Photos: Meet Chief Bode George's hot model son | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 16 January 2014

Photos: Meet Chief Bode George's hot model son

Yinka Bode George is the 5th child of former PDP Chieftain, Chief Bode George. The 26 year old is a top model based in Canada. He won the Best African Male Model at the African Ent. Awards in Canada. See more hot photos after the cut...


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Anonymous said...

he is so cute

mzjenjulius said...

Damn dis guy is gay just went tru his fb p*sowie ladies we lost dis one

Anonymous said...

Xxoooo gay! Cute tho

The Truth said...


The Truth said...


Unknown said...

How can Bode George born this kin boy? Monkey can't born mermaid now.....

Phaeton Phoenix said...

Advice to ladies: Beware of men that are prettier than you. Beware.

alnos gbes said...

Son of Excavate dat loot NPA funs okey he look like gay bastard pple

Anonymous said...

Gay tinz!!!

j.o.y. said...

Kai!,am loving his juicy stick! #onmykneesplsdntbegay#

Anonymous said...

Pls I also pray he is not gay ooo!pls God! It will be a serious waste to women...

Anonymous said...

Lindaaaaaaaa, kai u be bad girl u could have kind of remove d first pics, u want to kill person hmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!

Enitan said...

I had to comment again! Geez... I am so wet... Hate that I am on my period right now, would have gone to meet one 'Bobo' that knacks me right after work today. Sucks!!!

Linda see wetin you don cause now *rolling my eyes*

Until my next comment, arrivederci!!!

Anonymous said...

Look @ excavate son men bt he reeling look like gay oh demons idiotic pple

Anonymous said...

Lord hav mercy!!! Dis dude is smokin hot!!! N his dick is amazzziiiiinnnn!!!

Unknown said...

Cute really....buh kinda looks gay to me somehow...jst saying ...eyes red already to insultive comments o

Temmyruks said...


Unknown said...

I think

Anonymous said...

Whoaaaa damn hot hot hot!!!

Anonymous said...

Auntie Linda, Please publish. This is topical now we have this anti-gay law. I am a man, and I can't look at this gorgeous man and then fancy a woman. No way. I dey craze? The young man is gorgeous, gorgeous. I guess he is straight and some woman is having all that. Lucky women, to think they still have all the best men. Thank you for publishing the pics,though. They have cheered me up on this stressful day.

Anonymous said...

........and then some lol! Too bad he is gay.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fag in the 3rd pix. Fack!

Unknown said...

Oh! My!!!! DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lawwwd have mercy dis boi fyyyyyyyyyn!i wanna hav him...gush c his d**k,i need dat shit!freaking sexy!!!

Dorcasdaduchess said...

Chai!!! #womanormanonlytimewilltwll *sigh*

Apple said...

Great body but he is gay.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I can turn GAY for this dude!!! Too cute to be straight... D d**k doe.. #lordhelpme

Unknown said...

,hot damn !!!!sooooooo hawt !!mke i no talk b4 dem jail me 4 24yrs

Anonymous said...

Hian! #heartattack
~Ð great anonymous!

Apple said...

Great body but he is gay.

Dorcasdaduchess said...

*scared to look*

Unknown said...

Thank ‎​Ʊ O°˚˚˚ jare, over cute guys actually irritate me. He looks like a man who went under the knife to be a woman.

temmi said...

Is him gay? he loooks gayful sha!!! But God create o! Dayum mere looking at his pix sef de meke me wet #haterz talk to the hand# I'm above 20

Moi said...

He looks cute but looks gayish with all the makeup eish.Tsk tsk....will be scared to date him.

Anonymous said...

O'God ...please don't let him be Gay OooooO!!! AbimbolaP

Anonymous said...

Good 4 him oooo! I just hope he not gay? If he is, he shld just stay in canada no room 4 him in naija.

Anonymous said...

the size of that dick though!! kinda looks gay

Anonymous said...

Guy looks like he swings the other way *just strolling by*

Anonymous said...

