"I am not gay, and it is very annoying when people make such comments. There was this girl that added me on twitter. She was like; ‘Tell me the truth, are you gay?’ It was so annoying. Some people think that for you to win the pageant you must be gay and men must sleep with you and all, but that’s not true. I just wish I could do a story and the heading will just be ‘I am not gay’. People have concluded in their mind that we are gays. Even when I was profiled on Linda Ikeji’s blog, there were comments like, gay alert; the guy is gay and all that. People feel if you are a male pageant contestant, the only hard work you need to do is to sleep in the room. That’s a negative thought, but I believe a person with a positive thought won’t think like that. For me, you just have to be positive; you just have to believe in yourself. I have gone for pageants that I lost (Mr. Tourism Nigeria), but that didn’t stop me from going for more.What does he think of gays? Find his answer after the cut...
What do you think about gays?
Actually, it’s bad in our country. It’s not right; God has made it a man to woman, not a man to man or woman to woman. It’s very wrong, just like its meant to be a negative to positive not positive to positive or a negative to negative, it’s quite bad, I don’t think it’s cool.
Mtchwwww! Next jor
Libers are u hearing?
Good for him,he can even release a sex tape to buttress his argument.
Ok we have heard you.. But mind you some people will be watching you from 3D. Good luck to ya
Nna you don turn celeb S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ expect worse n dnt let ple nasty comments get to you!!
Mr Universe Nigeria?! These pageant people need to come up with inventive names! Universe ko, galaxy ni.
you are too ugly to be gay. LOL
Only in nigeria, you can come out and declare your hate for the LGBT community,display your stupidity and homophobia and nothing will happen, try it in america.
Oya ugly fat miserable obese nigerian, start insulting gay people. (By the way,Who the f*ck is this dude)
GAY. Condemn what you are doing, Nonsense!
We don hear. #####QUEENMAYA#####
Leave tory jare..if u be u go admit am b4?...Male modeling so not sexy jor#maopinionsha o#
ok, we are clear. Okporoko babe
The gay thing is the reason why i am a bit reluctant to start a career as a model. And yes, it is very prevalent in the modelling world.
He just said he s not gay! Y are you not gay?
And so fucking what..! If u r gay or nt just fuck off
You are not gay?..hmmm..ok.
That's wat every gay man would say
I AV NOT RECEIVE My LIB GIVEAWAY MONEY. Lemsworld@yahoo.com. I Was Number 19
I concur bona
Lolz,@bonario,u no well at all, sextape abi,xoxo springlilly
stupid judgmental faggot like you...Why are you defending?
i really dont see wats so annoying in someone asking if ur gay, for goodness sakes if ur straight, even if a gay person approaches u, u just tell d person no and forget it ever happened!
You would like that, won't you? You want to see him naked.
Who says you was gay? They just ignorant mofos man!
Who care if your gay or not. Nigerians are close minded people.
Na lie jare. Its not as if we expect a gay guy in nigeria. To publicly declare he is gay
@bonario if bad belle no kill u den u sure wud live long...@francis kip flyin d flag...
Nonsense! Straight guys don't come online to clarify their sexuality! Stop deceiving yourself
It's weird how all these guys release statements to deny being gay. Wake me up when one comes out the closet, Linda. The Ugandan high court has already reversed the country's recent anti-gay law. Where was the nigerian gay community when this was happening? Still hiding.
Only deeply closeted homosexuals. Feel the need to deny it
I dnt expect you 2 say ure gay,cos its not legalize in Nigeria except u wan spend 14yrs for kirikiri...reporters shd stop asking foolish questions like dis cos they wld get lie as answer most of the times.
what a homophobic douchebag
Bonario oh! Lol
Lool...weyrey! #kri
Ok oo. We hv heard you
My guy no be gay o so haterz back off!
Yeye pikin
Poor boy. Pele.
Bonario....... u ehhh......
They say yhu gay,yhu say yhu nt,let dem send their sisters for verification.simple as fvck.haba!#iamswish#
Are u sure?
Hope u r telling us the truth. Doris
if u are not gay how come u always put on a wig, dress like a girl and sing all beyonce's songs in your room... boy! lol don't mind me o im jes playing with u, dnt mind LIBers we kno u not gay but there are aloh of them in the industry even here on LIB
U don't think it's cool or it isn't cool, make up ur mind dude! Seems to me he's confused...dat statement just proves my assessment right! *smh*
Who wants to know
Y so pained! R u a lesbian?! Or u in support of d whole gay bullshit?!
wot would you av said ehn???. abi no be que concept organise am???. tah! #talking frm xperience o
wot would you av said ehn???. abi no be que concept organise am???. tah! #talking frm xperience o. linda post oooo, coz d dreadlock organizer guy na ur friend
wot would you av said ehn???. abi no be que concept organise am???. tah! #talking frm xperience o. linda post oooo, coz d dreadlock organizer guy na ur friend
Gays claim to be straight and straights claim to be gays, they know u as gay, don't just lie out here go ask the girl who cought u on man act. We knew that gay guys always cover up by saying homosexuality is a bad thing we are not fools anymore so tell the truth.
