“When the going was good, they took vows on the altar of God to stay together in sickness and in health, until death do them part. They promise to make one another faithful partner in the presence of God, their family and friends and vow to be each other’s faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. (with their separation ) It shows that they cannot live by what they preach. The Bible says: ‘What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.’ So why are they putting asunder what the good Lord has joined together if they are men of God as they claim?”Okojie saidAsked what the development portrays for the Church of God, the cardinal replied with a question
“What Church are you talking about?. It is not good. Are they true pastors? Good shepherds of the Lord are expected to do everything to shepherd their flock including their spouses even when they err. If God forgave us in spite of our filth, why can any man who is truly called pastor not forgive any malfeasance?”Okogie blamed the Corporate Affairs Commission, CAC, which registers every organization which goes about deceiving people in the name of church, noting that there are several “useless” institutions that have been registered churches which are currently painting the Church of God in bad light.
Source: Vanguard
1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»Rightly put your Eminence,you hit the nail on the head. a long in mocking God that just with the stroke of pen,an Institution instituted by God himself is pulled down.
Seriously I'm so speechless about this issue. Only God knows His own.
I am so disappointed by the respond of Arch. Okojie. No one prays for such to happen in a home, if it happens, it for us who are still standing to pray for them. I beieve you can only understand what is happening a little if you are married and have stayed with a wife for 10 years.
Things happen to people you do not have the right to analyse. If you so concern about what is happening in CEC, kindly get in touch and see how you can help resolve it.
You do not have the right whatsoever to question another man ministry. He is a man of God, let God justify.
Throwing stones
My lord pls tell them,am tired of dis divorce things y wil a man of God mislead his followers,divorce is nt an option both of them could hv work this trouble out,nd go bk to y dey choose to b wit eachother,I rest my case,only God wil judge#bebo
Can't wait to hear chrit embassy faithful launch at him....hehehe...odikwa egwu
Pastor Okojie pls pray for them and stop blaming the CAC for restle not against flesh but against principalities and powers ,as u can see the kingdom of darkness is fighting the kingdom of God ,so I advice u pray for them rather than blaming at this point
The Lord is good
I seriously don't like when men of God make other men of God the topic of their sermons. It throws me off completely. One of the ministers in my church did this today and I didn't like it one bit! I just stopped listening when he mentioned Christ Embassy. It looks like a lot of people were actually waiting for something like this to happen. Now they can't stop talking about it.How stainless are you??
Correct! That is my Archbishop Emeretus of Lagos speaking! Tell them! Useless idiotic deceits confusing their members. *spits*
Really shocked at Bishop Okojie's words doubting whether someone was truly called. He is in no such position to judge. If we go down that lane, then the Catholic Church as a whole is an abomination. Popes and priests molesting children, practising bestiality. He should apply wisdom in his utterances.
Hmmm. Ife neme
You hv no right to judge
God help us all. Mentoring and mentors.
No hard feelings I beg your pardon, but who are we to judge? ...
Pastor chris is an adulterer and a liar. Thank God he has turned into the laughing stalk of the town.
Truth be told, truth be heard#
Thanks your Eminence....no matter how much leaves try to cover ripped fruits, the birds must always see them...the truth will always prevail...#kachi Qatar#
Oga bishop please ask your own self if u are truly a bishop when you judge like this... judge not so you will not he judged, remember? When you point one finger at someone, what happens to the rest.
I AV NOT RECEIVE My LIB GIVEAWAY MONEY. Lemsworld@yahoo.com. I Was Number 19
My beloved Cardinal, I think u should have just stayed out of this. No need commenting on the lives of other clerics.
Thank you Bishop,u have spoken my mind.........God hate divorce nt to take of it in d house of God and even among pastors
Simple n short! Gbam!!!
This is DEEP and we'll said... What God has joined together, let no man put asunder...
who is olubunmi okogie to talk!!! does he think we have forgotten his atrocities?he should just shut up!!!!
Anita please do everything you humanly can to stop this marriage from breaking. I love the two of you together. I am a staunch practicing Catholic, so never and will never become a member of your Church. I believe so much in God's word which says, what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Please Anita help your husband. Motherhen
What about those Rev fathers raping n molesting young girls, does it mean catholic is useless organization which shdnt be registered?
This is no time to gudge but time for one to prepare for his or her creator. Their is no church in heaven n we all must individually give account of our lives to God. Make yourself ready ist.
