The newspaper had in the said publication written in part "it is not a secret affair as his terrorist activities in the state are fully documented". Continue...
newsmen yesterday September 11th in Umuahia the state capital, a member
of his legal team, Chief Chukwunyere Nwabuko said former Governor Uzor
Kalu had been using his media platform to publish libelous articles
against the Governor and his son who he says does not hold any political
position in his father's cabinet.
The suit with case number HOH/2014 has a three-point claim which includes
“The sum of N5 billion as damages for libel; an unreserved apology to be published in at least three editions of the Daily Sun Newspapers; and an order of perpetual injunction restraining the defendants, their agents, privies, servants and associates from further writing, printing and publishing of the said libellous matter or a similar one against the claimant.”
A Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Livy Uzorukwu, has been employed to be the lead council of Orji’s legal team.
Serious Gobe. Ama fold my hands and watch how it unfolds
Ok see your mouth like Billions
*** Blacknfly@gmail.com ***
Aren't they ashame? next pls by dobis112@gmail.com
Terorist son of a criminal father. God will judge all of you thieves. idiots. Shut up your stupid mouth
STORY FOR THE gods,wea did he get such amount.
We patiently wait for how the drama would end. John 10:10-11. BishopDammy#
Damn, five billion..... Which car he dey plan to buy for so long......
This is exactly why they called you a terrorist, since March, Na now day break?
Let's go there..I love court cases#iamswish#
Nawa oooo, see how he mentioned d money sef.
okay then
Nonsense. NEXT!!! #####QUEENMAYA####
I'm am from Abia state and on behalf of Abia citizens, we re affirm that Chinedu Orji is a terrorist and even more. U can fight all u want in d courts but God's superior Terrible judgement is urs, ur father's, ur family and generations in this life and in the live after. It shall never be with all of u, the blood of those u have killed and ur terrible tyrant rule of wickedness will continue to speak against u forever. Just be watching........ ur cup is full
The truth is that the governor and his son are crooks. The son is a bully and a thug, every body in umuahia and its environs can testify to that while his father is busy raking the state's public fund into his pockets and it seems that the FG care less about the under development of that state. So I am not surprised that SUN used that name against him.
Since they said his terrorist activities are well documented,it will be time for them to reveal the content of the document.
Abeg, they should free us. All this things are political.
I totally support it. The Sun for a longtime now, is been used for shady reasons. OUK and his cohorts!
Apt lawsuit. . . Associating the word "terrorism" to anybody now without facts is unacceptable.
see the idiot ewu gambia, him and his useless stonned father have rendered the state hopelessly useless n u have the effrontery to sue for 5bn naira idiot of worthless value 5bn. u n ur useless fsther n mother will not die well. watch and see monkey
Gov. Orji Uzor Kalu and his Sun newspapers have really crossed boundaries in their unguarded criticisms of Abia State government and Abia State. Simply because he couldn't dream of, let alone achieving a tenth of what his successor has achieved. Hopefully this lawsuit can put he in his rightful position nicely.
Abia God's own state hmmmm ikuku vs ouk!
chinedu the local Abia-state terrorist u can never achieve anything in court unless God has been dethroned, hv u ever counted billion in ur life let alone sueing 4 5billion, u said u are ikuku n had been stepping on so many people's toe bicos of ur stone-hearted father's position.
The Ex-governor of Abia state Gov. Orji Uzor Kalu clearly is unhappy with the current Governor and won't let him rest. He continues to criticize him unjustly with his publication toy; The Sun newspapers. Calling his son a terrorist though in this period of no-tolerance for terrorism is completely unacceptable. Hopefully this lawsuit will humble and keep him quiet for sometime.
wetin u be? That one na under statement,,u and ur criminal papa n family wey go soon go oblivion..bull shit.
Let sentiments not cloud our judgement. It is very obvious all OUK does with that his Sun newspaper is print libellous things about T.A. Orji and his sons. Orji has done far more for the state than OUK ever had so he deserves this lawsuit coming to him and his paper.
Ghen! Ghen! He will win o. This is character assassination.
I see Sun News not as a news paper company but as a tool being used by the so called OUK to fight his political opponents, honestly the Sun news will not have any other thing to publish when T.A leaves office..
Th formal governor of Abia state has shown him self to be a terrorist to the state, from the first day T.A took over from him he has not left the government alone.. sometimes i ask what did he forget? to do in the government house. i think he should appear in the court to explain why he has been using his news paper company, the Sun news as a media weapon against the state.
