She explained that Oscar's reaction after killing Reeva shows he didn't have criminal intent, hadn't foreseen he'd killed her. She said he could not have faked his reaction minutes after the shooting. She even dismissed the whatsapp message between the lovers, saying relationships are dynamic. She also said evidence did not support the state's claim of second degree murder.
"The state has not proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of premeditated murder. There are just not enough facts to support such a finding'- she said.While he's not guilty of premeditated murder, he awaits to find out if he's guilty of culpable homicide (manslaughter) which is the negligent death of another. It means there was no intention to kill but the killing is unlawful. The court has adjourned for early lunch.
Didn't I say it? Refer to my earlier post in the day. I said we already know what the verdict will be. May her soul RIP.!!
not guilty....... funny
Thank God, am so happy wit dis news
Chineke na God!!! Hmmmm..... Well, she's human. Only God knows what went down that day. Let's wait 4 lunch.
Choiiii! Ds guy thoooo. U escaped
Wat?? That's unbelievable
Wow...we all knw he was no going 2 be found guilty....my after all dis while...
I thank God for an impartial judiciary.
Imagine his fate in the hands of public opinion.
May facts always prevail over sentiments.
I admire the Judge Masipa a great deal,goes to show women have so much to offer to our world.
Lets watch as the other counts he's been charged with goes.
On a normal day,I wouldn't want to see him sentenced. But Fiat Justicia ruat cealum.
We are still waiting for the main thing cos I think this guy is quilty
"The world is indeed a wicked place."
ILcity's Finest.
Uhmmmm This Judge ehen :/ :/ :/
Wow...i just hope this is justice
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like seriously????? not guilty my foot!
I won't be surprised if he is found not guilty for culpable homicide too.
yawn*** and we didnt see this coming? Lol. Its a celeb world o! Nonsense. shame on you judge! how much they pay you? *spits to the left
I guess oscar is gonna be free at the end of the long story the judge is reading,he is already started crying like he always does...God bless the dead
ukpaaaa!!!! this law wit so much confusion
The case is getting interesting
Waiting for the last chapter
Ok waiting to hear the second verdict
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Verdict in progress......nhmmmmm he will be so cold
Only God and Oscar know the truth.
Best advice guys. Buy a Gun. Multiple rounds. The world is unfair. Better to Kill, than be Killed. Whether in Nija or south or Yankee. Wherever. No Justice for the weak. And the Dead.
Atlast he wil enjoy freedom.
see this oyibo people! He killed the woman, murder is murder abeg! What consolation do they want the family to take?!
Why now, how can he not be found guilty of Murder, haba this is not justice ohhh, why now
Ljnda I've been following it today and if has ruined my day. I'm so upset. It is clear this guy intended to kill the girl! I guess she's following the law and not the truth!!! I know it won't bring her back but it's just not fair.
This is real #Bluemurder!
Thank God. This guy was just a victim of circumstances
What???? Chei! there is God o
Oscar u are da only person DAT knows wat happened DAT fateful day.rem u can deceive da world but u can Neva decieve God.congratulation
Princess the Comedian
Hmmmmmmmm only God knows!
Finally! Good for him
Princess the Comedian
He will still do time tho
Linda Ikeji why are you too Jumpy,take a chill pill,the judge @ this point has only rule out PREMEDITATED MURDER...she's yet to deliver her verdict, most like a homicide.
The Law.
He will get off lightly even if found guilty of manslaughter.
Lol. When ua big in dz world,ua indeed big. I'm sure they wont jail him
happy for him somehow
Arrangyy is all I perceive...
Dis is ojoro
Dey should send dis Fucking nigga to jail
But he hasn't been cleared of possible homicide. Until after d lunch break.
Hmmm ok ooo
Odiegwu.... now we know that there are more corrupt judiciary all over the world.. flimsy excuses. let us all go and be killing and then start acting afterwards. i pity her family sef. this is not justice.
I saw this coming.
This man has had his balls handed to him. I wonder how many times he has wished to just lock himself in a toilet n just shit all day and have someone tell him the story afterwards....
Wow! No further comment.
i cant believe ds, my mouth stil wide open
i just cant stop crying ....................these is so unlawful reeva stemkamp died horribly omg ................... vengeance is of God not the judge
his prayers are answered.