ℓoℓ ...serzly! Dt guy Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ a cute gay.

Anonymous said...

Totally Gay!

macky said...

I like him cuz of his big Dick but I don't like facial look #he looks like a woman.

Anonymous said...

Chai! See as dis dude pant full... Na wa oº°˚˚˚ . He's a beautiful guy... Gayism written all over him

Anonymous said...

They rob the country blind, send their kids abroad to become lawyers, doctors, MODELS and deejays. While the poor masses have to contend with their kids running wild in the streets wielding guns and knives as they strive to succeed cos they aren't given a chance by the people at the top! Rubbish!!! Hilary Obiorah

Anonymous said...

Gay tinz, but d size of his dick make sense choii...

Anonymous said...

he's gay o

Anonymous said...

ladies na gay o know him wella

Anonymous said...

Please people that know him should confirm if he's gay or nott. I pray he's NOT. It will be such a waste!!!! This guy needs to bring cute kids into this world.

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Bobo u hot ooO nd I lyk u *wink linda hook mi up biko

Unknown said...

Nice Body!

DARREL said...

I HATE DS TIN,SO MUCH.I HATE D YORUBAS.I hate u so much.u r painin me.i hate u.*SPITS N SLAP U* DARREL.

Unknown said...

Damn!!!!!!!his soooo God.......Drooling.......

Anonymous said...

Dis dude is gay" check his fb profile he' got loads of semi_nude and feminine pics;

Anonymous said...

Dis i smile wit pleasure hmmmmmm my honeypot i hope dat 1pix is d koko nt full of balls

Anonymous said...

This guy is so gay!

Unknown said...

he got d swag. ride on dear


He is Gay! What a waste to women! He is fyne though

Anonymous said...

He looks gay.

Anonymous said...

Gay Alert!

Anonymous said...

Na so una go make dem lock inocent pesin for naija ooooo, una don begin call am gay!!! He don fuck una tru ass bfor?

Anonymous said...

Na so una go make dem lock inocent pesin for naija ooooo, una don begin call am gay!!! He don fuck una tru ass bfor?

Anonymous said...

Fuck that bitch with his whack ass

slimzyose said...

Bloody hell,dis guy is sooooo hawt,see temptation,pls cum 2 me baby cos I'm al urs*eyes rolling*lol

vicky said...

Cute guy!!!

Anonymous said...

He is a model.. They are allowed to fit into different characters... But , i will gladly let him bang me over and my imagination lol

vicky said...

He is handsome!!!

Ammie said...

Choi..Linda see Amu..I'm dripping already

Anonymous said...

Gbagbe oshi..HE IS GAY!!!! But his package is rather yummy tho!

Anonymous said...

Linda ur head there for not uploading my comment!! Isi aturu

ALLY said...

God bless you, was gonna say same, he looks so gay, Mscccceeewww, not beefing but o don't like his looks... gay things

Anonymous said...

Linda this guy go kill me ooooooo

Anonymous said...

He looks gay! Arrest his father!!!

Anonymous said...

Lie oooo, the papa no ugly.Abi you no know Bode George ni?

Anonymous said...

Guy if dm born u well gimme ur address ah go mk sure ah burn u to death we dnt want gays in nigeria

Anonymous said...

Linda he's a fruit loop, a carpet muncher and a hotdog swallowed and I know him :P

Anonymous said...

Yeah he's cute. I just hope he ain't gay. It'll be too much of a waste

Anonymous said...

Wow...yinka is a product of st catherine's model sch..surulere...he's always bn such a cutie far back in pri 6white..he isn't gay..he is intelligent,handsome n smart

Anonymous said...

Too pretty.hope he isn't gay!

Yud said...

Its wonderful what people can say when they are anonymous. Show us your face then open ur mouth talk sey u be gay. Then we go take u serious

Yud said...

Show us your face oooo. As u dey claim gay

Debbie said...

All you vigilantes need to go and take a long look at yourselves i the mirror. NONE of you are any different or better than the KKK who used to lynch people like you.

