"I don't know how to say this but he's dead in my flat. I hit him on the head with a hammer in his sleep." Williams told the operatorDoctors say Connor is lucky to survive the assault (pic of his x-ray with the hammer in his head), but he now suffers from epilepsy and has been robbed of his independence. Continue...
Williams was arrested, charged with attempted murder and has been sentenced to 14 years in prison.
According to prosecutors, Williams was a homophobic who hated that his roommate was gay and a cross dresser and told friends that he would 'end up hurting' his roommate if they continue to live together. And on May 28th 2013, he carried out the attack. At the time, he was suffering from depression and was developing schizophrenia.
Williams will be locked up in a mental health hospital until he is fit to go to prison
First to comment
Na wa o, can't close my mouth, pardon me but this story is funny
Onyx take note.
This is nasty...we thrive daily in a "sick" society !
Na wa o, pardon me, but this story is kinda funny, wonders shall never end
He was really hit like badly...... Save recovery is all i wish him......
Jeezz.. Dats sum crazy shit
Nawaooooo! People get mind ooooo.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
GOD AV MERCY..............
Des days pple r careful whn it comes 2 commenting on des kinda tins. U neva knw. Stl attempted murder tho.
hmmm, William should not try going to prison o; they go fuck am up for there. They go h'ammer' him yansh inside.
Between the gay guy and the evil attacker who do u think God would be angry at? I think the attacker. His punishment should have been allowing 10 gays with extra large dicks to fuck his ass, thereafter he will stop been homophobic.
Just imagine the damage he has done to this hapless guy that did no wrong to him. This was the kind of harsh treatments black got and are still getting from whites. Let gays be, they are human beings. Why punishing gays for their sexuality? Has anyone punished a straight guy for been straight? Ths is unfair!.
I don't think his actions "williams" has entin 2 do wit him been homophobic per say I think it has more 2 do wit his mental state. Well dats wat u get wen u put 2 abnormal pple in a room cuz being gay is a mental disorder 2 me.
Hmm.. Na waa!
Onweghi ihe mmadu agaghi anufo.
*My R1.50c comment*
just imagine! carrying other people problems and lives on your head! where did it end him?heaven? or God's right hand? hitting him with a hammer will automatically make him straight? sentencing gays to 14yrs in prison will automatically make dem straight? how did him being gay affect him in anyway?? nonsense ... GOD WILL PUNISH ANYBODY DAT REPLIES ME WITH INSULT.. EBOLA IS UR PORTION
Jesu mi!!!! Wow! The flat mate's a beast!!! A hammer??? A slap woulda done justice or even a fist!!!! Jeeeez! Anyway,i de talk cos e no be me...I fit even use pestle.....lol
and for that useless steve dats is obsessed about pornstar kim kardashian but hates gays,i dnt know which is worse btw being a pornstar and gay.. oloshi.. useless nincompoop
He was gay,he didn't murder anyone.he didn't Touch you.why try to kill him.why attack him so brutally............smh***
This is totally outlandish. Am new here.
Animal in human skin, should be sentence to life
Sitting back and watching the comment section flood with comments from homophobic Libers supporting this barbaric attack
Sitting back and watching the comment section flood with comments from homophobic Libers supporting this barbaric attack
Hmm I don't know if I should judge him or acquint him. If the guy hasn't been a gay hw wouldn't have suffer this damage.... It is well. But on the other hand he should have just leave him alone. No one is perfect!
Its so sad, im also homophobic but wont hurt a fly, gay anonymous and the rest of u in diaspora, are at risk of death, in as much as Majority of u are hated, we hope that u stay safe, cuz ur some1's child, bro or sis, ans they wont want u dead bcs ur gay
Too bad na he shud nt have hurt him cos his gay,is his life.
May God forgive his sins.
Too bad #bright bravo#
... Hmmm, Linda and gay posts sha!. Nawa oo
Wat kinda human being does dat to his flatmate? He shuld av bin a beast of burden
Abeg this one too much. See the trouble he got into because of hate and anger. Enjoy life and let God be the final judge.
