How has life been with you since the death of your husband?When you heard of his sudden death, how did you take it? How did you feel?
We thank God for His kindness and love for us. We also thank those that have been around us in these moments of grief. We are still waiting for those that have distanced themselves from us to reconcile and come back. We are not angry with anybody. We are still friends to everybody. We look forward to the Almighty Allah to provide us the fortitude to bear this loss. So life has been quiet and peaceful with us. We are one and a happy family. Continue...
My husband’s death was like a coup. It was sudden and shrouded in confusion. General Abdulasalami [Abubakar] just called me, telling me to come and collect the dead body. We buried him like any other ordinary Nigerian. It was quite unfortunate the way he died. Allah knows best and unto Him we shall all return. May his soul rest in peace. I’m yet to fully recover from the shock of his death.
And how did you both meet?
Like any other would-be couple. He was a charming, handsome and likeable personality; a loving father who liked his children and loved ones. We became friends and got married. Here are pictures in the family album; before, during and after our wedding day. He was a caring husband, a dedicated father and an affectionate grandfather.
President Goodluck Jonathan awarded your late husband a centenary award. How did you feel receiving the award?
We felt happy. Maybe this is the beginning of good things to happen to Nigeria; maybe reconciliation… President Jonathan is a young man, he is using his time and energy to bring peace and reconciliation. I think it is high time we all come together to lift the country and stabilise ourselves. I hope it is the beginning of good things to come.
Do you still continue with the pet projects you embarked on when you were first lady?
I did those projects on government basis. They are still on there. Obasanjo did not change the names, neither did subsequent [Presidents]. The African First Ladies Peace Mission is still there, the Poverty Alleviation Programme, the National Programme on Immunisation, the Family Support Programme, the Family Support Basic Education Programme and the Family Economic Advancement Programme are all there. These are projects and programmes that touched the lives of the people, particularly women.
The National Hospital is there and so are the other hospitals around the country. I never did any programme for my personnal benefit, but for the government and the people of the country. So today, in my personnal capacity, on whether I’m still embarking on these projects, I’m no longer in government so I’m not embarking on such projects. I tried my best as the then first lady to bring about all-round development, particularly for women in the rural areas. We did extensive reach-out to the rural populace and touched lives in the remote areas of the country.
Do you have any political ambition?
No, I don’t have any political ambition.
For the presidency, at least; the first woman President of Nigeria?
Not at all. I was a first lady. I just want peace for the country. Stability and development are not achieved by one person. There are governors, ministers, local chairmen, civil servants and the like. It is a cluster of people. The President alone does not make a government.
What is your assessment of General Muhammadu Buhari, and by extension, the All Progressives Congress, APC?
I brought General Buhari into politics; It’s not that I want to expose him. We did everything to support and encourage him. He called my son Mohammed to join Congress for Progressive Change, CPC. They rejected Mohammed by force during the governorship race. This was the trend, not only in Kano, but also in Katsina, Bauchi and other states. I think it is not healthy for democracy; not just because of Mohammed but for the smooth play of democratic norms and values. Democracy is the choice of the people. But when people put their own personal interest first and they interfere [in the process], then it is no longer democracy. It is unfortunate that elders like them could come belittle themselves in the race.
For the APC I cannot comment. It is not yet time for me to do so. However, it is good for democracy to have competition and opposition. It enhances democratic values, norms and stabilises the country’s image, and will eventually uplift our democratic credentials in the international comity of nations.
Your son, Mohammed, wanted to be governor of Kano State.
It is the people of Kano that wanted my son to be governor. They still want him to be governor. They’ve been calling us to come and intensify his campaign. In fact, they are even campaigning on his behalf. So it is people of Kano that want him as governor because they appreciate his father’s contribution to various fields of endeavour.
They also appreciate the little projects and programmes I did in Kano and in the country. They say he should come and continue the projects and programmes in Kano.
The late General Sani Abacha contributed to the restoration of democracy in Sierra Leone. Could you comment on the role he played in the process.
I cannot tell you exactly how he played this role as I was not a soldier, I was just a housewife. But he tried his best for Sierra Leone and thank God it was a success and indeed, peace returned to Sierra Leone. The late Ahmad Tejan Kabbah was restored to power. It was indeed a tragedy to hear about his death recently. He was an African statesman of international repute.
I remember one of his visits [to Nigeria] after he was restored to office; he was so calm, amiable and indeed, supportive of a just pan-African solution to African crises. He was indeed, a true democrat of continental proportion. My late husband honoured him and appreciated him.
