Chris Okotie stands by comments that all Catholics will go to hell & the Pope is anti-Christ | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 18 January 2014

Chris Okotie stands by comments that all Catholics will go to hell & the Pope is anti-Christ

Rev Chris Okotie is still standing by his earlier comments that the pope is anti-Christ & all Catholics are hell bound. In a new interview with Punch, the Head Pastor of Household of God church justifies his controversial statement. Excerpts from the interview below...
"You recently stirred up controversy when you said Catholics would go to hell. Why did you say that?
 It is because the church perverts the gospel of Jesus Christ and that perversion is located in the leadership. Even as Pope Francis recently announced. However, there are many good Christians within the Catholic Church who are not aware of the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, that has substituted Mary for Jesus, in what is known as the hyperdulia of the Virgin Mary. Salvation for them is not through Jesus alone but in accordance with what Pope Francis recently announced to the world. That, in itself, is a direct violation of the sanctity of the scriptures. Continue...

You even described the Pope as “an anti-Christ and a friend of Satan” and that the Catholic Church is a counterfeit church set up by Satan. What made you say this?
The heresies in their doctrine and the recent announcement by Pope Francis corroborate this position.

You were credited to have said that tattooing and plastic surgery were not sins before God; can you explain this to the public because it’s still a controversial issue?
No, I didn’t say that. What I said is that even though it is our body and to an extent we have the liberty to do what we want with it, at the end of the day, everybody will stand before God to give account of how he/she used his/her body.

 Same way people criticise pastors who have jets, what do you think?
 It is because of the novelty. Pastors who buy these jets have their reasons. When you do something new, it will create a stir.

 Do you own a jet, if not, are you planning to buy one?
 No, I do not have a jet now. But I will if it becomes necessary in the prosecution of my ecclesiastical responsibilities.

Some people still can’t understand why you divorced twice; they believe it is wrong for pastors to divorce. Why do you always divorce?
I have addressed this issue from the pulpit several times.

But why did you divorce someone you reportedly told your members God asked you to marry?
I don’t want to go into that again.

Are you still planning to remarry?


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Anonymous said...

It is safe for u na, sharp guy. Address the issue of ur divorce now when we can ask u questions, not on d pulpit when we cannot.

A lot of pastors do dat quite a lot, addressing vital controversial issues frm d pulpit where they know d helpless congregation cannot challenge them.

Be wise, and don't take everything dey say as correct. The Bible shld b ur ultimate standard.

Anonymous said...

Chris okotie is just a joker dats all

Anonymous said...

Very empty barrel

Anonymous said...

Ur such a bastard,,,huz da devil himself

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

He beta shutup d@ rat hole he calls a mouth nonsense man...if al catholics will go 2 hell nd were is he nd members of his church who cnt advice him go 2,nonsense fool

Anonymous said...

We don't have to judge anybody, God will do that

Unknown said...

i have nothing to say about him, it's between him and God

Anonymous said...

Chris oketie bu anu ohia ele ma o bu nchi chris uses his anus to think

Oluchi said...

Na wa oh. Who am I to judge?

Anonymous said...

This is outrageous!

Unknown said...

He is not God so he shld just shut it and keep all dis to himsef till death do him part.

Unknown said...

His downfall is around the corner,if care is not taken.I pity him.He doesn't have objectives,motives and not focused,no direction cos he doesn't know what he want in life.

Anonymous said...

If all Catholics wil go to hell then there is a worse place for u. I wonder what people are doing in your church.

Unknown said...

His downfall is around the corner,if care is not taken.I pity him.He doesn't have objectives,motives and not focused,no direction cos he doesn't know what he want in life.

Unknown said...

His downfall is around the corner,if care is not taken.I pity him.He doesn't have objectives,motives and not focused,no direction cos he doesn't know what he want in life.

Anonymous said...