I dont like gays, I dont like muslims, I dont like igbos but I do not wish harm or violence towards them. That person was a bastard. So wicked
chineke nna bi na enu igwe.... why would he do something like that? why did he just move house if he was so uncomfortable? Gays are disgusting, but they dont deserve the violence meted against them... :( sad sad sad world
choi wicked..onyxx dis could be u..its nt too late to change..gat a frnd dat can even do worse..I hope d hammer made him straight..................................#KingOfKings
So Linda, why are u bringing up this story that happened over a year ago? Am suspecting u and ur motive.
Now he is going to think twice about being a FAGGOT
wtf dis one is too much haba,serves him rite shuo!, God has d only rite to judge i dnt like d act gay but dat doesnt mean we should go around hurtin them. God loves dis dude really 4 him nt to die
Choi, you go fear na. The guy was only trying to save himself before his roommate peruz his anatomy over night. Thank God he didn't die in the process.
You'd have to have serious psychological issues to hate anyone because they're different from you #fact
You'd have to have serious psychological issues to hate anyone because they're different from you #fact
Many things is happen in dis world ooo,but now u face d judgment#harzad Williams
These America Doctors sef, how does one survive hammer in head? Talk about good healthcare! If na Naija he for done die before he even gets medical help.
Evil all the way. Truth is, he might be hay himself. Thank God for the life of the victim. Let God be the judge amongst human beings...
Each passing day the brain of a fu*ckn white man downgrades by 1percent compare to any oda race it's a price dey pay 4 thinkin dey re superior....
thank God, he still alive
JeEeeeeeeeesus! This guy's head is damaged.
This guy is Evil and deserved to be severely punished. Stupid ass hole #####QUEENMAYA#####
See white people! He commits a premeditated act and still gets to use psychological distress as a defence! This people never fail to amaze me! Rubbish! He knew what he was doing, it's white people with white people problem, simple. Not schizophrenia or nothing like that!
Haba! E reach like that?
Onyx, you vex for dis one o. Why didn't they reconstruct that skull back? Maybe at a later date. How violent can people be? House rent never expire na im make d guy still dey manage with im gay flat mate? Na homosexual cause im schizophrenia?
And u got this stats from ur intensive research into d "white man's brain" ko? Ebola still dey ooo no African has found cure yet na still this "downgraded brain" Leave white man brain and use ur own brain
u dont like gays, muslims or igbos? My dear start 1st by liking urself!
Safe not Save Olodo.....
Hate the act not the "Actor". I know how hard it is to live with these (Gay) people. I know how annoying it is dealing with them on facebook. However, i will never resort to this form of evil. If gay people could leave straight people alone, this world will be a better place. I do not support this act. However, i do not feel sorry for him. As for Onyx, 14 years in Naija prison is no joke. Get help bruv!
And u re so stupid!!!
Who doesn't like igbos nna nwane u re krazy
Market woman, go nd sit down...skinny gay slut.
You're very correct. He who is without sin should cast the first stone. Jesus preached against homosexuality but Jesus would never stone one.
thats the standard kill the gay idiot
thats the standard kill the gay idiot
Really? you don't like igbos and your commenting on an igbo lady's blog..how shallow? nothing good will ever like you!!! #coward
Kam nweta kwagi thr with "I don't like igbos" hammer go too small for u. U get luck say i don repent,I for trace u to dat rat hole u call house.
You be nut case so you are proudly gay??? I pity your anus cos it would soon start leaking! HIV patient like you! Smelling faggot like you.
Haaahaahaa!! Your comment really cracked me up! I di very funny.
If your roomate is gay, why don't you just move out? You're not conjoined at the hip now!
Is it easier to kill him than to just change roomate? This is just pure hatred!
Stay here and be calling Steve. The same hammer na im person go forget for your head very soon.
Useless gay boy. Ebola is your name already. Gay ass kid.
What are u doing on an igbo lady's blog then? STUPID!!!
Faggot! Hw do u compare been straight and been gay? Him get luck say e dey alive,if it was me,na axe i fr take tear him head then tell police it was a robbery attack. Perverted world
It's still Berra to love a pornstar than being gay. Or has d gay stuff affected your thinking??? Stupid boy
If I have the chance, I will slit a dagger in your fucking brains. The guy was even mild on him. Hope that Hammer turns him straight.. Foolish hungry bastard like u.
Is Onyx gay?