I'm sickened to my stomach by the lack of tolerance or understanding in this country. Continue to spew hatred, and nothing good will come of you AND YOUR FAMILIES!

Yinka is a good friend, and a lovely person. What does his sexuality have to do with anything? Why MUST everything be about SEX? YOU ARE ALL OBSESSED. Is his dick in your mouth? Go and wash your minds and mouths, SO CALLED CHRISTIANS!

Anonymous said...

Amadioha oh...he is ma ex tho...

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

Olorun oba alaanujulo o. !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Olorun oba alaanujulo o!!!!

Unknown said...

ℓ̊ wonder Ooº°˚ ! Linda that is "dick-oriented" didn't even bother this time to hint abt d guy's packaged ROD!!

Anonymous said...

If i hear say this 1 no b homo

Anonymous said...

Freaking guy soo irritating !!

Anonymous said...


olayinka said...

Lwkmd oooo.

Naija Movies Nollywood said...

Every handsome guy be gay? I don tire for unah matter oo

Nigerian Entertainment News

Anonymous said...

Chai, another brother lost to the gay community

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this guy is obviously gay

Walata said...

From the way he pose he looks gay although he's a fyne guy sha

Anonymous said...

Who is this dumb DARREL announcing everywhere how pissd @ the Yorubas she is.....when people are addressing important issues ur pained at indigenes that do not care about ur existence....shut ur mouth! stop crying wolf and keep ur pain in ur pocket mbok......on to the next important news and we'll done Linda......

Anonymous said...

This is why the people in our country won't moe forward. Who gives a flying fuck if he is gay or not. Its none of your fucking business. He is iving ife and being sucessful. Wh ar epeope so fucking ignorant. You wish you had his ife even on your worst day.

Amarachukwu said...

He try small sha.

Anonymous said...

I heard he is gay

Anonymous said...

Lol.... My thoughts exactly

Anonymous said...

@Anon 5.45: dt' wt I thot too. Agreed, he has a hot bod but stil tk my stand dt he' gay....aint judgin though #handsup#

#sexy anon#

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm! Gay or in trouble

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm! Gay or in trouble

Anonymous said...

@yinkageorge you are welcome

Anonymous said...

Hottie of the year, wow

Anonymous said...

Y,all nigerians have an obsession with homosexuality...what happened to love and judge not lest u b judged.
George..u look better dressed :)

MissBusyBody said...

Dude, stay where you are, cos if you come near Naija looking like this... 14years

Anonymous said...

the guy is cute but lets say am not really surprise,,anyone who have "eyes" will know that Musliu obanikoro is cute!i use to have my eyes on his dad damn!!

jbankzE said...

Bby hold me close nd nva let go...... #sweatin nd imagin dat D**k# boi ur HOTTTTTT nd em Fin cum big join am.#teamblesskids

Anonymous said...

Thunder fire your mouth. Idiot wetin yoruba ppl do your mama.

Unknown said...

Oh please shut up already. U hate yorubas so what. U better go deal with ur issues and stop posting unnecessary comments to get attention. *mtcheeeeeeeeeeew*

Anonymous said...

My gayder and gaydometer have been beeping since these pictures were placed near to them. Sorry ladies, that rod is for digging into a shit hole. Got it?

Anonymous said...

I turned my gadar on...and it screamed gayyyyyyyy as hell. I don't see anything attractive about him, looks like he's could be my give me men like Idris Elba any day, anytime .

Anonymous said...

Gay or no gay dis guy is sooooo hoooootttt *sweating* buh personally I don't tink he is gay.linda did u see dat killer d**k. *faints*

Anonymous said...

"If ur fine boy too much, they say u turn gay". MI said it all, una find wetin 2 talk

Anonymous said...

He is in Toronto. . Go ahead ode..

Anonymous in diaspora

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda. i know you post these pics for people to make gay comments and all and prior to now it was cool. but pls avoid this kind of stuff in light of this new law dont bring wahala 4 ppl and their families. thanks

Anonymous said...