The bible say touch not my annointed and do my prophet no harm......pastor okotie u r not God so u ve no right to say that....God will be the one to judge everybody......u sef get ur na catholic u ll condem,tmrw oyakilomeh,next TB Joshua,next u ll say u r a politician,next u will say u r a musician.......gues u urself u r confused......smh

utonwa said...

Sorry 4 u rev chris. Who go vote 4 u 4 dis ur pres election? OYO.

Anonymous said...

Useless animal.who r u 2 judge

Anonymous said...

chris okotie, repent
Notice d lower case in ur name
Was intended

Anonymous said...

Catholics are Jokers.
Inshort, All Christians and Muslims
Hell y'all go. Shoo shoo!
Bloody hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

I don't know or care about Pastor Chris or anyone of his ilk. But seriously did catholic faithfuls read the recent utterances of pope Francis? You people need to read it before you come here to comment. Google his recent utterances and you might stop hurling abuses at Chris. Shameful utterances from the mouth of a "holy" pope. Sincerely catholics should take time to read and understand what they are following and worshipping. Although it is not anybodys place to judge them.

Sabrina agu said...

I hear him..abeg shift jare!!!...linda abeg find better news give us...pastor my foot!!!


Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. Until the last day we might not know btw Okotie and Pope who is anointed. So leave this man to his own idea.

Queen.C. said...

Seeking attention....Am catholic and am laughing at you while saying my dear Rosary.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind the twise divorce pastor, the whole world hav seein his level of stupidity in crtisin catholic church. if really ur seekin 4 more members u should do it in very proper manner rather than critisi church. Am nt catholic bt i hate wen unclean came out 2 critisized. How Can a pastor who stands 2 told his church that God hav reveledhis wife 2him at d end divorce same God sent wife
.pls tel me wht do we cal dis pastor? that means he cant settle marraige issues in his church he rather advice u 2 divorce. Victor Abj

GodHonestTruth:) said...

So i'M guessing God told him this lol smh

Anonymous said...

Dis pastor don reach to stone him wey marry and divorce twice na him wil go heaven idiot

Anonymous said...

U ar a fool by saying dat infact u ar d ant- christ nd I can see dat ur power is 4rm d devil.

Anonymous said...

I sensed sense in his allegations against d catholic church, mary shdnt av been over hyped dan Jesus himself... Regardless of what u wld say, I love his command of English... *Lawrider*

Anonymous said...

Chris, a small FOOL!

Anonymous said...

If this twise divorce pastor don't wht 2 say or preach he should open up divorce club rather than critisi church

Anonymous said...

I don't blame dis idiot. I blame his blinded n dumb followers....first he said god told him he was gonna rule dis country...then he said god told him to marry a woman whom he later divorced..can't y'all see dis guy is delusional? Dis pastors can not take u to heaven so stop worshipping them..fuck pastor chris n dem oda bitch ass pastors..none of them died for me, Jesus christ did.....jtown tins

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. May God be the judge.

Anonymous said...

Judgement day is coming.........2ce.
All men shall stand b4 d throne of God n give acct of there sins
I will stand,u will stand,my father will stand,my mother will stand
All men shall stand b4 d throne of God n give acct of there sins.

Anonymous said...

We should avoid making derogatory statements about person, people or institution.

Ifyawazie said...

Hope hin don hear about the nun dat give birth. He will say.. I told u, i told u. Hehehe

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. May God be the judge.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute... This was thesame who flaunted his carz for all to see.atimes i begin to imagine how and when some people are being ordained as pastorz...Young man if dnt have anytin to say, just shot up...

Anonymous said...

hmm pastor chris remove what is in your own eyes first before removing others own and live judgement for Jesus christ alon.

Eugenia Ekeji said...

Lost sheep. That what he is.

Xtian said...

So just for votes, this guy is ready to go to any length. Ready to desecrate the name of Mary. Blessed amongst women. Well I guess it depends on what one calls their mother. If you treat women like SHIT. Then I suppose any woman would be relegated even the woman ordained by the most high to be the vessel to carry within her womb the Most High. Cris okotie check yourself, respect women. Your utterance exposes your male chauvinistic tendencies and it's a pity. If you allow yourself to be blessed by a good woman you will call Mary blessed becos she was called so first by the almighty. I don't blame that pretty wife of yours for leaving you in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

Check his mental status

Anonymous said...