Y didn't u just move out instead of hurting d guy? Y? Not good at all. Only made a bad situation worse. ça va?
Do u mean Steveosky? Ok
U should be my twin
Your stupidity really shines through with this your post. Go and keep sleeping with people's husband. When judgement day come let's see who God will say has a mental disorder. You or this innocent man. Fool
Same way you should have just focused in school. Ode
Mhen u xo Gay...see d way u fightn for d gay community. Alex Okubo tk note of this dude....
U obviously hate insults...but, there U go insulting someone.
I really wonder at the level of ur mentality!
This Williams guy definitely needs help.
The guy is lucky to have survived the attack. It proves that unless GOD said that your time is up, HE will surely bring rescue your way.
I wonder o. I'm not gay, I'm so straight. These pple are humans too, gay pple know themselves when they see themselves. They're also shy pple, so they don't don't just approach u anyhow. These attack on gay pple is unfair. I have seen a lot of gay pple and they mean no harm, they go their way and do their thing, you rarely hear them rape or force anyone to have sex, so why hate them? No be person born am as them born you. Seriously these gay laws even in naija sickens me. Instead of focusing on important things, they focus on making silly laws.
I wonder o. I'm not gay but I hate evil treatment to pple generally who have done no wrong. I feel so sad. Why attack gay, it's cruel and stupid I must say.
You're right my friend. I'm so straight and homophobic. May be I'm wrong, but gay pple know themselves, they don't just rush to tape or have sex with u. Why would someone just hate and want to harm them. I have met so much gay pple, they are harmless even when they know u're not cut out for their gayish acts. They have cliques that they make out with. If u're not part of them, they don't hate or treat u bad, why hate and want to harm them? I feel so sad cos this pple are humans like us.
Nawa o
But wait a minute onion abi na onyx b ur name.....like seriously r u a guy....? If so den u need Jesus ....u have no reason whatsoever to justify ur gayism state of mind repent bro and accept Jesus.....telling u dis cos I love,and God loves u more cos u r d apple of God's eyes
Shut up your useless mouth there. Idiot. What kind of punishment is dat. Fucking a man in the ass? Fuck you punk. You must be gay. But regardless I don't think d gay guy deserves this. I feel sorry for him. Nobody should do such to gay people please. Do being gay is evil and against God's command, you must not attack someone like that please. Pray for them and cast that damn demo. Out. Stubborn demons but the will surely leave by the highest authority of our Lord Jesus Christ. That's all we need to do people and not hammer.
Who is this fool? ^^^^
*Sigh* it takes sooooo much energy to hate someone that deeply. Really don't know the circumstances of their shared accommodation, but if he so annoyed to the extent of attempted murder, you had the choice to leave the situation! Now you are going to jail.
Seriously??! Please tell me you are kidding??! "If the guy wasn't a gay, he won't have suffered this." I guess we should all be killed then for all the 'sins' we commit. If man were God....smh!
D ones dat hate gays most are those that are gay themselves but find it difficult to come out, so when they see d ones out with it dey get disgusted which is what I think happened to dis guy if not what is getting him depressed???
Sharrap n stop wishing pple Ebola coz Ebola is no respecter of anybody. Are u bigger than those dt died of Ebola? Do u kn if u or any of ur family members will b d next victim? Naughty boy by nature. Who even cares if u r a gay or not. Dts ur fucking biz .
Quick recovery is what I wish u . gay or straight let's just be good. I won't disown any of my lovely brothers if he happens to b gay God forbid shall , but killing a gay makes u worse than d gay. One love to all the gay and straight in the house. May God give all of us the strength to change from bad to good coz non is perfect
Hammer in his head and he didn't die????? Na wa ooo! See how deep it looks sef!
You're sick. Haha
judgement day is coming, gays beware
the attacker obviously wan hammer his sexuality to STRAIGHT. loool
You don't like muslims and igbos too? what's the correlation with the topic? Very shallow mind. You hate igbos and ur commenting on an igbos lady's blog. In fact soon, someone will use axe to open ur shallow brain. #oloribuku
Who knows ? The guy wouldve woken up with another reason to still hit him ! Sad mental illness is a growing concern amongst the youths in the uk !
the guy should bless the name of God all is life time
This is just wickedness What is own with weather the niccur is gay or not.I just don't understand why some people will put their own problems down and face other people's issue.....its just sad.So my being gay makes u god over me or my life issues?