Abia is the worst state in Nigeria, Aba is dead and stings like hell yet this delussioned man and his clueless father are dwelling in the illusion of their own lies. The Time of reckoning is fast approaching and they will be made to reap what the sow.In 7 whole years no single new road was constructed, no new schools or hospitals, no airport and not a single fly over exists in the entire state yet the shameless governor spends million on AIT and the print media showcasing projects that are not in the state. We abians will not wait for God to punish him, we will rise against him as soon as he is striped of immunity with litigations. Chinedu and his father are jail bound, if I were them I would have ordered heavy renovation of all prisons in the state knowing that's where we are headed. How can they even attend a wedding anywhere in abia state after thier tenure without being stoned. SMH.
Orji Uzor Kalu and His Newspaper; The Sun will loose this case. I wish it will just crumble his empire. Enough of this desperate man biko. Let Abia state be.
If I were OUK, I would have gone back to school and complete my education first. As a politician it is essential.
Chinedu Orji is a good man,he has done a lot and we have heard about his exploit in helping the less privilege,we love him,and as for OUK ORJI UZOR KALU,he is a fool a failed man,we will not take him serious ....OUK is a failed man.
Theodora Odochi Orji fake name fake identity, you are speaking for OUK not for me. I am an Abian and I am proud of CHINEDU Orji. He has done well to get the youths to benefit from empowerment
Sun and it's owner that shameless Orji Uzo Kalu should leave the governor alone to continue his good works in Abia. Kalu has served his term he should let The governor serve his own term. He thinks Abia state is his private investment that is why he is he'll bent on coming back and being relevant. The things The governor has achieved since 2011 when God delivered Abia state from the bondage of Orji Kalu and his wicked mother and family Kalu could not achieve it in 8 years.
Hahahaha no wonder i see vendors who sales Sun News papers going around begging for buyers because people now know that they have nothing more to write than fake news and pictures of Aba. OUK is Nothing than a criminal who wanted to drain Abian..shame OUK
OUK FAILED US,we are the people of Abia state,what does OUK wnat from us in abia state ,after stealing to make himself richer....?shame on Orji Uzor Kalu....shame to Orji Uzor Kalu,he should bury his face in sand of shame
Hahahaha. . . Is Orji Uzor Kalu not tired of forcing his demonic oppression on Abians. The Current governor has done 10 times better than his mamacracy Govt. But this man won't let T.A Orji be. He continues to use The Sun newspaper, his newspaper to worry T.A Orji. Bikonu, Orji let Abia state be bikozienu ooh?
I overheard some one saying that Sun News should be closed down for publishing fake and false stories against Abia State,i support that
I am from Abia and I love Ikuku Abia, the young man is an enigma . He is not like other Governor's kids you see abroad wasting money. Ikuku is at home and touching lives indirectly
That useless orji UZO Kalu should know that Abia people are tired of him. See that killer that killed his deputy governor Nwafor in broad day light coming out to call the man who God has used to bless Abia youths a terrorist. He should go and ask all Abia youths they will tell him how CHINEDU Orji has bettered their lives in different ways. I am not even from Abia but I live in umuahia and I know what young people like me have to say about CHINEDU Orji
ORJI UZOR KALU has been on the news on Abia for some time now ,but what does he want after 8 failed years of governance ,he should be apologizing to Abians for a bad work he did..now another governor came up and trying to sweep off his bad deed ,and he is making noise all the time in the news.ORJI KALU FAILED US
I hear the OUK workers run their mouth here, OUK should be ashamed of himself cos if you go round the 36 state of Nigeria, there is no formal governor that is still pug nosing around the sit they left is only Orji Kalu that thinks that he left something in the government house that he always uses his Sun News as a weapon to fight the government.
Never commeneted on this platform before but seeing this post am forced to do so. Chinedu Orji is a strong version of Boko Haram. Im a native of Aba and i know how the news of his terrorism flies. He goes about bullying people with his body gaurds. Sun Newspaper wrote the undiluted truth.
Keep Aba clean-His Papa no gree! Terrorise innocent Abians patching life in my abandoned state-Son get first class.
Shame to OUK that till now he is still a man God has used to clean up all the mess he left in the state.
The Sun newspapers should be held responsible for damaging the image of citizens. It is unfair to malign one no matter what
The fool OUK should find some thing more reasonable to use Sun News to do than to be fighting T.A that is fear more better than him.
