LIB exclusive: 23yr old girl claims Davido is the father of her unborn twins | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 18 January 2014

LIB exclusive: 23yr old girl claims Davido is the father of her unborn twins

21 year old music superstar Davido is about to be a father to twin girls in a few months, if claims by 23 year old Sunshine Haye is to be believed. The UK-based beauty (she's from the Caribbean, half Jamaican) claims she hooked up with Davido during his UK tour in 2013. She is said to be about 4/5 months pregnant. (Sunshine, who is a hair model and video vixen, is pictured above...)

After getting the scoop, I contacted Davido's camp and they denied any knowledge of her allegations.

Well you see, this is not the first time popular socialites have claimed to hook up with the musician. In July 2013, a Kenyan socialite Stacey Brianar aka Pendo called a press conference claiming to have had an encounter with the star, the allegations later turned out to be false as Davido never met the star-struck party girl. So, is this now true? Sunshine's camp swear it is. And have promised to provide proof in due time.

She's even gone on to decorate a nursery for the babies- their room is Disney themed, and has already picked out names for her unborn children. See the pic and her tweets after the cut..
We will just wait until the babies are born and a DNA proves Davido is truly the father.

Some of her tweets below...


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Anonymous said...

Dis na double blessn

Busolarmy said...

Can't wait to see our twins ooo.Excited..Anticipating

Unknown said...

Ain't surprise... But I know he's gonna deny It in the first place!

Anonymous said...

Lolssss @bab ibeji!

Anonymous said...

Gobe ti sele....Twins!!!...a whole set of twins...ah..this guy is badder then them all o....oyaa. Wetin b my own for there?...thumbs up o davido....u na badt guy..

Mobanks. **next to blow**

Anonymous said...

No more like saying you are from Africa but half Nigerian. Got it?


kclub said...

Na today u knw linda nii?

Anonymous said...

Dirty slut

Anonymous said...

Hw can pple sleep around without protection. Stds r real mehn. I'm disgusted.

Anonymous said...

wahala dey oh.e be like say celeb nor dey use condom self?

hugobabe said...

Gobe tinzzzzz,twins re God's blessing.davido should Just care for her abeg

Anonymous said...

Confess what! B/c is Davido is a celebrity, why didn't she get pregnant for those other boys who hv been climbing her p"""y; b/c they're not celebrities. She as many kids (twins) as it pleases her, na today

Anonymous said...

Davido would surely deny this.
LOL omo c GOBE

Anonymous said...

Davido would surely deny this.
LOL omo c GOBE

Linda darlin pls publish this.THANKS+GRATITUDES

BY4Mary said...

Sharap joor! Africa is a continent,Nigeria is a country,so which is a continent above,Jamaica abi Caribbean?

Anonymous said...

see as the girl ugly sef.she resemble one of my classmate for primary school

Dammy Diva said...

Guess dis is nt true

Dammy Diva said...

Guess dis is nt true

Anonymous said...


Iloanya Obianuju said...

I don't know y I don't believe dis chick,she's pretty,yes,but I can't seem to picture her with davido n moreover davido has a Nigerian gf that is prettier dan her*I don't know sha,lips sealed*

chioms said...

Gosh!!! Whatever happened to CONDOM, has it been phased out??? And whatever happened to taking precaution after unprotected sex!!! I don't get it! HIV! Gonorrhea!Syphillis! Hepatitis B!

Anonymous said...

Linda said she was from the carribean, and to be specificbmentioned Jamaica. Thats like saying youre from Africa, Nigeria to be precise

Anonymous said...

its DAVIDO ohh .SHIZZI where u dey.

Adorable Jewel said...


Anonymous said...

Na mormal thing for celeb they never use condom (the boys) twins, 2014 na good year for davido to dance skelewu

Chuks said...

See Gobe... Lol nice one Davido

chioma said...

DUE TO THE NEW LAW BANNING SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS IN NIGERIA, please note that I shall no longer be able to do the following:

1. Address you as dearie, sweetie, my lovie, girlfriend mi, etc. These names may be misconstrued by some overzealous law enforcement olopa. Henceforth, I shall address you by name....Ada, Chi, Bola etc

2. I shall no longer hug, blow kisses, hold hands, or engage in any body contact with you. If we're caught, the "evidence" would be worse than calling you pet names. Only handshakes and eyebrow wiggles are now allowed.
I shall also cease to send smileys like hearts, kisses, hugs. Do not send them to me either or I shall have to unfriend you to guarantee my continued freedom.

3. Dancing together at parties is now forbidden.
If you see me especially in public places, please refrain from excitedly waving at me. A Queen Elizabeth happiness-deficient wave will do. Anything else and I will summarily ignore you.

4. In the event that you want to proclaim your love for me, please do well to add the word "agape" at the end. Not adding this word will bring our wonderful friendship to a summary end. I'm saying this because, I LOVE YOU AGAPELY and do not want us in the women's section of Kirikiri Maximum.

5. It is now dangerous for us to share bathroom time. Please wait until I'm through or you can find somewhere else to have your bath.
Girls Night Out and sleepovers are hereon banned. Stay in your house so we can still have our liberty.
If u wish to visit me and I have no guest room, please bring along your mattresses and room dividers.

No more cash gifts; they may think I'm giving you money as a lover would.
No more lifts; endure the sun or rain or buy your car.

