Jennifer Teege, left, is the granddaughter of Nazi concentration camp boss Amon Goeth, right
Ms Teege, 43, is the daughter of a Nigerian student and the German daughter of Goeth, who was hanged for war crimes in 1946 but went to his death declaring his loyalty to the Nazi cause.
She was given away shortly after birth - her mother Monika had only enjoyed a 'fling' with her father - and after being fostered she was eventually adopted by a wealthy couple in Munich.Later she stumbled upon a book her mother had written about Goeth, known as the 'Butcher of Plaszow', and decided to explore her own family history.
Goeth's daughter Monika, pictured, gave birth to Ms Teege after an affair with a Nigerian student
Monika pictured as a small child with her mother, Goeth's mistress Ruth Irene
Mother-of-two Jennifer was visited by
her grandmother Ruth - Goeth's former secretary who gave birth to
Monika in 1945 - as she was growing up. 'Now I know that, as I have
black skin, he would have seen me a subhuman like the Jews he killed,'
she said.Since embarking on her journey of discovery she has visited the ruins of Plaszow, outside Krakow, and seen the house which still stands outside it where her grandfather lived as master of life and death.
She is estranged from her mother, now known as Monika Hertwig, who gave interviews to an Israeli documentary team in 2010 in a film about the lives of children of Nazi killers.
Ms Hertwig stood outside the house where her father lived and said: 'My Nazi father shot women with babies in their arms from this balcony, I am tormented by how much of him is in me.'
Ms Teege added: 'My mother was absolutely unable to cope with her own history. And she wanted to protect me by keeping me in the dark about it.
'Once I learned about my family's past, I had to make a conscious decision to live in the here and now.'
She calls her story 'gripping and original,' and says she hopes that people weighed down with guilt about their family pasts will draw inspiration from it.
'My story is about the fact that it's possible to move beyond repression to gain a kind of personal freedom from the past by finding out who you really are,' she said.
Goeth was played by Ralph Fiennes, right, in 1993 blockbuster Schindler's List
Goeth was executed after being convicted of war crimes but remained devoted to the Nazi cause
He started
participating in ultra-nationalist and anti-semitic politics while he
was just a teenager, joined the SS in 1930, and in 1943 was appointed to oversee the construction of Plaszow, in German-occupied Poland.Thousands of Jews from the Krakow ghetto were transported to the camp, where they were subjected to forced labour - and Goeth's vicious whims.
Culled from UK Daily Mail
She looks like obama -__-
Who is d Naija man...is it emeka..balogun...etim....narisru. Or who...
So her grand pa was a savage!! Heya! Drink hypo to cleanse ur self or ask Jim IYke
She looks so much like her grandfather. Nigerians abroad sha, just dey drop their seed everywhere
Interesting...she jst av 2 foget abt it nd move on..
Hmmmmmm,what a wicked man!!!!,if na me I won't even say a word that he's my Dad,for what na?. Chai!,how wicked sm hearts can be, anyway don't be lik ur daddy ehn!. Gud pikin. Oya Mich analyze d issue,always luking 4ward to ur analitic comments***wink*
What a revelation, obscene lineage I must say.
Na wa OH! I remeber watching a movie about Schindler by Seteven Spielberg some time ago, You guys need to see it! The Nigerian woman dey look for fame sha>>>
sex tape of popular Nigerian rapper leaks! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!
A lot of illegitimate kids in d family, grandmoda and moda just they drop kids from out of wedlock lash. This germans sef, no wonda german dogs dey lash scatter. Anyway sha, nice story for a movie; I trust hollywood na. We go see d movie soon 4 market
What a discovery.
To have a direct blood link to one of history's most blood thirsty individuals.
I can only imagine how some modern day extremist neo-nazi skinheads would feel about this;one of their biggest idols has a woman of color in his lineage.
The sin of the father nw hunt d children.People shuld learn to lay good foundation so wen deir children look back they'children' wil pray nd nt curse them'parent'.DIZZA
The sin of the father nw hunt d children.People shuld learn to lay good foundation so wen deir children look back they'children' wil pray nd nt curse them'parent'.DIZZA
Hmmmm well research report.
I just found out Hitler is my grandfather
D point is dat she has naija so wat abt dat, she is welcom tho!!
