Singer 9ice going into politics... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Singer 9ice going into politics...

The singer posted this pic on his instagram page last night and wrote "Your Honourable Come 2015. Ogbomosho North Constituency.". Good for him!


Peejay said...

This is so hilarious, musician turned politician. Who is his role model? Arnold Schwarzeneggar?

Anonymous said...

All of them wan be politician. #madness

Unknown said...

O ga ju,All d best bro


I wish him the best.
but no be by agbada and cap.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

congrats sir...Next!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Noting wey pson no go see for dis naija oo!!u tink say dis one na to sell sometin for Alade market?prepare ursef well o

Unknown said...

Confirm. Go Hon 9ice

sQo said...

epic fail

Unknown said...

Confirm. Go Hon 9ice

Anonymous said...

ASUP still dey strike linda tok 4 us o

Unknown said...


pixiedust said...

Thank u GEJ for signing...the bible is complete and no man can change it. its not all states in US that signed the gay nonsence so why compare. most of is are just religious but not spiritual...any insults is back at u and pray ur father comes out as gay.....

Unknown said...

Politics? Ok o... waiting patiently

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Anonymous said...

aiye dade

Alloy Chikezie said...

Lol he too wants to have a share of the national cake, that's good oo

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Anonymous said...

Music no pay am again,na politics dey boom

Anonymous said...

honourable adigun . lol. i like d dude.

click here to see how you can make online profit straight to ur bank account daily without marketing anything

Sojirin solomon A said...

hmmn d guy won go chop politics money join ok na gud luck 4 him

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hope they haven't succeeded in deceiving you into politics by eating your money. Just be wise man.

Unknown said...

The quest to stay relevant :)

Yusuf Olowo said...

Party Not Specified! Wish him the best tho.

Anonymous said...

He might as well, d music isn't working anymore.

Bonita Bislam said...

So he has joined d likes of Desmond n Jibola 2dupe dis country abi? Anywways I wish him luck in hs quest 2hv a bite of d national cake#hehehe

Nneka said...

Music no dey pay again??

Nneka said...

Even desmond Eliot sef don switch go politics.
Ohkay nah.

Blitz Crush said...

Hmmmmmm is Äžoº°˚°ÂºÏ‘ anyway bt make sure É£☺Ï… av †Ñ’ξ qualification n wht it take Τ̅☺ Æ“♡ into politics cos politics is nt like music, Ψȋ§ÈŸ É£☺Ï… gudlck.

Livvsreamblog said...

Music aint pay him anymore

Anonymous said...

i wish you all the best

Anonymous said...

Hmm as is music fold up na politics remain den if politics ain't favorable wat nxt? U berra go beg Tony Payne. Abi na

Anonymous said...

Good for you Nice.. U cant always rely on a single source of living.

Judy said...

Every fowl and cockroach dey join only me remain o!!! I won't be left out in the race.Here I go !!!




Sojirin solomon A said...

hmmn d guy won go chop politics money join ok na gud luck 4 him

Anonymous said...

Music no work out?

Anonymous said...

Wish you all the best Adigun alapoplenty

Anonymous said...

Opelenge, when will u ever grow fat. Well politics might be better for u since u are busy churning out robbish songs for us these days but remember politics is not like showbiz, if u ever bite d finger dat fed u as in d case of u and rugged man, na die u dey ooo. So better change now or u are on ur own

kunle said...

Singer indeed, he must be dreaming. Has he plant his seed(s)?

Anonymous said...

Wish him luck.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully in your dreams , you 9ice that cannot progressively churn out songs na ehim you wan go house , LWKMD you ust be a joker . Pls go and eat amala and Gbegiri .

Toronto Finest said...

Yes right. Go and waste some money

Anonymous said...

this 9ice guy, i wonder what he knows about politics and running a constituency. Music no longer paying, now he won chop from politics, mschewwww.

Anonymous said...

But Uncle 9ice,come oo..what is really behind this agenda of urs??

*Nita Briggs*

Unknown said...

Not the type of youth Nigeria youth want. He's a youth with no HOME

Apple said...

As music no pay am again, please join them in the looting.

Unknown said...

i dnt knw y i dislyk dis guy so much.anyway gud 4 u

Anonymous said...

U see how "unlearned" uncultured ppl begin to rule us?! Izit nt d same 9nice that has temper issues n tlks too much n anyhow? I'm happy for him o, bt he shud drop those attributes, dey dnt mke for a good leader. N he cud be president, dnt want my president throwing tantrums @ some world Summit

Bold Kid said...

To me its a 9ice move...wish u d best!

bravest hrt said...

Next pls

Anonymous said...

He want to go & chop our money too. I don't trust him.

prettytweetty said...

Congratulation bro,a se se fun wa o.omo ogbomosho omo ateniwijo

Unknown said...

9ice Abolarin, there's no harm in trial... Carry Go!!

¤¤This Be Yo Man STELCH¤¤

Unknown said...