I trust you will abide by these new resolutions. Fourteen years is a long time and I am not Mandela.
Thank you for cooperating. I love you agapely. Good night!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting! Davido ngwanu get ready

Mocherry said...

Lmao.. @baba ibeji. Davido! Oya we dey wait for reply

fly guy said...

She resemble toke sef

Kelkas said...

Hahahaha serious GOBE

zee said...

Awww twins r adorable thou. Lindy pls keep us posted if they r truely davidos in 5 months time ok.

Anonymous said...

Me too, abeg Linda correct urself

Unknown said...

See Gobe! Bur if it's true, she'll be a great mom. Congrats Davido.

Anonymous said...

Woow!! Davido my guy has plugged into double blessings!! Lmao!!

Anonymous said...

Ok na, ndi celebrities a sef. Must they have kids b4 marriage? Haba mana! I pray itz nt true sha. $£.

Anonymous said...

Exactly my thought, aren't they aware of HIV, are they nt aware of CONDOM. What if its HIV and nt pregnancy. In this 24th century don't knw why guys or girls still allowed to be f**kd without condom wen there's a lot of unnamed diseases flying everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Den u don't know d meaning of fine.. Fine mi foot, no b only fine! Wiv her neck like dat of an ostrich!

slimzyose said...

Time will tel

Anonymous said...

She doesn't even know where she's from! Dats hw confused she is! Omo ale

Anonymous said...

Wow. Sharp girl. She saw a good thing, a mugu and she secured her futrure. Guys are stupid sha. So, because she's a fine gehl, she can't have std's or get pregnant. She sooo did this intentionally. And the UK has child support laws, so best believe she's sorted for as long as his career's doing well. Infact, career or no career, she's DOUBLY sorted. Let this be a lesson to all those reckless men out there

Apple said...

Ok i am waiting, but until they do DNA i won't believe.

Unknown said...

Wetin una mean self is that girl not beautiful enuf? Biko she is model already wat orda fame does she want nd beside i believe her Davido is so cheap

Oluwadamilola said...

Like seriously?

Oluwadamilola said...

Davido ku ori re ooo..

gbemi said...

So? U don't even make sense making ur verdict from 'look' do u realize how shallow u sound. When has 'prettier girlfriend' stoped anyone from cheating?

Anonymous said...

Typical nigerians! Always quick to judge people.

Anonymous said...

She is part Cuban part Jamaican. She ain't raced. Both of her parents are black.

Anonymous said...

Ode how is Carribean and Jamaican the same? She can be from Cambodia or one of those Rihanna issh typa countries which isnt the same as Jamaican u flapjack.

Anonymous said...

Half Carribean and Half Jamaica?,where is Jamaica?Asia?,hahahahaha........olodo ni e Linda but still addicted to your site lol

SheTollie said...

WHy am I not surprised.....

SheTollie said...

Why am I not surprised!.....

Anonymous said...

Her twitter handle is @SUNSHINEHAYE....TML...via 279E2E09

Anonymous said...

Her twitter handle is @SUNSHINEHAYE....TML..via 279E2E09

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Everybody wants a bout of stardom and most people will do almost everything for it. Anything short of a DNA test, is just plain bull. Hilary Obiorah

Anonymous said...

U̶̲̥̅̊ can say that again....ashis* they ƪĩк̣̣̥ε women die. Some can hav kids wit women frm all d tribes in naija.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

She could pass for Toke's little sister. Davido, my boy, welcome to the club of celebs having babies with strangers. You can ignore the mama but not the babies bc they're your blood.

sasha bone said...

Ur a dumb clown. Gay rights isn't meant to force anyone to be gay. Get over ur fear and ignorance. Afterall,gays grew up in heterosexual homes.

jaybeyblu said...

Are you a goat? That's a rhetorical question I suppose cos you obviously are!

Anonymous said...

Den u don't know d meaning of fine.. Fine mi foot, no b only fine! Wiv her neck like dat of an ostrich!

Unknown said...

Omo see gobe...

Anonymous said... 2. I will b api 4 im cos diz gal is 5n

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i cant believe that at davido's age. he will still have unprotected sex with strangers. Does he want to catch HIV? Gross irresponsibility

Anonymous said...

Davido don fuckup

Anonymous said...

#Skelewu#skelewu.. Still counting

Anonymous said...

F'idi gbowo..# Skelelelelewu

Anonymous said...

Laka dis laka dat.. Laka dat

Anonymous said...

Dna can be proven even before the children are born. Read!!!!

Anonymous said...

See gobe oh.naw those Angelz will b calld awon omo baba olowo dn d galz grow up to b wt d hell is skelewu let's bale d tin.LMAO!!!!

Amarachukwu said...

Hahahahahaha,we are waiting ooooo.

Unknown said...

groupie talk

Anonymous said...

Yh. I m api 4 im .no ugly bitch diz tym around

Anonymous said...

It can b proven about 1 ur after d child is born because. By den d baby's foetal haemoglobin will be gone n yes dey will also need a sample of his DNA

Anonymous said...

omo see gobe

ZeeZee said...

Look at her tweets and tell me she is not attention seeking...smh.. why not tell him in private then if he hit it? Why do we all hab to know this mess #getoutofhere

Anonymous said...

foolish girl u nor dey shame, u dey go sleep with ur junior. u just want cheap popularity

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