What message do you have for the people of Sierra Leone on the death of Kabbah?
I send my sympathy, my condolence and my prayers. May God give them peace, may God give them the fortitude to bear the great loss of the father of democracy in that country. May God give the present president, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, the power to emulate what the previous president had done, particularly entrenching stability, peace and democracy in Sierra Leone. I wish President Koroma all the best. He is a young man.
I wish the people of Sierra Leone all the best. I have never been there but I hope to be there in my lifetime. I learnt it is a small and beautiful country with about six million people, with lots of natural resources including diamond and oil. May God Almighty grant the late President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah eternal rest. May Allah also grant my late husband eternal rest. Nigeria and Sierra Leone have a long, historical relationship.
We look forward to building on the strong ties that have cemented us for so long a period. That was why my late husband stood by Sierra Leone in the time of her crisis; to restore democracy, sanity and stability in the country. We couldn’t stand by and watch Sierra Leone fall into anarchy, because the entire West African region would have been affected. So we moved in to bring back normalcy and sanity to the country.
So my wish for Sierra Leoneans is that they maintain peace and stability, especially the peaceful democratic course we’ve seen in past elections. We want this to continue so that other countries will emulate it.
…Published in TheNEWS magazine
An your husband died on top a bunch of prostitutes.so shut up.
Lending voices shouldnt be everyones duty or right, I can only fault the reporters who go about begging for interviews....nonsense
I will open my anus and shit on your husband's grave. Nonsense.
its been 3years now,havnt felt the warmth of guy. Sweet baby jesus pls send a real man down here. A man i called later call hubby,but ist wanna get touched.
Sommy king said...
Next news please...linda if you like no post my comment
No matter how much you fools paint and sugar coat it,abacha is still the worst president and dictator nigeria has ever seen.
You should be hiding in shame.
Na Wa oh! Hajia sounds like she will make a better president of Nigeria than some of these dull men we have roaming the hall ways of Aso villa lolllllzzzz...
Don't know if her husband's tenure was good/bad, but the woman sounds very likeable; I sensed also some humility in her tone..
Mama peace should atleast, borrow a leaf / two from her about how to conduct oneself, especially, as the first lady...
*Open to be corrected.
*My R1.50c comment *
So just because of Mohammed but for the smooth play of democratic norms and values. Democracy is the choice of the people. But when people put their own
See Photo Of The Day: Who Is Enjoying It Most out of this ladies?? Lmao………
i just feel lyk wasting my airtym since i av ntin 2 writ.
Don't know what to make of this but she Sounds very intelligent nd witty
Since when did Mariam Abacha learn to speak thid way.
It would not be well with you,after stealing billions of dollars from the federation.awon oloriburuku..
linda post abeg
Interesting interview. If these were really her answers, then Mrs. Abacha is a very articulate lady.
So watz my biznx in diz News? Ur husband waz an evil man 2 diz country so dnt sit dia nd praise em. Pple of Kano r fools if dey want ur Son 2 rule dem
Oh my Goodness! They just gave a murderer and dictator's wife a voice!
Reading this interview speaks of a very sound lady. Our hang ups about her husband's regime aside, I pray God's Grace on her, and God's peace on Nigeria.
Goodluck Jonathan has given her d power to come out, guess she was scared before. The power was wrapped in that stupid centenary award. She shld better shove herself back in all the money she and her husband stole n not come out, else she will go to Allah same way her husband did. Now you want to reconcile after killing innocent people. Masterminds of evil. May Almighty God forgive u n your household but humans won't forgive. Maybe u'll have ur interviewed lay on Ken Tsaro Wiwa's children desk n see if u stand to see d next second.
He was a caring husband and an affectionate father, too bad his country didn't enjoy such benevolence from him.. Still have the image of how everyone was happy the day abacha died, never seen people rejoicing @ another man's obituary like that...... Abacha is the mccoy of "Idi amin", only their families misses such cannibalistc leaders....#cheezyjayne
This interviewer is an ass licker, dAts all most nigerians are good for #hypocracy #smh
He might have been good to his fam but certainly not to the rest of us,can never forget our Abacha stove,then my bro used to go and get dust from timber with our neighbors kids,went once,was fun for us but it's not the right way to live.still one of my best childhood memories though
This woman is very clever, you can see the intelligent way she answered all the questions diplomatically, I wonder why her children does not have half the brain she does, they will come here and be spitting shit.