Seriously most people just need to be more understanding and leave their shallow ways of thinking.....
So sad for the guy and for the beast he shuld be hanged or hammered in the head too :)
Hahahahaha..........Onyx oooooo....u no go kill person.
But seriously.......between d gay and d homophobic who is psychologically challenged?
Now he will face all them gays in prison and how does it affect the battered gay guy?
This gay guys are fighting the hardest war internally than we all knws.......the war of conscience, the war of self discovery, war of denial, war of acceptance by self and society and finally...war of religious sentiments and cultural brouhaha.Trust me.....u cant hate them more than they already hate themselves..........so my advice to Libers.......if u cant help them......dont judge or harm them.........
ds guy is sick!!!!!!!!!! d world iz cmin 2 an end o!
ds guy is sick!!!!!!!!!! d world iz cmin 2 an end o!
Cristiano Ronaldo takes his son to school in Madrid
at d end he would its devil's hand work, mtcheww....He rili deserves to be punished...ahn ahn
@anon 9:21 pm, u said u hate igbos right? Remember u re on a blog of an Igbo galant lady Linda Ikeji.
So, stop been obsessed .
To all those saying this story is funny, i wonder what is funny about a human being attempting to kill another, irrespective of their sexual orientation... and i am not gay. its not funny to me cos no one deserves this brutality
@ tyit, I can bet your stupid ass that Igbos don't like you as well. Are you not a fool to come on an Igbo lady's blog to make such sick comments. Anuofia! *anya_o2003@yahoo.com*
Okikiola, you must be foolish to compare normal with abnormal or are you an imbecile that you can't decipher the difference. How dare you compare heterosexual with homosexual. Which of them was ordained and blessed by God Almighty? *anya_o2003@yahoo.com*
God save us,this is incredible.
He is soo lucky.
My dear, u r carryin a lot of burden wit all dis hatred. It wil do u no gud. Hu on earth do u knw lov?
kaiiii very wicked of him.
kaiiii very wicked of him.
Another retard.
linda stop eating up my comments.
1000000 likes.precise...articulate and matured are d points that earned u this respect from me.
Wish the world is filled with people like u n I.
Kween, wonder what's funny? Oh I remember , sm1 once said on this blog ur a lesbian. So am not surprised..
Ur lines exudes pretence......lies and deceit.u lived with one cos u were a broke ass and needed succor from d fairly darts of wicked and thwarted ego of a half baked wanna be model.
Emancipate urself from this abyss of mental poverty........and hypocrisy and be less vain cos trust me....ur not better than anyone be u gay or straight.
I hate ur comment not u by d way
You are a dumb fool for saying that. this is a serious matter.
Hahahaha is very clear u re suffering 4rm 'Gay depression', I bet is 4rm d feaces rushing out 4rm ur wornout anus due to ur disgusting act I know u where diapers miserable bastard. U don't just live in hell u vacation dere. Modafucker typeout ur name let's see ur gay face if u re so proud of being gay. Stupid Foolish idiot, miserable bastard. Get a life.
Hahahaha is very clear u re suffering 4rm 'Gay depression', I bet is 4rm d feaces rushing out 4rm ur wornout anus due to ur disgusting act, I know u wear diapers miserable bastard. U don't just live in hell u vacation dere. Modafucker typeout ur name let's see ur gay face if u re so proud of being gay. Stupid Foolish idiot, miserable bastard. Get a life FOOL. FAGGOTTTTTTT
Because he is gay and its wrong doesnt mean he should die
Hey oooo!!!What kind of world be this? thank God he is still alive, by dobis112@gmail.com
@keisha what's funny . Till ur dead brain is smashed with brick then u won't laugh anymore . Bloody retard .
Much as homosexuality and homosexuals are detestable, no one has the right to play the role of God on homosexuals...
The barbarity of this stanic homophobe merits the full weight of the law...
The bastard should be fastened to a stake and shot!
Charles arinze making a lot of point....hating someone is a sin on its own.u r not perfect,neither r u a judge that u feel u can harm anybody u feel like that.if so,all fornicators should be jailed or brutally murdered.am no gay, but I don't prefer violence
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