Why should one be called a terrorist when he is not, it is evil especially now that terror is a big menace in the world. He must proof it and the court should do the right thing cos we need to stop blackmails in this country
Ikuku that's what he calls himself, he is the one ruling d state. He is exactly what d paper called him and more. Bloody civilian acting like a military dictatorship. Bia Nwe ta kwa gi, nwe ta kwa gi, ife nga eme' gi, ife nga eme' gi. In phyno's voice
These stupid people that will stay in different parts of Nigeria and not visit Abia but will be the first to leave stupid comments about the governor and his family. God will judge you first as the bible says you should not bear false witness against one another. Come to umuahia and see the wonders the governor is doing stop sitting down in God knows wherever the hell you are and talking rubbish. What can Abia boast of today that was achieved during the 8 years of untold suffering and hardship under the rule of the tyrant and killer Orji UZO Kalu.
But obviously this picture of him says it all naaa! He looks like the paper claim. You hold no office nd u re parading urself as " wind" idi onu ka 5billion... mtcheww
I so much hate this Orji Kalu because he is a criminal.. he nearly killed Abia state if not for T.A today, OUK is such a foolish political who thinks that painting some other person black will make him look better
who cares about ORJI UZOR KALU,after mulling Abia for 8 years ..faailed man trying his hands to bring someone down.
Ikuku that's what he calls himself, he is the one ruling and terrorizing d state. He is exactly what d paper called him and more. Bloody civilian acting like a military dictatorship. like father like son .....Bia Nwe ta kwa gi, nwe ta kwa gi, ife nga eme' gi, ife nga eme' gi. In phyno's voice
Let him go ahead with it, its none of my fucking business. Let's make cool extra cash, click and register www.referbizpay.com/?ref=7508
I lived in Aba for more that 12 years... The problem Aba is facing today is OUK..cos he just took all the state money for his slok airlines and his shipping biz.. what a criminal.. he should appear to the court..for all his nonsense
The son of the Abia state governor is a well know young man by all Abians to be an honorable man who has touched the lives of youths in the state. OUK is very wrong to use such a word for him.
ouk cant stop making us laugh..please igbere man ,go and chop the one you stole during your tenure ,we are clapping for you OUK go home igbere is calling and stop making false news on newspapers.Abia state has forgoten about you ,Uzor Kalu.
Theodora odochi orji you are a citizen of abia but an imposter. Nobody including sun newspapers has the right to call someone a terrorist and in what sense. Ouk should pay the said fine and tender an unreserve apology to engr Chinedu and his family.
OUK should let Ochendo be..we are going to deal with OUK after 2015 politically. He will still be off radar and then may be he will tired of writing Abia
It baffles me some people claim to be abia citizen when they are imposters. Nobody has the right including the sun news papers to call someone a terrorist and in what sense. Ouk should pay the said fine and tender unreserved apology to engr Chinedu and his family.
i think it is well within his right to demand his fundamental rights as you do. i take exception to the position that people vehemently insult people on the news media. it is uncalled for? Nigeria has suffered from terrorism and we have lost lives in thousands and properties in billions due to bomblasts and suicide bombings. families were destroyed and breadwinners were gone. i suggest, everyone, should desist from the use of such words as it provokes unwanted memories of loved ones. lets be civil in our posts and if you have no tangible proofs backing your hatred towards the governor's son, PLS SHUT UP. the Gov taught the youth how to fish (and feed themselves for a lifetime) as regards to giving them a fish to eat for a day. He has technically eradicated political thuggery from the state as the youths are gainfully employed and fend for themselves. i wish my state governor would do same.
i think it is well within his right to demand his fundamental rights as you do. i take exception to the position that people vehemently insult people on the news media. it is uncalled for? Nigeria has suffered from terrorism and we have lost lives in thousands and properties in billions due to bomblasts and suicide bombings. families were destroyed and breadwinners were gone. i suggest, everyone, should desist from the use of such words as it provokes unwanted memories of loved ones. lets be civil in our posts and if you have no tangible proofs backing your hatred towards the governor's son, PLS SHUT UP. the Gov taught the youth how to fish (and feed themselves for a lifetime) as regards to giving them a fish to eat for a day. He has technically eradicated political thuggery from the state as the youths are gainfully employed and fend for themselves. i wish my state governor would do same.
Even the issue of sheriif former borno state governor and yet to be declared. Has not been called a terrorist, why would ouk use his sun newspapers to call a well meaningful abia indigene a terrorist. Let's call a spade a spade.
People like Orji Kalu will not hesitate to blackmail in order to get what they want. His praise singing of the Presidency is because he probably is waiting for his OML or he is bidding for one of the refineries for sale
In less dan 8 months time his father's term will be over. And d karma I know is a big bitch. From experience I know dat In less dan 2 yrs after 2015 dis guy will be a pauper. No evil can go unpunished. After all Orji Uzo Kalu is receiving his reward now. I don't pity him one bit. Watever I sow people......