Hmm good 4 him
ehh ehnn see story!
are you kidding me!!!!!
Hmmm.. what a shame. so what he is saying now is that he killed an intruder in his bathroom? why will he mistake his girlfriend for an intruder? isnt it weird that an intruder will be hiding in a bathroom. it makes more sense that he pursued the poor girl into the bathroom ans shot her. and he's not guilty? the judge is crazy.
#Idonbilifdis#. Like seriously, a man , no need for a juge to tell us is guilty, walks away with murder. God protects us all. another killing license given to men.
Not Guity Bawo?
I knew it wld come 2 dis. RIP Reeva
Hmmmmmm ok ooo
ahh ,the world is waiting 4 dis judgement, i pray his jail time is minimal,his action was unintentional.
This is not happening......how wont he be guilty after killing his girl friend. Anyway, lets await the second judgement.
Are they really sure that Oscar Pistorius is not guilty?
Really though?!
I'm stunned. It goes to show that God really is the ultimate judge.
God knows and sees all.
I knew it.....there is no way he would be found guilty..even if he was...Crazy
Worst news ever....i really hoped he'll be found guilty
Ladies na so u dey c am! Wasted d pretty babe's lyf
Leave wen d ovation is loudest.
WTF!!! I just knew it ...I no say dem go n set this guy freee....
hey!!!!! chineke hmmmmm
His heartbeat will be beating so fast by now.
hmmm judge
Na wa oooo wonders wl never end.
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What! Are you kidding me? Manslaughter is not enough. He'll probably not spend his entire sentence in prison and be out early for parole with good behaviour. SMH! This is a lesson for women, settling for men with low self esteem. I feel so sad for her family.
we dey watch am for cnn.
I am not following this case but as it is now it will be difficult to find oscar guilty of manslaughter. It will be difficult to prove that he was negligent as to whether or not reeva was in the bathroom because that largely depends on whether or not he cared if it was her in the bathroom. There is a chance oscar would be set free. If he can't be charged with murder with intent, how can he be negligent when his testimony shows that he thought he was dealing with an intruder. The prosecution might have a hard time arguing manslaughter.
I knew it. A killer will be set free. Only God knows what has happened behind closed doors.. Oscar is so guilty even a blind man knows that.. smh!
Whether guilty of murder or not.
D judge beta find him guilty of any other charges against him.
hmmmm. dearis God oooo
However they want to twist grammer, d shooting was not ones, anyway another Simpson`s case, it will end up to be.
She must be high on drug.i can see that corruption is even every where.not only in Nigeria
"The LAW is an ass"....
good for him but he should remember this is just a judgement of man as God's judgement is supreme.
At this point, I must say that I'm really disappointed at the Judiciary in South Africa for this verdict. So what then is premeditated? Afterall, the evidence presented by the prosecution counsel was glaring. It was obvious Oscar shot his girlfriend in a fit of rage. How do u explain the fact that you and your girlfriend were in the house together, and you discovered she wasn't beside you. It means you acknowledge the fact that u weren't alone in the house. Why then did you pull a gun? If truly an intruder broke in like you thought, why didn't you call your girlfriend out to find out where she was before taking the so-called intruder out. It defies logic. This is just annoying that the blood of an innocent woman would flow without proper justice.
... Hmm, i knew.. Hmm
This is a lie!!! This judge deserves to be hanged
He didnt do it..lool..free oscar abeg............................#KingOfKings
Dat judge is crazy!!!
OMG neva saw dis coming, buh I know sum pple ll wana chop off my head buh am happy with dis news.
Absolute rubbish
Hmmm. .. There is God oo!
Aversion of justice.
Wow i pray he will be set free
HOLY MARY!!! That woman is fool, after Oscar admitted that he was guilty, I heard the judge reading from her computer, that Oscar admitted that he did it, anyway lips sealed till after lunch break
I agree with her saying that relationships are dynamic...that's so true.
Rubbish, I'm so mad right now and i hate dat judge??? this guy is guilty.where did he think his girlfriend was when he was shooting 4 damn times? all it took was one'honey is dta u or r u there or where r u before pulling the trigger like a lunatic. the whole system is messed up. feeling sorry for reeva's family,,,jeezzzzz
na waooo there is God oooo
court.....i rise!!!
no justice anywhere...na wa
Who says money can't buy you happiness? Oscar case have proved many wrong with enough cash exchange hand then be rest assured of your happily after committed any atrocities. God pls bless me on time oooooooo
It is not over yet.