Wonders of the world

Anonymous said...

Lol vry funny

mimi said...

Pastor i hail oo!!

Chinee said...

Fake ass Pastor.Make God judge U.

Anonymous said...

Otito dili Jeso...

Anonymous said...

Mad man

Anonymous said...

Ignorant Man of God! How can you be a leader and be soo empty when it comes to knowledge . Is it ok to then say Pentecostals substitute pastors for God? Everyone has liberty to say what they want but from an intelligent point of view. The Catholic Church is very traditional. Some people prefer the the less traditional. There are different churches and denominations to please everyone's spirit. Yes Mary is honored in Catholic Church but NEVER worshiped. If mothers of earthly kings are treated with respect. What happened to Mary, her divine conception was not ordinary. We as Catholics acknowledge it and never say in Mary name we pray. Luke 1:28 is where the prayers come from.

Anonymous said...

This man has justified himself,what he said is nothing but the truth some of the catholic members knows about this too. The pope is under satan he works for satan according to revelation the serpent which is satan gave him the power,now pope benedict(the predecessor of francis) couldn't execute what was expected of him that's why he resigned,the catholic church don't preach about God,they preach about mary and pope! They are the people who will try to make the world worship on Sunday,they have changed the LORD's commandment which says remember the sabbath day to keep it holy! Now the sabbath is Saturday,but the changed it to sunday,and they are going to wore out the saints of God who keep the commandment of God and have the testimonies of JESUS,now everyone should read his bible that u may not be deceived revelation and the book of daniel clearly make known of the signs of END time the end is near study thy bible that u may know the truth! Remember the sabbath is what JESUS gave to us that we know it is a sign between him and us..but the sabbath has longed be overhauled by the catholic popes. Though okotie said the truth but he is also one of them.
"It is high time we know the truth"


Anonymous said...

gud gracious,pastor hel awaits u. maluu

Anonymous said...

Only in Nigeria will a drug dealing con man be given a podium tom stand on and run at the mouth.

shut up, while you are at it, go take care of all the misdemeanors you have committed

Anonymous said...

In french: f*ck him! What would he know about heaven and earth? False prophet. Hilary Obiorah

Anonymous said...

Don't hmm ok oo him! In french: f*ck him! What would he know about heaven and earth? False prophet. Hilary Obiorah

Kriz said...

Children of God, let God be the judge and let's all abide in the spirit of God. Name calling isn't any better than the judgement passed. Let's allow God judge.

Anonymous said...

Who made him a man of God. This Christian titles should be regulated, anybody will just wake up and give him or herself a title and start duping people. Chris Okotie repent and be born again.

Anonymous said...

He surely is God's mouthpiece, and God's Representative here on earth, and so is every one who is a new a creation in Jesus Christ, d point is that most believers view that position as too high and then shy away from it, I may not know but if it is ever true that the Pope or any other person whosoever substituted the Lordship of Christ or ever shared his sovereignty with any mortal, God's staff of authority rests on any believer not jst Pst Chris Okotie (including you and I) to declear such person or persons antichrist, the word antichrist simply means one who is against Christ, and I repeat that is what any such person is, Be not deceived,there is no respect of persons with God.

Anonymous said...

CATHOLIC TRADITION - Purgatory, nuns, popes.