Story line!
Her blood connection to a Nazis doesn't make her evil. It's her grand dad who's evil.
And she's beautiful.
I can only imagine how she must feel. That man was a monster. And it's sad to see that his like still exist in the forms of alshabbab and Boko Haram. The devil will get his due reward eventually, but it's important not to be a vessel to perpetuate his evil.
Dramatic revelation. In the end, the disappointment of being the granddaughter of "the Butcher of Plaszow" has mad her famous. (every disappointment is a blessing)
And so.. Will it bring bak the life of those students tha were killed by the Haran Boko
There he was relieving Hitlers past!
And aw is ds my business?
Oooo,and wat am I 2 do wit dis info???I shud dig in my fams past n discover my great-great-granddad was a ritualist for amadioha in owerri??really??? Okk ! *ONYX GODWIN*
Oh wow, what a family to be a part of
Phew! Wat a bloodline 2 come from! @ least she's doing sumtin abt it; she's owned up 2 her family history, realise hw lucky is dat she wasn't born in her grandpa's sadistic time & is moving past it! Way 2 go 4 her!!!
what the hell is??? Mtsheewww...
Fate does deal the best hand, imagine the look on grandpas face when he realises from wherever he is that his own dota mingled with what he deemed vermin and his spawn is one of whom he murdered and looked down on. Karma indeed is a bitch
The fact is that WE CANNOT CHOOSE the carrier of the EGG and the SPERM that produces us!
The fact is that WE CANNOT CHOOSE the carrier of the EGG and the SPERM that produces us!
SHE should pls nt Judge Him!
The fact is that WE CANNOT CHOOSE the carrier of the EGG and the SPERM that produces us!
SHE should pls nt Judge Him!
WOW!!! This is really interesting. Goeth was lucifer in human skin i watched schindlers list and i still cringe remembering some scenes in the movie. Poor girl must be miserable having the blood of such an animal flow through her veins.
Wetin come concern us now for dis story???
The guy still dey learn where BH dey. What happened was so inhuman, it still amazes me when I hear them, the Jews would have been extinct if Hitler wasn't killed. Irony of life! I can just imagine him rolling in his grave at his offspring dating a black and birthing one. Call that capital punishment.
Rough diamond! Emancipate yourself from material slavery!
I fell asleep while reading ur long nd boring post. Nna ehn linda ur bday pics nw.
What do we in nigeria have to do with that...always looking for ways to tarnish nigeria's image if it was nobel prize she won now nobody will remember that her mother was knocked up by a nigerian student..MTCHWWWWWWWWWWWWW
There is nothing evil Nigerians will not have a hand in. It is almost like here Florida, everything bad starts of touches Florida. This is a lesson that before you give bele or get bele from someone you need to know their family and their history.
If I were her, I will just keep quiet, now the stigma will be carried to her own children. A shame the legacy people leave behind.
Product of fling and by-product of fling. No be small thing. Agwo ga amu Agwo sha.
I have a dream, that one day the boko haram leader's daughter will marry a Christian and they will give birth to a pastor. This will happen in the idiot's life time. Amen.
D girl dey fuck o...ha! She reminds me of my ex...ijeoma,wia r u?u'l make a good porn star...ur pastor fiance no know say na 'adoniyan' he wan marry #pity
Heyah sorry hummmm
Good for you. Una resemble sef!
U re damn right
My mother was featured in a BBC documentary about Holocaust survivors, last year.
Jst as u said, Mich has analyse it already..funny u lol....
I knew there had to be a good reason for famzing with a killer. Of course, 5mins of fame and book sales!
Schindler's List-1993 Best Picture Oscar-one of the greatest movies ever made. Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth was simply ruthless. Of course he had to be a grandfather of a Nigerian. Just brilliant.
Who is ur mother and if u arr nigerian, what was she doing in europe in the early 1940s? Most holocaust survivors are now dead. Oniro oshi.
Yemisi aka atheist idiot in the house. Only word u know in the english dictionary with your disasterous accent
There were jews all ovet the world. Pls dont be dramatic
Knew her father would be Nigerian... It's always them schmm
It is so disheartening to read how shallow you all are. With the level of your comments, you should be reading fashion blogs.
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