I like the way she just limited Abacha's so called awesomeness to their immediate family and trying to say how supermanly he was.
Once again I give it up to the woman. She is truly an adult, she needs to tell her children to GROW UP!!!
well sorry about your husband, but his death was a good thing too this nation NIGERIA...
Linda Ikeji lives like a Princess!!!
All this talk no necessery abeg.....
Why is this woman relevant? Why should we care about her intimate life when she and her husband had a complete disregard for the millions of Nigerian lives? Now she is boasting about how she brought a fellow swindler into power. She should hide in shame. At some point we Nigerians need to agree to call a spade a spade, thieves no matter how rich they are, are still thieves and we should treat them the same way we treat armed robbers and street scum
Mmmmmm.....the dictator's wife has spoken!!
It still doesn't change the fact that your husband killed many and ruled with iron fist..
He killed so many with acid attacks,bombs,Assassinations, and so on and am sure u pretty much supported his interest...shame on Nigeria democracy that someone like u would still be given a national Recognition...Your husband cause chaos and death to many promising Nigerians...You once bragged about how rich u were and am sure u stole tax money through your husband corruptions...Shame on the ABACHA FAMILY.. linda shud post my comments...
I knew Buhari was a bitch
But good things has always been happening to Nigeria..
She's quite intelligent!!! I'm impressed... I like her words, calm yet meaningful.
See journalists - see interview. Na waoh!
This na interview?
Jonathanian conspiracy for 2015. For how look re we going to continue with this political arrangement? Jobbing the innocent Nigerians to get their ways into power?
I respect my political mum. Mama Africa. People shouldn't tag a dog a bad name just to crusify it. We are all born political criminals. Cheers. ENGR E
And so????? Mtcheeeeew.
Stupid interview. Stupid journalist. Leaving out the obvious questions. Abacha was a tyrant none of d questions addressed dat.
Excessive use of the word stability
I like her. She sounds quite simple.
Please Linda, we're tired of seeing thieves making headlines on your blog. Anything from Abacha is nothing but criminal!
We're tired of hearing about criminals on your blog.
So ur generation still hav politics in mind in ds country? Hmmm
No tough questions? As a matter of principle, some journalists (good ones at least) would rather not do an interview than not ask tough questions at all. This is typically shoddy work.
She shud stop portraying her husband as a saint. Sani Abacha was a pure tyrant, FULLSTOP! Shikena!
so? We shld stone u to death? U brought dat menace into politics nd u av the guts to say it, aturu
wife of a murderer!!!!
Hmmm evrytin in dis lyf na turn by turn
The cheek of this woman!! Did ur husband want peace for Nigeria?? Piss off maam
all I can say is that Maryam Abacha is one beautiful woman.
She was a lovibg mother, I am priviledged to have known her and she was a good mother to all us.
We missed the people general, May his soul rest in peace.
We all @ Abuja childrens home do miss you, mother of all.
rubbish paid interview....why not inquire about the loot
Dunno why I find this long...*yawns* bt that native that has the nigerian coatofarms logo got me laffing. #presidowifeythings# lols
Journalist this days sha....This is just eye service.They should ask the most important Questions on how her husband treated Nigerians....not all this silly question.
Bloggers should not be the ones helping this Abacha Family launch a name back in the lime light and eventually getting back into Nigerian Politics...plsssss...Bloggers stop this....ignore whatever they have to say..if Abacha was still alive,think about it...Linda u prolly wont b here...even all this Blog shit wont exist....pls ignore their shitssss
lol see this woman, she is not angry with anyone abi we should not be angry with you...yeye family...yimu jare.
These bastards ruined nigeria. They are lucky that we live in a sick country
Why is this family still being granted public audience? Why can't she use her vast wealth to carry on charitable projects on a large scale, as they certainly hoarded more than enough....shior. Abeg go and teach your grandkids how to play ten-ten and leave talk of democracy for those who have truly earned it.
Pretty lady
If these are her verbal responses to those questions, then she is way way above our current presidos' Mrs.. even if it's not so.. Dame's people should please take out deir writing pads and take notes...
But on the real.... If dese talks of the Abachas popularity in Kano are true... Den it is clear, we are in two different nations... A lot of thinking and talk have to come thru on how to not only move the country forward.. but how to create a balance... If that balance doesn't come thru... We will never ever see the progress we so desire
Interview was dull and edgy.
The interviewer was kind enough *in babyface' voice * never mean to hurt her or ask questions that'll make her break down
if ur son then becomes gov. Of kano that money go finish by force (na return match)
#milito da great#
The Devil sometimes has its advantages, albeit negative.