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS - None of these is
mentioned in the Bible. It is a sin to add to the Bible. Proverbs 30:6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. The pope is a man who takes upon himself honour which belongs to no human being. Even the very name by which he allows himself to be called (Holy Father) is highly presumptuous and blasphemous (see above). One does not need the pope to determine what God's will is. The Bible says that God has given the Holy Ghost to each believer and that He (the Holy Ghost) guides and leads us into all truth. All a believer needs is the Bible and the Holy Ghost to know the will of the Lord. Popery has been treacherous, but worse, each pope has been the blind leading the blind. Jesus said that both will fall into the ditch. Catholics, come out of this system that cannot save and know Jesus for youself, intimate and up-close.
NOTE: Purgatory is supposedly a place where a person is purified of sins--even popes
supposedly go there. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the one that purifies us of our sins. Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no
condemnation to them which are in Christ
Jesus.... When a person dies their eternal home is sealed--heaven or hell--no in between. Hebrews 9:27 is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment

CATHOLIC TRADITION - Venerating/worshipping images. Pope bows to statues of Mary, people worship the eucharist and have statues/candles in their homes and churches.
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS - It is idolatry to
venerate images. We are not even supposed to make them. Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God...

Why is catholic hq in rome? Why did the religion favour the romans(idol worshippers who persecuted Jesus)? Why did paul who was filled with Spirit of truth(God) wrote the book of romans to the romans? Why did the roman catholic pope lied or invented a lie that peter who preached about PENTECOST(acts 2) was their founder? Read this below;

Romans 10:3, "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. Pls let's keep on sharing the truth to save these lost souls, its our duty to win them back to God...

If you say catholic is the first church, you're making a biggest mistake in life! Church is not the name or building but the bodies of christ. Bodies of christ which are the temple of the holyghost is the church. If catholic was the first, then what is abraham our ancestor and his seed whom Jesus christ came out from known for? Roman catholic are lairs!!! No wonder Jesus said " the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first". We are in the days of pentecost (acts 2) which means manifestion of holyghost(he's our helper and image of christ in God). Read joel 2:29.. Preaching the truth doesn't mean judge, its an act saving people from going to path of hell/destruction which is known as "broad road of hell". Condemning means judging but speaking salvation(truth) doesn't mean judge. Educate yourself what judge means. Stop covering your sin/error with "who am I to judge or who is he to judge". It is satanic word to keep you in bondage or sin. "Iron sharpeneth iron".


Anonymous said...

#HellBound....speakin Latin won't take U̶̲̥̅̊ to heaven.neither will prayin infront of a man-made unliving statue ...

Anonymous said...

It's so sad to hear this from a MOG, one who mounts the pulpit bearing the word of God. Whatever school of theology he went to though! Whoever his tutors were though! What will our Muslim brethren think of Christianity, cos even a Muslim Clergy wouldn't make such utterances about Christianity or rather about the catholic faith. Though you are entitled to your own opinion pastor okotie, but you are such a disgrace to Christiandom.........smh
OctoberBeauty ......

Anonymous said...

Personality kwa? Abeg u kn wetin be personality? Hissssssss

Anonymous said...

Mr chris okoti or watever your name is.. i really dnt blame you,you have no right to talk abt hu will go to hell or not,besides wah do you feed your church people wid?? LIESSSS! A pastor dats a politican?? Interesting,your just an object in D devils hand,trying to draw D attention away from you,despite D fact dah your a liar and a frud... FOOLISH MAN.. #t.twashere

TEEDEE said...

At the end we all will stand before God to give account of our lives, we wont stand as a winner member or redeemed member or a chrisrt embassy member...or a roman Catholic bottom line is believe in your God and hold on to your salvation....

Unknown said...

Well the catholic church does not hate gays at least not as much as Naija right now, the recent comments of the Pope will prove that. This man is obviously pissed that someone else's is beginning to attract more attention than him right now. He divorced his young wife, bought a multi-millionaire car, abused the church, announced his intention to run for presidency, abused the church again and still the attention is not coming, m sure everyone understands his frustration. As humans and fellow creatures of God, none of us can really say for sure that they have God's direct line, therefore we really don't know who is qualified for heaven or hell, besides our understanding of the teachings of the bible. Judge not y'all, f we can learn dt( as difficult as it is esp as Nigerians) we'd be better Christians or muslims. Peace

Anonymous said...