I believe that u are one of the most idiot shameless person we Hv here .i believe u Dnt even knw where Abia is located so u better shot ur useless mouth
He is a worthy son, and an Engineer . OUK is not his match. Ikuku oma Abia we are behind you. OUK must pay dearly.
Let the law take it course. OUK must appear in court.
No one has the right to assassinate anyone’s character, OUK using his media sun to antagonize T.A and his entire households is wrong. I the Engr.Orji for taking a right step to redeem his image through a competent court of law.Anyone who call himself a leader should be careful in his choice of words.Our own Ikuku cannot be call a terrorist especially now the world are so worried in the activities of the militants terrorists across the globe.So all the steps he took is in a right direction which should be encourage by all well meaning Nigerians and Abia in particular
Th formal governor of Abia state has shown him self to be a terrorist to the state, from the first day T.A took over from him he has not left the government alone.. sometimes i ask what did he forget? to do in the government house. i think he should appear in the court to explain why he has been using his news paper company, the Sun news as a media weapon against the state.
Abia during the time of Orji Kalu was a dead state in terms of development.So why is Orji kalu clamoring every day on news? Son of Gov T.A is a nice man.So he should sue OUK for defamation of character.
As for their OUK, he destroyed abia, am happy all of you here mention only Aba as a problem, if ochendo has worked in all other areas except Aba then thank God because he has done so well.but am even sure he has preformed hundred times better than the Aba man himself Orji Kalu .
This is really serious
Huge money case
On the other part, I won't 't say the info that the newspaper has is fallacy
For enemies of success, let me tell, Engr. Chinedum Orji is already made and there is nothing anyone of u can do abt it. Let d Sun newspapers come to court and defend it. I bet you they will go bankrupt.
Nobody is testifying any raking of state's public fund. Come to abia state aren't you seeing the good governance projects visible all over the state. The sun newspapers will proof to abians how engr chinedu is a terrorist.
I leave in abia so tell me what t a orji has done for 8yrs ...is it the good road or electricity, go to aba the only major town in abia state, abia state people are suffering crying and praying that 2015 handover should tomorrow morning and you there praising them just wait very soon they will use you for sacrifice.....
The only thing I see here is that people are using th sun to blackmail and underming the young man. For crying out loud terrorist isnt a good descripption of a person. On what basis is he called a terrorist. In civilized world lik Europe or America, U dare not call someone such a name of U will go down for it. Hate him as U want, is it fair to call him a terrorist thru such a publicised way. This is outrageous.
Nigerians now know what Orji Kalu is doing with Sun News Papers..Orji Kalu should go answer to the court for all rubbish he is using The Sun News to do.
The timing of this lawsuit is apt really. Hopefully it will curtail the excesses of The sun newspaper and it’s owner who have stopped at nothing to ridicule and paint a terrible image of Abia State government and Abia state as a whole. The word “terrorism” is not to be handled lightly and people must come to this realization.
Abia is God's own state and has enjoyed peace and tranquility and above all love for one another. For what the sun newspaper has done is totally disgraceful. It shows that they have left true journalism to witch hunt individuals who pose as challenge to their boss. Leaf abia alone because critics from the sun newspaper will not return their boss to government house again. Take a look at pages 40-44 of the today punch newspaper and see what abians has suffered and what we enjoy you. There is a BIG difference.
By making you a taxi driver, wait just cool that car will soon kill u
Publishing a libelous articles against any person is a serious offence OUK must face the penalty.
Chinedu Orji is not a terrorist !!! Orji kalu himself is d terrorist. , Stupid man
OUK will not only go to court he will also pay for deceiving Abians with Sun News papers
OUK is a failure
OUK has been a terror to Abia state govt. As if the present govt is the cause of his predicaments. He should go back to school to be educated first. How many times do I hv to tell him?
Ikuku is a proud son of Abia. simple. you can't take away the honors due to him.
Nigeria is not a lawless country and people should b held accountable for their actions. Call someone a terrorist unduely is jxt not fair. The sun should go to court and explain
SUN deserves to pay more than that. Why would a newspaper company publish what they are not sure about. The should pay through their nose this time
Only fools will listen to ORJI UZOR KALU,he should know he is a failed man.
Only fools will listen to ORJI UZOR KALU,he should know he is a failed man.
That I will always support so that THE SUN NEWS PAPER will learn from their mistake and advice their so called Boss / Owner to stop beating about the bush.