Thank God u spoke well about being a gay. It is very bad and stinky. Nothing can be worst than that.
owk oo
Some Nigerians re so stupid nowadays any guy dat is handsome is labeled gay, he is mr universe doesn't make him gay if u call d guys gays automatically u re sayin d girls (queens) re lesbians pls libers stop d name calling it hurts
Some Nigerians re so stupid nowadays any guy dat is handsome is labeled gay, he is mr universe doesn't make him gay if u call d guys gays automatically u re sayin d girls (queens) re lesbians pls libers stop d name calling it hurts
Some Nigerians re so stupid nowadays any guy dat is handsome is labeled gay, he is mr universe doesn't make him gay if u call d guys gays automatically u re sayin d girls (queens) re lesbians pls libers stop d name calling it hurts
GAYYY!!! now run along and cry some more.
GAYYY!!! now run along and cry some more.
Okay guys, i have been following Linda's blog for a while now with less comments but carefully reading every fans comment so far and here is what i have noticed....Dont take this personal, but i think our famous Bonario Nnags is super GAY,from his selected post to comment on to his phrases.....i compiled a psychological list of his comments and did an over view on them. The result turned out to be that there is an 85% possibility that Bonario Nnags is GAY. like i said, just an Observation
Ur head no correct o! See space wey only u chop, u no wan leave 4 odas? Ojukokoro
Does anyone actually care whether he's gay or not?
You dis stupid nuisance, getaway and go and find something 2 do with your life
well dont judge so that u wont be judge thats all i have to say!!#CrUz
Lols wat if u ar a gay ? Ar gays nt pple wat is wrn frm being a gay anyways ?moreover ur ans ar nt straight ~ice princess~
Oga mark of the devil! Ur head dey dere I tot same tin o.....Mr Uni"versatile" biko why are you not gay....u even have such hypocritical mind to condemn what we all know you are or at least did to get crowned! F*ck you nigga you just fall my hand next time I see you ain't saying hi!
Lmao u no well.
Oga nokia which sex tape? This wan na bttm o...with that hin small prick...who hin wan fu*k ! The first part of his story was aii...I didn't find anything wrong with it o...nothing wrong with trying to save your image in this country! But for him to now have the temerity to swear off gays like shit he's in for it! Oga we've fucked before so pls stop the pretence already
Linda bttr post all my comments oh this guy is gay shikena we've done it before
All those LIB readers with bad mouth
That washed this guy when Linda posted a congratulatory message here on LIB
Shey una don hear
Him say him no be gay
If una like make una carry am for head
Like goverment work
Guys, Do you want a 'serious' relationship? Try
BV HookUps
Drop your throne make u go work like straight man! Faggot
That's why africa is not America. ..just as they're set in their ways, so are we....so fuck outta here and miss me with the bull.
The one fucking ya momma's brain.... ugly fat miserable obese nigerian? I'm ghanaian but I can't say ur an insecured homosexual prick, ironically a nigerian living abroad.(so what are you, since to u Nigerians are fat ugly obese and miserable). Ewu ajengule. Kwaaaaaaasia
Lmaaaooo naija una no go kill person sha....
who cares?
Following guy comments in and out! U even more a gay than the guy! Takes a thief to nail a crook!
Every handsome guys in Nigeria has a gay tendecy, the only thing is that Nigeria is not a gay friendly nation, that makes Nigerian men hide under women to cover up their homosexuality. Believe me I don't trust my boyfriend this days.
Na wa o...pple ar full of hate..esp d GAYS ar bitter over d comment...dis dude I kw very well, his full name is Egwuatu Okwudiri francis from nnewi and a final year student of Futo, him don collect my babe b4 sef and na former Engine boys presido...@his party last Friday he ws wif his girl friend havin som lovely actions in d club...He is so so straight stop d hate...
Plz if you're gay just be proud about me...am a biz woman so am shipping in a container load of diapers for sale....plz incase u start licking, contact me...lolz
yet gay people made win please don't let me talk on this blog oo I know your story
sharrap there.........why wasn't the last Mr.Nigeria labelled gay? Are u the only one that has gone for a male contest before? Gay oozes all over u
Y"all making stupid n unreasonable foolish comments about this guy (Mr universe) guess u don't have anything cool to comment. He said he's not gay, leave it to that and stop talking trash, and to those claiming he has done something with them be ashamed of urselves, this is not America, it's Africa n Nigeria 4 dt matter n wen homo*** is being legalized here in Nigeria then u can speak. Fools butt out, u all comments r irritating n sounds like illiterates. I can't handle
He's pissed off his ex boyfriend with these denials. The ex came to LIB to denounce him.
anon 9:44 i absolutely love ur comment....HOMOSEXUALISM is ILLEGAL down here so yes he can get away with it....and can u just be positive for a moment?...just cz u had to sleep ur way to the top does not mean everyone at the top of their game had to do same
All this space for what though?
Bitch please! We both know the drealock one has your ass booked
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