The Catholic church does not hate gay people. Where did you get your facts from. There is a difference between hating the person and hating the act.

Anonymous said...

Pastor jerry curl don't mind them jare, they are only hating on you cos u are successful @ nothing except the scam u call a church & unrepentantly foolish! I don't blame u, it's the docile followers u have that I blame who even after reading the writing on the wall with all ur antics remain in denial. Funny how Nigerians are brainwashed & would tolerate & grant audience to any1 who comes in the name of the "Lord" even tho some of them are clearly fraudsters in shinny suits.

Janelicious said...

Abeg me which one be nice story kwa . Next story pls

Janelicious said...

Abeg me which one be nice story kwa . Next story pls

Unknown said...

Judge Okotie!

Justine Val said...

Attention seeker... Looking for a way to crawl back into the media. If you claim you know the bible, I guess the part that speaks of divorce has been torn off from your bible. Remove the spec from ur eye before removing the log from anoda's eye...

Anonymous said...

am jst xori 4 dos he called his church membas cos d dnt kn wats goin on...a failure is a failure and i take it dat dis d voice of a drawnin man...

Anonymous said...

To begin with,I am a Christian,I don't attend Okotie's church but...Almost everybody commenting here and raining all sorts of abuses on Okotie are pure hypocrites,he is learned and has studied the Bible pretty well than all of you here who read nothing except 2nd hand info on blogs and get fake understanding from gists and rumours!!!...get this straight,because u're not a muslim or a traditional worshipper doesn't make you a Christian...until all of you commenting without logical reasoning,replace the scales of ignorance in your eyes with a pair of binoculars,you will never see clearly that there is sense in what Okotie has a Christian or Muslim,,you ought to be a scholar of the Bible or don't just open your brains and display your intellectual kwarshiokor or deficiencies in public!!!the Christian religion is a way of life...a Christ-like life,a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and there are principles guiding it,worshipping or praying to Mary is not part of it,bowing before images or idols is not part of it,praying to dead people is not part of it etc and these are parts of the practices of the Catholics who call themselves Christians!!! to show yourself approved,most of you commenting here or blasting Okotie's statement on Catholics obviously don't even know the names of the books in the Bible not to talk of having the same spiritual Understanding with Okotie,your personal hatred for Okotie should not disrupt your vision to see facts in his next time before you comment,think!!!


Anonymous said...

93% of people who have commented on this topic are kids who know nothing about life or religion...insulting,cursing and even wishing Okotie dead simply to paint themselves good or show their approval for their belief in Catholics,no insight,no foresight...the bases for their poor performances in WAEC and JAMB every year!

Anonymous said...

My point exactly!
Watch EPL clips and other European leagues at

Anonymous said...

You are gay

Unknown said...

Which Catholics hate gay? Biko Na there gay full pass.! See what their priests are doing to little alter boys. Instead of them to marry, be fruitful and multiply like d scriptures told us. Big hiss.

Unknown said...

Don't be ignorant batty boi. Go do some research mate. That's all

Anonymous said...

i have never seen a confused man like "Chris Okotie" always trying to place his hands on thing he knows nothing about. Please, face your confused marriage and confused presidential ambition. MUSICIAN turned PASTOR.

Anonymous said...

Anon@ 1001 aka cooded pen. It's high time u treated this your cerebral malaria. U are not making any sense with ur malaria induced conspiracy madness. Becos it's not a theory but madness.

Dydaa said...

Bonario turu ugo biko (chop knuckle). U r on point. Leave d confused frustrated pastor alone. #deadguy#

Anonymous said...

Dear pastor. I would like to correct your views. I firmly believe that the church is within u. Were u go to worship will not save ur soul. Yes in the bible we are compared to sheep lead by a shepherd it's just a figure of speech, becos as we all know sheep do not have any reasoning and will be lead of a Clift by a crazed shepherd. U see that is were free will and common sense takes over, when u go to church u go to feed ur soul. As this is the world the banquet can be polluted with bad food as you approach the table you will use your common sense to collect food that is good. Dear cris no church or pastor or religious figure head can save u. Non have the power but Christ . My problem with some pastors is their ability to turn the house they built for God into a business hive.