Dat broda looks gay #gay #gay #gay #gay #gay #gay definitely gay, I say so cos I knw dem. #willzsaysso

Anonymous said...

Pls giv me his handle or number,i am single and searching.nd trust me I used to model dats makes d two of us.wud drop ma number here 08110263200.dammy.pls Linda hook me up if u av his contact ooo.

Unknown said...

What kind of world do we live in when people are so quick to judge and criticize others?

In my eyes sexual orientation is so irrelevant and insignificant... People can love whomever they want & unfortunately that perception is skewed in many parts of the developing world (and yes according to the IMF Nigeria and hundreds of other countries are still classified as "developing").

Here is an excerpt from a recent CNN article:
"Police detained men in various states and have dozens of pending arrests based on perceived sexual orientation, according to Amnesty International".

Based on PERCEIVED sexual orientation? Is that just? Is that right? and then people are on here threatening him "14 years"? If this were Canada that would be classified as "cyberstalking" and it's a criminal offence. When would you ever think it's okay to harass someone based on their orientation and on top of it all the most cowardly way (with electronic means).

I am sorry but that is horribly evil and all I can say is I will pray for those "anonymous" folks who are threatening imprisonment and witch hunting?!!

I am so sorry that we live in world full of such evil and hate. I hope anyone who reads this will re-consider what they post and try to keep it positive for the INTERNATIONAL public eyes to see.

Anonymous said...


justme said...

hey!!! look at his eyes and tell me he is not gay!!! he is the "she"!!!!!!!!!!!! nna uwa di egwu!

Anonymous said...

Ur whistle??? U be man?

haywhy said...

Looks like a gay....linda post my comment.

Anonymous said...

He Lives in Canada so chill...

Anonymous said...

Abeg which one is TB again oo

gbemi said...

So funny how nigerians are so eager to come out here n down others. So what if yall know him? Did he come up to u n tell u he was gay. I won't be suprised if some of yall are his so called friends! Fucking haters!

Unknown said...

See my King's College Lagos Classmate oo. We always predicted this for him. He deleted me from his FB page when i thank God for them prosecuting his father then. Lol

nneoma said...

Jst commentin bcos of him,he has a kissable lips.yommy

Anonymous said...

Nigerians shld stop assuming, yinka has become one of Africa's top models abroad..he ws a kc boi wit distinctions, he is a push dude and a great lad... Nigerians shld stop gay castigation, Gej don give una topic for discussion... Floreat bro!

Anonymous said...

yes he is very GAY! those are the most boyish pictures he has, he's 123% gay confam! i know him wella

Anonymous said...

GAY thiNgS

Anonymous said...

YEA itS 4 d family

Anonymous said...

please GEJ, kindly pass a bill to stop nigerian from sleeping with prostitutes, from having more than one gurl friend, any man caught cheating outside marraige should be jailed for 14years, the bible also doesnt support cheating. when i think of more i would comment. we've got some fools in Nigeria that just cant reason. sellfish brainless, hypocrits. they are even commenting and cant use thier real names or google account for fear of been tracked.

Anonymous said...

Am sure he is gay, btw he took after his mom in looks. But why is it that most bitribal men of igbo-yoruba mixtures are mostly hot, but I cannot say the same for the girl off springs. Plus it's sad that all that good look is for another man to hold and kiss.. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

He grew up here in Nigeria. Matter of fact he completed his Secondary school here in lagos

Anonymous said...

Guy dat d dude acted effeminate in KC doesn't make him actually gay
Cut him some slack jare

Anonymous said...

When I read all your comments, I see frustration and envy.... this kid is not like many spoilt rich kids in naija... what has he done to deserve all these names? The boy dey Yankee dey hustle e money you wey dey jobless dey one corner dey yab am... e dey model underwear una say na gay... lol... na una papa e dey fuck?

whizzev said...

cute model

pretty39 said...

Gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy #14yrs pere!

Anonymous said...

Jessica BT, the people pointing out his possible eligibility for 14 years make a valid point. Even a son from one of the country's most powerful families is vulnerable to this law. The question is would he be arrested or lashed like other recently accused?