May God bless u sir with more wisdom,,,,,,,,,,,,
How many true pastors do we have in Nigeria? very few. Most pastors are into rituals, fornication, adultery, stealing etc. They have so brainwashed their members. Mtcheeeew.
Is it bcos his case was out in d public,. I'm catholic yes,.do not judge!.. #onlyGodknwhispeople!.
Bishop Okojie please shut your trap already; you have only found an opportunity to express your long inhibited bitterness against the minister. You are not God so don't Judge.
Are you God? Mr Bishopu
see as e the sweet Bishop
God bless you cardinal
By their fruits you shall know them. If you as pastor collect tithes and offering based on scriptures and you can not live a righteous life in the fear of GOd then,disgrace and shame can not be too far away. Materialism has taken over the essence of the gospel,how wont satan have a free reign. Cheap and lazy people parading themselves as servant of GOd. I pity their followers
Bishop you are not God o. Stop Judging
Bishop Okojie please please please; you have only found an opportunity to express your long inhibited bitterness against the minister. You are not God so don't Judge.
Bishop Okojie please please please; you have only found an opportunity to express your long inhibited bitterness against the minister. You are not God so don't Judge.
Forget all this talk about till death do us part.. You die spiritually so f**k*** many times in life. Adam and Eve didn't die physically when they disobeyed God. Now in the Bible it's said that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery.. Believe it or not, Anita also has her own stuff going on people may not know about. You might be shocked that Chris even know about her own affairs.. Living separately will gender different things mehn just saying. There's definitely another man Anita's life take it or leave it.. She in love people..
May God Judge you too to tell you what is good and not good in your own life
Mr is better you don't involve yourself in this saga going on, mind your business and face what you are called to do. Let them solve their problems
Bishop na you holy pass. Thank u
Ask them o #####QUEENMAYA#####
Well said! Cos people go to these men of God for counseling, how are you gonna counsel anyone when you can't counsel yourself! Leaders lead by example.
Taking a vow when you have nothing is different, fulfilling the vow when you have everything is another thing
Bishop no be today una start to fight Pastor Chris o but somehow him dey always win
"Vatican Defrocked 848 Priests for Child Abuse"
Dear Cardinal Okojie, it would have been nice if you also spoke on the the issue of Catholic Priest involve in sexual abuse. Some molest young boys. Some are into 'inappropriate sexual relationship'. Your colleague, Cardinal Keith O'Brien is one of them, he had to step down when the truth came to light.
Bishop Okojie please please please; you have only found an opportunity to express your long inhibited bitterness against the minister. You are not God so don't Judge.
True talk ellaabhoh@gmail.com
God will take absolute control.
Bishop thank God you are not God because if men where God eihn!
Cardinal God bless you for Judging; You are now God
Thank you my able cardinal emeritus.I wonder what they will expect from their congregation
########God punish devil#######
All men are same! Pastor or no pastor, they can never be faithful. Ladies do not be decieved. No matter how much a man loves you, he still cheats. Women too could have been unfaithful if not for our culture and the brain washing. The only reason why his wife is divorcing his ass is bc she has stayed in Uk for long where they reason differently. Shes tired of the pretence. I wish her d best.
I expected the Bishop to give an advice and not completely judging who God calls and not.because in the end is God that knows who belong to him so he's not in any possition to judge.
Is it good for Priests to be Pediofiles? u nor the deceive pipo?
CAC bla bla bla
ok nah!, for those of you blabbing about people judging God's anointed, wats ur take on this one said by a co anointed man of God?????? Silly midgets.
who made you a judge?
Please dont cast any stone because the catholic church is even worse off, with all the atrocities carried out by Rev fathers and the church keep covering for them. Pastor chris and wife are humans irrespective they claim to b next to God.
una don finally see news
well said bishop divorce is a sin.they should go to God for help and anita needs to calm down!
Corporate affairs commission my ass... If them wan ban church na your Church them suppose start from because of Pediofiles
Bishop Okojie please please please; you have only found an opportunity to express your long inhibited bitterness against the minister. You are not God so don't Judge.
With all due respect Sir, what do you know about marriage? Talk is cheap. It's easy to criticize. Let the people with years of marital experience speak, not you Sir.
Whether Cardinal or wetin them call u... which one be that na... wetin con consan u u be God????
Ok cardinal okojie are u perfect,are u not human please stop criticising him as a true man of God all u have to do is to pray 4 d couples nd nt try to paint dem black.nd am nt his member I just don't lyk it wn people think dey ave d rit to judge others .grace b
Very well said.