Uzor Kalu and his Sun Newspapers are not being fair to Abia State. You can't be serious and objective using your papers to attack your State, the Governor and the family always and expect God to be nice to you, OUK judgement awaits you.
I wonder if the sun will have anything to publish once gov. Orji leaves power in 2015. All their articles are malicious slandering of the governor and his children and its so ironic because OUK who is throwing stones is by far the worst governor this country has ever seen.
Imagine OUK hahahahaah If i be governor T.A 's son i will sue him for billions...mad OUK.a failed man trying to come for senate ,he will fail again.
Ikuku is a proud son of Abia. simple. you can't take away the honors due to him.
We are in big trouble. When i see imposters commenting that Abia is better now, i begin to imagine the reason why even at its peak, the truth can't be presented.
Abians have been in bondage for the past 16years right from the time of Orji uzor kalu and T.A. Orji. (The Orji's). Infact, Orji Uzor kalu was and is still better off than T.A.
@chima Aham, Daniel Onyema, Anon 3:43pm and just a few are scoundrels, lying, sick dudes still sucking rotten breast milk.
The truth is that Abians need a change. The state is in shambles and a mess. the worst state.
Lin lin abeg post my comment, Nigerians need to know the truth.
If they will kill themselves in court, its non of my business. Sun Newspaper publicized the truth. Full stop
Those of u praising T.A orji n son I wonder Hw much u were paid to sell ur human right. Chinedu stupid man from a useless father. U both won't die a good death. OUK carry on wit critics I am strongly behind u.
Chinedu shut up
Engr Chinedu Orji (Ikuku Abia State) Is a Terrorist as said by OUK.... Engr Chinedu and his family the Hopeless Governor his father has done nothing but throw the state's Money into their Account..... Let's Watch and see what OUK will say to this..
Chima the devil must be a good man if Chinedu is
It's pure insensitivity to use words like terrorist loosely in a time like this. The governor's Son deserves an unreserved apology and a recant is in order. OUK and his media outfit have no right whatsoever keep terrorising people. The way I see it, they are the terrorists.
OUK,stop the terrorism! You're the only terrorist we know as it stands.
That serves them right for accusing a gentle young man who has the youths of Abia tat heart and initiated Youth Empowerment which has touched the lives of many families.
We pray that Sun News Paper pay for this whether they like it or not,Justice must prevail so that they will learn their lesson.
No amount of criticism will stop the young man from helping the youths of Abia to come out of overt yurt for sun News Paper they must dance to the tune.
We the youths of Abia look forward to the outcome of the case because SUN NEWS PAPER must explain what they mean by terrorism by our Abia Youth Leader unless they will not find it easy in this state.
We are lovers of peace and believe in equity, fairness and justice which must prevail against the sun news paper.
Am so worried when I see people praising the Governor and his son. Do these people live in Abia? Even if they feed from the governor and his Son, can't they tell the governor and his son the truth to their face? Abia is the worst state in Nigeria. I currently live in the state capital and its a shame that anyone in his right senses can praise this governor. Make a journey in a public transport from umuahia to either uyo,aba, enugu or rivers and praise the governor.I guarantee you may be lynched. This state (Gods own state) has been turned to a dump.chaos.no drainage,no water,no roads, dirty ....its annoying because one can simply drive to nearby uyo,ikot ekpene,even Abakaliki and weep for Abia. Only a devil will praise this Governor and his thug of a Son. Linda also try to be unbiased in ur news. Ask any one u know in Abia. This Governor is the worst
The field of journalism should not be rubbished for no just cause,so the sun news paper must be sanctioned by the news paper association of Nigeria and they will face Justice at the court of law.
Charles sampson, makas2011 and anon 3:43, I laff in spanish, u r all Chinedu associates so the curses of abians are catching up with u, so get ready....... if I don't live in abia, I wouldn't know that ur demonic Chinedu goes to jail, releases prisoners and uses them to do road construction jobs & other jobs, or drives around with d longest convoys (even more than his father) and hijacks all d state contracts? then shoots anyone in his way even his best friend john? U want me to continue? Come and talk more, u will get what u want, abians are no more docile. We have big surprises for u, if u call chinedu good then u must be offsprings of d same father...... d devil, And as surely as God lives, u will pay and all ur curses against us will backfire on ur heads, In Jesus Mighty Name, AMEN
Abia State has improved rapidly in terms of infrastructure and others so OUK will not spoil our name in any way so the sun news paper must pay for their crime .
OUK is being a child by using his newspaper SUN to attack the personality of that young person.