Dydaa said...

Bonario turu ugo (chop knuckle) jor. Leave d confused frustrated pastor. #deadguy#

Dydaa said...

Bonario turu ugo biko (chop knuckle). U r on point. Leave d confused frustrated pastor alone. #deadguy#

Unknown said...

Naive pastor he doesnt deserve to call a man of God,u hav to luv ur fellow church becos luv conqur all(omnia vincit amor)

Anonymous said...

All I see is someone dodging questions and has near to zero knowledge about the Catholic Church to pass these kind of comments. "They have substituted Mary for Jesus" ....." his answer to the Pope being an antichrist" "his dodgy answer to d tattoo and plastic surgery question" ......its alright....God is watching his children. ...#wont say/type more than this#

Unknown said...

Mr chris'pls save ur strenght nd stop sayin shitts,who re u to decide who goes to heaven,hell or pogatery;RevFrnk Ejike Mbaka never dey erason ur matter for now dats y ur still saying bullshits over dere

Unknown said...

make dis man goo sidown for dorty abeg

Anonymous said...

This scumbag is a failure,please.

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot

Anonymous said...

Where is the like button??

Anonymous said...

Lol, so now Jesus was a catholic..(Ignorance/deceit choose)
For your info He wasn't even a christian, He is the Christ Himself.

Mischievous said...

@Nnodim. May God bless you for your intelligent comment.

Mischievous said...

The Lord said: ''My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6).

For you to be knowledgeable in the word of God, you have to be knowledgeable in the ways of the world. When you combine both, you will be standing on SOLID GROUND. Over 95% of the comment are from IGNORANT people. They lack understanding of the TRUE word of God.

Anonymous said...

Am sure they don't care for your name as well. The fact that Jesus founded the church doesn't mean they can't go astray or out of his original plan. I don't support pastor chris on his blunt criticism though. God as the final say. Every christian should read his or her bible n know God personally rather hide behind a church or pastor. On the last day you will answer as an individual.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from an eunuch? Useless talk and after blasphemy where's next Chris? Hell fire for you. Idiot. What do you know about Catholicism? See am with him cockroach head.

Lushiesta said...

He's not planning to remarry, what then is that gold digging Delphine doing with him na? That fine girl is wasting her life

Anonymous said...

Please roman catholic is not even referred to as Christianity. And the founder was not Jesus christ. You sound too dumb.

Anonymous said...

seriously, No offense to being a pastor but, am disappointed that you could call yourself a man of God. You are full of shit...

Anonymous said...

You are part of the problem, unrepentant idiot

Anonymous said...

He's jezt an attention seeking divorcee,failed presidential aspirant,rock star wanna be.......he should check his sef well someone who dines n wines wif the devil saying shit about catholics i'll like to know if he is God himself or Satan himself..........God will judge him accordingly useless faggot,he is nat even a pastor he is the anti_christ himsef.....georgia lloyd SAYS so#

Anonymous said...

Ho ho ho @ d smoking a bag of weed

Anonymous said...

Okotie is an attention-seeking person, looking tirelessly for what could keep him in public view.

Anonymous said...

I was born Catholic and to this church I will always remain. The Catholic faith is far harder to follow than most of these Pentecostal pastors think. You are not allowed to marry, you take and oath of celibacy and you spend close to 20 years studying aspects of the bible like Theology and Philosophy before you are ordained a priest in the Catholic faith. people like Christ Okotie can get up any day, register a church and call themselves men of God. How many women such men go on to sleep with or divorce is left to the imagination.A man like Chris might one day own a private jet but no priest of the
Catholic faith ever will.Religion is a private journey for everyone and the day we stand in front of God in judgment, Catholic or Pentecostal is not what will save us,it is what is in our hearts. I thought someone like Chris would have known this before he decided that over 1 Billion Catholics on earth will all go to hell. I don't blame him, if it were not for Catholics, he would have been an 'Imam' who would be saying that all Christians would go to hell.