He could not have said it any better. .. when people talk, they will say "judge not" I will continue to say that I pity everyone who will rather worship his pastor, than to study his bible and obey it's principles.
You are so correct Cardinal. All manner of people opening places of worship.
There are element of truth in dis argument and I strongly believe a good christian should be able to sort out their deference no matter how difficult it may seems.
Having been said Anita,their is room for reconcilation.Neva seen where divorce solved any problems.If atal it wld send sm spines to our other numerous men of God out there that ppl use as their role models witout them modeling themselves aright. Quit disturbing reading such abt christains let alone born again and front runner so called pastors.
I totally agreed with him.You are on point sir
the same Bible also says u can divorce ur spouse if adultery is committed! these people are human too! they are no super natural beings cos they are pastors
So, is Cardinal Okojie speaking for the church or personal opinion? As a mouthpiece of a religious organization in the country, there ways to pass message across without insulting and castigating others. regardless of what's going on between them, Cardinal should have made comment about the struggle of accepting our differences at home and what steps to remain cohesive as a family and not a personal litany
the same Bible also says u can divorce ur spouse if adultery is committed! these people are human too! they are no super natural beings cos they are pastors
oga, go and sit down. What do u knw? Are u God to judge them? And it was d wife that decided to divorce him. Get ur facts ryt before opening ur mouth to talk trash.
This man should STFU.they are only human . everyone has problems. They are dealing with their own problems.people should mind their own business and leave this people alone.it is not his place to judge them.he without sin should cast the first stone.
....and you are the true Pastor???? These catholics trying to stay relevant...mtcheeww
Tell them my cardinal
well, am speechless cos God is the Chief judge n him alone has d final say, but l tink d Bishop is right according d word of God. (chynnatu@gmail.com)
Their problem
Are you any better Sir???? Judgement is of the Lord, please note!
Are you any better Sir??? Judgement is of the Lord, please note!
Their problem
This priest sounds like he's taking cheap shots at the competition. The only time that people here accept that it's not good to remain in bad relationships is after one of them kills the other or inflicts serious harm. Let Linda not have to report about a tragic incident between the Oyakhilome's for people to understand that it's ok to walk away when the going gets too bad.
The world is coming to an end, hurriedly. Save our souls Oh Lord, let us not perish. Amen.
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thunder strike u, dis Catholic tin, are u God, don't judge ur fellow man, are u perfect, ?
They are motivational speakers. Chi
Thank u Mr cardinal, it is God knows the true pastors or churchs. I want also remind u that, CAC are not in any position to determine spiritual standard of any Christian ministry b4 registrying it as a CHURCH.
Don't think it's ur place sir to judge. Only God knows what othe men of God do in secret. Even reverend father's many of them hv families, n girlfriends. Some come into campuses wit tinted cars to track girls. So pls let's not be fast to accuse others. Let evry1 face their heavenly race!
Oh please keep quiet. Where were your biased/judgmental/short-sighted comments when YOUR colleagues who should have been protecting children were sexually molesting them instead? Hypocritical!
Cardinal Okojie, Chris Oyakhilome is an Ishan man and a fellow christian like you not minding the fact he is a Pentecostal Pastor. Why not invite him or speak to him in private like a father instead making this kind of statement. Catholic Priests no holy pass oh! They are some bad ass Reverend Fathers and Sisters. They make celibacy vow but them go hide go fuck. Who is fooling who?
How come we Christians rejoice in the downfall of another christian? Y should a pastor rejoice or mock another pastor? This denominations in christiandom has brought competition, strife n jealousy into church. God have mercy.
preach preacher,well said
My dearest bishop u r telling dem the truth they do nt do wat they teaach they do nt hav shame. Doris
Do not sit in judgement of others. Let us pray that Jesus will reign in the heart of every Nigerian
I hate that phrase "ordinary members". We are all same before God. Nobody is ordinary. A pastor is just a guide not an "extraordinary"
Its amazing how Christians wait to hear bad news from another and go about granting useless interview. Bishop, 'let him that thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall'. Bishop, has this news moved you to pray for this minister of God and his family? It is only in the christendom that we kill our wounded soilders. Let God's will be done for His name sake and His kingdom.
That's correct sir+i totally agree wif Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ #iamswish#
oga Wetin concern you? na tinz way concern Pentecostal church we dey hear una voice.