This is very good ,the sun news paper must pay for their ill attitude of writing and the so called Boss pay for his reckless actions against a young man of good courage.
you know they always say a word is enough for the wise but it didnt stick with u guys. now you will smell the wrath of publishing cheap articles.
Naija!!! Checkup 3pnaija.blogspot.com 4ur polo wears,and female wears. U cud also advertise ur bizness for free n watch ur customer base sky rocket. Hala 08181849028 or bbm 2b0903d4
Father criminal. Son terrorist. Nawa ooo..
@anon 3:43 pm...calling u stupid is an understatement...is ABA not a part of ABIA STATE? Ndi osochi egbu! that's how u will fail JAMB on countless sittings...
5 billion???!!!
We must not conclude yet, the SUN NEWS might have concrete evidence. So let's wait till d court judgment okay.
I feel sorry for Onyi his wife.The guy is a bloody rascal!
ikuku indeed! dnt go and ask ur mum who your father is. Keep parading yourself as TA's son even when we all know Nneoma is his first issue. ububo!!
your syupidity doesn't have a part 2. so by using a pseudo account of engr. chinedus mum ypu eill convince people that he is a terrorist.. well you will not be paying the funds when he wins in court. ofcourse if you know the legal system well, its called deformation of chatacter. sunnewspaper is finished and i am sure i can sue for selling false news and misleading people.
myopic mind. go n do your assignment young man and adult talks to uncles. hope you are not expecting me to tutor you here. fowl.
all this pseudo accounts........ yusuf who taught you how to speak english. anyways cant deal with pseudos. get a real account n come back.
That's serves them right the sun/ouk should pay every last kobo for publishing rubbish about people just to get back at them thereby misleading the public with their false accusation
Abia is breathing fresh air since ouk left office huge progress has been recorded
That's serves them right the sun/ouk should pay every last kobo for publishing rubbish about people just to get back at them thereby misleading the public with their false accusation
We love him cos he is responsible and helpful to the youths and to the poor.
you were obviously not brought up well. How can u open your mouth to insult other peoples parents. na wah o! to top it up, they will not die well? Miss Monkey, you should watch your words. wetin consine you with the money? ei go reach you? go and sleep pls
Haba, Bishop too dey like gossip?
Is it a crime to be Governors son for crying out loud this man is a law abiding citizen of the state and he is not in any government position like his counterparts in some states so why accusing him?
Those that doesn't know him will marvel when the meet him. I have never seen a gentle man like Engr Chinedum. Very cool and focus. OUK and co especially SUN will suffer if they attack our helper
The SUNNewspapers is never a reliable source of news
ibu ewu!
Lindo where can I send current pics of Aba...it is an eye sore.Abia is the worst state in Nigeria. I have pics from abia state teaching hospital, that one is a story for another day.mtcheew. Thieves!!!
If Abians can make the kind of comments am reading here then there is a problem somewhere. Is it that some people are delussioned and their perception altered. The truth is both OUK , IKUKU and his father are all enemies of Abians State and thus God's own enemy cos there can't be a better devil. I smell the judgment of God. Both T.A orji and orji uzor were on the same page b4 until God raised in his might to confuse their language. My prayer is that with fire( oku #UOK#) will God burn them and their tools to ashes and with wind #IKUKU# will he scatter their ashes. May he then in his mercy and loving kindness heal Abia state and raise for us Abians a true leader who will lead us to the promise land. Amen
OUK can decive those he can with all type of rubbish for T A he is a man with human heart not a man who is been control by d mother.
Linda u've not posted my comment. Pls post
Linda I can see that paid T.A .Orji ppl are here. Pictures tell thousands of story. How can I send pictures of abia roads for everyone to see. And rest this case.
It is only a wicked and heartless person that will commend Sun Newspapers. Being a Governor's son doesn't make one a terrorist. Let's be be nice to all
Orji Uzor Kalu destroyed Abia state entirely for 8 years. The mess he put Abia in is what Gov. T.A Orji is seriously cleaning up, yet he wants to drag him, his family and the entire Abia state down. Is that not wickedness?
@ anonymous swear with your life that those pictures you have a real pictures and that you snapped them. Hear an idiot spreading lies with anonymous account. Abia is our State and we love our Governor. Go to your state and take pictures.
Chinedu Orji unlike other 1st sons of Governor's has been in the state, championing the empowerment of youths. How is that terrorism?
The Sun newspapers is a product of the looting of Orji Uzor Kalu, he even stole the Printing machines of Abia Ambassadors newspaper to finance this outfit. To know that he's still using the outfit to hound the Governor who has been doing a lot for Abia state and everybody associated with him just shows how mean and heartless the man is.