Seriously!!! Why do these people think they can rule us. Can he read or write?

Unknown said...

oya naa buisness strategy wish you luck... alapomeji

Unknown said...

9ice should rather stick to his musical career, i am not saying he cant win but does he have what it takes to be a politician? Does he know the tricks of politics? Politics is a different ball game entirely, even his senior, K1 tried it, what happened? So, lets continue the life drama and keep gong-asoing o abet!

Anonymous said...

He should be ware dat nigeria politics is dirty & ugly. Is he ready to sleep wit one eye open? Ah! Well politics is gud though BUT...................? @SHoK

Anonymous said...

Ha!. We are still waiting on the grammy oh.

Anonymous said...

He'd mentioned it years back. Hope he gets it.

Aby eldiva said...

Good for him

Sojirin solomon A said...

hmm him won chop politics money join again ok i wish best of luck

Sojirin solomon A said...

hmm him won chop politics money join again ok i wish best of luck

Hope Emeghara said...

Tor!..datz hıs choıce'..success dou'..
#HappyBırthday 2 mıııııı :)

Igor said...

Wishing you succes in your political aspirations.You have got street credibility,please do not let politics tarnish your popularity and hard earned reputation.

Anonymous said...

All the best bro.... That's your childhood ambition and dream, music only paved the way. Kudos!!


Anonymous said...

Go gv ur Momma ur money cos definitely u sure gonna loose it.

Anonymous said...

U can't spell ur name u wan enter politics? May God help this big fool that promised to bring back grammy award while his kit was still flying today his songs can't even sale in Orie ngodo isuochi mumu ewu awusa.....Linda pls marry me I won't do u wat Nice did to Tony

Jimcateringservices said...

Lwkmd...Nigeria is in trouble. *lips sealed*

Anonymous said...

Chai! D cloth even over. Big pass am, abi dem dash am for d election?


huh? Is dat so.

Nigerian entertainment news said...

I hope your const. will give you chance.

Nigeria Entertainment News

Anonymous said...

I no fit U̶̲̥̅̊...buh goodluck

Unknown said...

Good luck to him...may he not be like every other bad politician IJN Amen.

princess dee said...

all ds celebs n deir ways of making money shaaa... evribdy wan do politics. evn me sef
Ermmm linda one more tin id like 2 confess *shy*.. I av a crush on BONARIO. ... awwwww jus like d guy :* :* :)
pls post my comment ohhhhh

princess dee said...

nd plzzzz dun want all ds lame replies frm ppl ohh
jus xpressing myself

Unknown said...

Baba oooo, Tuale, notin do u, carry go Baba Agba. Awon Boyz hav ur full support

Fuck your opinion said...

Linda you don start to de famz already, tot u said u will never blog about him. Lol well

Anonymous said...

Please who always advices these media celebrities to go into politics??? :s

Anonymous said...

U ar nt crius alapomeji,,.u tink we ar runnin yoruba politics.beta get English teacher 4 ur self.


Whts he gonna do there, sing abi

Anonymous said...

Tell us your experience about politics 9ce.
your small no fit reach 1 godfather.

Unknown said...

Dats a new 1. Hmmmmnnn

Realkeni said...

OK. Linda u too shud be going into politics ooo. juz saying

Twitter/IG: realkeni

eme B said...

I thot he is presently in sch to read Law. The guy shld be focussed-music, law, politics....what next

HMB said...

Ode! That's why he went back to school. We can't support a fool that denied his girls. Its toni paynes strands of pubic hair that would vote for u come 2015. Ode!!

HMB said...

Ode! That's why he went back to school. We can't support a fool that denied his girls. Its toni paynes strands of pubic hair that would vote for u come 2015. Ode!!

Nike said...

Music is nt payin again?abi u r nt hunting for grammy again...olodo oshi

Anonymous said...

9ce shud kip dreaming.. No1 is going 2 select him not 2 talk of elect.. Dis is *vv* commenting.. Lin lin aprove diz comment oh.

Unknown said...

He don win

sammy said...

wel i guess music is failing him

Unknown said...

Nice one

Unknown said...

9ce d frustrated he goat. Mtshewwwww

Unknown said...

Dat 1 self nyce

Unknown said...


Linberry said...

Lol, seems the music industry is nt favoring him again.

AnnMarie said...

Well it seems music isn't favouring 9ice anymore

Unknown said...

he resemble dem it not better he continue wit music Dan to join those corrupt men?...

Newstalk Naija Staff said...


BRUCE G. said...

Nice's kind of cool sha, since we need fresh bloods in our political system. But does he has the muscle??

Anonymous said...

The starch on this agbada eh! No be here o! Hian!

Onye ISI Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Mental case

Anonymous said...

see as e be like mallam

Anonymous said...

As nigerian would say. 9ice don hammer. Lol.

Anonymous said...

see as e be like mallam

Unknown said...

Music aint payin much ??

Anonymous said...

Waste of money!

MissBusyBody said...