The bible says judge not, so who made you a judge?
cardinal, are u aware that according to the pope Fracais himself, 20% of every Catholic priest is a sexual
parv and that was why pope Benedict reigned?
you duty is to pray for sinners even is dey go by any religious title and not to condemn or judge them bcos they mortal men too!
NB: I strongly dislike Christ Embassy Church.
i be catholic member.but shey he concern am
May GOD forgive u..
A leader leads by example
Hnmmm! Dis is kinda too heavy
Well said His Emmence, God bless his holy Church.
Catholic and proud
Well said His Emmence, God bless his holy church
Catholic and proud
Cardinal, ur comment shows that u r carnal - highly political. U r God that will judge d church of Christ. Ur so called catholic is holy yet they legalize gay marriage and wedding with pregnancy. U r not any better. That's if u don't have a family outside with another man concubine by d side.
As far as am concerned dis is arrant nonsense. via my Q10.
Is this not the same Okojie dat did his own during Abacha's era? I beg free Oyakilome! He who is without sin should cast d first stone
Dear cardinal, who are you to judge.
Catholic church dont sweep anythin under the carpet.I am not sayin that some priests dont engage in despicable acts but once they are caught they ll either resign spontaneously or force to resign.Therefore,this have made most of them to be conscious of the kind of life they live.Now,tell me who ll tel Pastor Chris to resign?have Pastor Okotie stopped pastoring?
He just spoke the truth.
Spot on... He should stay out of their matter more so as he has never been married before. He is being judgemental
Shut up ivy Marshall, tell me one thing wrong with wat bishop said,i feel it also hit u where they said wat God joined together. Let no man put Assunder, are u also putting Assunder in people's marriages, no hiding place for d wicked, u too shall face God's judgement if u don't repent for real,home wreckers every where,nonsense
@Ivy Marshall,Ministers of the Gospel should live above board. Cardinal Okojie obviously have no skeleton in his cupboard otherwise he wont be bold to make the submission as he did.
Okojie, mind your business. Is that okay with you? You nor be God.
Mr Cardinal, be careful!
Dts d issue wit Nigerians, we never wnt to b told d truth, to u as a christian, wt is ur stand on divorce, n I am sure u knw dt d vow is "for better or worse, in sickness n in health, in good times n in bad times" so nw wt is d justification fo a divorce?
All of u writing against what he said are in denial, the fact that there are some priests tnat stray does not mean the truth must not be said., Anita said the hussy is an adutrer. Whether u like it or not.
Bishop biko park well haba !! We all know tge athrocities committed in d catholic church. If u are xalled u will pray for them. We are all living under Gods mercy. No one is faultless.
You that is casting stones on them, are you sure of making heaven?
Am sure all of you that is judging them will soon be disappointed bet me.
With d kind of uncontrolled dressing code in that church. One will xpect more of such scandal from d pastors. They only can tell what they normally view in those half naked skirts from d altar.
Shat app your dirty mouth
Shat app!
Ta, shat app!
Chicken head dats wat u re,must of u worship pastors not God
God's judgement wld start from the church-so many pastors re wolf in sheep clothen
who is he to judge odas and most expecially family problem....is not his fault cos he has nt tasted marriage b4 xo i understand
Bona I respect u a lot.I even placed ur twitter updates on my phone noticification.but I disagree with u on this.Never judge a man of God.let us leave God to judge Pastor chris.
Foolish old priest, who are you to judge, am so disappointed in you Anuofia....God punish u for calling another man of God fake
U r a fool & u sound like a disgruntled tart
May God 4give u
True, I don't expect any spiritual leader to comment, especially in area of pointing fingers. He has made some notable points, but please let us remember that it takes two to make a marriage work, but one to destroy it. Let's leave them to God, we are all answerable to God at the end of the day. All our actions would be judged #word
God have mercy!
Abeg mk we hear word, let's call a spade a spade. He has every right. & thrz nuffin wrong in what he said. Read 2 understand & not reply.
Joy josiah or what ever u call urself,thunder will stike u first b4 any other prsn,you hypocrites don't lyk hearing d truth.Truth be told if truly he is a man of God he shouldn't have neglected his wife needs
Well said
U re a fool
the rate of divorce among these so called pastors is alarming.
the bible says there should not be a re-marriage after such divorce. Do these religious leaders heed such injunction?
the rate of divorce among these so called pastors is alarming.
the bible says there should not be a re-marriage after such divorce. Do these religious leaders heed such injunction?