I hope Chinedu Orji wins this case. . . Orji Uzor needs to be put in his place.
Chinedu Orji (Ikuku Abia) is youth empowerment personified. Abia youths has never had it so good.He's a role model for Abia youths. We love him for his good works. Those trying to pull him down are wasting their time
Send the old picturesd to your ancestors we know your type ouk paid you to discredit abia state abi
what u guys should understand is that so call OUK is looking for a way to destroy T A administration because what he was thinking abia will be didnt work out. he takes change in abia state as humilation in all may God b praise for someone like T A whom God use to deliver abia, by now each compound would had Have a shrine Where to make sacrifice.
Calling Engr.Orji is a handwork of enemies of progress.If there is any governors son to emulate his life pattern, Ikuku remains the one,it is only an uncivilised human being who can the gentle man a terrorist. I applauded Ikuku for the action taking to redeem his image that's what democracy demand.I believe the law court will have the final say on the matter.Please my dear Ikuku oma,don't hesitate to carry on with your good work.It is the enemies at work,the law will vindicate you and then,they will be expose
This suit is even belated.Thumbs-up for Abia first son-Engr Chinedu Orji.He has simply demonstrated that he is indeed a law abiding citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria by approaching the court on this defamatory publication against his person by The Sun Newspaper and its owner-Orji Uzor Kalu.I will advise him to also raise a petition to the Inspector General of Police for defamation of character against OUK and his Sun Newspaper.This is because of the fact that libellous publication with the malus animus of damaging one's character is actionable in Tort Law and also a criminal offence under the Nigerian criminal Law.He can pursue both the civil and criminal aspects of the case simultaneously.This is allowed under our laws.
There is no constitutional right granted to any individual in our constitution without limitation.This is to ensure that in the course of the exercise and enjoyment of that right thereto,the right of another person shall be infringed upon.Every persons right stops where the right of another person begins.This is a trite principle of law.This therefore,is the constitutional and legal intendment of the limitation imposed on the fundamental right of freedom of expression.
I hope this action will put a stop to the continued act of character assassination of the person and family of Chief T.A Orji,the incumbent Executive Governor of Abia and the Chairnan,South-East Governors' Forum.If OUK has no reputation to protect,the Abia first family have one to protect.I commend Engr Chinedu Orji(Ikuku oma Abia) in this suit action against OUK and his company.It is trite law that he who asserts must prove it.This burden is now on OUK and his Sun Newspaper to discharge or face the imminent legal consequences of their libellous action.
Bia,nwoke! It's defamation...not deformation. yeah, keep ur thanks,me don't need it. N don't even say it's a typo....a and or r in no way near each other in the keypad.
Akudo shame on you!!!!
Stupid son,stupid governor n stupid abia state government.go take several seats cos u ain't gonna du nothing cos orji uzor kaul is gonna crush both u n ur father.lyk fada lyk sonnnn.mtchewwweee.
Arc u r very stupid.u need to see da dilapidated state of aba roads n da state aba is so DAT u wouldn't talk ani how n learn to bridle ur tongue.fool.
God bless ur soul dear
Engr Chinedu Orji is the man after God's heart, very nice and unique. empowering the youths, making them comfortable, helping the less privilege and motherless baby home is his priority
IKUKU remains our mentor,, we love his humble gesture in assisting his father in transformating Abia State to a better position
I am an Abian..God purnish all d ex governors of Abia state both Orji Uzor kalu and Theodore Orji. All of dem and their children will rot in hell...
This serves OUK right
Ikuku is our man come rain come shine
i am sure you missed your brains if its so easy to parents. hoe old r you? 12? someone called you miss m******** put that name under advicement. you really acting like one
Are you a fool or have decided to detach your tongue from you brain. anyways you are not the law and as such i will only be happy to feed you with rest of the info as sunnews gradually empties into the sea of forgetfulness so miss mirage aka amycool plug your tongue to yourbrain before you jump out here again.
smelling. you sound like an illiterate. did someone write down that stuff for you. where do you live? seriously you need help. NOW SAY AMEN TO THIS....... IF TA BUILT SCHOOLS YOU WILL DIE...... IF TA BUILT ROADS YOU WILL DIE AGAN........ MUMU NA BLOOD THEY GO TAKE BUILD AIRPORT. WHATS THE STATE ALLOCATION.