Anonymous said...

The Blessed Virgin Mary has had several apparitions in Kogi State to a castigative staunch pastor from a family of pastors(she is catholic now)with a message for all who speak ill about her 'what have I done to deserve all this, was I wrong in accepting to be the mother of the Saviour of the world?' Linda please research on this and fill us in with the full gist abeg *I sleepers*

Mr.Keals said...

He is just trying 2 get noticed... All he is said is complete fallacy... How do people even fink at times? Insulting a Sacred and Anointed Church founded by Jesus Christ... He should apologize before its too late

Anonymous said...

to me what he said is right but nt 2 d xtent of judgin, sum of u r sayin dat d founda of R.Cath is jesus Christ n i want to tel u dat its a total lie, infact Rome was a doom 4 d early christians, talk of st paul, Peter and many odas who wia killed at Rome. Check ur bible very wel, but wen d Roman gov found out dat dia is nothin they can do 2 stop christianity, they initiated Madonna i.e a goddess that caries a baby 2 substitute it n many wia deceivd even til date...... Its a long story 2 start typin, if nt why wil the catholics pray without ignoring to mention Mary? Wia is Pogatry in d holy bible and many oda dibolical issues paternin 2 dia religion. Its a deceitful church, check bak in d early 80's, dey no born u wel 2 cum 2 a catholic church n sing praises n worship nor do d bible study, bt with pressure n esposures of dia members n wit so much questioning, dey startd sum of dis

may God help us all

senator said...

U sure from Ekp, Okotie Ebo na Ekp name ooh..m.hahahahhaha

Anonymous said...

Gbam!!! Thank u!

Anonymous said...

Yes Oº°˚˚°ºoo

Anonymous said...

Gbam!!! Thank u!

Anonymous said...

pastor marry nd divorce,may God in his infinite mercy 4give u,and also deliver those u ve deceived.

Anonymous said...

See the kettle calling the pot black. No wife to divorce and no political campaign to run for presidency now. They say an ideal man is a devils workshop. As God forgives all Catholics in their devotions everyday, so also I pray as a Catholic, that Almighty God should forgive you for judging His people.

Anonymous said...

Chris okotie jjus wants d fame

Unknown said...

so over this so called man of God, he is just trying to remain relevant and its really sad that he has chosen this path

Anonymous said...

Pls every one there is no need of exchanging word with him, remember he call himself pastor, i see this as another way the devil is using to gain more people to himself through annoyance and abusive word which is not expected of a child of God. Pls keep mute and pray let see what God will do.Linda post this

Anonymous said...

I need to know two or three things: first, why is Linda always following okotie so, does she have a personal agenda? Second: after 30 years or so of okotie this, okotie that, why is it that his name always drives Nigerians into a frenzy. if we as much as hear that he sneezes, we begin to comment, even when we have not confirmed the truth or lie about the claim. Third: why hasn't there been a confirmation or rebuttal about some of his claims. because i know that the Martin Luther, Tyndales, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist broke away from the catholic church on account of some of these claim, so they are not a figment of his imagination. Beside, with the recent comments from the pope and with the tings he said during his last visit to brazil, he is only confirming okotie claim about him. when the Anglican church had the issue with gay pastors about a year ago, the Anglican church in Nigeria dissociated itself. Why has the catholic church not reacted to the popes statements.
Pressmen will tell you that Okoties name sells papers that is why they always feature him. don't let them or bloggist use our over sabi to make money for themselves. the man no know wetin una dey talk for blog, neither do people who matter in the scheme of things. they dont read junk magazines

Anonymous said...

U gays should live this man, can't u see dat he is confuse in life even d pope dat he is talkin about don't even known he exist, he is just an attentn seeker

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