Man of God u should be praying for them not judging , you that claim to be righteous , the Bible says do not judge so u be not judged, him that thinks he stands should take heed least he falls, let him that thinks he stands streghten the weak in love, I know u never called him for once to know the situation of things , all u do is come to media to castigate him, u never commented on the pope saga of paedophile, TAKE HEED.
Pastor Chris is not helping matters, he just call Rev Anita immature and this is the same woman that co authors Rhapsody of Realities with you and has been your wife for over 20 years. This is the same woman you called the Grace that covers the ministry. What a shame!
He just gave an advice,let's tell ourselves d truth Biko.Linda you have never posted my comment why?dis is my s2nd comment in dis alone,shld I pay u any fee before u start posting my comments.I tire for you dis woman
He just gave an advice,let's tell ourselves d truth Biko.Linda you have never posted my comment why?dis is my s2nd comment in dis alone,shld I pay u any fee before u start posting my comments.I tire for you dis woman
I wonder what dis world is turnin into.u kall urself a bishop n u still dnt knw wat d bible says abt not judgin...r u perfect n besides all dis toks abt their issues..do u live wit em,do u rily knw wat d problem is yet u capitalised on dis to say wats bn on ur mind.well dey nid all dis critics to move forward.d bible neva said it would b easy n we must go thru diverse temptation n so unfortunate bishop u allow urself to b used by d devil n I hope u dnt regret ur actions...
U wil eat your words,I promise you that UBGE HAPPINESS
Some people should join the gestapo! Which one is 'people shouldn't comment'? They are public figures, what they stand for, as well as their actions are in the public domain so we are free to comment. If we were praising them now, you wont say its their business and we shouldn't comment. Double standards!
I av always said Muslim. Easily brainwashed, I didn't knw it is worse wit Chistians, wen an objective comment is made concerning a clergy 4m our denomination it becomes a war of words, d cardinal didn't judge, (4m my opinion) he only observed n asked a few questions, wen will we all c past priest n pastors n hear salvation, n besides he granted an interview, he didn't wite an article on d couple, he is nt perfect, none is, dia is no perfect church, we all av sinned n fallen short of God's glory, bt dia r pple we look up to n gt disappointed @ wen dy fall short of hw we rate dm
I tink we shd read to understand n nt attach,
@anon 7:08 PM. He was just being diplomatic. It was a statement put in form of a question.
Come Pls catholic na church? If person wan talk for this matter na person wah never marry befor go come put mouth. Pst chris and is wife matter is non of my business but I hate wen catholics talk about christian things.. Becos I hv bein in catholic for like 15years is all going back and front same old story. The made christianity boring. I never comment on christian thing but not wen someone tht call himself a bishop comes to talk rubbish here. Hv him being married befor. His he God? If he say he reads is bible and understand wht the word of God says he will knw tht same word of God says man should not judge.
Abeg make catholic people go dey Abeg. Tht na church?
I love this man for his brutal truth.... DOUBLE GBAM
You Cardinal Olubunmi Okojie have skeletons in your cupboard. I will expose u if you do not apologize
i've tried sendn contributns without gettn thru.i heard sm1 call d cardinal a foolish old priest,d word he neva used thru out hs comment.jst dt am sori 4dt fellow.can any of u b a celibate al ur lyf jst as he is.i thnk d legal institutns shld b removd,judgement is Gods'
I dont blame you I.have always told you you think and talk like a fish on this forum. I dont blame you because I dont expect anything better from you. But I am suprised at the so call "HIS EMMINENCE" who have not dealt with his CANS of WORMs in his house but is here bashing another person. I wonder how perfect things are in his house with his friends and colleagues sleeping with Rev Sisters and parishioners and also sleeping with young kids all over the world.
Pls remind your ARCH BISHOP EMERITUS that he has more than enough issues to deal with in his SAINTLY AND GOD ORDAINED INSTITUTION. if only some christians will just shut up talk less pray more and read their bible more.
Laughing stalk to you and your co horts abi. Shame on you I will not be shocked but ashamed to hear that you are christian.
@Uyim, wow!!! I'm amazed at your comment, no wonder Nigeria is the way it is.
Who is he (cardina okojie) to judge
U are such a nonentity ivy marshal
Linda be careful what you post. Give people news about the country or what will better their life.
There are preachers and there are men of God. Which one are you .
