.Nice couple though.#Vanchizzy
Just go and start an igbo blog... you this willy willy. WTF!!
Who wouldn't want to?I like d fact dat kanye is always protective of his wife unlike most nigerian boys dat will leave u behind to sort urself out,some won't even wait bt b shoutin on ow slow there woman is
Oh you don't know? You just came in from the stone age right? Well, welcome to the 21st century!
Really?!!....Celeb worship totally freaks me out.....what do u gain by following pple so earnestly?especially pple who do not give 2 cents about U
Cute couple, i dont care what people think or say about Kim, she is a very pretty lady and she is blessed with a very good husband in Kanye ... i love them together, Kanye as usual frowning and i wonder who is in charge of his wardrobe ...
Kanye should at least try to smile more often. What's with the glum face in the first few pictures? And see how he's following her dressed funny. Anyways, plenty of love for them. Beautiful couple always.
House boy, no be small one, he looks like a mad man way drug don destroy. Out of here
And why is Kanye not wearing his wedding ring? Just asking. *strollsaway*
** Sexy Milf Queen **
Dis is nice. I love Kim so much
wow! they are loved oo
I love them!!! Haterz biko dieeeee... my number 2 power couple
Yeah Kim will be in Sydney this weekend at the Westfield shopping mall
Kanye always not smiling as usual, too serious for my liking,and his dress sense is zero abeg, dull colour dresses dats faded out. Kim you rock jare
She z a reality star,part owner of kardashian collection, owner kardashian game,has a sex tape nd married to a producer n rapper Kanye West. Thank me later
Wow so cute!
And why the na wah oo!? Hater
Why Knaye like to dey walk for her back like hired bouncer self? He is so fond of it. Dats unlike Jay and Bey tho
Kim's dress is beautiful..
I love black
Thank you better person. You can say that again. Beyonce is over hyped, I do not hate her but I don't like her either. My love for kim dou
Good for dem next pls. by dobis112@gmail.com
Gud 4 d both of dem....kanye pls b smiling mre often...
What is the fucckin meaning of onye anya afu and fucccking tribe did u get it. Nigerians are too harsh
Come give them slap na. Stop hating! Anuofia
I have never been able to comprehend how and what Kanye wears...it's beyond me!
I'll leave it,thanx all the same
U must've wanted 2 use 'no homo' so bad,u bloody well went ahead n used it any damn way
@Funso samuel, bigg lie! Biffeer, chop kpomo u hia, even u go bring out ur 3310 to take snap, then mopol go flog u commot
I just love that Kim keeps carrying her baby, like she looks after her by herself, instead of some people that keep handing baby to the maids
I hope no b rented crowd,dis one wey 2015 elections don near so
For that silly person thats asked. Kim is a co-founder of Shoe Dazzle.. Yeah, bet u didn't know that. She's a designer with shops scattered all over the States over there. She's a business woman, an actress, a wife, a mother. Kim rocks. We all have past lives that we've regretted so u all let the hate go already. As for her body, try being dedicated to exercising and dieting as she is and bet me if you won't look good like her. Shes busy counting her dollars and enjoying her life while you haters keep wishing you were in her shoes. Shes a lot you cant be cos you choos to judge and hate people like you know them.Judgemental and hating ass people. Mtchewwww
If u wnt to kw what kim doz for a living ...shes a reality star duhhh!!!all na hustle!i just love dis couple evn wit all d hate ....oya bad belle pple ATTACK!!!
I love dis couple no matter what.kanye adores kim ,he treats her f way she shld be treated and dat matters alot evn though hes a bitch ass nigga sumtmes.i wish dem d best!
Afolabi bu nnoo ezigbo onye anya ufu. He who does not want a fellow man to be happy can never be. I like Kim, she is a calm person and does not disrespect Pple.
Love d glasses
Nice couple and for those saying kim's ass is fake duhh!! It runs in their family.dats ass is no fake!just stop hating nd dnt compare her to queen b,dey re both unique in their own ways
Kim & her family own a reality show, which on its own can be a full-time job, almost like acting. She own her clothing lines & perfume. Oh by d way she was a celebrity stylist b4 becoming famous.
Awww cute couple.he loves kim shaaa,happy for dem.atlst he respects her more than amber rose nd cnt squeeze her ass on d red carpet.evry woman shld be treatd with respect.evn if u wnt to be a "ho" u can as well be a classy ho!
Poor Bey...
Am sure Ʊ will be 1 of d pple to 1st. Reach dere, d airport go full. Die, cute couple...#Nifemi#
Go drop ur aplication oga stylist
Haha! I know right?
Hilary Obiorah u know nothing, i guess u listen to too many rap songs.......Jay Z is still the boss of Kanye and Kim can't even stand a 100yards close to Beyonce when it comes to achievement, success, money in the bank.
They both look nice
I hope Kanye West is truly happy. He always looks like something's bothering him. Good luck to them.