@Udeh Oluchi foolish girl abi u be man, lols. Wen men were men wia was ur father? Adamu like u. U Don go farm did morning? Cos I know days d only thing ur family can do. Mtcheeeeew
This tout terrorises the whole of Abia state as if his clueless father would last beyond May 2015 on that seat. This boy and his father are the worst thing to befall Abia state. His day of reckoning would surely come. Not to forget how he shot one of his best friends...
Established facts:
1. The people making insultive posts don't live in aba.
2. They are blind to winds of change
3. The blindness has caused them not to recognise the new trend from the past government's decadence
4. If they claim I am wrong, I challenge them to tell me the current activity of the state government now - of course, they will produce none.
5. The good governor and his family has always being on the forefront to ensure that they leave a lasting legacy - typical is his empowerment scheme, healthcare provisions, massive road construction projects, education, agriculture, etc to say but a few.
It is totally irresponsible to call the governor's son a terrorist.
U r either blind or you chose to be ignorant. So u r telling us that u have not seen the developments around you. Pls. In the annals of newsprint, sun isn't regarded as a complete newsprint. When seasonsed papers like thisday, guardian, independent, etc is seeing the developments, u prefer sun for its lies. No you r not blind, u r just massively ignorant
Sun newspapers must kneel
People keep saying Buhari is a bad leader cos wen he was in power nobody heard about him cos he allowed his subordinate work (and good works at dat).
Questions :
1. Is a leader dat allows d subordinate express themselves a good or bad leader? (use urselves and office bosses as examples).
2. Haven't we as Nigerians noticed dat all d corrupt politicians are against Buhari leading Nigeria (they are afraid cos he has zero tolerance for corruption) ?
3. Who is d leader we want in Nigeria, a leader dat will jail or eliminate corrupt government officials (Buhari) or a leader dat will dine with, pamper and compensate with political appointments government officials (Jonathan).
Enough is enough... Nigerians leave sentiments and vote wisely!
Engr. Kevin d uncompromised Naija Deltan
People keep saying Buhari is a bad leader cos wen he was in power nobody heard about him cos he allowed his subordinate work (and good works at dat).
Questions :
1. Is a leader dat allows d subordinate express themselves a good or bad leader? (use urselves and office bosses as examples).
2. Haven't we as Nigerians noticed dat all d corrupt politicians are against Buhari leading Nigeria (they are afraid cos he has zero tolerance for corruption) ?
3. Who is d leader we want in Nigeria, a leader dat will jail or eliminate corrupt government officials (Buhari) or a leader dat will dine with, pamper and compensate with political appointments government officials (Jonathan).
Enough is enough... Nigerians leave sentiments and vote wisely!
Engr. Kevin d uncompromised & unsentimental Naija Deltan
He obeys the law and belives in the judiciary, the sun should dance the beat cos they brought it upon themselves.
Ikuku is the first son of Abia for now and u guys just have to live with it.
We will fight sun newspaper till they go bankrupt.
We proudly identify wit d numerous monumental & developmental projects in abia state, His Excellency has also added value and restored hope to abians. Chief T A Orji has unequivocally stood on the part of justice and equity. He made sure that his government reached every citizens Particularly in d area of education, road construction, rural % urban development, commerce & industry, poverty alleviation by empowering youths, peace and security, housing , health and transportation.
@Charles, u are so blind, I swear! Thief After Orji Uzo(T. A. Orji) is doing nothing in Aba. That's where I reside. And the way this Chinedu is terrorising people in the state makes him a Terrorist if u ask me.
@3:26PM, You are the true son of Abia, u just said it all. U re the best commenter of the day! I dey throw salute for u. Don't mind all this yeye people that worships money. Am not supporting OUK, but T.A. Orji and his son Chinedu(Ikuku) is not being fair to the people of Abia at all.
Pls how much were u paid?
Am not a supporter of OUK, but anoy 6:01PM has said it all. Linda forget about all this comment, do your research and help we the people of Abia state, plsssss I beg u in God's name.
@3:26PM, You are the true son of Abia, u just said it all. U re the best commenter of the day! I dey throw salute for u. Don't mind all this yeye people that worships money. Am not supporting OUK, but T.A. Orji and his son Chinedu(Ikuku) is not being fair to the people of Abia at all.
@Charles, u are so blind, I swear! Thief After Orji Uzo(T. A. Orji) is doing nothing in Aba. That's where I reside. And the way this Chinedu is terrorising people in the state makes him a Terrorist if u ask me.
Give your comment and leave the bishop alone.
Mumm Donald. I can swear That u have benefited from Ugo or chinedu...don't be a blind fool! abia is the worst state in Nigeria. I served there, immediately after camp I left that God forsaken land!
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