My dear your right..they've all have said a lots of things about chris and it didn't stop him now they think this an opportunity. .well it cant stop christ embassy...life that chris has touch shows everything manner he talks and he always say pray for ministers not talking baf against them...this man should say pray for him even if chris is not a pastor we pray for homes that are happening problems not talking bad against them
Seriously I wonder
Na wa for people o, you will not carefully read what the Bishop said, before you start insulting him!
Its sad that some people will just jump into conclusion after reading something, they will not take time to understand it, the Bishop has spoken the truth, they took a vow and they should stand by it and should live by example cos their congregations worldwide, are looking up to them.
I honestly can believe I used to read lib just to see your comment but now u r nothing but a common fool @bona, please return to your first luv (nokia 3310) cos this lumia has taken away your sense. As for my honourable cardinal pls don't diminish your respect by speaking in ignorance, bless u
All these hypocrites bishops , nigerian journalists and satanic bloggers.you dont verify things before u publish....no true christain should point finger at another..thats d ministry of satan..d accuser of d brethern.if u hear a rumour or bad news abt a christain, pray for them, dont smear more dirt cos it wud come bk to u a hundred fold, and that goes to u too, lindaikeji!
Uyism is he judging, ? Did u read it well?u guys hates truth,but bible says be known for truth,always stay on d way of truth,dis man just simply said d truth, pls tell us exact line where he judged,remember dat bible says if u see a thief and delight in his ways,u will share d same punishment with d thief,lemme tell u guys d commandments of God can never be changed,if u like turn it upside down to sute ur sinful ways,God is not a respecter of person.He is a just God.
This men and women of God are just human like me and u, may God help them resolve this issue, cause whatever step they take will affect other people's lives. ( single, living in d U.S, any single lady in U.S interested? My email krisoseki0024@gmail.com.
May God have mercy on all of us.
Well, most of this pple were not called by God so i'll understand when they speak like this. A truly called man of God will realise that if a world reknown pastor like pastor chris falls, it affects the whole christian world and brings gives room for many unbelievers to justify their filthiness. He should talk as a father rather than take glory in their supposed divorce news.
What is the logic behind the bishop's comment? this is 2014. which world does he live in? So if you are in a relationship that's not working, you should stay in it regardless of the situation, because of the promises you made in your wedding vows? Its unintelligent thing to say. Makes me kind of question his leadership.
Harsh but very true. Guys, Do you want a 'serious' relationship? Try
BV HookUps
Harsh but very true. Guys, Do you want a 'serious' relationship? Try
BV HookUps
You have no right to judge
Bonario u re a fool. I tot u had brain. U nd ur fathers shud first solve d probs of fathers slping arund bfore u talk abt anoda pst.. Stupid pple
U dat read to understand ended up commentin rubbbish. By their comments u shall knw dem, catholics
Idiot. Only God will judge afta u av finish judging dem. Okojie is ur lord nd even ur saviour. Kip worship him
Thank U jor. Sumone wit brain, not dat stupid bonario nd d rest haters
Its obvious u av bn brainwashed wit d catholic doctrine. Empty brain. Keep spitting on urself. Imbe
Stfu bibbe or wateva. Go learn hw to spk beta eng.
Hilary well said abi? Dnt let me hate u ooo. Re U high on vit C? Wat has he said now dat makes sense???
Its just like me asking is bishop okojie a true bishop??? Questn indeed
Hilary well said abi? Dnt let me hate u ooo. Re U high on vit C? Wat has he said now dat makes sense???
And Anita told U dat in person abi??? Fish brain!
Nd ur bishop has said d truth nw abi? Bigger fool u re. Abandoned her needs, like u re Anita,s ekatte so she told U all.
I guess the Catholic church should not have been registered either. Child molestation is a crime, divorce is not.
i reserve my comment
lip sealed
God Punish PASTOR OKOJIE and his ministry for having the guts to talk that way to his fellow pastor. All pastors have downtimes because they are human beings too. How dare u cardinal come to d public to defame ur fellow pastor when u can on d contrary seek God's face on his behave. Cardinal Okojie, Go to hell and fuck yourself off.
God Punish PASTOR OKOJIE and his ministry for having the guts to talk that way to his fellow pastor. All pastors have downtimes because they are human beings too. How dare u cardinal come to d public to defame ur fellow pastor when u can on d contrary seek God's face on his behave. Cardinal Okojie, Go to hell and fuck yourself off.
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