Ashawos uniting under this comment. We know that crowd was tipped off cause no one cares about them that much. They stay trying to compete with Beyonce and jay. Fucking slut wants to be like the Carters so bad'
You are indeed an idiot. If Dencia can buy her body, who says Kim can't? Even her ex husband that she married at 19 admitted to giving her the money to do all her body surgeries, you dumb ass ass-licker.
Ashawos alike.
How are the Carters fake cause they're not attention thirsty?
You bleaching Nigerian hoes are so lame. I don't blame Nigerian men for leaving you for other types of women.
You're obviously an idiot. "we all have a passed life", yet posing nude for the world to see.
Just admit this bitch is fake and does everything for attention. She has been surgically enhancing her body since the age of 19.
You Nigerian ashawos are so delusional. The ugliest yet always worried about what oyinbo celebs are doing or wearing.
Face your life, ugly!
Thank u oh. Most people here don't know dat Beyonce is the 4th most powerful black woman in the world and 17th generally. she made $115 million dollars from June last year to June this year while kimye are worth $155 million dollars 2geda.kimye are the most talked yes nobody is arguing that fact with you but when it comes to respect and power kimye them no reach.Beyonce is a private person doesn't make her proud. Can you ever say she dissed a fan or she talked rudely to a fan. No. When u compare Kim to Beyonce the only thing I read is how Kim has a more curvy shape than Beyonce. You Kim fans should be ashamed bcos that is the only thing you see in Kim when you guys look at her.SHAME on you guys. You can't compare their achievement, success, respect, money and relevance. Beyonce has been in this industry for 16years and she is still going strong. In five years Beyonce will still be relevant. That babe is already a legend. Whether you guys like it or not.
Alicia,learn to read.we are talking facials here but I guess your sad self couldn't decipher.
You sound very bitter,angry and somewhat ugly.show me an ugly Armenian.its in their genes.Armenian people are 80% lovely.
Awwww Alicia.i see your dark color bothers you.
This Alicia dey very unhappy o.bleaching Nigerian hoes.e b like say na one of them snatch your husband or bf.
Alicia, what's your stress. Are you related to them. WTF. Just because u don't like Kim does not mean someone else does not. And why d hate? Coz of sex tape? Like u don't fuck? Or coz its not seen? Plz go and do something better with your life and stop spilling trash here. I hate fake people in my life.
Ode,u wan die on top beyonce matter,blu ivy and north r still gonna enjoy d same luxury........kim is still finer or curvier than bey! I repeat,hater oshi.
See Kim's breasts sef!!! It seems Uncle Kanye was forced into this contract-marriage. No smiles, no wedding, no happiness again. Nah by force them dey do marriage? Shey bi nah him want to marry celebrity, but instead he got married to porn star at last. #IyawoSaraBetterKim by far.
Stupid copycats. Do your own thing. Do you have copy royals - try changing your title. Rubbish
i love them always
Jesus Christ! Alicia... and it seems you've been feeding on bitterness and pure hate since you were an infant. Just here spilling venom and darkness. Shouting about ashawos and bla bla as if you're the virgin Mary! You could even be worse than Cossy and Maheeda put together, so SHUT. DA FUCK UP! Rat poison is very cheap dear... buy it, swallow a large portion of it and just die. I assure you, You won't be missed at all. This world will be a brighter place without bitter, sad, depressed sour-pussies like you. *sips lipton*
You lie... Bigg big lie at Alicia
Kim reallly rocks, she's trying to be like no damn person, its her time leave it at that!
money cant buy happiness
Na by ring,,,olodo,,,,kanye dressed like a disturbed fellow..
Luckily I am nwa paw paw Igbo girl and don't have to bleach. But the ones that follow Kim K like a religion are usually the ugly bleacher, brazilian, pancake face types. So fake and ugly. LOL!
Nigerians truly have no shame in the world. LOL. People can't see how Kim's face has changed over the last 8 years? You idiots are blind and retarded.
You people would even drink Kim's piss if it meant you would attain some of her beauty.
Honestly, why da fuck does he dress like that even if the clothes are worth $10b. ..
Lol, there's no need comparing, u don't know ny of dem, marriage has got more things involved in it so don't be shallow, so u think Kim dah her life is all on camera for viewers to watch is more real dan Beyonce's dat lives life normally like u n I?, lol u pple r so shallow minded, prove me wrong by giving me 5 accurate reasons u hate Beyonce and lov Kim, just five
Biko how do u pple define fake on dis blog??, Jayz n Bey went on family vacation after making millions frm actually working hard=fake couple, kim (i lov her oh, she's a fashion killa) n Kanye go to airport n children skip scl to come n see dem n snap picture =real couple, power couple, I don't get it , re u guys really dat dumb n shallow??, jeez
So upon all d money them get. They couldn't put on d baby shoes. Smh
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