Every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to go into politics now.. Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

i wish em luck....

Anonymous said...

Good for him rili

Anonymous said...

Congrat bro, but watch ur back sha. Linda post my comment

DIVABEE said...

What biz is this one into and has succeeded in it that wants to make him enter politics? The youht s are the hope of tommorrow but Nice I am not sure you are one of that hope oh... Look for something else to do and leave politics for people who really want to do things

Omolara said...

Let's see what you have to offer 9ice!

bbm 23491053 said...

9ice u hav to first enroll back to college before looking for where you will steal government easy cash. Olodo dey lead for class. NO. Lol cheers. Engr E.

Anonymous said...

He shud tell us d party he belongs, PDP or APC. ( ˘̩˘̯). ....... #VectorManiac

Anonymous said...

PDP will eat his money small

olori said...

Good for him sha,he should jst knw what he's goin into

Anonymous said...

go back to your wife pride is dangerous

Stephen Ikiyei said...

All celebs want to be politicians abi... Linda which you no go contest???

Unknown said...

That's good for him....make more money jare brother and remember to make me ur P.A or S.A....wish you luck

Chinyere Ok. said...

Nna biko egwu agwugo na onu gi?

Unknown said...

No career for music again? Think am well o.

Dee Tee said...

I wish him goodluck | #NewsBlist

Unknown said...

best of luck bro but be careful coz its a game of death nd life.wish u all the best.

Anonymous said...

Ode like u Arnold na musician smh lol

oilandgasdissertation said...

He nor get money na See Fattest women who has sex & 7 times.........

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Gongo aso kutukutu awu
Wish u what u desire


Anonymous said...

Adigun alapo money ogaju

Princess Charming said...

Take heart! God is your strength

Unknown said...

Hahahah 9ice oba ara dats anoda ara...this is hilarious musician wants to be a politician...we shall see...

toyoursee said...

Lol!..the agbada is for him to put money in. Another means to steal. May God help us o!

edee said...

It's not his didn't work out the way he planned (he planned on winning grammy abi?).so,he gats change must hustle

Unknown said...

Smile, your c.v plz

ary said...

You can say that again! Hehehehe

Anonymous said...

Good for him. He too has come to the realisation of the fact that he's no more in tune. His glorious days are already over in the music industry.

Rachyberry said...

lolz, abeg dat agbada is not meant 4ppl like u oooooo..., stick wit ur tops biko.....

Anonymous said...

I we vote for u,carry go

Unknown said... b by agbada oooooo,whishin. Him eminado.....buh u av 2 av a rethink oooo,cos politic is a dirty game.

Anonymous said...

Na u be d real ode cos u don't think outside d box they both were in the entertainment industry Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't necessarily have to be a musician. Same entertainment industry Mumu

Unknown said...

Hmmmnnn.. Best of luck!

Unknown said...

wat wont i hear biko! Buhahahah! am still laughing in pidgin. thank God he said ogbomosho nd nt just d main one o bt d northern part, i rest my case. politicalmadness

Anonymous said...

U sound so smart!!I wanna be ur friend!!I will search for u in facebook!!lovestruck*

Anonymous said...

Good for him..

Anonymous said...

oh why my brother, instead of tasking your mind & make more inspiring songs that'll fetch u more money u now intend dying while standing...."oh Nice young man" think twice.

Anonymous said...

Where in world is Prince Charming! Has he gone back to school? I miss my GST 101 classes with him! Linda please ask him to come back.....!

Anonymous said...

Boy go back to school...

Amarachukwu said...

I think he's just joking.

Amarachukwu said...

I think he's just joking linda.

Anonymous said...

He meant Kano North constituency. That's not a Yoruba attire. Failure number one. Looks more like an aboki in that dress.

AGB said...

I think this is great. We all need to get active if we really want change rather than sitting aside & being misruled. I can only hope & pray he has good plans & a great leadership character.

Walata said...

Hey I love dis guy called nice he's got swag honestly

Anonymous said...

Nawa oh! nigerian politics is now fuji garbage, mcheww Asa palapala, This is why poverty has been very hard to deal with in Nigeria, people just go there and embezzle money nd all, so sad 😠

Anonymous said...

God for just help dis guy wit one more hit single cus if politics doesn't work he mite be forced to go into plumbing or become a midwife

Anonymous said...

I guess he ran out of musical talent,jus hope ur politics ready?

Anonymous said...

is true that ki try it in2011

but they said he should wait for 2015 bcos of senator oluremi tinubu.this tme is ur tme 9ice carry go we dey ur back.

Anonymous said...

Peejay said...
This is so hilarious, musician turned politician. Who is his role model? Arnold Schwarzeneggar?

Funniest comment i ever red in ldk blog

Anonymous said...

Ok...we dey wait u for ogbomoso ooooooooo

Anonymous said...

He is out of songs, now he is in search of an easy way to make better still steal money. U sure on d appropriate track politics bk home.He is already posing proud.

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