The lawyer did a good job to compress the crime into something discardable. Its either ways.
»_»_• \0/ ^FORTUNEDEXC£L@REDIFFMAIL.COM^ »_»_• \0/
Nonsence !the idiot sht someone and d Person Died and he's not guilty ????
Na God go purnish dis man and d judge join!
Premeditation murder or first degree murder occurs when a person plans and intends to kill another. This is a crime of passion. Second degree murder or manslaughter is more apt. Whichever way , his career may be ruined for ever.
Useless judge has been bribed..... FUCK SA!!! I hope Oscar shoots and kills the judges children.
God know d best
Oscar Oscar!!!
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Fuck that judge
I knew it would go this way...
wow! so he escapes being convicted of premeditated murder.his one lucky guy
OMG. :))
I just knew it. I wish i could trust my hunches the more.
pls post mi comment
Nawaoh for law, this beyond reasonable doubt is very huge ooh. Oscar, Don go scot free be that. Black Is not black unless you can prove it. #onlyGodknows
Am highly disappointed, fuck d judge, fuck d whole process
OK ..... Lets wait and see the end of this all
He got lucky I'm happy for him
No no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This lieing bastard should be behind bars for the rest of his miserable life! Is there any justice left in the world? #tears for reeva #cry her a "reeva"
Wow... Thank God for him. Congrats Oscar. He'l be having his best sleep in a while
Way??? Dis guy must nt go unpunished.
At last Pistorious is free.God knows the best.
Thank God. Not that i support that he killed her but to prove to people that he did not do it intentional.
Wat??? Dis guy must nt go unpunished.
Am happy for him..
Ok o,let me get my gun ready too since its easy to kill ur cheating girl friend and evade justice..!
We will wait and see what happns. #####QUEENMAYA#####
Oscar must go to jail dere is no doupt about it he is a murderer.Mickycoal
MTSEEEEEEEW.Arrant nonsense.So hez now a free man.Ok.the social scandal and isolation stories up next..
Reminds me of the Oj SIMPSON TRIAL... RUBBISH
So far, so good.
We await the verdict on Manslaughter which I have personally believed to be the case.
Pretty tragiic all round.
What a waste.
- AE
RUBISH...he should be convicted of mudder bcos na him shoot and killed that fine girl just bcos the babe date another guy.Nonsence corrupted judiciary in africa
Na wa so ds guy wnt get wt he rili dservs,deir is God sha.
So far, so good.
We await the verdict on Manslaughter which I have personally believed to be the case.
Pretty tragiic all round.
What a waste.
- AE
God is the perfect judge, He doesn't compromise.
It's a crazy world. You've to keep calm, or else one will go mad.
I agree with the judge, and with Bonario.
But Bonario what dyou mean it shows women have plenty to offer the world? You didn't know that before? You needed an SA judge to prove it??? How patronizing.
wow...feeling soo euphoric ryt now..linda just posted mi comment fr d first time...lolzzz
All I know is that if he did what he does intentionally and he escaped judgment on earth, he won't escape it on d final judgment day when christ him self will judge. Am out.
Shut up dis bat, do u even think ur smart? I wish you are a girl. Feel like calling u one. Idiotaramus! Ur name alone shows you are one low life. Steveo! Armed robbers name. Smh
Why hide under anonymous to stalk someone? Be bold and dig it.
Spot on...this stinks of payoff
Yes i thought so..those were tears of joy for himself
And Reeva and the guy who was in the house at the time and his mate who hevrang before ambulance and all the people who heard her scream and everyone on the planet except the judge..(except she knows too really)
Of course not..it was Reevas fault..she obviously shot herself through the door to make him look bad
Me too...the bail was a clue
It still is
Ha ha...makes you wonder what is behind all this..the judge is acting like his defence lawyer
Of course he was only doing target practice with dum dum bullits at 3am on toilet door..it was her fault for not wearind bullitboroof armour
Lets have a whipround for the poor chap
Well he cried so he can't be guilty..the judge is as thick as pig shit...BAIL?????? Ive known people refused bail for dropping litter...he's gonna climb outa this smellin of channel no 5 ...he's gonna make zillions
What the F$$K
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