24 soldiers were reportedly killed during the attack which saw the army lose an armored tank to the sect members. Adeboye Obasanjo, an army engineer, was a Lieutenant Colonel at the 3rd Division in Jos, Plateau State and was head of the army platoon stationed at Baza.
Thank God ..it is well with him. Psalm 46:1. BishopDammmy#
Thank God, he's doing fine
I wish him quick recovery
Gud 4 him... Wat 'bout dos who died?? Wat should deir families feel??? Bcuz, he's "obasanjo's son now, we shouldn't hear word.
Thank God for his life
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It is well
Awwww, thank God.
Awwww, thank God.
First to Comment...
Good for him. He no pass the people wey don die...
Wahala Dey Town !!!!!!
Atongo is a house boy who
drinks his Boss' wine with
impunity then adds water 2
cover his tracks. His Boss
became suspicious & decided 2
buy pasties (a French wine that
changes color if u add water;
just like dettol). Unaware of this,
atongo, drank from d wine as
usual & topped it up with water.
Immediately he added water, d
pasties became milky & he knew
he was in trouble. When d Boss
came back & saw the changed
pasties, he knew he had nailed
atongo. Atongo knowing he was
in trouble decided 2 stay put in
d kitchen when his boss came
home. The Boss having told his
wife what he observed now
swung into action.
"atongo!", he called from the
sitting room.
He answered: "Yes, Boss".
"Who drank my pasties?".
Atongo: No answer.
The Boss asked again: still no
Then d Boss went to the kitchen
2meet him there: "Are u insane
or what? Why when I call, u say
"yes boss" but when I ask you a
question u don't answer me? "
atongo retorted, "hmmm oga
when u are in d kitchen u don't
understand anything at all,
except your name" "Is that so?"
asked the boss, "Okay, go to the
bar stand beside Madam, while I
go into d kitchen; & then, you
ask me a question" atongo
When his boss was in
d kitchen he shouts: "Boss".
"Yes, atongo" Boss answers.
Atongo then asks, "Who goes
into the maid's bedroom when
Madam is not at home?" No
answer. D boy shouted again:
"Boss, I say who dey sneak into
d maid's room when madam no
dey house?" No answer. The Boss
runs back from the kitchen
shouting "Wonders shall never
cease! Atongo, It is true o, when
one is in the kitchen, one does
not hear anything, except one's
D wife now very angry,
interrupted, "that's not true. It's
a lie! Without argument." Atongo
asked if she'll enter d magic
kitchen 2 be tested. She agreed.
Atongo asks madam, "Who's
junior's biological father? Me or
d Boss? "Madam rushed out of
the kitchen. "This kitchen needs
2 b renovated
Thank God for his life.....
Good news! Get well soon. Linda I delivered my 2nd baby on the same birth date of my 1st baby, that's on the 5th of sept. It's so rare, I bless God for safe delivery.
boko boi as call for war with obj
Thank God for his life.
But this guy is very very lucky.With the stories I heard from my friends down there,anybody who escaped that attack should dedicate his life to God like saint paul.
thank God for him
Thank God for his life.So OBJ's son is fighting BH too?
Good to know.
RIP to the ones not so lucky.
*My R1.50c comment *
May the healing of the lord come upon him amen!!
I dnt believe in the media anymore bc the have failed nigerians the keep giving us contradictory stories so annoying....alancash
good for him. BOKO HARAM would be the happiest at this news, cos they know the length of his capabilities
Wishing him Quick recovery.
Save recovery is all i wish him.....
The Joy of the Lord is his strength, he is healed in Jesus name. God, pls punish Boko haram!
Thank GOD he is responding. May GOD continue to protect our soldiers - Amen. Boko Haram, ogaghi adiri unu mma. ########OTUoCHA
Lindodod highest reporter eva is waaa 4u...continue!!!
Sorry ooo . by dobis112@gmail.com
This will turn to political point now. Extra publucity.
Thank God.
Thanks be God. Praying for his full recovery.
Thank God for saving him. God will grant u quick recovery.
Sad news
Ah what a big shit i think de govt shld act quickly bf they kill all thier sons.Obasanjo arise and fight your enemies ooooooo
This is what makes this country wrong he was not the only one wounded a lot of his team members were also wounded 24 died nothing is being said about them they want to turn this guy to an over night hero and celebrity guy get well and resume the battle jor
But seriously though where do these BH men get their liver and weapons from? Somebody in a place of power or who is very rich is supporting them and mark my words, if they don't desist they will bury all their family members one after the next before the end of next year. So evil. I pray obj jnr heals fully
My father. My father thank you for this good news. To the 22 who lost their lives protecting this land, pls console their loved ones. This is so sad. When did naija become this way
Lt. Col does not command platoon....2nd lts or Lt. command platoons.
Congrats Nne. That's wonderful, thank God for safe delivery...
"Was a lieutenant colonel" is wrong, he's still a serving lieutenant colonel in the Nigerian army, injury doesn't remove a person's rank, Linda please take note and be guided accordingly please. Ignorance in law isn't an excuse.
Thank Goodness!!
I respect Obasanjo and his son for their bravery. Boko haram would have been history if Obasanjo is still head of state.
*Yawn* dry n old joke ....better luck next time
But why in God's name should it be that anyone will know that Obj's son is in the Army fighting Boko Haram? How is this intelligent? Msheew!
But why in God's name should it be that anyone will know that Obj's son is in the Army fighting Boko Haram? How is this intelligent? Msheew!
Thank God he is alive, I wish him quick recovering
who says baba no be true nigerian to have allowed his son to lead soldiers to fight bokoharam, lets others also lead by example and follow baba's footstep.
Why ar u so wicked wit ir comment.
Speedy recovery officer
@Bonita, you are absolutely right. As I write this right now, we don't know if my uncle who is a conel is alive or not. I am just heart broken. They r shouting Obasanjo's son up and down, what of my uncle? He wasnt even mentioned and we don't even know the truth about him bcos he too was there.
God help them, not for their sake but for Your names sake.
Broken hearted
thnk God for recovery but obj should experienced wot is happenin to his country
glory be to God... congrats
I tell u
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