Well, some people need to disappear from limelight. The Abachas is so one of them.
We wish them well but we don't want them around any longer.
Wonderful command of English unlike Mama Africa.
Lol! See disclaimer oh! Linda don dey fear set.
Ok good for her
this woman is intelligent wolahi
This is just a normal interview, nothing special about it
U don talk finish abi. Well done........
How come we seem to have forgotten she is the wife of the man who terrorized nigeria while he was head of state? And suddenly everyone wants to know how she is faring after the death of her husband. How about those people her husband left as orphans or widows and widowers. Who is asking about their welfare? Just asking
So the people of Kano wanted her son to be Governor like the Youths of Nigeria Earnestly asked her late husband to become civilian President as well?
These old dogs never learn new tricks.
Sorry for your loss madam, return all the money your husband stole, apologise for all the people his regime killed... and then I will be even more sorry.
Madam u said ur still in shock,, hmmm u beta come out 4rm it n as 4 ur husband, he is rotting in HELL!!! Hahhahahahahahaha.
How come we seem to have forgotten she is the wife of the man who terrorized nigeria while he was head of state? And suddenly everyone wants to know how she is faring after the death of her husband. How about those people her husband left as orphans or widows and widowers. Who is asking about their welfare? Just asking
If those written words were exactly her quotes, then i'm beginning to like this woman, all she need on behalf of herself and her children is to beg Nigerians for their forgiveness for the sin of her husband.
Linda, give us the news about FFK porting to PDP. Thanks
Nice piece of interview.
watin be my own
Nigerian celebrity Scandal News
did she really speak all this grammar? even knowing the basic info abt S/L, I am very impressed with her , I love her calm and poise nature.
This wicked woman
..who even listens to her?????? Burn in hell
Yea yea . Whatever mehn
Mama Peace, hope u can see how an interview wit a firstlady should look like? no em em or gbagaun.
nice1 Maryam Abacha
ur Son wanted? Not in dis nigeria. He have had enough of ur family and indeed damages done ti its development.
Ojai says" wish her the best
indeed u are a wealthy mother not just by material things but even wit words,knowledge and wisdom.renkishidede!!!!!!!!
Indeed u re a wealthy mother not jst by material things but wit words,knowledge and wisdom.the lord is ur strength.
Nonsense and rubbish,when will journalists learn that we have no desire to see,hear,smell or read about the abacha's.They are a constant reminder of what this country would have turned out to be if God had not intervened (abacha's death).
Madam please kindly go and enjoy your stolen and ill gotten wealth quietly we have no appetite for your gist.
Sadly her hubby meant well 4 this country,it was her and her brood of blood-sucking children dat stole our oil money n killed abacha's 1st son by another woman in d plane crash.
what about all the people your husband has killed? what do you have to say to that. this is a way of launching herself in public. God will never give u people peace.Bunmi
I think some of the ppl dat commented lost a few brain cells. how would any of you like to be judged based on another persons actions???? especially in a country like Nigeria where a husbands decision reigns supreme, do ppl know the kind of bullying nd discrimination they would have faced simply being the family of abacha? pls y'all can hv several seats, being judgemental nd shit! I think her interview was perfect, she seems like a very humble nd smart woman. sometimes, I wonder why the best women end up with the worst men.
So Jesus is now a baby. .smh
Am very sure u were born yesday nt 2 knw wat Abacha's leadership was like. Madam u shld be cooking 4 ur husband or breastfeeding ur baby instead of coming here 2 make no sense. Gush!!! Get busy wt ur history texts plsssss
My dear if it had ended in jst stealing it wld ve been better. Think of the hardship dat man made Nigerians undergo,remember Ababcha stove? I don't wana mention more cos I wld burst into tears. And sm1 ll cm 2 say dis woman is Humble? Even if u were nt born den,ask ur parents for info plssssss.
U can imagine. And sm1 is saying "she is a very articulate lady"
God bless u for this comment
This is appalling! How can this woman come forward with such effrontery? Nigerians have you forgotten so soon, the fuel queues, the ASUU strikes, the killings, maiming , the public fear, poverty, oputa panel findings, the list is endless. This was a tyrant and shame on goodluck for issuing that award. Reconciliation? That can only start when justice and punishment prevails in this country. Madam you should be tried by a criminal court to determine the extent of your involvement in the atrocities and human right violations during your husbands tenure. This interview should be holding with you in confinement till you are acquitted! I'm sorely disappointed in comments about her intelligent speech, you need to hear speeches from Hitler, Stalingrad and their likes maybe you wld commend them too!