Anonymous said...

Looks gay to me. He should stay in canada ooh its 14years here biko

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else seen this?

Anonymous said...

How is Chief Bode George a "former" PDP chieftain?

Homosexual juggernauts won't rest. They want to start exposing bastards in Nigeria to prove a point. It won't work. You'll end up getting these bastards severely harmed.

Anonymous said...

this guy looks gay jor

Anonymous said...

U are damn right my dear anon...
Make Linda talk ooo cuz wetin me self see I no fit blink
Cute boo


Anonymous said...

nawa oo ... so once a guy is cute, he is gay? hes a model, the make up artiste came up with all these ... and i think it looks good!

Anonymous said...

Gay Wolf.... If dem catch you fro Bauchi, na 60 strokes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mehnnnnnn, i would love to sit in that shit.....omG.....THIS IS F**KING HOT

olumide said...

Huunn γ̲̣̣̥ all dis gay stuff m sure his qona sue U̶̲̥̅̊ 4 dah if ε̲̣̣̣̥ knws you. Common buddie U̶̲̥̅̊ rock ‎​ℓ̊ rilly wana b like you

Anonymous said...

Hes GAY. I heard he has numerous sugar daddies in the USA

olumide said...

Nice one dude ‎​ℓ̊ wana b like you. Stop callin em. ▴̳̊ gay cos if ε̲̣̣̣̥ knws you m sure is gona sue u

Anonymous said...

Gay gay gay. Enta naija n 14yrs in Kirikiri prison

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He kinda luks gay!why ar d ugly men nt gay so dey cn leave ds fine ones for us!did he ve an erection while snaping d pix*winks*Damn!!!

Anonymous said...

Hot like fire but hope is not gay

Anonymous said...

cant get my off these piks esp the second to the last photo mix.#lovestruck

Anonymous said...

go and get a life pls

Anonymous said...

Ok so what if he's gay??? How does that solve your problem?? We Nigerians like to make stuff that really isn't our business, ours. One question tho, if someone is a bisexual, will they be arrested?? I guess the block headed policy makers didn't consider this.


Idi said...

He is so gay........

ROXIE said...

hmmmmmm..... ok Lord forgive me 4 my evil thoughts but dayuuummmm dis guy fine abeg... if he was ma boo, only God will separate d boyh of us 4rm d bed.... lol nice body!!!! *makessignofthecross*

neca said...

cutie, toooo cute infact.

Anonymous said...

See life! Who would believe Yinka George was my classmate in primary sch back in d dayz. Yea! We both attended St. Catherine's model sch @ Ojuelegbe back then & we were classmates. What a world!

Anonymous said...

I hope he is not gay! Those lips thou!!!! To die for

Anonymous said...

*cute bt gayish.


Anonymous said...

he is packing WELLLLLL O!!! But he seems like he may b a lil fay

wemimo said...

I just wet mi pants no mi pants wet flight to Canada bet wait I smell gay! even if he no wan do..all dese men won't let him rest..pretty boy..has big ponro too *winks*

PAVOUR said...

Yummy smoking hot dude. Waoh see how clean our naija pikin dey. Proud if u and ur papa. That first pix hehe hammer.

Iloanya Obianuju said...

So true,quite a pity

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Homolicious and Gaylicious!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Homo dumdum and Gay gamgam

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the pics. He is soooo hot, so endowed. I am a man, and I hope he is gay. He is too cute for a woman to appreciate. Man to man loving is the higher form of love, and that's why I just love those pics. Thanks again for posting. I just wish I could have a weekend with him.

Anonymous said...

D guy is a model...right? So he is bound 2look good,
Why al dis issue of is he gay..
Feel so sorri 4him anyway..welkm 2naija..

Unknown said...

4th pic flag alert

moxsie said...

is this one gay too? we are losing the cute ones to them ....:(

moxsie said...

is this one gay too? we are losing the cute ones to them ....:(

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows he is gay. Old news

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