What is Dis woman saying? Osi noo gini? Abeg go and hide urself beside ur husband's grave. Don't u know dat the death of our husband is still the best thing that had happened in Nigeria. Ndi fonfo ju akpa.
Nigerian's are so raw when it comes to the use of words think before you comment.bet most of u insulting will be worst than abacha if given the opportunity to rule Nigeria...
You may call Abacha whatever you wish, but one thing u cannot deny, was his impact on the economy, which was very positive indeed. I believe that he contributed more to the growth of our economy than any president so far. However, because he was harsh and autocratic, as most military leaders would, there's always the tendency for people to forget this very positive impact he made on the economy.
Humility bi bawo. This woman once said that no matter how much money the FG takes away form them, that they(Abacha family) can never be as wretched as the Dangotes.
That's a quote for your ass.
In a civilised society, this woman and her entire family would be in prison looked up with the key thrown away. Let her just keep quite and enjoy the stealing of money that her and her husband made from naija oniranu somebody mschewwwwwwwx10 nansense.
abeg make she park make i see road pass total rubbish and she still has mouth tom talk after all that her evil incarnate husband and her family did to naija nonsense and ingredient she better not let me start with her. she should just keep quite NOW!!!!!!!
Hajia Maryam, if you need sugar son, I dey oooo @ least mak I g8 part of d National cake wey una scatter all over the world. #IwanbeHajiasugarson@hahahahaha. Widowhood sha!
One thing dat sure runs in her viens are soothing words and cunning speech but so also did Aldof Hitler, Al Capone and even the serpent in d garden of Eden .....**bad people are the best @sweet talking
Pls can u kindly give us a list of the "positive impact" he made on d economy? I knw dis is Abacha's child commenting. But pls prove ur comment wt facts. Thanks
I tire O°˚˚˚. I think she's got something under her sleeves,give her few years,it ll show
Pls can u kindly give us a list of the "positive impact" he made on d economy? I knw dis is Abacha's child commenting. But pls prove ur comment wt facts. Thanks
@April 9, 2014 at 1:13 PM shut up that hole in your face that you call a stinky mouth. oniranu somebody abi are you the abachas mouthpiece? was any of your family members killed by her wicked husband? then please just shut up.
do you know how many children and wives her husband rendered fatherless and widows? please shut up again and don't let me come down on you inugo nonsense and ingredient mschewwwww x 10
April 9, 2014 at 4:15 PM you too better shut that stinky mouth if don't want me to come down hard on you gorrit oniranu somebody mschew
hear her condemning democrazy because they deny his son chance, what is your son's credential to run a governorship race.... she said because her son's father did well....REALLY?
So because according to you your son's father did well, that's the basis to impose your son with into such seat with no political experience. i hear. Nigeria money abi, one day it will choke all of you. Is only in this country people like you will have the face to come out and still have a say
To think that the most brutal dictator and misfortune to have befall Nigeria has a wife. To even think that the stupid and malevolent wife has the effrontry of addressing Nigeria is highly depressing. This woman should tell Nigerians what effort she made at curing her husband's insanity when he was assasinating all manner of Nigerians left right and center. Arrant nonesence!
This is indeed a tale of two countries. After all the atrocities by Abacha, a certain constituency in Kano is on bended knees for Muhammad (Abacha's son) to come back as their governor. How does one explain the unexplainable? What sort of people are these? How does a housewife, saddled with ten children actually get to bring Buhari into politics? Suppose, all this is possible in the land of the blind!
Well, only God can decide whatever he feels for the corrupt leaders of this country cos they are making there citizen go through hell already, America still got some loots of Abacha, same thing World bank and other financial institutions we don't know, and now our dear GEJ is awarding one useless certificate in honour of that same Tyrant called Abacha.
Hope patience GEJ reads this.that is how a presidents wife should speak..lol
Baseless interview. May her husband's soul continue to rot in hell
The two"Mariams"(Abacha and babangida) were the most beautiful first ladies we had.mrs muritala Mohammed was also very lovely.these women were gentle and quite graceful.not this loud woman we have presently.come to think of it,even Stella and quite a number of the others were ladies to the core.seen and felt but never loud.
This are the women that bola shagaya made a billions from.bola shagaya is still being celebrated and even a member of the confab alas,the people she acted as proxy for are being persecuted.
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